local Public = {} local GetNoise = require "utils.get_noise" local Constants = require 'maps.cave_miner_v2.constants' local BiterRaffle = require "functions.biter_raffle" local LootRaffle = require "functions.loot_raffle" local Esq = require "modules.entity_spawn_queue" local Pets = require "modules.biter_pets" local math_sqrt = math.sqrt local math_random = math.random local math_floor = math.floor local spawn_amount_rolls = {} for a = 48, 1, -1 do table.insert(spawn_amount_rolls, math_floor(a ^ 5)) end function Public.get_difficulty_modifier(position) local difficulty = math_sqrt(position.x ^ 2 + position.y ^ 2) * 0.0001 return difficulty end function Public.get_colored_name(player_index) local player = game.players[player_index] local colored_name = table.concat({"[color=", player.chat_color.r, ",", player.chat_color.g, ",", player.chat_color.b, "]", player.name, "[/color]"}) return colored_name end function Public.unstuck_player(player_index) local player = game.players[player_index] local surface = player.surface local position = surface.find_non_colliding_position("character", player.position, 32, 0.5) if not position then return end player.teleport(position, surface) end function Public.roll_biter_amount() local max_chance = 0 for k, v in pairs(spawn_amount_rolls) do max_chance = max_chance + v end local r = math_random(0, max_chance) local current_chance = 0 for k, v in pairs(spawn_amount_rolls) do current_chance = current_chance + v if r <= current_chance then return k end end end --lab-dark-1 > position has been copied --lab-dark-2 > position has been visited function Public.reveal(cave_miner, surface, source_surface, position, brushsize) local tile = source_surface.get_tile(position) if tile.name == "lab-dark-2" then return end local tiles = {} local copied_tiles = {} local i = 0 local brushsize_square = brushsize ^ 2 for _, tile in pairs(source_surface.find_tiles_filtered({area = {{position.x - brushsize, position.y - brushsize}, {position.x + brushsize, position.y + brushsize}}})) do local tile_position = tile.position if tile.name ~= "lab-dark-2" and tile.name ~= "lab-dark-1" and (position.x - tile_position.x) ^ 2 + (position.y - tile_position.y) ^ 2 < brushsize_square then i = i + 1 copied_tiles[i] = {name = "lab-dark-1", position = tile.position} tiles[i] = {name = tile.name, position = tile.position} end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true, false, false, false) source_surface.set_tiles(copied_tiles, false, false, false, false) for _, entity in pairs(source_surface.find_entities_filtered({area = {{position.x - brushsize, position.y - brushsize}, {position.x + brushsize, position.y + brushsize}}})) do local entity_position = entity.position if (position.x - entity_position.x) ^ 2 + (position.y - entity_position.y) ^ 2 < brushsize_square then local e = entity.clone({position = entity_position, surface = surface}) if entity.force.index == 2 then e.active = true table.insert(cave_miner.reveal_queue, {entity.type, entity.position.x, entity.position.y}) end entity.destroy() end end source_surface.set_tiles({{name = "lab-dark-2", position = position}}, false) source_surface.request_to_generate_chunks(position, 3) end function Public.get_base_ground_tile(position, seed) local noise = GetNoise("large_caves", position, seed) local name if noise < 0.1 then name = "dirt-7" else name = "nuclear-ground" end return name end function Public.spawn_player(player) if not player.character then player.create_character() end local surface = player.surface local position position = surface.find_non_colliding_position("character", player.force.get_spawn_position(surface), 48, 1) if not position then position = player.force.get_spawn_position(surface) end player.teleport(position, surface) for name, count in pairs(Constants.starting_items) do player.insert({name = name, count = count}) end end function Public.set_mining_speed(cave_miner, force) force.manual_mining_speed_modifier = -0.60 + cave_miner.pickaxe_tier * 0.40 return force.manual_mining_speed_modifier end function Public.place_worm(surface, position, multiplier) local e = surface.create_entity({name = BiterRaffle.roll("worm", Public.get_difficulty_modifier(position) * multiplier), position = position, force = "enemy"}) return e end function Public.spawn_random_biter(surface, position, multiplier) local name = BiterRaffle.roll("mixed", Public.get_difficulty_modifier(position) * multiplier) local non_colliding_position = surface.find_non_colliding_position(name, position, 16, 1) local unit if non_colliding_position then unit = surface.create_entity({name = name, position = non_colliding_position, force = "enemy"}) else unit = surface.create_entity({name = name, position = position, force = "enemy"}) end unit.ai_settings.allow_try_return_to_spawner = false unit.ai_settings.allow_destroy_when_commands_fail = false return unit end function Public.rock_spawns_biters(cave_miner, position) local amount = Public.roll_biter_amount() local surface = game.surfaces.nauvis local difficulty_modifier = Public.get_difficulty_modifier(position) local tick = game.tick for c = 1, amount, 1 do Esq.add_to_queue(tick + c * 25, surface, {name = BiterRaffle.roll("mixed", difficulty_modifier), position = position, force = "enemy"}, 8) end end function Public.loot_crate(surface, position, container_name, player_index) local amount_multiplier = Constants.treasures[container_name].amount_multiplier local base_amount = 16 * amount_multiplier local difficulty_modifier = Public.get_difficulty_modifier(position) local slots = game.entity_prototypes[container_name].get_inventory_size(defines.inventory.chest) local tech_bonus = Constants.treasures[container_name].tech_bonus local description = Constants.treasures[container_name].description local blacklist = LootRaffle.get_tech_blacklist(difficulty_modifier + tech_bonus) local item_stacks = LootRaffle.roll(base_amount + difficulty_modifier * amount_multiplier * 5000, slots, blacklist) local container = surface.create_entity({name = container_name, position = position, force = "neutral"}) for _, item_stack in pairs(item_stacks) do container.insert(item_stack) end container.minable = false if not description then return end if not player_index then return end local player = game.players[player_index] local text if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then text = player.name .. " found " .. description else text = player.name .. " uncovered " .. description end for _, player in pairs(game.forces.player.connected_players) do player.add_custom_alert(container, {type = "item", name = "wooden-chest"}, text, true) end end function Public.place_crude_oil(surface, position, multiplier) if not surface.can_place_entity({name = "crude-oil", position = position, amount = 1}) then return end local d = math_sqrt(position.x ^ 2 + position.y ^ 2) local amount = math_random(50000, 100000) + d * 100 * multiplier surface.create_entity({name = "crude-oil", position = position, amount = amount}) end function Public.create_top_gui(player) local frame = player.gui.top.cave_miner if frame then return end frame = player.gui.top.add({type = "frame", name = "cave_miner", direction = "horizontal"}) frame.style.maximal_height = 38 local label = frame.add({type = "label", caption = "Loading..."}) label.style.font = "heading-2" label.style.font_color = {225, 225, 225} label.style.margin = 0 label.style.padding = 0 local label = frame.add({type = "label", caption = "Loading..."}) label.style.font = "heading-2" label.style.font_color = {225, 225, 225} label.style.margin = 0 label.style.padding = 0 end function Public.update_top_gui(cave_miner) local pickaxe_tiers = Constants.pickaxe_tiers for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do local element = player.gui.top.cave_miner if element and element.valid then element.children[1].caption = pickaxe_tiers[cave_miner.pickaxe_tier] .. " Pickaxe | " element.children[1].tooltip = "Mining speed " .. (1 + game.forces.player.manual_mining_speed_modifier) * 100 .. "%" element.children[2].caption = "Rocks broken: " .. cave_miner.rocks_broken end end end local function is_entity_in_darkness(entity) if not entity then return end if not entity.valid then return end local position = entity.position local d = position.x ^ 2 + position.y ^ 2 if d < 512 then return false end for _, lamp in pairs(entity.surface.find_entities_filtered({area={{position.x - 16, position.y - 16},{position.x + 16, position.y + 16}}, name = "small-lamp"})) do local circuit = lamp.get_or_create_control_behavior() if circuit then if lamp.energy > 25 and circuit.disabled == false then return end else if lamp.energy > 25 then return end end end return true end local function darkness_event(cave_miner, entity) local index = tostring(entity.unit_number) local darkness = cave_miner.darkness if darkness[index] then darkness[index] = darkness[index] + 1 else darkness[index] = -3 end if darkness[index] <= 0 then return end local position = entity.position local difficulty_modifier = Public.get_difficulty_modifier(position) local count = math_floor(darkness[index] * 0.33) + 1 if count > 16 then count = 16 end for c = 1, count, 1 do Esq.add_to_queue(game.tick + math_random(5, 45) * c, entity.surface, {name = BiterRaffle.roll("mixed", difficulty_modifier), position = position, force = "enemy"}, 8) end entity.damage(darkness[index] * 2, "neutral", "poison") end function Public.darkness(cave_miner) for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do local character = player.character if character and character.valid and not character.driving then character.disable_flashlight() if is_entity_in_darkness(character) then darkness_event(cave_miner, character) else cave_miner.darkness[tostring(character.unit_number)] = nil end end end end Public.mining_events = { {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) if math.random(1, 8) == 1 then entity.surface.spill_item_stack(entity.position, {name = "raw-fish", count = 1}, true) end end, 350000, "Nothing"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local amount = Public.roll_biter_amount() local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface local difficulty_modifier = Public.get_difficulty_modifier(position) local tick = game.tick for c = 1, amount, 1 do Esq.add_to_queue(tick + c * 25, surface, {name = BiterRaffle.roll("mixed", difficulty_modifier), position = position, force = "enemy"}, 8) end end, 16384, "Mixed_Biters"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local amount = Public.roll_biter_amount() local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface local difficulty_modifier = Public.get_difficulty_modifier(position) local tick = game.tick for c = 1, amount, 1 do Esq.add_to_queue(tick + c * 25, surface, {name = BiterRaffle.roll("biter", difficulty_modifier), position = position, force = "enemy"}, 8) end end, 2048, "Biters"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local amount = Public.roll_biter_amount() local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface local difficulty_modifier = Public.get_difficulty_modifier(position) local tick = game.tick for c = 1, amount, 1 do Esq.add_to_queue(tick + c * 25, surface, {name = BiterRaffle.roll("spitter", difficulty_modifier), position = position, force = "enemy"}, 8) end end, 2048, "Spitters"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface Public.loot_crate(surface, position, "wooden-chest", player_index) end, 1024, "Treasure_Tier_1"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface Public.loot_crate(surface, position, "iron-chest", player_index) end, 512, "Treasure_Tier_2"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface Public.loot_crate(surface, position, "steel-chest", player_index) end, 256, "Treasure_Tier_3"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface Public.loot_crate(surface, position, "crash-site-spaceship-wreck-medium-" .. math_random(1,3), player_index) end, 128, "Treasure_Tier_4"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface Public.loot_crate(surface, position, "crash-site-spaceship-wreck-big-" .. math_random(1,2), player_index) end, 64, "Treasure_Tier_5"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface Public.loot_crate(surface, position, "big-ship-wreck-" .. math_random(1,3), player_index) end, 32, "Treasure_Tier_6"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface Public.loot_crate(surface, position, "crash-site-chest-" .. math_random(1,2), player_index) end, 16, "Treasure_Tier_7"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface Public.loot_crate(surface, position, "crash-site-spaceship", player_index) Public.unstuck_player(player_index) end, 8, "Treasure_Tier_8"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface local unit = Public.spawn_random_biter(surface, position, 2) Pets.biter_pets_tame_unit(game.players[player_index], unit, true) end, 256, "Pet"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface surface.create_entity({name = "biter-spawner", position = position, force = "enemy"}) Public.unstuck_player(player_index) end, 1024, "Nest"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface Public.place_worm(surface, position, 1) Public.unstuck_player(player_index) end, 1024, "Worm"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position if position.x ^ 2 + position.y ^ 2 < 8000 then return end local surface = entity.surface Public.place_worm(surface, position, 1) Public.unstuck_player(player_index) local difficulty_modifier = Public.get_difficulty_modifier(position) local tick = game.tick for c = 1, math_random(1, 7), 1 do Esq.add_to_queue( tick + c * 90 + math_random(0, 90), surface, {name = BiterRaffle.roll("worm", difficulty_modifier), position = {position.x + (-4 + math_random(0, 8)), position.y + (-4 + math_random(0, 8))}, force = "enemy"}, 16 ) end end, 128, "Worms"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface surface.create_entity({name = "compilatron", position = position, force = "player"}) end, 64, "Friendly Compilatron"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface surface.create_entity({name = "compilatron", position = position, force = "enemy"}) end, 128, "Enemy Compilatron"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface local entity = surface.create_entity({name = cave_miner.buildings_raffle[math_random(1, #cave_miner.buildings_raffle)], position = position, force = "player"}) entity.health = math_random(1, entity.prototype.max_health) local player = game.players[player_index] game.print(Public.get_colored_name(player_index) .. " discovered an abandoned building", Constants.chat_color) end, 128, "Abandoned Building"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface surface.create_entity({name = "car", position = position, force = "player"}) Public.unstuck_player(player_index) local player = game.players[player_index] game.print(player.name .. " has finally found their car!!", Constants.chat_color) end, 32, "Car"}, {function(cave_miner, entity, player_index) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface local tick = game.tick local trees = {} for k, prototype in pairs(game.entity_prototypes) do if prototype.type == "tree" then table.insert(trees, k) end end table.shuffle_table(trees) local tree = game.entity_prototypes[trees[1]].name for c = 1, math_random(4, 96), 1 do Esq.add_to_queue(tick + c * 5, surface, {name = tree, position = position, force = "neutral"}, 64) end local player = game.players[player_index] game.print(player.name .. " found a whole forest!", Constants.chat_color) end, 64, "Forest"}, } Public.on_entity_died = { ["unit"] = function(cave_miner, entity) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface if math.random(1, 8) == 1 then surface.spill_item_stack(position, {name = "raw-fish", count = 1}, true) end end, ["unit-spawner"] = function(cave_miner, entity) local position = entity.position local surface = entity.surface local a = 64 * 0.0001 local b = math.sqrt(position.x ^ 2 + position.y ^ 2) local c = math_floor(a * b) + 1 for _ = 1, c, 1 do Public.spawn_random_biter(surface, position, 1) end end, ["simple-entity"] = function(cave_miner, entity) local position = entity.position cave_miner.rocks_broken = cave_miner.rocks_broken + 1 if math.random(1, 6) == 1 then Public.rock_spawns_biters(cave_miner, position) end end, ["container"] = function(cave_miner, entity) local position = entity.position Public.reveal(cave_miner, game.surfaces.nauvis, game.surfaces.cave_miner_source, position, 20) end, } return Public