local Public = {} local Event = require 'utils.event' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Collapse = require 'modules.collapse' local this = { explosives = {}, settings = { disabled = false, slow_explode = false, slow_explode_tick = 300, check_growth_below_void = false, valid_items = { ['explosives'] = 500, ['cliff-explosives'] = 750 } } } Global.register( this, function (tbl) this = tbl end ) local math_abs = math.abs local math_floor = math.floor local math_sqrt = math.sqrt local math_round = math.round local math_random = math.random local shuffle_table = table.shuffle_table local speed = 6 local density = 1 local density_r = density * 0.5 local valid_container_types = { ['container'] = true, ['logistic-container'] = true, ['car'] = true, ['cargo-wagon'] = true } local disabled_container_names = { ['buffer-chest'] = true } local function pos_to_key(position) return tostring(position.x .. '_' .. position.y) end local function check_y_pos(position) if not this.settings.check_growth_below_void then return false end if not position or not position.y then return false end local collapse_pos = Collapse.get_position() local radius = 10 local dy = position.y - collapse_pos.y if dy ^ 2 < radius ^ 2 then return true end if position.y >= collapse_pos.y then return true else return false end end local function get_explosion_name(health) if health < 2500 then return 'explosion' end if health < 25000 then return 'big-explosion' end return 'big-artillery-explosion' end local function cell_birth(surface_index, origin_position, origin_tick, position, health, atomic) local key = pos_to_key(position) --Merge cells that are overlapping. if this.explosives.cells[key] then this.explosives.cells[key].health = this.explosives.cells[key].health + health return end if not atomic then atomic = false end --Spawn new cell. this.explosives.cells[key] = { surface_index = surface_index, origin_position = origin_position, origin_tick = origin_tick, position = { x = position.x, y = position.y }, spawn_tick = game.tick + speed, health = health, atomic = atomic } end local function grow_cell(cell) shuffle_table(this.explosives.vectors) local radius = math_floor((game.tick - cell.origin_tick) / 9) + 2 local positions = {} for i = 1, 4, 1 do local position = { x = cell.position.x + this.explosives.vectors[i][1], y = cell.position.y + this.explosives.vectors[i][2] } if not this.explosives.cells[pos_to_key(position)] then local distance = math_sqrt((cell.origin_position.x - position.x) ^ 2 + (cell.origin_position.y - position.y) ^ 2) if distance < radius then positions[#positions + 1] = position end end end if #positions == 0 then positions[#positions + 1] = { x = cell.position.x + this.explosives.vectors[1][1], y = cell.position.y + this.explosives.vectors[1][2] } end local new_cell_health = math_round(cell.health / #positions, 3) - this.explosives.damage_decay if new_cell_health <= 0 then return end if not cell.atomic then cell.atomic = false end for _, p in pairs(positions) do cell_birth(cell.surface_index, cell.origin_position, cell.origin_tick, p, new_cell_health, cell.atomic) end end local function damage_entity(entity, cell) if not entity.valid then return true end if not entity.health then return true end if entity.health <= 0 then return true end if not entity.destructible then return true end if this.explosives.whitelist_entity[entity.name] then return true end local damage_required = entity.health for _ = 1, 4, 1 do if damage_required > cell.health then entity.damage(cell.health, 'player', 'explosion') return false end local damage_dealt = entity.damage(damage_required, 'player', 'explosion') cell.health = cell.health - damage_required if not entity then return true end if not entity.valid then return true end if entity.health <= 0 then return true end damage_required = math_floor(entity.health * (damage_required / damage_dealt)) + 1 end end local function damage_area(cell) local surface = game.surfaces[cell.surface_index] if not surface then return end if not surface.valid then return end if math_random(1, 4) == 1 then if cell.atomic then surface.create_entity({ name = 'nuke-explosion', position = cell.position }) else surface.create_entity({ name = get_explosion_name(cell.health), position = cell.position }) end end for _, entity in pairs( surface.find_entities( { { cell.position.x - density_r, cell.position.y - density_r }, { cell.position.x + density_r, cell.position.y + density_r } } ) ) do if not damage_entity(entity, cell) then return end end local tile = surface.get_tile(cell.position.x, cell.position.y) if not tile or not tile.valid then return end if this.explosives.destructible_tiles[tile.name] then local key = pos_to_key(tile.position) if not this.explosives.tiles[key] then this.explosives.tiles[key] = this.explosives.destructible_tiles[tile.name] end if cell.health > this.explosives.tiles[key] then cell.health = cell.health - this.explosives.tiles[key] this.explosives.tiles[key] = nil if math_abs(tile.position.y) < surface.map_gen_settings.height * 0.5 and math_abs(tile.position.x) < surface.map_gen_settings.width * 0.5 then if not check_y_pos(tile.position) then surface.set_tiles({ { name = 'nuclear-ground', position = tile.position } }, true) end end else this.explosives.tiles[key] = this.explosives.tiles[key] - cell.health return end end return true end local function life_cycle(cell) if not damage_area(cell) then return end grow_cell(cell) end local function tick() if this.settings.disabled then return end if this.settings.slow_explode then local count = 0 for key, cell in pairs(this.explosives.cells) do if cell.spawn_tick < game.tick then count = count + 1 if count < this.settings.slow_explode_tick then life_cycle(cell) this.explosives.cells[key] = nil else cell.spawn_tick = game.tick + speed end end end else for key, cell in pairs(this.explosives.cells) do if cell.spawn_tick < game.tick then life_cycle(cell) this.explosives.cells[key] = nil end end end if game.tick % 216000 == 0 then this.explosives.tiles = {} end end local function check_entity_for_items(item) local items = this.settings.valid_items for name, damage in pairs(items) do local amount = item.get_item_count(name) if amount and amount > 1 then return amount, damage end end return false end local function on_entity_died(event) if this.settings.disabled then return false end local entity = event.entity if not entity.valid then return end if disabled_container_names[entity.name] then return end if not valid_container_types[entity.type] then return end if this.explosives.surface_whitelist then if not this.explosives.surface_whitelist[entity.surface.name] then return end end local inventory = defines.inventory.chest if entity.type == 'car' then inventory = defines.inventory.car_trunk end local item = entity.get_inventory(inventory) local amount, damage = check_entity_for_items(item) if not amount then return end local final_damage = amount * damage cell_birth(entity.surface.index, { x = entity.position.x, y = entity.position.y }, game.tick, { x = entity.position.x, y = entity.position.y }, final_damage) end function Public.detonate_chest(entity) if this.settings.disabled then return false end if not entity or not entity.valid then return false end if not valid_container_types[entity.type] then return false end if this.explosives.surface_whitelist then if not this.explosives.surface_whitelist[entity.surface.name] then return false end end local inventory = defines.inventory.chest if entity.type == 'car' then inventory = defines.inventory.car_trunk end local item = entity.get_inventory(inventory) local amount, damage = check_entity_for_items(item) if not amount then return false end if amount < 99 then return false end cell_birth(entity.surface.index, { x = entity.position.x, y = entity.position.y }, game.tick, { x = entity.position.x, y = entity.position.y }, amount * damage) return true end function Public.detonate_entity(entity, amount, damage) if this.settings.disabled then return false end if not entity or not entity.valid then return false end if not amount then amount = 200 end if not damage then damage = 700 end cell_birth(entity.surface.index, { x = entity.position.x, y = entity.position.y }, game.tick, { x = entity.position.x, y = entity.position.y }, amount * damage, true) return true end function Public.reset() this.explosives.cells = {} this.explosives.tiles = {} if not this.explosives.vectors then this.explosives.vectors = { { density, 0 }, { density * -1, 0 }, { 0, density }, { 0, density * -1 } } end if not this.explosives.damage_decay then this.explosives.damage_decay = 10 end if not this.explosives.destructible_tiles then this.explosives.destructible_tiles = {} end if not this.explosives.whitelist_entity then this.explosives.whitelist_entity = {} end end function Public.set_destructible_tile(tile_name, health) this.explosives.destructible_tiles[tile_name] = health end function Public.set_whitelist_entity(entity) if entity then this.explosives.whitelist_entity[entity] = true end end function Public.set_surface_whitelist(list) this.explosives.surface_whitelist = list end function Public.disable(state) this.settings.disabled = state or false end function Public.get_table() return this.explosives end function Public.check_growth_below_void(value) this.settings.check_growth_below_void = value or false end function Public.slow_explode(value) this.settings.slow_explode = value or false end function Public.slow_explode_tick(value) this.settings.slow_explode_tick = value or 300 end local function on_init() Public.reset() end Event.on_init(on_init) Event.on_nth_tick(speed, tick) Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, on_entity_died) return Public