[pirates] softmod_info_header_before_version_number==== Pirate Ship v softmod_info_header_after_version_number= === softmod_info_body_1=News and chat: getcomfy.eu/discord softmod_info_game_description_1=Game Description softmod_info_game_description_2=Set sail in this multiplayer scenario. Collect resources and fuel the ship in order to survive as many leagues as possible. Each crew has a captain, who performs actions such as deciding when the boat leaves. Doubloons can be spent at various markets throughout the game. Game progression is slower for smaller crews. Mysteries await!\n\n[font=default-bold]Win condition:[/font] Travel 1000 leagues.\n[font=default-bold]Lose condition:[/font] The ship runs out of fuel, or a cannon is destroyed. # softmod_info_bugs_1=Known issues # softmod_info_bugs_2=• softmod_info_new_players_1=For New Players softmod_info_new_players_2=Mine coal and other resources and bring them to the ship to keep things going, or try asking the captain for more specific tasks. softmod_info_tips_1=Features of the game that are hard to work out alone softmod_info_tips_2=• The captain can steer the boat from the crow's nest by placing 50 rail signals in one of the blue boxes.\n• Resources granted to the ship appear in the captain's cabin.\n• The quantity on an island is independent of the order in which you break rocks.\n• Passive pollution ramps up over time on each island.\n• item-on-ground entities on the deck are moved to the cabin when the boat moves for performance reasons.\n• Useful commands: /classinfo {classname} command, /take {classname}, /giveup, /plank {player}, /officer {player}, /undock, /ccolor, /clear_north_tanks, /clear_south_tanks, /tax softmod_info_updates_1=Recent updates softmod_info_updates_2=v1.6.0\n• 5 simultaneous crews now supported. Surface loading is now paused if other crews are loading.\n• New runs now begin on the top lane so that beginners are more likely to encounter docks.\n• Disconnecting players once again have their items temporarily stored and returned to the crew if they don't reconnect quickly.\n• Island surfaces are now always deleted after the boat leaves to fix corner cases involving marooned players.\n• New class added. Melee classes can no longer hold weapons.\n• Spectators can now change surfaces.\n• Crew proposal endorsements system removed.\n• Various balance tweaks: Biter nighttime damage bonus nerfed; mining productivity increases naturally with leagues traveled; tweaks to radioactive islands; Kovarex enrichment no longer researched at start of game; land mines are now unobtainable. softmod_info_credits_1=Credits softmod_info_credits_2=Designed and developed by thesixthroc. Updates from Piratux. Comfy codebase and help from Gerkiz, Hanakocz and Mew @ Comfy Industries (https://getcomfy.eu). Island structure blueprints contributed by Mattisso.\n\nCome chat with us: https://getcomfy.eu/discord\n\n"Those white gloves. I'll never forget them 'till the day I die." - Dr. John softmod_info_credits_2_old=Softmod designed and written by thesixthroc. Comfy codebase help from Gerkiz, Hanakocz and Mew @ Comfy Industries (https://getcomfy.eu). Some island structure blueprints were contributed by Mattisso. Gold sprite by Clint Bellanger. Parrot sprites by @pixelthen.\n\n"Those white gloves. I'll never forget them 'till the day I die." - Dr. John thesixthroc_support_toast=Support Pirate Ship at ko-fi.com/thesixthroc softmod_info_body_promote=by thesixthroc softmod_info_body_promote_old2=patreon.com/thesixthroc softmod_info_body_clicky=Click to dismiss. separator_1=, separator_2= and notify_whisper=[Whisper] notify_parrot=Parrot: location_displayname_first_1=Fledgling Vale location_displayname_horseshoe_1=Shark Keys location_displayname_horseshoe_2=Little Keys location_displayname_horseshoe_3=Little Keys location_displayname_maze_1=Bewildering Maze location_displayname_radioactive_1=Abandoned Labs location_displayname_red_desert_1=Sandworm Caldera location_displayname_standard_1=Isle of Buried Treasure location_displayname_standard_variant_1=Secluded Dells location_displayname_swamp_1=Poisonous Fen location_displayname_walkways_1=Frozen Pools location_displayname_cave_1=Mysterious Caves location_displayname_sea_1= location_displayname_dock_1=Dock location_displayname_lobby_1=Starting Dock parrot_set_sail_advice=Ready to sail to the next island? Click up top! parrot_hard_praise=Steel chests for steel players! Squawk! parrot_normal_praise=Iron chests for iron players! Squawk! parrot_fuel_warning=Fuel is low! Quick, throw some coal to captain's cabin! parrot_silo_warning=The silo is attracting biters... parrot_0=We can wait here for as long as we like. parrot_night_warning=Did you know that biters deal more damage at night? parrot_boats_warning=200 leagues? I think we're being chased... parrot_kraken_warning=400 leagues coming up? What are those pink things I spy... parrot_need_resources_to_undock_warning=Oh no! From now on, if we won't collect resources in time, we will lose! parrot_radioactive_tip_1=We'll need uranium-235 to push away from this island... parrot_radioactive_tip_2=The biters don't care if we pollute here, but they evolve fast. parrot_maze_tip_1=Something seems wrong with our minimap. parrot_cave_tip_1=That island looks suspiciously dark... I'm scared! Squawk! parrot_captain_first_time_in_cabin_hint=Squawk! Captains and officers can buy rail signals to steer the ship! parrot_cliff_explosive_tip=Cliff explosives? These look so powerful, they could blow away those annoying chests in the hold. Squawk! parrot_buried_treasure_tip=Squawk! If X marks the spot - use an item to dig with! parrot_captain_left_protected_run=Uh oh, looks like the captain left. Since this is protected crew, the captain role will not be redistributed. parrot_player_joins_protected_run_with_no_captain=This crew has captain protection turned on, so you will have to wait for captain to come back to control the ship. parrot_create_new_crew_tip=You can always join/create another crew from the lobby by exiting current crew by clicking red flag on top then clicking Quit Crew. difficulty_easy=Easy difficulty_normal=Normal difficutly_hard=Hard difficulty_nightmare=Nightmare notify_difficulty_vote=__1__ voted [color=__2__,__3__,__4__]for difficulty __5__[/color] notify_difficulty_change=Difficulty [color=__1__,__2__,__3__]changed to __4__[/color] daynightcycle_static=Static daynightcycle_slowcyclic=Slow Cyclic daynightcycle_cyclic=Cyclic daynightcycle_fastcyclic=Fast Cyclic daynightcycle_rapidcyclic=Rapid Cyclic ship_undocked_1=[font=heading-1]Ship undocked[/font] by captain. ship_undocked_2=[font=heading-1]Ship auto-undocked[/font]. Return to ship. ship_undocked_3=[font=heading-1]Ship auto-undocked[/font]. ship_set_off_to_next_island=[font=heading-1]Ship set sail[/font] for the next destination. crew_continue_on_freeplay=The run now continues on 'Freeplay'. victory_continue_reminder=If you wish to continue the game, click up top. crew_disband_tick_message=The crew will disband in 30 seconds. protected_run_lock_expired=Protection of __1__ crew has expired. Captain role will not be locked anymore when the captain leaves. private_run_lock_expired=Private lock of __1__ crew has expired. Anyone can join this crew now. plank=__1__ planked __2__! plank_error_invalid_player=Command error: Player is not a crewmember. plank_error_self=Command error: Can't plank yourself. tax=The captain taxed __1__. tax_error_nothing=Tax error: No coins or game-critical items found in crewmates' inventories or cursor stacks. respawn_speed_bonus_removed=Respawn speed bonus removed. respawn_speed_bonus_applied=Respawn speed bonus applied. find_map=__1__ found a map. Treasure location revealed. find_ghost=__1__ found a ghost. silo_destroyed=The silo was destroyed. research_notification=__1__ researched. destroyed_all_nests=All biter bases destroyed — escape cost removed. recover_offline_player_items=Offline player's items recovered to cabin. death_froze=__1__ froze to death. death_pushed_into_water_by_cannon=__1__ was pushed into water by a cannon. granted_rocket_launch=Rocket launched. granted_kraken_kill=Kraken killed. granted_periodic_resource=Free resources granted for staying in this island. granted_quest_complete=Quest completed. granted_1=__1__ __2__. granted_2=__1__ __2__, __3__. granted_3=__1__ __2__, __3__, __4__. approaching_destination=Approaching destination __1__, __2__. loading_destination=Loading destination __1__, __2__. wait_for_crew_to_finish_loading=Ship held at signal: Waiting for crew __1__ to finish loading. steer_left=Steering portside... steer_right=Steering starboard... ore_discovered=You notice something shiny underneath your feet! chest_discovered=A box of goodies! error_undock_too_early=Undock error: Can't undock in the first 10 seconds. error_undock_insufficient_resources=Undock error: Not enough resources stored in the captain's cabin. error_cabin_full=Sadly, there wasn't space in the cabin for all of your reward. error_build_undergrounds_on_boat=Build error: Undergrounds can't be built on the boat, due to conflicts with the boat movement code. error_cant_carry_barrels=Recipe error: Barrels are too heavy to carry back to the ship. Try another way. error_disembark=Now is no time to disembark. quest_structure_market_1=Requires __1__x quest_structure_market_2=(item components will be quest_structure_market_3=refunded upon completion) quest_structure_furnace_1=Requires quest_structure_furnace_2=(the furnace breaks quest_structure_furnace_3=delivered items down quest_structure_furnace_4=into components) market_description_upgrade_power=Upgrade the ship's passive power generators. market_description_upgrade_hold=Purchase an extra hold. market_description_upgrade_merchants=Unlock merchant ships on future islands. market_description_upgrade_rockets=Unlock the sale of rockets at island markets. market_description_upgrade_turrets=Upgrade your ship's artilerry turrets max health and also fully heal them. market_description_purchase_class=Purchase the class __1__. market_description_extra_time_at_sea=Relax at sea: Increase the next destination's loading time by 60 seconds. market_description_random_class=Purchase a random class to boost your powers. market_description_reroll_prices=Reroll prices. market_event_sell=__1__ sold __2__ for __3__. market_event_trade=__1__ traded away __2__ for __3__. market_event_buy=__1__ bought __2__ for __3__. extra_time_at_sea=extra time at sea market_error_not_captain=Purchase error: You need to be a captain or officer to buy this. market_error_not_captain_or_officer=Purchase error: You need to be a captain or officer to buy this. market_error_maximum_loading_time=Purchase error: Reached the maximum allowed loading time. repaired_cannons=[font=heading-1]__1__ repaired the ship's cannons.[/font] upgraded_cannons=[font=heading-1]__1__ repaired and fortified the ship's cannons.[/font] upgrade_hold=[font=heading-1]__1__ upgraded the ship's hold.[/font] upgrade_power=[font=heading-1]__1__ upgraded the ship's power.[/font] upgrade_merchants=[font=heading-1]__1__ unlocked merchant ships at future islands.[/font] upgrade_rockets=[font=heading-1]__1__ unlocked the sale of rockets at future quest markets.[/font] upgrade_hold_crowsnest_form=Extra Hold upgrade_power_crowsnest_form=Power upgrade_merchants_crowsnest_form=Unlock Merchants upgrade_rockets_crowsnest_form=Unlock Rockets upgrade_cannons_crowsnest_form=Upgrade Cannons hold_connections_label_inactive=inactive hold_connections_label_to=to -__1__ hold_connections_label_from=from -__1__ surface_label_cabin=Captain's Cabin surface_label_crowsnest=Crow's Nest surface_label_hold_nth=Ship's Hold: -__1__ surface_label_hold=Ship's Hold role_officer=Officer role_officer_description=Assigned by the captain, officers can use the Captain's shop and access privileged chests. role_captain=Captain role_captain_description=Has executive power to undock the ship, purchase items, and various other special actions. When the game assigns a captain, it gives priority to those who have been playing the longest as a non-captain. class_obtainable=Class is obtainable. class_unobtainable=Class was disabled and is unobtainable. class_definition_for=Class definition for class_deckhand=Deckhand class_deckhand_explanation_advanced=They move __1__% times faster and generate ore (+__2__ every __3__ seconds) whilst onboard above deck.\nNo ore is generated while at sea. class_fisherman=Fisherman class_fisherman_explanation_advanced=They fish at greater distance (__1__ extra tile range), and catch more (+__2__ fish). class_scout=Scout class_scout_explanation_advanced=They move __1__% times faster, but receive __2__% more damage and deal __3__% less damage. class_samurai=Samurai class_samurai_explanation_advanced=They receive __1__% less damage, and with no weapon equipped do extra __2__ damage in melee (scales with 'physical projectile damage' research bonuses), but deal __3__% less damage otherwise.\nIf the damage dealt in melee is an overkill, the remaining damage splashes onto nearby enemies. class_merchant=Merchant class_merchant_explanation_advanced=They generate 50 doubloons per league. class_shoresman=Shoresman class_shoresman_explanation_advanced=They move __1__% times faster and generate ore (+__2__ every __3__ seconds) whilst offboard. class_boatswain=Boatswain class_boatswain_explanation_advanced=They move __1__% times faster and generate ore (+__2__ every __3__ seconds) whilst below deck.\nNo ore is generated while at sea. class_prospector=Prospector class_prospector_explanation_advanced=They find more resources when handmining. class_lumberjack=Lumberjack class_lumberjack_explanation_advanced=They find ores and more coins when chopping trees. class_master_angler=Master Angler class_master_angler_explanation_advanced=They fish at much greater distance (__1__ extra tile range), and catch more (+__2__ fish and +__3__ coins). class_wood_lord=Lord of the Woods class_wood_lord_explanation_advanced=They find many more resources when chopping trees. class_chief_excavator=Chief Excavator class_chief_excavator_explanation_advanced=They find many more resources when handmining. class_hatamoto=Hatamoto class_hatamoto_explanation_advanced=They receive __1__% less damage, and with no weapon equipped do extra __2__ damage in melee (scales with 'physical projectile damage' research bonuses), but deal __3__% less damage otherwise.\n\nIf the damage dealt in melee is an overkill, the remaining damage splashes onto nearby enemies. class_iron_leg=Iron Leg class_iron_leg_explanation_advanced=They receive __1__% less damage when carrying at least __2__ iron ore. class_quartermaster=Quartermaster class_quartermaster_explanation_advanced= You and your nearby crewmates (at __1__ tile radius) get +__2__% physical attack bonus and generate ore (ore amount depends on nearby crewmate count).\nNo ore is generated while at sea. class_dredger=Dredger class_dredger_explanation_advanced=They can grab fish from an insane distance (__1__ extra tile range), and catch more (+__2__ fish). In addition, they find surprising items when fishing. class_smoldering=Smoldering class_smoldering_explanation_advanced=They periodically convert wood into coal, if they have less than 50 coal. class_gourmet=Gourmet class_gourmet_explanation_advanced=They generate ore by eating fish in fancy locations. Does not generate ore while at sea. class_chef=Chef class_chef_explanation_advanced=They cook meat of defeated enemies and turn it into something tasty. class_rock_eater=Rock Eater class_rock_eater_explanation_advanced=When eating fish, if they have stone furnaces in their inventory, they will eat those instead.\n\nIn addition, they receive __1__% less damage. class_soldier=Soldier class_soldier_explanation_advanced=When eating fish, they have __1__% chance to summon defender to protect them. class_veteran=Veteran class_veteran_explanation_advanced=When eating fish, they have __1__% chance to summon destroyer to protect them.\n\nIn addition, they have __2__% chance to slow the enemy that hits them. class_medic=Medic class_medic_explanation_advanced=When eating fish they additionally heal themselves and nearby players (__1__ tile radius) for __2__% of max hp. class_doctor=Doctor class_doctor_explanation_advanced=When eating fish they additionally heal themselves and nearby players (__1__ tile radius) for __2__% of max hp. class_shaman=Shaman class_shaman_explanation_advanced=Shamans energize themselves when standing next to accumulators. They can use this accumulated energy to summon biters when eating fish.\nShamans also passively absorb small amount of energy from the sun.\nSummoned biters last for __1__ mins. class_luminous=Luminous class_luminous_explanation_advanced=They glow brightly in the dark. class_explanation=__1__: __2__ class_explanation_upgraded_class=__1__: An upgrade of __2__. __3__ class_purchase=__1__ bought the class __2__. ([font=scenario-message-dialog]__3__[/font]) class_upgrade=__1__ upgraded their class from __2__ to __3__ ([font=scenario-message-dialog]__4__[/font]). # class_take_spare=__1__ took the spare class __2__. ([font=scenario-message-dialog]__3__[/font]) # class_give_spare=A spare __1__ class with given to __2__. ([font=scenario-message-dialog]__3__[/font]) # class_give_up=__1__ gave up __2__. # class_becomes_spare=A __1__ class is now spare. # class_give_up_error_no_class=Class error: You don't have any class to give up. # class_revoke=__1__ revoked __2__ from __3__. class_purchase_error_prerequisite_class=Class purchase error: You need to be a __1__ to buy this. cant_catch_fish=Looks like the fish has learned how to avoid being caught in these waters. Perhaps it would be a good idea to try somewhere else? roles_confirm_captain=__1__ accepted the role of captain. roles_confirm_captain_error_1=Command error: You're not the captain. roles_confirm_captain_error_2=Command error: You're not temporary, so you don't need to accept. roles_renounce_captain=__1__ renounces their title of captain. roles_renounce_captain_error_1=Command error: But you're the only crew member... roles_pass_captainhood=__1__ has passed their title of captain to __2__. roles_lose_captainhood_by_afk=__1__ was afk. roles_ask_player_about_captainhood_variant_1=__1__, would you like to be captain? If yes say /ok roles_ask_player_about_captainhood_variant_2=__1__, captain? If yes say /ok roles_ask_player_about_captainhood_variant_3=__1__, is it your turn to be captain? If yes say /ok roles_new_captain=__1__ is now the captain of the crew. roles_make_officer=__1__ made __2__ an officer. roles_make_officer_error_1=Command error: Player is invalid. roles_make_officer_error_2=Command error: Can't promote yourself to officer. roles_make_officer_error_3=Command error: Player is not a crewmember. roles_unmake_officer=__1__ removed __2__ from officer status. roles_unmake_officer_error_1=Command error: Player isn't an officer. roles_unmake_officer_error_2=Command error: Player isn't a crewmember. roles_resign_officer=__1__ resigned from officer status. roles_notify_looking_for_captain=Looking for a suitable captain... warn_nearly_afk_captain=Note: If you go idle as captain for too long, the role passes to another crewmember. # error_class_assign_redundant=Class error: You're already a __1__. # error_class_assign_unavailable_class=Class error: No spare class of that type is available. welcome_main_1=You've spawned in the lobby. welcome_main_2=To join an existing crew (or propose one), click 'Crews' in the top-left. welcome_main_chat=You've spawned in the lobby. To join an existing crew (or create one), click 'Crews' in the top-left. welcome_end=Click to dismiss. personal_join_string_1=You have joined the crew '__1__' [Capacity __2__]. personal_join_string_2=You have joined the crew '__1__' [Capacity __2__, Difficulty [color=__3__,__4__,__5__] __6__[/color]]. player_joins_protected_run_with_no_captain=This crew has captain protection turned on, so you will have to wait for captain to come back to control the ship. create_new_crew_tip=You can always join/create another crew from the lobby by exiting current crew by clicking red flag on top then clicking Quit Crew. goto_oldest_crew_with_large_capacity=There are multiple crews on this server. You have been placed in the oldest crew with large capacity. goto_oldest_crew=There are multiple crews on this server. You have been placed in the oldest. choose_chat_color=__1__ chose the color __2__ randomize_chat_color=__1__'s color randomized to __2__ crew_to_spectator=__1__ left the crew to become a spectator. lobby_to_spectator=__1__ joined as a spectator. lobby_to_spectator_2=__1__ left the lobby to spectate __2__. spectator_to_lobby=__1__ stopped spectating and returned to the lobby. lobby_to_crew=__1__ joined the crew. lobby_to_crew_2=__1__ left the lobby to join __2__. crew_leave=__1__ left the crew. crew_launch=[__1__] Launched. crew_disband=[__1__] Disbanded after __2__. proposal_propose=__1__ proposed the crew __2__ [Capacity __3__]. proposal_propose_private=__1__ proposed the private crew __2__ [Capacity __3__]. proposal_retracted=Proposal __1__ retracted. proposal_abandoned=Proposal __1__ abandoned. loading_new_game=Loading new game... crew_summon=Crew summoned. crew_disbanded=__1__ disbanded __2__ after __3__. victory=Victory, on v__1__, __2__, capacity __3__. Playtime: [font=default-large-semibold]__4__[/font] since 1st island. Crewmembers: __5__ loss_cannon_destroyed=Game over — cannon destroyed. loss_out_of_fuel=Game over — out of fuel. loss_silo_destroyed=Game over — silo destroyed. loss_silo_destroyed_before_necessary_launch=Game over — silo destroyed before a necessary launch. loss_resources_were_not_collected_in_time=Game over — resources were not collected in time. loss_rest_of_message_long=Playtime: __1__ since 1st island. Leagues travelled: __2__. Crewmembers: __3__. loss_rest_of_message_short=Playtime: __1__ since 1st island. Leagues travelled: __2__. highscore_heading_crew=Crew highscore_heading_captain=Captain highscore_heading_captain_tooltip=The player who spent the longest as captain between leagues 0 and 1000 (exclusive). highscore_heading_completion=Completion highscore_heading_leagues=Leagues highscore_heading_version=Version highscore_heading_difficulty=Difficulty highscore_heading_peak_players=PeakPlayers proposal_displayform=__1__ — __2__ run_displayform= __2__ crewmember_displayform=[color=__2__,__3__,__4__]__5__[/color] [color=1,1,1]__6__[/color] capacity_tooltip=Capacity. Sets the maximum number of crewmembers allowed. difficulty_tooltip=Difficulty.\n\nHigher difficulties have higher pollution and evo, higher biter damage, lower gold loot, but higher chest loot, along with small effects on the time per island, quest requirements, and silo position.\n\nDifficulty also determines the material the ship is made out of. mode_tooltip=Mode. auto_undock_tooltip=The maximum time to stay at this location.\n\nOnce this time is reached, the boat undocks automatically. The captain can choose to leave earlier by pressing this button (or typing /undock). atsea_loading_tooltip=The next destination is loading. defeat_krakens_tooltip=Defeat the krakens to proceed. leave_anytime_tooltip=The captain chooses when to undock the ship.\n\nThey can undock by pressing this button. atsea_waiting_tooltip=The ship pauses after each destination. When the captain is ready, they can click this button to proceed. resources_needed_tooltip_0=At the next destination, these resources will be needed in order to undock. resources_needed_tooltip_0a=At the next destination, these resources will be needed in order to undock early. resources_needed_tooltip_1=At the next destination, these resources will be needed in order to undock early.\n\nFewer resources will be needed the longer you stay, eventually dropping to zero. resources_needed_tooltip_2=The captain can undock early by clicking this button, but only if enough resources have been stored in the captain's cabin.\n\nCost on arrival: __1__\nLeaving now will spend: __2__ resources_needed_tooltip_3=The captain can undock by clicking this button, but only if enough resources are stored in the captain's cabin. resources_needed_tooltip_4=At the next destination, these resources will be needed in order to undock.\n\nIf required resources aren't collected in time the crew will lose. resources_needed_tooltip_5=The captain can undock by clicking this button, but only if enough resources are stored in the captain's cabin.\n\nIf required resources aren't collected in time the crew will lose. resources_needed_tooltip_0_rocketvariant=At the next destination, these resources will be needed in order to undock.\n\nThe silo represents a rocket launch rather than a resource. resources_needed_tooltip_0a_rocketvariant=At the next destination, these resources will be needed in order to undock early.\n\nThe silo represents a rocket launch rather than a resource. resources_needed_tooltip_1_rocketvariant=At the next destination, these resources will be needed in order to undock early.\n\nFewer resources will be needed the longer you stay, eventually dropping to zero.\n\nThe silo represents a rocket launch rather than a resource. resources_needed_tooltip_2_rocketvariant=The captain can undock early by clicking this button, but only if enough resources have been stored in the captain's cabin.\n\nThe silo represents a rocket launch rather than a resource.\n\nnCost on arrival: __1__\nLeaving now will spend: __2__ resources_needed_tooltip_3_rocketvariant=The captain can undock by clicking this button, but only if enough resources are stored in the captain's cabin.\n\nThe silo represents a rocket launch rather than a resource. resources_needed_tooltip_4_rocketvariant=At the next destination, these resources will be needed in order to undock.\n\nIf required resources aren't collected in time the crew will lose.\n\nThe silo represents a rocket launch rather than a resource. resources_needed_tooltip_5_rocketvariant=The captain can undock by clicking this button, but only if enough resources are stored in the captain's cabin.\n\nIf required resources aren't collected in time the crew will lose.\n\nThe silo represents a rocket launch rather than a resource. fuel_tooltip=Stored fuel: __1__.\n\nTo store more, send coal to the captain's cabin. If the ship runs out of fuel, the crew loses. gui_crew_window_buttons_quit_crew=Quit Crew gui_crew_window_buttons_quit_crew_tooltip=Return to the lobby. gui_crew_window_buttons_quit_spectators=Return to Lobby gui_crew_window_buttons_join_crew=Join Crew gui_crew_window_buttons_join_spectators=Spectate gui_crew_window_buttons_join_spectators_tooltip=You won't be able to rejoin the crew for a short while after you do this. gui_crew_window_crewmembers=Crew Members # gui_crew_window_crewmembers_give_up_class=Give Up Class # gui_crew_window_crewmembers_give_up_class_tooltip=Give Up Class gui_crew_window_crewmembers_resign_as_officer=Resign as Officer gui_crew_window_crewmembers_resign_as_officer_tooltip=Give up the officer role. gui_crew_window_spectators=Spectators gui_crew_window_vote_for_difficulty=Vote for Difficulty # gui_crew_window_spare_classes=Spare Classes # gui_crew_window_assign_class_button=Give class: __1__ # gui_crew_window_assign_class_button_tooltip=Give the selected player the class __1__.\n\n Class description: __2__ # gui_crew_window_selfassign_class_button=Take class: __1__ # gui_crew_window_selfassign_class_button_tooltip=Give yourself the spare class __1__.\n\n Class description: __2__ gui_crew_window_captains_actions=Captain's Actions gui_crew_window_captains_actions_disband_crew=Disband Crew gui_crew_window_captains_actions_disband_crew_tooltip=End the run. You will be prompted again after clicking. gui_crew_window_captains_actions_disband_crew_check=ARE YOU SURE? gui_crew_window_captains_actions_disband_crew_check_tooltip=Click again to disband the crew. gui_crew_window_captains_actions_renounce_title=Renounce Captainhood gui_crew_window_captains_actions_renounce_title_tooltip=You will no longer be captain, and the role will be passed around until a crewmember takes it. gui_crew_window_captains_actions_pass_title=Pass Captain To gui_crew_window_captains_actions_pass_title_tooltip=Make the selected crewmember into the Captain. gui_crew_window_captains_actions_plank=Plank (Make Spectator) gui_crew_window_captains_actions_plank_tooltip=The player will be returned to the lobby and can't join your crew for a while. (or use /plank {player}) gui_crew_window_captains_actions_make_officer=Make Officer gui_crew_window_captains_actions_make_officer_tooltip=Make this player an Officer. (or use /officer {player}) gui_crew_window_captains_actions_unmake_officer=Unmake Officer gui_crew_window_captains_actions_unmake_officer_tooltip=Remove this player as an Officer. (or use /officer {player}) # gui_crew_window_captains_actions_revoke_class=Revoke Class # gui_crew_window_captains_actions_revoke_class_tooltip=Put this player's class back in the Spare Classes pool. gui_crew_window_captains_actions_summon_crew=Summon Crew to Ship gui_crew_window_captains_actions_summon_crew_tooltip=Teleport crewmembers to the ship. gui_crew_window_captains_actions_tax=Tax Crew gui_crew_window_captains_actions_tax_tooltip=For each non-officer in your crew, take __1__% of their doubloons (and their other game-critical items). (or use /tax) gui_crew_window_captains_actions_undock_tip=To undock, use the top toolbar. gui_crew_window_crew_age=Age: __1__ gui_crew_window_crew_capacity_and_difficulty=__1__, Capacity __2__. gui_crew_window_crew_count=Crew Members (__1__) gui_classes=Classes gui_classes_available_classes=Available classes gui_classes_taken_by=Taken by gui_classes_actions=Actions gui_classes_take=Take gui_classes_drop=Drop gui_classes_take_enabled_tooltip=Equip the class to receive bonuses! gui_classes_take_disabled_tooltip=This class is currently in use by someone gui_classes_drop_tooltip=Unequip the class to allow someone else to take it gui_evo_tooltip_1=Local Biter Evolution: __1__ gui_evo_tooltip_2=Leagues: __1__ gui_evo_tooltip_3=Kraken: __1__ gui_evo_tooltip_4=Time: __1__ gui_evo_tooltip_5=Silo: __1__ gui_evo_tooltip_6=Nests: __1__ gui_evo_tooltip_7=Sandwurms: __1__ gui_info_info=Info gui_info_updates=Updates gui_info_tips=Tips gui_info_credits=Credits gui_fuel_1=Fuel: gui_minimap_tooltip=LMB: Zoom in.\nRMB: Zoom out.\nMMB: Scale window. gui_minimap_outside_view=Outside View gui_minimap_switch_left=Auto Show Map — On gui_minimap_switch_right=Off gui_progress=Progress gui_progress_distance_travelled=Distance travelled: gui_progress_leagues=__1__ leagues gui_progress_current_location=Current location: __1__ gui_progress_time_of_day=Time of day: __1__ gui_runs_play=Crews gui_runs_ongoing_runs=Ongoing Crews gui_runs_ongoing_runs_helpful_tip=To join a crew, first select it in the table below. gui_runs_ongoing_runs_spectate=Spectate gui_runs_ongoing_runs_join_crew=Join Crew gui_runs_ongoing_runs_return_to_lobby=Return to Lobby gui_runs_ongoing_runs_hop_on_board=Hop on board. gui_runs_proposals=Propose a Crew gui_runs_proposals_abandon_proposal=Abandon Proposal gui_runs_proposal_maker_run_name=Crew name gui_runs_proposal_maker_run_name_2=Name gui_runs_proposal_maker_capacity=Capacity gui_runs_proposal_maker_capacity_disabled=This capacity setting isn't available at the moment. gui_runs_proposal_maker_propose=Propose gui_runs_proposal_maker_no_limit=No limit gui_runs_proposal_maker_protected=Protected gui_runs_proposal_maker_protected_tooltip=Captain-protected crew. If the captain leaves or becomes afk, and there are no officers, the captain role stays vacant.\nIf the crew is empty or inactive for __1__ hours, it becomes unprotected. gui_runs_proposal_maker_private=Private gui_runs_proposal_maker_private_tooltip=Private crew. Once the crew has launched, players must enter the password in order to join.\nIf the crew is empty or inactive for __1__ hours, the password is removed. gui_runs_proposal_maker_password=Password gui_runs_proposal_maker_confirm_password=Confirm Password gui_runs_proposal_maker_error_protected_run_limit=All protected crew slots are occupied. Wait until protected crew slots free up to create your own. gui_runs_proposal_maker_error_private_run_limit=All private crew slots are occupied. Wait until private crew slots free up to create your own. gui_runs_proposal_maker_error_private_run_password_no_match=Passwords do not match. gui_runs_proposal_maker_error_private_run_password_empty=Passwords can't be empty. gui_join_protected_run_info=This crew is protected.\nThis means when captain leaves the game, other members won't get the captain role (unless there are officers).\nCaptain protection expires in __1__:__2__:__3__ gui_join_private_run_info=This crew is private.\nPlease enter a password to join the crew.\nThis crew will become public in __1__:__2__:__3__ gui_join_private_run_error_wrong_password=The password you've entered is incorrect. gui_runs_launch=Launch crew gui_runs_launch_error_2=The number of concurrent crews on the server has reached the cap set by the admins. gui_runs_launch_error_3=Can't launch; at least one crew needs high player capacity. gui_runs_launch_error_4=No sloops available. Join an existing crew instead. gui_runs_launch_error_5=Can't create the proposal, because there are too many crews. Join some existing crew crew instead. gui_runs_wait_to_join=Wait to join... __1__ gui_info_main_tooltip=Notes and updates on Pirate Ship. gui_crews=Crews gui_crews_main_tooltip=View all the crews on the server, and create new ones. gui_minimap_main_tooltip=View the outside world. gui_etaframe_board_warning=RETURN TO SHIP gui_etaframe_board_warning_tooltip=Probably time to board... gui_etaframe_autoundock=Auto-undock: gui_etaframe_arriving_in=Arriving in gui_etaframe_defeat_krakens=Defeat the krakens! gui_etaframe_atsea_waiting=Captain — Click here to Sail gui_etaframe_undock=Undock: gui_etaframe_anytime=Anytime gui_etaframe_next_escape_cost=Next escape cost: gui_etaframe_to_escape_store=To escape, store gui_etaframe_or_store=Or store gui_etaframe_rocket_requirement_tooltip=Launch a rocket gui_etaframe_undock_are_you_sure=Undock — Are you sure? gui_etaframe_launched=Launched: gui_etaframe_launched_tooltip=This island's rocket has launched, and this is the reward. gui_etaframe_launching=The rocket is launching... gui_etaframe_charge=Charge: gui_etaframe_charge_tooltip=Rocket silo charge: __1__/__2__ GJ\n\nFully charge the silo to launch a rocket, gaining both doubloons and fuel. gui_questframe=Island Quest: gui_questframe_fail=Fail gui_questframe_ok=OK gui_questframe_complete_tooltip=This island's __1__ quest is complete, and this is the reward. gui_questframe_time=Island Quest: Time\n\nLaunch a rocket before the countdown completes for a bonus. gui_questframe_worms=Island Quest: Worms\n\nKill enough worms for a bonus. gui_questframe_find=Island Quest: Ghosts\n\nFind the ghosts for a bonus. gui_questframe_resourceflow=Island Quest: Resource Flow\n\nAchieve a production rate of a particular item for a bonus. gui_questframe_resourcecount=Island Quest: Item Production\n\nSimply complete production of these items for a bonus, anywhere on the map. gui_questframe_nodamage=Island Quest: No Damage\n\nLaunch a rocket without the silo taking damage. gui_questframe_fish=Island Quest: Fishing season\n\nCatch enough fish for a bonus. gui_questframe_compilatron=Island Quest: To the rescue\n\nFind and rescue compilatrons from underneath the rocks for a bouns. gui_crew_tooltip_1=Your Crew\n\nPerform crew actions. Captains can manage crew and its members here. gui_crew_tooltip_2=Your Crew\n\nYou're a free agent, so there's nothing to do here. gui_classes_tooltip_1=Classes\n\nView and take the classes you've unlocked.\nClasses will start to appear in the list as you unlock them. gui_classes_tooltip_2=Classes\n\nYou're a free agent, so there's nothing to do here. gui_progress_tooltip=Progress: __1__ leagues.\n\nTravel __2__ leagues to win the game. gui_close_button=Close cmd_notify_set_max_crews=The maximum number of concurrent crews has been set to __1__. cmd_error_not_admin=[ERROR] Only admins are allowed to run this command! cmd_error_not_captain=[ERROR] Only captains are allowed to run this command! cmd_error_invalid_player_name=[ERROR] Player __1__ not found. cmd_error_invalid_class_name=[ERROR] Class __1__ not found. cmd_error_color_not_found=[ERROR] Color __1__ not found. cmd_explain_set_max_crews=is an admin command to set the maximum number of concurrent crews allowed on the server. cmd_explain_sail=is an admin command to set the ship sailing after an island, in case there's a problem with the captain doing so. cmd_explain_setcaptain={player} is an admin command to set the crew's captain to {player}. cmd_explain_summoncrew=is an admin command to summon the crew to the ship. cmd_explain_ok=is used to accept captainhood. cmd_explain_classinfo={class name} returns the definition of the named class. # cmd_explain_classinfofull={class name} returns detailed definition of the named class. cmd_explain_take={class name} takes a spare class with the given name for yourself. cmd_explain_giveup=gives up your current class, making it available for others. cmd_explain_ccolor=is an extension to the built-in /color command, with more colors. cmd_explain_fixpower=attempts to reconnect power poles between deck and holds cmd_explain_plank={player} is a captain command to remove a player by making them a spectator. cmd_explain_officer={player} is a captain command to make a player into an officer, or remove them as one. cmd_explain_undock=is a captain command to undock the ship. cmd_explain_tax=is a captain command to take a quarter of all coins, plus other game-critical items from the crew, into your inventory. cmd_explain_clear_north_tanks=Clear ship's north fluid storage tanks on deck and all holds. cmd_explain_clear_south_tanks=Clear ship's south fluid storage tanks on deck and all holds. cmd_explain_dev=is a dev command. gui_crew_window_spectator_controls=Spectator Controls gui_crew_window_spectator_goto_surface=Go to Surface