local Color = require 'utils.color_presets' local Event = require 'utils.event' local Global = require 'utils.global' local this = { refill_turrets = {}, refill_chests = {index = 1, placed = 0}, full_turrets = {}, valid_chest = { ['iron-chest'] = {valid = true, limit = 4} }, valid_turrets = { ['gun-turret'] = true, ['artillery-turret'] = true }, valid_ammo = { ['firearm-magazine'] = {valid = true, priority = 1}, ['piercing-rounds-magazine'] = {valid = true, priority = 2}, ['uranium-rounds-magazine'] = {valid = true, priority = 3} }, message_limit = {}, player_settings = {}, globally_enabled = false } Global.register( this, function(t) this = t end ) local Public = {} local insert = table.insert local autofill_amount = 10 local valid_chest = this.valid_chest local valid_turrets = this.valid_turrets local valid_ammo = this.valid_ammo local function validate_entity(entity) if not entity then return false end if not entity.valid then return false end return true end local function fast_remove(tbl, index) local count = #tbl if index > count then return elseif index < count then tbl[index] = tbl[count] end tbl[count] = nil end local function get_player_data(player, remove_user_data) if this.globally_enabled then return end if remove_user_data then if this.player_settings[player.index] then this.player_settings[player.index] = nil end end if not this.player_settings[player.index] then this.player_settings[player.index] = { placed = 0, chests = {}, turrets = {}, enabled = true } end return this.player_settings[player.index] end local function contains(table, entity) if not table then return end for k, turret in pairs(table) do if not validate_entity(turret) then return false end if not validate_entity(entity) then return false end if turret.unit_number == entity.unit_number then return true end end end local function get_highest(table) local highest = -math.huge local item local count for k, v in pairs(table) do if (k and valid_ammo[k] and valid_ammo[k].priority > highest) then item = k count = v end end if not item or not count then return false end return item, count end local function get_valid_chest() local chests = {} if this.globally_enabled then local refill_chests = this.refill_chests if not next(refill_chests) then return end local chest for i = 1, #refill_chests do chest = refill_chests[i] if chest then chests[#chests + 1] = chest end if not chest.valid then fast_remove(refill_chests, i) refill_chests.placed = refill_chests.placed - 1 if refill_chests.placed <= 0 then refill_chests.placed = 0 end return false end end return chests end local player_data = this.player_settings if not next(player_data) then return end local chest for i = 1, #player_data do local player = game.get_player(i) if player and player.valid then local p_data = get_player_data(player) local p_chests = p_data.chests if not next(p_chests) then return end for t = 1, #p_chests do chest = p_chests[t] if chest then chests[#chests + 1] = chest end if not chest.valid then fast_remove(p_data.chests, i) p_data.placed = p_data.placed - 1 if p_data.placed <= 0 then p_data.placed = 0 end return end end end end return chests end local function get_ammo(entity_turret) local turret = entity_turret.get_inventory(defines.inventory.turret_ammo) local contents = turret.get_contents() local c = 0 for item, count in pairs(contents) do if valid_ammo[item] and valid_ammo[item].valid and count >= 1 then c = count return item, c end end return false, c end local function get_items(chest) local contents = chest.get_contents() local item, count = get_highest(contents) if valid_ammo[item] and valid_ammo[item].valid and count >= 1 then return item, count end end local function remove_ammo(chest, entity_turret) local turret = entity_turret.get_inventory(defines.inventory.turret_ammo) local current_ammo if not chest or not chest.valid then return end local contents = turret.get_contents() for item, count in pairs(contents) do if count >= 1 then local t = {name = item, count = count} if chest.can_insert(t) then local c = chest.insert(t) current_ammo = item turret.remove({name = item, count = c}) return current_ammo end end end end local function refill(entity_turret, entity_chest) local turret = entity_turret for _, chests in next, entity_chest do local chest = chests.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) local item, count = get_items(chest) local turret_inv = turret.get_inventory(defines.inventory.turret_ammo) if valid_ammo[item] and valid_ammo[item].valid and count >= 1 then local ammo_name, ammo_count = get_ammo(turret) if ammo_name and valid_ammo[ammo_name].priority < valid_ammo[item].priority then remove_ammo(chest, turret) end if ammo_count and ammo_count >= 10 then goto continue end local t = {name = item, count = 1} local c = turret_inv.insert(t) if (c > 0) then chest.remove({name = item, count = c}) end ::continue:: end end end local function do_refill_turrets() local chest = get_valid_chest() if not chest then return end if this.globally_enabled then local turrets = this.refill_turrets if not next(turrets) then return end for i = 1, #turrets do local turret = turrets[i] if not turret then return end if not turret.valid then fast_remove(turrets, i) else refill(turret, chest) end end return end local player_data = this.player_settings if not next(player_data) then return end for p, _ in next, player_data do local player = game.get_player(p) if player and player.valid then local p_data = get_player_data(player) if not p_data then return end local turrets = p_data.turrets if not next(turrets) then return end for key, turret in next, turrets do if not turret then return end if not turret.valid then fast_remove(turrets, key) else refill(turret, chest) end end end end end local function show_text(msg, pos, color, surface) if color == nil then surface.create_entity({name = 'flying-text', position = pos, text = msg}) else surface.create_entity({name = 'flying-text', position = pos, text = msg, color = color}) end end local function move_items(source, destination, stack) if (source.get_item_count(stack.name) == 0) then return -1 end if (not destination.can_insert(stack)) then return -2 end local itemsRemoved = source.remove(stack) stack.count = itemsRemoved return destination.insert(stack) end local function move_multiple(source, destination, stack, amount) local ret = 0 for _, itemName in pairs(stack) do ret = move_items(source, destination, {name = itemName, count = amount}) if (ret > 0) then return ret end end return ret end local function auto_insert_into_turret(player, turret) local inventory = player.get_main_inventory() if (inventory == nil) then return end local ret = move_multiple(inventory, turret, {'artillery-shell', 'uranium-rounds-magazine', 'piercing-rounds-magazine', 'firearm-magazine'}, autofill_amount) if (ret > 1) then show_text('[Autofill] Inserted ' .. ret .. '!', turret.position, Color.info, player.surface) elseif (ret == -1) then show_text('[Autofill] Out of ammo!', turret.position, Color.red, player.surface) elseif (ret == -2) then show_text('[Autofill] Autofill ERROR! - Report this bug!', turret.position, Color.red, player.surface) end end local function auto_insert_into_vehicle(player, vehicle) local inventory = player.get_main_inventory() if (inventory == nil) then return end if ((vehicle.name == 'car') or (vehicle.name == 'tank') or (vehicle.name == 'locomotive')) then move_multiple(inventory, vehicle, {'nuclear-fuel', 'rocket-fuel', 'solid-fuel', 'coal', 'wood'}, 50) end if ((vehicle.name == 'car') or (vehicle.name == 'tank')) then move_multiple(inventory, vehicle, {'uranium-rounds-magazine', 'piercing-rounds-magazine', 'firearm-magazine'}, autofill_amount) end if (vehicle.name == 'tank') then move_multiple(inventory, vehicle, {'explosive-uranium-cannon-shell', 'uranium-cannon-shell', 'explosive-cannon-shell', 'cannon-shell'}, autofill_amount) end end local function on_entity_built(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not (player and player.valid) then return end local ce = event.entity if not (ce and ce.valid) then return end if (valid_chest[ce.name] and valid_chest[ce.name].valid) then if this.globally_enabled then if (this.refill_chests.placed < valid_chest[ce.name].limit) then if this.message_limit[player.index] then this.message_limit[player.index] = nil end Public.add_chest_to_refill_callback(nil, ce) else if not this.message_limit[player.index] then this.message_limit[player.index] = true player.print('[Autofill] Chest limit reached.', Color.warning) end end else local player_data = get_player_data(player) if (player_data.placed < valid_chest[ce.name].limit) then if this.message_limit[player.index] then this.message_limit[player.index] = nil end Public.add_chest_to_refill_callback(player, ce) else if not this.message_limit[player.index] then this.message_limit[player.index] = true player.print('[Autofill] Chest limit reached.', Color.warning) end end end end if (valid_turrets[ce.name]) then if this.globally_enabled then Public.refill_turret_callback(nil, ce) else Public.refill_turret_callback(player, ce) end auto_insert_into_turret(player, ce) end if ((ce.name == 'car') or (ce.name == 'tank') or (ce.name == 'locomotive')) then auto_insert_into_vehicle(player, ce) end end local function on_pre_player_mined_item(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if not validate_entity(player) then return end local entity = event.entity if not validate_entity(entity) then return end if not valid_turrets[entity.name] then return end if this.globally_enabled then local chest = get_valid_chest() if not chest then return end local refill_turrets = this.refill_turrets local full_turrets = this.full_turrets if contains(refill_turrets, entity) or contains(full_turrets, entity) then remove_ammo(chest, entity) end return end local chest = get_valid_chest(player) if not chest then return end local refill_turrets = this.refill_turrets local full_turrets = this.full_turrets if contains(refill_turrets, entity) or contains(full_turrets, entity) then remove_ammo(chest, entity) end end local function on_tick() do_refill_turrets() end Public.refill_turret_callback = function(player, turret) if this.globally_enabled then local refill_turrets = this.refill_turrets if turret and turret.valid then refill_turrets[#refill_turrets + 1] = turret end return end if turret and turret.valid then local player_data = get_player_data(player) local turrets = player_data.turrets insert(turrets, turret) end end Public.add_chest_to_refill_callback = function(player, entity) if entity and entity.valid then if this.globally_enabled then local refill_chests = this.refill_chests refill_chests[#refill_chests + 1] = entity refill_chests.placed = refill_chests.placed + 1 else local player_data = get_player_data(player) local chest_placed = player_data.placed local chests = player_data.chests insert(chests, entity) player_data.placed = chest_placed + 1 end rendering.draw_text { text = '⚙', surface = entity.surface, target = entity, target_offset = {0, -0.5}, scale = 1.5, color = {r = 0, g = 0.6, b = 1}, alignment = 'center' } end end Public.globally_enabled = function(value) if value then this.globally_enabled = value else this.globally_enabled = false end return this.globally_enabled end Event.add(defines.events.on_built_entity, on_entity_built) Event.add(defines.events.on_pre_player_mined_item, on_pre_player_mined_item) Event.on_nth_tick(50, on_tick) return Public