--Players will have to carry water barrels or stand next to a water tile, to keep themselves hydrated! local Player_modifiers = require "player_modifiers" local math_random = math.random local tooltip = "How thirsty your character is.\nStand next to water,\nor keep water-barrels in your inventory to take a sip." local water_tiles = { ["water"] = true, ["deepwater"] = true, } local function update_player_modifiers(player) if global.hydration[player.index] <= 0 then global.hydration[player.index] = 100 player.character.die() game.print(player.name .. " forgot to take a sip.") return end local m = ((global.hydration[player.index] - 100) * 0.01) + 0.2 local modifiers = Player_modifiers.get_table() modifiers[player.index].character_mining_speed_modifier["thirst"] = m modifiers[player.index].character_running_speed_modifier["thirst"] = m modifiers[player.index].character_crafting_speed_modifier["thirst"] = m Player_modifiers.update_player_modifiers(player) end local function update_hydration_meter(player) local hydration_meter = player.gui.top.hydration_meter if not hydration_meter then global.hydration[player.index] = 100 hydration_meter = player.gui.top.add({type = "frame", name = "hydration_meter"}) hydration_meter.style.padding = 3 hydration_meter.tooltip = tooltip local label = hydration_meter.add({type = "label", caption = "Hydration:"}) label.style.font = "heading-2" label.style.font_color = {125, 125, 255} label.tooltip = tooltip local label = hydration_meter.add({type = "label", caption = 100}) label.style.font = "heading-2" label.style.font_color = {175, 175, 175} label.tooltip = tooltip local label = hydration_meter.add({type = "label", caption = "%"}) label.style.font = "heading-2" label.style.font_color = {175, 175, 175} label.tooltip = tooltip return end hydration_meter.children[2].caption = global.hydration[player.index] end local function sip(player) if not global.hydration[player.index] then return end if math_random(1, 4) == 1 then global.hydration[player.index] = global.hydration[player.index] - 1 end if global.hydration[player.index] == 100 then return end if player.surface.count_tiles_filtered({name = {"water", "deepwater"}, area = {{player.position.x - 1, player.position.y - 1}, {player.position.x + 1, player.position.y + 1}}}) > 0 then global.hydration[player.index] = global.hydration[player.index] + 20 if global.hydration[player.index] > 100 then global.hydration[player.index] = 100 end return end if global.hydration[player.index] > 90 then return end local inventory = player.get_main_inventory() local removed_count = inventory.remove({name = "water-barrel", count = 1}) if removed_count == 0 then return end global.hydration[player.index] = global.hydration[player.index] + 10 player.play_sound{path="utility/armor_insert", volume_modifier=0.9} local inserted_count = inventory.insert({name = "empty-barrel", count = 1}) if inserted_count > 0 then return end player.surface.spill_item_stack(player.position, {name = "empty-barrel", count = 1}, true) end local function on_player_changed_position(event) if math_random(1, 320) ~= 1 then return end local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not player.character then return end if not player.character.valid then return end if player.vehicle then return end global.hydration[player.index] = global.hydration[player.index] - 1 end local function on_player_died(event) if not global.hydration[event.player_index] then return end global.hydration[event.player_index] = 100 end local function tick() for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do if player.character then if player.character.valid then sip(player) update_hydration_meter(player) update_player_modifiers(player) end end end end local function on_init() global.hydration = {} end local Event = require 'utils.event' Event.add(defines.events.on_player_changed_position, on_player_changed_position) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_died, on_player_died) Event.on_nth_tick(120, tick) Event.on_init(on_init)