local Math = require('utils.math.math') local Public = {} function Public.snap_to_grid(point) return { x = Math.ceil(point.x), y = Math.ceil(point.y) } end -- Given an area marked by integer coordinates, returns an array of all the half-integer positions bounded by that area. Useful for constructing tiles. function Public.all_central_positions_within_area(area, offset) local offsetx = offset.x or 0 local offsety = offset.y or 0 local xr1, xr2, yr1, yr2 = offsetx + Math.ceil(area[1][1] - 0.5), offsetx + Math.floor(area[2][1] + 0.5), offsety + Math.ceil(area[1][2] - 0.5), offsety + Math.floor(area[2][2] + 0.5) local positions = {} for y = yr1 + 0.5, yr2 - 0.5, 1 do for x = xr1 + 0.5, xr2 - 0.5, 1 do positions[#positions + 1] = { x = x, y = y } end end return positions end -- *** *** -- --*** VECTORS ***-- -- *** *** -- function Public.vector_length(vec) return Math.sqrt(vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y) end function Public.vector_sum(...) local result = { x = 0, y = 0 } for _, vec in ipairs({ ... }) do result.x = result.x + vec.x result.y = result.y + vec.y end return result end function Public.vector_scaled(vec, scalar) return { x = vec.x * scalar, y = vec.y * scalar } end function Public.vector_distance(vec1, vec2) local vecx = vec2.x - vec1.x local vecy = vec2.y - vec1.y return Math.sqrt(vecx * vecx + vecy * vecy) end -- normalises vector to unit vector (length 1) -- if vector length is 0, returns {x = 0, y = 1} vector function Public.vector_norm(vec) local vec_copy = { x = vec.x, y = vec.y } local vec_length = Public.vector_length(vec_copy) if vec_length == 0 then vec_copy.x = 0 vec_copy.y = 1 else vec_copy.x = vec_copy.x / vec_length vec_copy.y = vec_copy.y / vec_length end return { x = vec_copy.x, y = vec_copy.y } end --- Returns true if position is closer to pos1 than to pos2 function Public.is_closer(position, pos1, pos2) return Public.vector_distance(pos1, position) < Public.vector_distance(pos2, position) end return Public