-- A small debugging tool that writes the contents of _ENV to a file when the game loads. -- Useful for ensuring you get the same information when loading -- the reference and desync levels in desync reports. -- dependencies local table = require 'utils.table' local Event = require 'utils.event' -- localized functions local inspect = table.inspect -- local constants local filename = 'env_dump.lua' -- Removes metatables and the package table local filter = function(item, path) if path[#path] ~= inspect.METATABLE and item ~= 'package' then return item end end local function player_joined(event) game.tick_paused = true local dump_string = inspect(_ENV, {process = filter}) if dump_string then local s = string.format('tick on join: %s\n%s', event.tick, dump_string) helpers.write_file(filename, s) game.print('_ENV dumped into ' .. filename) else game.print('_ENV not dumped, dump_string was nil') end game.print('Game is paused. Use /c game.tick_paused = false to resume play') end Event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, player_joined)