local Token = require 'utils.token' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Server = require 'utils.server' local Event = require 'utils.event' local table = require 'utils.table' local supporters_dataset = 'supporters' local Public = {} local this = { supporters = {} } Global.register( this, function(tbl) this = tbl end ) --- Checks if a player is a supporter -- @param player_name -- @return function Public.is_supporter(key) return this.supporters[key] ~= nil or false, this.supporters[key] end --- Writes the data called back from the server into the supporter table, clearing any previous entries local sync_supporters_callback = Token.register( function(data) if not data then return end if not data.entries then return end table.clear_table(this.supporters) for k, v in pairs(data.entries) do this.supporters[k] = v end end ) --- Signals the server to retrieve the supporters dataset function Public.sync_supporters() Server.try_get_all_data(supporters_dataset, sync_supporters_callback) end Server.on_data_set_changed( supporters_dataset, function(data) this.supporters[data.key] = data.value end ) Event.add( Server.events.on_server_started, function() Public.sync_supporters() end ) return Public