global.this = {} local _global = require("") local _evt = require("utils.event") local _map = require("tools.map_functions") local _common = require("planet_prison.mod.common") local _layers = require("planet_prison.mod.layers") local _ai = require("") local _bp = require("planet_prison.mod.bp") global.this._config = require("planet_prison.config") global.this.maps = { { name = "Flooded metropolia", height = 2000, width = 2000, water = 1, terrain_segmentation = 8, property_expression_names = { moisture = 0, temperature = 30. }, starting_area = "none", autoplace_controls = { ["iron-ore"] = { frequency = 0, }, ["copper-ore"] = { frequency = 0, }, ["stone"] = { frequency = 0, }, ["coal"] = { frequency = 0, }, ["crude-oil"] = { frequency = 1000, size = 1, }, ["trees"] = { frequency = 4, }, ["enemy-base"] = { frequency = 0, } }, } } global.this.entities_cache = nil global.this.surface = nil global.this.last_friend = nil local function pick_map() return global.this.maps[_common.rand_range(1, #global.this.maps)] end local function find_force(name) for _, f in pairs(game.forces) do if == name then return f end end return nil end local function init_player_ship_bp(entity, player) entity.force = player.force if == "crash-site-chest-1" then for _, stack in pairs(global.this._config.player_ship_loot) do entity.insert(stack) end end if == "crash-site-generator" then entity.electric_buffer_size = 2000 entity.power_production = 2000 end end = { merchant = { alive = false, moving = false, spawn_tick = 0, embark_tick = 0, position = { x = 0, y = 0 }, offer = global.this._config.merchant_offer, } } local function init_merchant_bp(entity, _) entity.force = "merchant" entity.rotatable = false entity.minable = false if ~= "market" then entity.operable = false else for _, entry in pairs( do entity.add_market_item(entry) end end end local function noise_hostile_hook(ent) ent.force = "enemy" if == "character" then ent.insert({name="pistol", count=1}) ent.insert({name="firearm-magazine", count=20}) else ent.insert({name="firearm-magazine", count=200}) end end local function noise_set_neutral_hook(ent) ent.force = "neutral" end global.this.bp = { player_ship = require("planet_prison.bp.player_ship"), merchant = require("planet_prison.bp.merchant") } local function init_game() global.this.surface = game.create_surface("arena", pick_map()) global.this.surface.min_brightness = 0 global.this.surface.ticks_per_day = 25000 * 4 global.this.perks = {} = game.tick + 5000 game.map_settings.pollution.enabled = false game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.enabled = false game.difficulty_settings.technology_price_multiplier = 0.1 game.difficulty_settings.research_queue_setting = "always" _layers.init() _layers.set_collision_mask({"water-tile"}) _layers.add_noise_layer("LuaTile", "concrete", {"concrete"}, 0.3, 0.2) _layers.add_noise_layer("LuaTile", "stones", {"stone-path"}, 0.2, 0.4) _layers.add_noise_layer("LuaTile", "shallows", {"water-shallow"}, 0.5, 0.005) _layers.add_noise_layer("LuaEntity", "scrap", {"mineable-wreckage"}, 0.5, 0.1) _layers.add_noise_layer("LuaEntity", "walls", {"stone-wall"}, 0.5, 0.09) _layers.add_noise_layer("LuaEntity", "hostile", {"character", "gun-turret"}, 0.92, 0.99) _layers.add_noise_layer("LuaEntity", "structures", {"big-electric-pole", "medium-electric-pole"}, 0.9, 0.9) _layers.add_noise_layer_hook("structures", noise_set_neutral_hook) _layers.add_noise_layer_hook("walls", noise_set_neutral_hook) _layers.add_noise_layer_hook("hostile", noise_hostile_hook) _bp.push_blueprint("player_ship", global.this.bp.player_ship) _bp.set_blueprint_hook("player_ship", init_player_ship_bp) _bp.push_blueprint("merchant", global.this.bp.merchant) _bp.set_blueprint_hook("merchant", init_merchant_bp) end local function do_spawn_point(player) local point = { x = _common.get_axis(player.position, "x"), y = _common.get_axis(player.position, "y") - 2 } local instance =, "player_ship", point, player) _layers.push_excluding_bounding_box( end local function get_non_obstructed_position(s, radius) while true do local chunk = s.get_random_chunk() chunk.x = chunk.x * 32 chunk.y = chunk.y * 32 for x = 1, radius do for y = 1, radius do local tile = s.get_tile({chunk.x + x, chunk.y + y}) if not tile.collides_with("ground-tile") then goto continue end end end local search_info = { position = chunk, radius = radius, force = {"neutral", "enemy"}, invert = true } local ents = s.find_entities_filtered(search_info) if not ents then return chunk end if #ents == 0 then return chunk end if ents[1].name == "character" then return chunk end ::continue:: end end local function redraw_gui(p) p.gui.left.clear() local merchant = local perks = global.this.perks[] local chat_type = "Global chat" if not perks.chat_global then chat_type = "Buddies chat" end local button = { type = "button", name = "manual_toggle", caption = "Manual" } p.gui.left.add(button) button = { type = "button", name = "chat_toggle", caption = chat_type, } p.gui.left.add(button) if merchant.alive and not perks.minimap then button = { type = "button", name = "merchant_find", caption = "Merchant", } p.gui.left.add(button) end button = { type = "button", name = "flashlight_toggle", caption = "Toggle flashlight" } p.gui.left.add(button) end local function print_merchant_position(player) local position = local perks = global.this.perks[] if not perks.minimap then player.print(string.format(">> You were able to spot him %s from your location", _common.get_readable_direction(player.position, position))) else player.print(string.format(">> You received a broadcast with [gps=%d,%d] coordinates", position.x, position.y)) end end local function on_gui_click(e) local elem = e.element local p = game.players[e.player_index] local perks = global.this.perks[] if == "chat_toggle" then if perks.chat_global then elem.caption = "Buddies chat" perks.chat_global = false else elem.caption = "Global chat" perks.chat_global = true end elseif == "flashlight_toggle" then if perks.flashlight_enable then perks.flashlight_enable = false p.character.disable_flashlight() else perks.flashlight_enable = true p.character.enable_flashlight() end elseif == "merchant_find" then print_merchant_position(p) elseif == "manual_toggle" then local children = if #children >= 1 then return end local text_box = { type = "text-box", text = global.this._config.manual } text_box = = 512 text_box.read_only = true text_box.word_wrap = true end end local function get_random_name() while true do local id = _common.rand_range(1000, 9999) local name = string.format("inmate_%d", id) if global.this.perks[name] == nil then return name end end end local function init_player(p) p.teleport({0, 0}, "arena") local s = p.surface local position = get_non_obstructed_position(s, 10) p.teleport(position, "arena") = get_random_name() p.force = game.create_force( p.force.set_friend("neutral", true) global.this.perks[] = { flashlight_enable = true, minimap = false, chat_global = true, } local merch = find_force("merchant") if merch then p.force.set_friend(merch, true) merch.set_friend(p.force, true) end p.force.research_queue_enabled = true for _, tech in pairs(p.force.technologies) do for name, status in pairs(global.this._config.technologies) do if == name then tech.researched = status tech.enabled = status end end end p.minimap_enabled = false redraw_gui(p) do_spawn_point(p) end local function on_player_joined_game(e) local p = game.players[e.player_index] init_player(p) end local function _build_merchant_bp(surf, position) local instance =, "merchant", position, nil) _layers.push_excluding_bounding_box( end local function _remove_merchant_bp(surf) local refs = _bp.get_references("merchant") local bb = _bp.reference_get_bounding_box(refs[1]) _layers.remove_excluding_bounding_box(bb) _bp.destroy_references(surf, "merchant") = { x = 0, y = 0 } end local function spawn_merchant(s) local merchant = local position = get_non_obstructed_position(s, 10) local merch if not merchant.moving then merch = game.create_force("merchant") else merch = find_force("merchant") end merchant.position = position merchant.alive = true merchant.moving = false merchant.embark_tick = game.tick + 90000 _build_merchant_bp(s, position) s.print(">> Merchant appeared in the area") for _, p in pairs(game.players) do p.force.set_friend(merch, true) merch.set_friend(p.force, true) print_merchant_position(p) redraw_gui(p) end end local function embark_merchant(s) = false = true = game.tick + 10000 s.print(">> Merchant is moving to new location") _remove_merchant_bp(s) for _, player in pairs(game.players) do redraw_gui(player) end end local function merchant_event(s) local e = local m = e.merchant if not m.alive and m.spawn_tick <= game.tick then spawn_merchant(s) end if m.alive and not m.moving and m.embark_tick <= game.tick then embark_merchant(s) end end local function cause_event(s) merchant_event(s) end local function unlink_old_blueprints(name) local query = { timestamp = game.tick, } local refs = _bp.unlink_references_filtered(name, query) for _, ref in pairs(refs) do local bb = _bp.reference_get_bounding_box(ref) _layers.remove_excluding_bounding_box(bb) end end local function on_tick() local s = global.this.surface if not s then log("on_tick: surface empty!") return end local surf = global.this.surface if game.tick % 4 == 0 then _ai.do_job(surf, _ai.command.seek_and_destroy_player) end if (game.tick + 1) % 500 == 0 then unlink_old_blueprints("player_ship") end _layers.do_job(surf) cause_event(s) end local function make_ore_patch(e) if _common.rand_range(1, 30) ~= 1 then return end local surf = e.surface local point = e.area.left_top _map.draw_entity_circle(point, "stone", surf, 6, true, 1000000) _map.draw_entity_circle(point, "coal", surf, 12, true, 1000000) _map.draw_entity_circle(point, "copper-ore", surf, 18, true, 1000000) _map.draw_entity_circle(point, "iron-ore", surf, 24, true, 1000000) _map.draw_noise_tile_circle(point, "water", surf, 4) end local function on_chunk_generated(e) if ~= "arena" then return end make_ore_patch(e) _layers.push_chunk(e.position) end local function on_player_mined_entity(e) if ~= "mineable-wreckage" then return end local candidates = {} local chance = _common.rand_range(0, 1000) for name, attrs in pairs(global.this._config.wreck_loot) do local prob = attrs.rare * 100 if prob < chance then local cand = { name = name, count = _common.rand_range(attrs.count[1], attrs.count[2]), } table.insert(candidates, cand) end end local count = #candidates if count == 0 then return end local cand = candidates[_common.rand_range(1, count)] e.buffer.insert(cand) end local function on_player_died(e) local index = e.player_index if not index then return -- banned/kicked somewhere else end local p = game.players[index] game.merge_forces(, "neutral") global.this.perks[] = nil end local function on_player_respawned(e) local p = game.players[e.player_index] init_player(p) end local function on_player_dropped_item(e) if not global.this.last_friend then global.this.last_friend = {} end local p = game.players[e.player_index] local ent = e.entity if == "raw-fish" then local ent_list = p.surface.find_entities_filtered({ name = "character", position = ent.position, radius = 2, }) if not ent_list then return end local peer = nil for _, char in pairs(ent_list) do if char.player and ~= then peer = char.player break end end if peer == nil then return end if p.force.get_cease_fire( then p.print(string.format("The %s is your buddy already", return end if global.this.last_friend[] == then p.force.set_cease_fire(, true) peer.force.set_cease_fire(, true) p.print(string.format("%s is now your buddy", peer.print(string.format("%s is now your buddy", global.this.last_friend[] = "" global.this.last_friend[] = "" return end global.this.last_friend[] = p.print(string.format("You want %s to be your buddy", peer.print(string.format("The %s wants to be your buddy", elseif == "coal" then local ent_list = p.surface.find_entities_filtered({ name = "character", position = ent.position, radius = 2, }) if not ent_list then return end local peer = nil for _, char in pairs(ent_list) do if char.player and ~= then peer = char.player break end end if peer == nil then return end if not p.force.get_cease_fire( then p.print(string.format("The %s is not your buddy", return end p.force.set_cease_fire(, false) peer.force.set_cease_fire(, false) global.this.last_friend[] = "" global.this.last_friend[] = "" p.print(string.format("The %s is no longer your buddy", peer.print(string.format("The %s is no longer your buddy", end end local function on_chunk_charted(e) local f_perks = global.this.perks[] if not f_perks then return end if not f_perks.minimap then e.force.clear_chart() end end local function on_entity_damaged(e) local ent = e.entity if == "merchant" then if not ent.force.get_friend(e.force) then return end ent.force.set_friend(e.force, false) e.force.set_friend(ent.force, false) end end local function merchant_death(e) local ent = e.entity if ~= "merchant" then return false end if ~= "character" and ~= "market" then return false end local s = ent.surface local explosion = { name = "massive-explosion", position = ent.position } s.create_entity(explosion) _remove_merchant_bp(s) = false = false = game.tick + 1000 game.merge_forces("merchant", "neutral") s.print(">> Merchant died") for _, player in pairs(game.players) do redraw_gui(player) end return true end local function hostile_death(e) local ent = e.entity local loot = e.loot if ~= "character" then return false end if ent.player then loot.insert({name = "coin", count = 70}) else loot.insert({name = "coin", count = 10}) end return true end local function on_entity_died(e) if not e.entity.valid then return end if merchant_death(e) then return end hostile_death(e) end local function merchant_exploit_check(e) local ent = e.created_entity if ent.type ~= "electric-pole" then return end local refs = _bp.get_references("merchant") if not refs or #refs <= 0 then return end local bp_ent = _bp.reference_get_entities(refs[1])[1] local surf = bp_ent.surface local query = { type = "electric-pole", position = bp_ent.position, radius = 15 } local ents = surf.find_entities_filtered(query) for _, s_ent in pairs(ents) do if s_ent.valid and ~= "merchant" then s_ent.die() end end end local function on_built_entity(e) merchant_exploit_check(e) end local function on_market_item_purchased(e) local p = game.players[e.player_index] local m = local o = m.get_market_items()[e.offer_index].offer local perks = global.this.perks[] if o.effect_description == "Construct a GPS receiver" then perks.minimap = true p.minimap_enabled = true end end local function stringify_color(color) local r, g, b = color.r, color.g, color.b if r <= 1 then r = math.floor(r * 255) end if g <= 1 then g = math.floor(g * 255) end if b <= 1 then b = math.floor(b * 255) end return string.format("%d,%d,%d", r, g, b) end local function create_console_message(p, message) local prefix_fmt = "[color=%s]%s:[/color]" local msg_fmt = "[color=%s]%s[/color]" local color = stringify_color(p.chat_color) local prefix = string.format(prefix_fmt, color, local p_msg = string.format(msg_fmt, color, message) if global.this.perks[].chat_global then msg_fmt = "[color=red]global:[/color] %s %s" else msg_fmt = "[color=green]buddies:[/color] %s %s" end return string.format(msg_fmt, prefix, p_msg) end local function filter_out_gps(message) local msg = string.gsub(message, '%[gps=%-?%d+%,?%s*%-?%d+%]', '[gps]') return msg end local function on_console_chat(e) local pid = e.player_index if not pid then return end local p = game.players[pid] local msg = create_console_message(p, e.message) if global.this.perks[].chat_global then for _, peer in pairs(game.players) do if ~= then local perks = global.this.perks[] if perks.minimap then peer.print(msg) else peer.print(filter_out_gps(msg)) end end end else for _, f in pairs(game.forces) do if p.force.get_cease_fire(f) then local peer = f.players[1] if ~= then local perks = global.this.perks[] if perks.minimap then peer.print(msg) else peer.print(filter_out_gps(msg)) end end end end end end local function on_research_finished(e) local r = e.research if not r.valid then return end local reward = { name = "coin", count = math.ceil(r.research_unit_count * 3) } local f = r.force for _, player in pairs(f.players) do if player.can_insert(reward) then player.insert(reward) end end end local function on_rocket_launched(e) local surf = global.this.surface local pid = e.player_index surf.print(">> The rocket was launched") if pid == nil then surf.print(">> Nobody escaped by it") else local p = game.players[pid] surf.print(string.format(">> The %s was able to escape", on_player_died({player_index = pid}) p.character.die() end end _evt.on_init(init_game) _evt.add(, on_built_entity) _evt.add(, on_research_finished) _evt.add(, on_player_joined_game) _evt.add(, on_chunk_generated) _evt.add(, on_player_mined_entity) _evt.add(, on_player_died) _evt.add(, on_player_died) _evt.add(, on_player_died) _evt.add(, on_player_respawned) _evt.add(, on_player_dropped_item) _evt.add(, on_player_died) _evt.add(, on_entity_damaged) _evt.add(, on_entity_died) _evt.add(, on_market_item_purchased) _evt.add(, on_chunk_charted) _evt.add(, on_console_chat) _evt.add(, on_gui_click) _evt.add(, on_tick) _evt.add(, on_rocket_launched) _global.register_init({}, function(tbl) tbl.this = global.this end, function(tbl) global.this = tbl.this end)