local Public = {} -- Importing localized math functions from this file has better performance than importing from the global scope: Public.random = math.random Public.randomseed = math.randomseed Public.sqrt = math.sqrt Public.min = math.min Public.max = math.max Public.rad = math.rad Public.floor = math.floor Public.abs = math.abs Public.ceil = math.ceil Public.log = math.log Public.atan = math.atan Public.sin = math.sin Public.cos = math.cos Public.pi = math.pi Public.deg = math.deg function Public.clamp(number, min, max) if number < min then return min elseif number > max then return max else return number end end function Public.sgn(number) return number > 0 and 1 or (number == 0 and 0 or -1) end function Public.round(num, idp) local mult = 10 ^ (idp or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end --luacheck: ignore 122 function math.round(num, idp) return Public.round(num, idp) end return Public