local floor = math.floor local getmetatable = getmetatable local setmetatable = setmetatable local PriorityQueue = {} local function default_comparator(a, b) return a < b end --- Min heap implementation of a priority queue. Smaller elements, as determined by the comparator, -- have a higher priority. -- @param comparator <function|nil> the comparator function used to compare elements, if nil the -- deafult comparator is used. -- @usage -- local PriorityQueue = require 'utils.priority_queue' -- -- local queue = PriorityQueue.new() -- PriorityQueue.push(queue, 4) -- PriorityQueue.push(queue, 7) -- PriorityQueue.push(queue, 2) -- -- game.print(PriorityQueue.pop(queue)) -- 2 -- game.print(PriorityQueue.pop(queue)) -- 4 -- game.print(PriorityQueue.pop(queue)) -- 7 function PriorityQueue.new(comparator) if comparator == nil then comparator = default_comparator end local mt = {comparator = comparator} return setmetatable({}, mt) end function PriorityQueue.load(self, comparator) if comparator == nil then comparator = default_comparator end local mt = {comparator = comparator} return setmetatable(self or {}, mt) end local function get_comparator(self) local mt = getmetatable(self) return mt.comparator end local function heapify_from_end_to_start(self) local comparator = get_comparator(self) local pos = #self while pos > 1 do local parent = floor(pos * 0.5) local a, b = self[pos], self[parent] if comparator(a, b) then self[pos], self[parent] = b, a pos = parent else break end end end local function heapify_from_start_to_end(self) local comparator = get_comparator(self) local parent = 1 local smallest = 1 local count = #self while true do local child = parent * 2 if child > count then break end if comparator(self[child], self[parent]) then smallest = child end child = child + 1 if child <= count and comparator(self[child], self[smallest]) then smallest = child end if parent ~= smallest then self[parent], self[smallest] = self[smallest], self[parent] parent = smallest else break end end end --- Returns the number of the number of elements in the priority queue. function PriorityQueue.size(self) return #self end -- Inserts an element into the priority queue. function PriorityQueue.push(self, element) self[#self + 1] = element heapify_from_end_to_start(self) end -- Removes and returns the highest priority element from the priority queue. -- If the priority queue is empty returns nil. function PriorityQueue.pop(self) local element = self[1] self[1] = self[#self] self[#self] = nil heapify_from_start_to_end(self) return element end -- Returns, without removing, the highest priority element from the priority queue. -- If the priority queue is empty returns nil. function PriorityQueue.peek(self) return self[1] end return PriorityQueue