local Token = require 'utils.token' local Event = require 'utils.event' local Global = require 'utils.global' local mod_gui = require('__core__/lualib/mod-gui') local Server = require 'utils.server' local SpamProtection = require 'utils.spam_protection' local insert = table.insert local tostring = tostring local next = next local Public = {} Public.events = {on_gui_removal = Event.generate_event_name('on_gui_removal')} -- local to this file local local_settings = { toggle_button = false } local main_gui_tabs = {} local screen_elements = {} local remove_data_recursively -- global local data = {} local element_map = {} local settings = { mod_gui_top_frame = false, disabled_tabs = {}, disable_clear_invalid_data = true } Public.token = Global.register( {data = data, element_map = element_map, settings = settings}, function(tbl) data = tbl.data element_map = tbl.element_map settings = tbl.settings end ) Public.beam = 'file/utils/files/beam.png' Public.settings_white_icon = 'file/utils/files/settings-white.png' Public.settings_black_icon = 'file/utils/files/settings-black.png' Public.pin_white_icon = 'file/utils/files/pin-white.png' Public.pin_black_icon = 'file/utils/files/pin-black.png' Public.infinite_icon = 'file/utils/files/infinity.png' Public.arrow_up_icon = 'file/utils/files/arrow-up.png' Public.arrow_down_icon = 'file/utils/files/arrow-down.png' Public.info_icon = 'file/utils/files/info.png' Public.mod_gui_button_enabled = false function Public.uid_name() return tostring(Token.uid()) end function Public.uid() return Token.uid() end local main_frame_name = Public.uid_name() local main_toggle_button_name = Public.uid_name() local main_button_name = Public.uid_name() local close_button_name = Public.uid_name() Public.button_style = 'mod_gui_button' if not Public.mod_gui_button_enabled then Public.button_style = nil end Public.frame_style = 'non_draggable_frame' Public.top_main_gui_button = main_button_name Public.main_frame_name = main_frame_name Public.main_toggle_button_name = main_toggle_button_name --- Verifies if a frame is valid and destroys it. ---@param align userdata ---@param frame userdata local function validate_frame_and_destroy(align, frame) local get_frame = align[frame] if get_frame and get_frame.valid then remove_data_recursively(frame) get_frame.destroy() end end -- Associates data with the LuaGuiElement. If data is nil then removes the data function Public.set_data(element, value) local player_index = element.player_index local values = data[player_index] if value == nil then if not values then return end values[element.index] = nil if next(values) == nil then data[player_index] = nil end else if not values then values = {} data[player_index] = values end values[element.index] = value end end local set_data = Public.set_data -- Associates data with the LuaGuiElement. If data is nil then removes the data function Public.set_data_parent(parent, element, value) local player_index = parent.player_index local values = data[player_index] if value == nil then if not values then return end values[parent.index] = nil if next(values) == nil then data[player_index] = nil end else if not values then values = {} data[player_index] = values end if not values[parent.index] then values[parent.index] = {} end values[parent.index][element.index] = value end end -- Associates data with the LuaGuiElement along with the tag. If data is nil then removes the data function Public.set_data_custom(tag, element, value) if not tag then return error('A tag is required', 2) end local player_index = element.player_index local values = data[player_index] if value == nil then if not values then return end local tags = values[tag] if not tags then if next(values) == nil then data[player_index] = nil end return end if element.remove then values[tag] = nil return end tags[element.index] = nil if next(tags) == nil then values[tag] = nil end else if not values then values = { [tag] = {} } data[player_index] = values end local tags = values[tag] if not tags then values[tag] = {} tags = values[tag] end tags[element.index] = value end end -- Gets the Associated data with this LuaGuiElement if any. function Public.get_data(element) if not element then return end local player_index = element.player_index local values = data[player_index] if not values then return nil end return values[element.index] end -- Gets the Associated data with this LuaGuiElement if any. function Public.get_data_parent(parent, element) if not parent then return end if not element then return end local player_index = parent.player_index local values = data[player_index] if not values then return nil end values = values[parent.index] if not values then return nil end return values[element.index] end -- Gets the Associated data with this LuaGuiElement if any. function Public.get_data_custom(tag, element) if not tag then return error('A tag is required', 2) end if not element then return error('An element is required', 2) end local player_index = element.player_index local values = data[player_index] if not values then return nil end values = values[tag] if not values then return nil end return values[element.index] end -- Adds a gui that is alike the factorio native gui. function Public.add_main_frame_with_toolbar(player, align, set_frame_name, set_settings_button_name, close_main_frame_name, name, info, inside_table_count) if not align then return end local main_frame if align == 'left' then validate_frame_and_destroy(player.gui.left, set_frame_name) main_frame = player.gui.left.add {type = 'frame', name = set_frame_name, direction = 'vertical'} elseif align == 'center' then validate_frame_and_destroy(player.gui.center, set_frame_name) main_frame = player.gui.center.add {type = 'frame', name = set_frame_name, direction = 'vertical'} elseif align == 'screen' then validate_frame_and_destroy(player.gui.screen, set_frame_name) main_frame = player.gui.screen.add {type = 'frame', name = set_frame_name, direction = 'vertical'} end local titlebar = main_frame.add {type = 'flow', name = 'titlebar', direction = 'horizontal'} titlebar.style.horizontal_spacing = 8 titlebar.style = 'horizontal_flow' if align == 'screen' then titlebar.drag_target = main_frame end titlebar.add { type = 'label', name = 'main_label', style = 'frame_title', caption = name, ignored_by_interaction = true } local widget = titlebar.add {type = 'empty-widget', style = 'draggable_space', ignored_by_interaction = true} widget.style.left_margin = 4 widget.style.right_margin = 4 widget.style.height = 24 widget.style.horizontally_stretchable = true if set_settings_button_name then if not info then titlebar.add { type = 'sprite-button', name = set_settings_button_name, style = 'frame_action_button', sprite = Public.settings_white_icon, mouse_button_filter = {'left'}, hovered_sprite = Public.settings_black_icon, clicked_sprite = Public.settings_black_icon, tooltip = 'Settings', tags = { action = 'open_settings_gui' } } else titlebar.add { type = 'sprite-button', name = set_settings_button_name, style = 'frame_action_button', sprite = Public.info_icon, mouse_button_filter = {'left'}, hovered_sprite = Public.info_icon, clicked_sprite = Public.info_icon, tooltip = 'Info', tags = { action = 'open_settings_gui' } } end end if close_main_frame_name then titlebar.add { type = 'sprite-button', name = close_main_frame_name, style = 'frame_action_button', mouse_button_filter = {'left'}, sprite = 'utility/close_white', hovered_sprite = 'utility/close_black', clicked_sprite = 'utility/close_black', tooltip = 'Close', tags = { action = 'close_main_frame_gui' } } end local inside_frame = main_frame.add { type = 'table', column_count = 1 or inside_table_count, name = 'inside_frame' } return main_frame, inside_frame end -- Removes data associated with LuaGuiElement and its children recursively. function Public.remove_data_recursively(element) set_data(element, nil) local children = element.children if not children then return end for _, child in next, children do if child.valid then remove_data_recursively(child) end end end remove_data_recursively = Public.remove_data_recursively local remove_children_data function Public.remove_children_data(element) local children = element.children if not children then return end for _, child in next, children do if child.valid then set_data(child, nil) remove_children_data(child) end end end remove_children_data = Public.remove_children_data function Public.destroy(element) if not element then return end remove_data_recursively(element) element.destroy() end function Public.clear(element) remove_children_data(element) element.clear() end local function clear_invalid_data() if settings.disable_clear_invalid_data then return end for _, player in pairs(game.players) do local player_index = player.index local values = data[player_index] if values then for k, element in next, values do if type(element) == 'table' then for key, obj in next, element do if type(obj) == 'table' and obj.valid ~= nil then if not obj.valid then element[key] = nil end end end if type(element) == 'userdata' and not element.valid then values[k] = nil end end end end end end Event.on_nth_tick(300, clear_invalid_data) local function handler_factory(event_id) local handlers local function on_event(event) local element = event.element if not element or not element.valid then return end local handler = handlers[element.name] if not handler then return end local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if not (player and player.valid) then return end event.player = player if type(handler) == 'function' then handler(event) else for i = 1, #handler do local callback = handler[i] if callback then callback(event) end end end end return function(element_name, handler) if not element_name then return error('Element name is required when passing it onto the handler_factory.', 2) end if not handler or not type(handler) == 'function' then return error('Handler is required when passing it onto the handler_factory and needs to be of type function.', 2) end if not handlers then handlers = {} Event.add(event_id, on_event) end if handlers[element_name] then local old = handlers[element_name] handlers[element_name] = {} insert(handlers[element_name], old) insert(handlers[element_name], handler) else handlers[element_name] = handler end end end --luacheck: ignore custom_raise ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: unused-function, unused-local local function custom_raise(handlers, element, player) local handler = handlers[element.name] if not handler then return end handler({element = element, player = player}) end -- Disabled the handler so it does not clean then data table of invalid data. function Public.set_disable_clear_invalid_data(value) settings.disable_clear_invalid_data = value or false end -- Gets state if the cleaner handler is active or false function Public.get_disable_clear_invalid_data() return settings.disable_clear_invalid_data end -- Disable a gui. ---@param frame_name string ---@param state boolean? function Public.set_disabled_tab(frame_name, state) if not frame_name then return end settings.disabled_tabs[frame_name] = state or false end -- Fetches if a gui is disabled. ---@param frame_name string function Public.get_disabled_tab(frame_name) if not frame_name then return end return settings.disabled_tabs[frame_name] end -- Fetches the main frame name function Public.get_main_frame(player) if not player then return false end local left = player.gui.left local frame = left[main_frame_name] if frame and frame.valid then local inside_frame = frame.children[2] if inside_frame and inside_frame.valid then return inside_frame end return false end return false end -- Fetches the parent frame name function Public.get_parent_frame(player) if not player then return false end local left = player.gui.left local frame = left[main_frame_name] if frame and frame.valid then return frame end return false end --- This adds the given gui to the top gui. ---@param player userdata ---@param frame userdata|table function Public.add_mod_button(player, frame) if Public.get_button_flow(player)[frame.name] and Public.get_button_flow(player)[frame.name].valid then return end Public.get_button_flow(player).add(frame) end ---@param state boolean --- If we should use the new mod gui or not function Public.set_mod_gui_top_frame(state) settings.mod_gui_top_frame = state or false end --- Get mod_gui_top_frame function Public.get_mod_gui_top_frame() return settings.mod_gui_top_frame end ---@param state boolean --- If we should show the toggle button or not function Public.set_toggle_button(state) if _LIFECYCLE == 8 then error('Calling Gui.set_toggle_button after on_init() or on_load() has run is a desync risk.', 2) end local_settings.toggle_button = state or false end --- Get toggle_button state function Public.get_toggle_button() if _LIFECYCLE == 8 then error('Calling Gui.get_toggle_button after on_init() or on_load() has run is a desync risk.', 2) end return local_settings.toggle_button end --- This adds the given gui to the main gui. ---@param tbl table function Public.add_tab_to_gui(tbl) if _LIFECYCLE == 8 then error('Calling Gui.add_tab_to_gui after on_init() or on_load() has run is a desync risk.', 2) end if not tbl then return end if not tbl.name then return end if not tbl.caption then return end if not tbl.id then return end local admin = tbl.admin or false local only_server_sided = tbl.only_server_sided or false if not main_gui_tabs[tbl.caption] then main_gui_tabs[tbl.caption] = {id = tbl.id, name = tbl.name, admin = admin, only_server_sided = only_server_sided} else error('Given name: ' .. tbl.caption .. ' already exists in table.') end end function Public.screen_to_bypass(elem) screen_elements[elem] = true return screen_elements end --- Fetches the main gui tabs. You are forbidden to write as this is local. ---@param key string function Public.get(key) if key then return main_gui_tabs[key] else return main_gui_tabs end end function Public.clear_main_frame(player) if not player then return end local frame = Public.get_main_frame(player) if frame then remove_data_recursively(frame) frame.destroy() end end function Public.clear_all_center_frames(player) for _, child in pairs(player.gui.center.children) do remove_data_recursively(child) child.destroy() end end function Public.clear_all_screen_frames(player) for _, child in pairs(player.gui.screen.children) do if not screen_elements[child.name] then remove_data_recursively(child) child.destroy() end end end function Public.clear_all_active_frames(player) for _, child in pairs(player.gui.left.children) do remove_data_recursively(child) child.destroy() end for _, child in pairs(player.gui.screen.children) do if not screen_elements[child.name] then remove_data_recursively(child) child.destroy() end end for _, child in pairs(player.gui.center.children) do remove_data_recursively(child) child.destroy() end end function Public.get_player_active_frame(player) local main_frame = Public.get_main_frame(player) if not main_frame then return false end local panel = main_frame.tabbed_pane if not panel then return end local index = panel.selected_tab_index if not index then return panel.tabs[1].content end return panel.tabs[index].content end local function get_player_active_tab(player) local main_frame = Public.get_main_frame(player) if not main_frame then return false end local panel = main_frame.tabbed_pane if not panel then return end local index = panel.selected_tab_index if not index then return panel.tabs[1].tab, panel.tabs[1].content end return panel.tabs[index].tab, panel.tabs[index].content end function Public.reload_active_tab(player, forced) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(player, nil, 'Reload active tab') if is_spamming and not forced then return end local frame, main_tab = get_player_active_tab(player) if not frame then return end local tab = main_gui_tabs[frame.caption] if not tab then return end local id = tab.id if not id then return end local callback = Token.get(id) local d = { player = player, frame = main_tab } return callback(d) end local function top_button(player) if settings.mod_gui_top_frame then Public.add_mod_button(player, {type = 'sprite-button', name = main_button_name, sprite = 'item/raw-fish', style = Public.button_style}) else if player.gui.top[main_button_name] then return end local button = player.gui.top.add({type = 'sprite-button', name = main_button_name, sprite = 'item/raw-fish', style = Public.button_style}) button.style.minimal_height = 38 button.style.maximal_height = 38 button.style.minimal_width = 40 button.style.padding = -2 end end local function top_toggle_button(player) if not player or not player.valid then return end local b = player.gui.top.add( { type = 'sprite-button', name = main_toggle_button_name, sprite = 'utility/preset', style = Public.button_style, tooltip = 'Click to hide top buttons!' } ) b.style.padding = 2 b.style.width = 20 b.style.maximal_height = 38 end local function draw_main_frame(player) local tabs = main_gui_tabs Public.clear_all_active_frames(player) if Public.get_main_frame(player) then remove_data_recursively(Public.get_main_frame(player)) Public.get_main_frame(player).destroy() end local frame, inside_frame = Public.add_main_frame_with_toolbar(player, 'left', main_frame_name, nil, close_button_name, 'Comfy Factorio') local tabbed_pane = inside_frame.add({type = 'tabbed-pane', name = 'tabbed_pane'}) for name, callback in pairs(tabs) do if not settings.disabled_tabs[name] then if callback.only_server_sided then local secs = Server.get_current_time() if secs then local tab = tabbed_pane.add({type = 'tab', caption = name, name = callback.name}) local name_frame = tabbed_pane.add({type = 'frame', name = name, direction = 'vertical'}) tabbed_pane.add_tab(tab, name_frame) end elseif callback.admin == true then if player.admin then local tab = tabbed_pane.add({type = 'tab', caption = name, name = callback.name}) local name_frame = tabbed_pane.add({type = 'frame', name = name, direction = 'vertical'}) tabbed_pane.add_tab(tab, name_frame) end else local tab = tabbed_pane.add({type = 'tab', caption = name, name = callback.name}) local name_frame = tabbed_pane.add({type = 'frame', name = name, direction = 'vertical'}) tabbed_pane.add_tab(tab, name_frame) end end end for _, child in pairs(tabbed_pane.children) do child.style.padding = 8 child.style.left_padding = 2 child.style.right_padding = 2 end Public.reload_active_tab(player, true) return frame, inside_frame end function Public.get_content(player) local left_frame = Public.get_main_frame(player) if not left_frame then return false end return left_frame.tabbed_pane end function Public.refresh(player) local frame = get_player_active_tab(player) if not frame then return false end local tabbed_pane = Public.get_content(player) for _, tab in pairs(tabbed_pane.tabs) do if tab.content.name ~= frame.name then tab.content.clear() Event.raise(Public.events.on_gui_removal, {player_index = player.index}) end end Public.reload_active_tab(player, true) return true end function Public.call_existing_tab(player, name) local frame, inside_frame = draw_main_frame(player) if not frame then return end if not inside_frame then return end local tabbed_pane = inside_frame.tabbed_pane for key, v in pairs(tabbed_pane.tabs) do if v.tab.caption == name then tabbed_pane.selected_tab_index = key Public.reload_active_tab(player, true) end end end Public.get_button_flow = mod_gui.get_button_flow Public.mod_button = mod_gui.get_button_flow -- Register a handler for the on_gui_checked_state_changed event for LuaGuiElements with element_name. -- Can only have one handler per element name. -- Guarantees that the element and the player are valid when calling the handler. -- Adds a player field to the event table. Public.on_checked_state_changed = handler_factory(defines.events.on_gui_checked_state_changed) -- Register a handler for the on_gui_click event for LuaGuiElements with element_name. -- Can only have one handler per element name. -- Guarantees that the element and the player are valid when calling the handler. -- Adds a player field to the event table. Public.on_click = handler_factory(defines.events.on_gui_click) -- Register a handler for the on_gui_closed event for a custom LuaGuiElements with element_name. -- Can only have one handler per element name. -- Guarantees that the element and the player are valid when calling the handler. -- Adds a player field to the event table. Public.on_custom_close = handler_factory(defines.events.on_gui_closed) -- Register a handler for the on_gui_elem_changed event for LuaGuiElements with element_name. -- Can only have one handler per element name. -- Guarantees that the element and the player are valid when calling the handler. -- Adds a player field to the event table. Public.on_elem_changed = handler_factory(defines.events.on_gui_elem_changed) -- Register a handler for the on_gui_selection_state_changed event for LuaGuiElements with element_name. -- Can only have one handler per element name. -- Guarantees that the element and the player are valid when calling the handler. -- Adds a player field to the event table. Public.on_selection_state_changed = handler_factory(defines.events.on_gui_selection_state_changed) -- Register a handler for the on_gui_text_changed event for LuaGuiElements with element_name. -- Can only have one handler per element name. -- Guarantees that the element and the player are valid when calling the handler. -- Adds a player field to the event table. Public.on_text_changed = handler_factory(defines.events.on_gui_text_changed) -- Register a handler for the on_gui_value_changed event for LuaGuiElements with element_name. -- Can only have one handler per element name. -- Guarantees that the element and the player are valid when calling the handler. -- Adds a player field to the event table. Public.on_value_changed = handler_factory(defines.events.on_gui_value_changed) Public.on_click( main_button_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Main button') if is_spamming then return end local player = event.player local frame = Public.get_parent_frame(player) if frame then remove_data_recursively(frame) frame.destroy() Event.raise(Public.events.on_gui_removal, {player_index = player.index}) else draw_main_frame(player) end end ) Public.on_click( close_button_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Main button') if is_spamming then return end local player = event.player local frame = Public.get_parent_frame(player) if frame then remove_data_recursively(frame) frame.destroy() end end ) Public.on_click( main_toggle_button_name, function(event) local button = event.element local player = event.player local top = player.gui.top if button.sprite == 'utility/preset' then for _, ele in pairs(top.children) do if ele and ele.valid and ele.name ~= main_toggle_button_name then ele.visible = false end end Public.clear_all_active_frames(player) local main_frame = Public.get_main_frame(player) if main_frame then main_frame.destroy() end button.sprite = 'utility/expand_dots_white' button.tooltip = 'Click to show top buttons!' else for _, ele in pairs(top.children) do if ele and ele.valid and ele.name ~= main_toggle_button_name then ele.visible = true end end button.sprite = 'utility/preset' button.tooltip = 'Click to hide top buttons!' end end ) Event.add( defines.events.on_gui_click, function(event) local element = event.element if not element or not element.valid then return end local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) local name = element.name if name == main_button_name then local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(player, nil, 'Main GUI Click') if is_spamming then return end Public.refresh(player) end if not event.element.caption then return end if event.element.type ~= 'tab' then return end local success = Public.refresh(player) if not success then Public.reload_active_tab(player) end end ) Event.add( defines.events.on_player_created, function(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if local_settings.toggle_button then top_toggle_button(player) end top_button(player) end ) Event.add( defines.events.on_player_joined_game, function(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) top_button(player) end ) if _DEBUG then local concat = table.concat local names = {} Public.names = names function Public.uid_name() local info = debug.getinfo(2, 'Sl') local filepath = info.source:match('^.+/currently%-playing/(.+)$'):sub(1, -5) local line = info.currentline local token = tostring(Token.uid()) local name = concat {token, ' - ', filepath, ':line:', line} names[token] = name return token end function Public.set_data(element, value) local player_index = element.player_index local values = data[player_index] if value == nil then if not values then return end local index = element.index values[index] = nil element_map[index] = nil if next(values) == nil then data[player_index] = nil end else if not values then values = {} data[player_index] = values end local index = element.index values[index] = value element_map[index] = element end end set_data = Public.set_data function Public.data() return data end function Public.element_map() return element_map end end return Public