local Global = require 'utils.global' local Token = require 'utils.token' local this = { timers = {} } Global.register( this, function (tbl) this = tbl end ) local Public = {} --[[ set_timer - Sets a timer. @param time_left - Time time_left on the timer in ticks. @param hook - Action executed after timer is elapsed. --]] Public.set_timer = function (time_left, hook) local id = #this.timers + 1 local entry = { time_left = time_left, hook_finish = hook, hook_update = nil, deps = nil, running = false, last_update = 0 } this.timers[id] = entry return id end --[[ set_timer_on_update - Adds a hook that is executed everytime a timers is updated. @param id - Id of the timer. @param hook - Hook that will be executed per update. --]] Public.set_timer_on_update = function (id, hook) this.timers[id].hook_update = hook end --[[ set_timer_dependency - Adds dependency into user callback. @param id - Id of the timer, @param deps - Dependency of timer to add. --]] Public.set_timer_dependency = function (id, deps) this.timers[id].deps = deps end --[[ set_timer_start - Sets the timer to run. @param id - Id of a timer. --]] Public.set_timer_start = function (id) this.timers[id].running = true this.timers[id].last_update = game.tick end --[[ kill_timer - Effectivly kills the timer. @param id - Timer id. --]] Public.kill_timer = function (id) this.timers[id] = nil end --[[ do_job - Execute timer logic within a tick. --]] Public.do_job = function () for id, entry in pairs(this.timers) do if entry.running == false then goto continue end entry.time_left = entry.time_left - (game.tick - entry.last_update) if entry.time_left > 0 then entry.last_update = game.tick if entry.hook_update ~= nil then local func = Token.get(entry.hook_update) local data = entry.deps data.time_left = entry.time_left if func then if not func(data) then goto premature_finish end end end goto continue end ::premature_finish:: local func = Token.get(entry.hook_finish) local data = entry.deps if func then func(data) end this.timers[id] = nil ::continue:: end end return Public