-- This file is part of thesixthroc's Pirate Ship softmod, licensed under GPLv3 and stored at https://github.com/danielmartin0/ComfyFactorio-Pirates. -- local Memory = require 'maps.pirates.memory' local Math = require 'maps.pirates.math' -- local Balance = require 'maps.pirates.balance' -- local Structures = require 'maps.pirates.structures.structures' -- local Common = require 'maps.pirates.common' -- local Utils = require 'maps.pirates.utils_local' local _inspect = require 'utils.inspect'.inspect local Ores = require 'maps.pirates.ores' local IslandsCommon = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.common' local Hunt = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.hunt' local Public = {} Public.Data = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.horseshoe.data' function Public.noises(args) local ret = {} ret.height = IslandsCommon.island_height_horseshoe(args) ret.forest = args.noise_generator.forest ret.forest_abs = function (p) return Math.abs(ret.forest(p)) end ret.forest_abs_suppressed = function (p) return ret.forest_abs(p) - 2 * Math.slopefromto(ret.height(p), 0.2, 0.12) end ret.rock = args.noise_generator.rock ret.rock_abs = function (p) return Math.abs(ret.rock(p)) end ret.mood = args.noise_generator.mood ret.farness = IslandsCommon.island_farness_horseshoe(args) --isn't available on the iconized pass, only on actual generation; check args.iconized_generation before you use this return ret end function Public.terrain(args) local noises = Public.noises(args) local p = args.p if IslandsCommon.place_water_tile(args) then return end if noises.height(p) < 0 then args.tiles[#args.tiles + 1] = {name = 'water', position = args.p} return end if noises.height(p) < 0.05 then args.tiles[#args.tiles + 1] = {name = 'sand-1', position = args.p} if (not args.iconized_generation) and noises.farness(p) > 0.02 and noises.farness(p) < 0.6 and Math.random(500) == 1 then args.specials[#args.specials + 1] = {name = 'buried-treasure', position = args.p} end elseif noises.height(p) < 0.12 then args.tiles[#args.tiles + 1] = {name = 'sand-2', position = args.p} else if noises.forest_abs_suppressed(p) > 0.3 and noises.rock(p) < -0.1 then args.tiles[#args.tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-1', position = args.p} else if noises.mood(p) > 0.66 then args.tiles[#args.tiles + 1] = {name = 'water', position = args.p} if Math.random(100) == 1 then args.entities[#args.entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = args.p} end else args.tiles[#args.tiles + 1] = {name = 'sand-3', position = args.p} end end end if (not args.iconized_generation) and noises.height(p) > 0 and Math.random(6000) == 1 then --but has lots of chests due to spawning anywhere args.specials[#args.specials + 1] = {name = 'chest', position = args.p} elseif noises.height(p) > 0.02 then if noises.forest_abs_suppressed(p) > 0.58 then local forest_noise = noises.forest(p) local treedensity if forest_noise > 0 then treedensity = 0.5 * Math.slopefromto(noises.forest_abs_suppressed(p), 0.58, 0.75) if Math.random(1,100) < treedensity*100 then args.entities[#args.entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-06', position = args.p, visible_on_overworld = true} end elseif noises.forest_abs_suppressed(p) > 0.68 then treedensity = 0.5 * Math.slopefromto(forest_noise, -0.7, -0.75) if Math.random(1,100) < treedensity*100 then args.entities[#args.entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-08-brown', position = args.p, visible_on_overworld = true} end end end end if noises.forest_abs_suppressed(p) < 0.45 then if noises.height(p) > 0.05 then if noises.rock_abs(p) > 0.15 then local rockdensity = 1/500 * Math.slopefromto(noises.rock_abs(p), 0.15, 0.5) if noises.height(p) < 0.12 then rockdensity = rockdensity * 3 end local rockrng = Math.random() if rockrng < rockdensity then args.entities[#args.entities + 1] = IslandsCommon.random_rock_1(args.p) elseif rockrng < rockdensity * 1.5 then args.decoratives[#args.decoratives + 1] = {name = 'rock-medium', position = args.p} elseif rockrng < rockdensity * 2 then args.decoratives[#args.decoratives + 1] = {name = 'rock-small', position = args.p} elseif rockrng < rockdensity * 2.5 then args.decoratives[#args.decoratives + 1] = {name = 'rock-tiny', position = args.p} end end end end if noises.height(p) > 0.18 and noises.mood(p) > 0.2 then if noises.forest_abs(p) < 0.2 and noises.rock_abs(p) > 1.8 then args.entities[#args.entities + 1] = {name = 'coal', position = args.p, amount = 8} end end end function Public.chunk_structures(args) local spec = function(p) local noises = Public.noises{p = p, noise_generator = args.noise_generator, static_params = args.static_params, seed = args.seed} return { placeable = noises.farness(p) > 0.36, spawners_indestructible = false, -- spawners_indestructible = noises.farness(p) > 0.7, density_perchunk = 9 * Math.slopefromto(noises.mood(p), 0.12, -0.18) * Math.slopefromto(noises.farness(p), 0.36, 1) * args.biter_base_density_scale, } end IslandsCommon.enemies_1(args, spec) -- Make testing easier by spawning special structures on 2nd island if _DEBUG then local spec2 = function(p) local noises = Public.noises{p = p, noise_generator = args.noise_generator, static_params = args.static_params, seed = args.seed} return { -- placeable = noises.height(p) >= 0 and noises.forest_abs_suppressed(p) < 0.3 + Math.max(0, 0.2 - noises.height(p)), placeable_strict = noises.height(p) >= 0.05, placeable_optional = noises.forest_abs_suppressed(p) < 0.3 + Math.max(0, 0.2 - noises.height(p)), chanceper4chunks = 0.4 * Math.slopefromto(noises.farness(p), 0.1, 0.4) * Math.slopefromto(noises.mood(p), 0, 0.25), } end IslandsCommon.assorted_structures_1(args, spec2) end -- local spec2 = function(p) -- local noises = Public.noises{p = p, noise_generator = args.noise_generator, static_params = args.static_params, seed = args.seed} -- return { -- placeable = noises.height(p) >= 0 and noises.forest_abs_suppressed(p) < 0.3 + Math.max(0, 0.2 - noises.height(p)), -- chanceper4chunks = 0.5 * Math.slopefromto(noises.farness(p), 0.1, 0.4) * Math.slopefromto(noises.mood(p), 0, 0.25), -- } -- end -- IslandsCommon.assorted_structures_1(args, spec2) end function Public.break_rock(surface, p, entity_name) return Ores.try_ore_spawn(surface, p, entity_name) end function Public.generate_silo_setup_position(points_to_avoid) return Hunt.silo_setup_position(points_to_avoid, 0, 30) end return Public