local event = require 'utils.event' local main_caption = " --Fish Defender-- " local sub_caption = " *blb blubby blub* " local info = [[ The biters have catched the scent of fish in the market. Fend them off as long as possible! The Market will gladly take any coin you might find. ]] local function create_map_intro(player) if player.gui.left["map_intro_frame"] then player.gui.left["map_intro_frame"].destroy() end local frame = player.gui.left.add {type = "frame", name = "map_intro_frame", direction = "vertical"} local t = frame.add {type = "table", column_count = 1} local tt = t.add {type = "table", column_count = 3} local l = tt.add {type = "label", caption = main_caption} l.style.font = "default-frame" l.style.font_color = {r=0.11, g=0.8, b=0.44} l.style.top_padding = 6 l.style.bottom_padding = 6 local l = tt.add {type = "label", caption = sub_caption} l.style.font = "default" l.style.font_color = {r=0.33, g=0.66, b=0.9} l.style.minimal_width = 280 local b = tt.add {type = "button", caption = "X", name = "close_map_intro_frame", align = "right"} b.style.font = "default" b.style.minimal_height = 30 b.style.minimal_width = 30 b.style.top_padding = 2 b.style.left_padding = 4 b.style.right_padding = 4 b.style.bottom_padding = 2 local tt = t.add {type = "table", column_count = 1} local frame = t.add {type = "frame"} local l = frame.add {type = "label", caption = info} l.style.single_line = false l.style.font_color = {r=0.95, g=0.95, b=0.95} end local function on_player_joined_game(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if player.online_time < 36000 then create_map_intro(player) end end local function on_gui_click(event) if not event then return end if not event.element then return end if not event.element.valid then return end local player = game.players[event.element.player_index] if event.element.name == "close_map_intro_frame" then player.gui.left["map_intro_frame"].destroy() end end event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, on_player_joined_game) event.add(defines.events.on_gui_click, on_gui_click)