-- Biters, Spawners and Worms gain additional health / resistance -- mewmew -- modified by Gerkiz -- Use this.biter_health_boost or this.biter_health_boost_forces to modify their health. -- 1 = vanilla health, 2 = 200% vanilla health -- do not use values below 1 local Event = require 'utils.event' local LootDrop = require 'modules.mobs_drop_loot' local WD = require 'modules.wave_defense.table' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Task = require 'utils.task' local Token = require 'utils.token' local floor = math.floor local insert = table.insert local random = math.random local sqrt = math.sqrt local round = math.round local Public = {} local this = { biter_health_boost = 1, biter_health_boost_forced = false, biter_health_boost_forces = {}, biter_health_boost_units = {}, biter_health_boost_count = 0, make_normal_unit_mini_bosses = false, active_surface = 'nauvis', active_surfaces = {}, acid_lines_delay = {}, acid_nova = false, boss_spawns_projectiles = false, enable_boss_loot = false } local radius = 6 local targets = {} local acid_splashes = { ['big-biter'] = 'acid-stream-worm-medium', ['behemoth-biter'] = 'acid-stream-worm-big' } local acid_lines = { ['big-spitter'] = 'acid-stream-spitter-big', ['behemoth-spitter'] = 'acid-stream-spitter-big' } for x = radius * -1, radius, 1 do for y = radius * -1, radius, 1 do if sqrt(x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) <= radius then targets[#targets + 1] = {x = x, y = y} end end end local projectiles = { 'slowdown-capsule', 'defender-capsule', 'destroyer-capsule', 'laser', 'distractor-capsule', 'rocket', 'explosive-rocket', 'grenade', 'rocket', 'grenade' } Global.register( this, function(t) this = t end ) local entity_types = { ['unit'] = true, ['turret'] = true, ['unit-spawner'] = true } local removeUnit = Token.register( function(data) local biter_health_boost_units = data.biter_health_boost_units local unit_number = data.unit_number biter_health_boost_units[unit_number] = nil end ) if is_loaded('maps.biter_hatchery.terrain') then entity_types['unit-spawner'] = nil end local function loaded_biters(event) local cause = event.cause local entity = event.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end local position = false if cause then if cause.valid then position = cause.position end end if not position then position = {entity.position.x + (-20 + random(0, 40)), entity.position.y + (-20 + random(0, 40))} end entity.surface.create_entity( { name = projectiles[random(1, 10)], position = entity.position, force = 'neutral', source = entity.position, target = position, max_range = 16, speed = 0.01 } ) end local function acid_nova(event) for _ = 1, random(20, 40) do local i = random(1, #targets) event.entity.surface.create_entity( { name = acid_splashes[event.entity.name], position = event.entity.position, force = event.entity.force.name, source = event.entity.position, target = {x = event.entity.position.x + targets[i].x, y = event.entity.position.y + targets[i].y}, max_range = radius, speed = 0.001 } ) end end local function acid_line(surface, name, source, target) local distance = sqrt((source.x - target.x) ^ 2 + (source.y - target.y) ^ 2) local modifier = {(target.x - source.x) / distance, (target.y - source.y) / distance} local position = {source.x, source.y} for i = 1, distance * 1.5, 1 do if random(1, 2) ~= 1 then surface.create_entity( { name = name, position = source, force = 'enemy', source = source, target = position, max_range = 25, speed = 1 } ) end position = {position[1] + modifier[1], position[2] + modifier[2]} end end local function clean_table() --Perform a table cleanup every 500 boosts this.biter_health_boost_count = this.biter_health_boost_count + 1 if this.biter_health_boost_count % 500 ~= 0 then return end local units_to_delete = {} --Mark all health boost entries for deletion for key, _ in pairs(this.biter_health_boost_units) do units_to_delete[key] = true end --Remove valid health boost entries from deletion local validTypes = {} for k, v in pairs(entity_types) do if v then insert(validTypes, k) end end for name, enabled in pairs(this.active_surfaces) do local surface = game.surfaces[name] if surface and surface.valid and enabled then for _, unit in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({type = validTypes})) do units_to_delete[unit.unit_number] = nil end end end local surface = game.surfaces[this.active_surface] for _, unit in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({type = validTypes})) do units_to_delete[unit.unit_number] = nil end --Remove abandoned health boost entries for key, _ in pairs(units_to_delete) do this.biter_health_boost_units[key] = nil end end local function create_boss_healthbar(entity, size) return rendering.draw_sprite( { sprite = 'virtual-signal/signal-white', tint = {0, 200, 0}, x_scale = size * 15, y_scale = size, render_layer = 'light-effect', target = entity, target_offset = {0, -2.5}, surface = entity.surface } ) end local function set_boss_healthbar(health, max_health, healthbar_id) local m = health / max_health local x_scale = rendering.get_y_scale(healthbar_id) * 15 rendering.set_x_scale(healthbar_id, x_scale * m) rendering.set_color(healthbar_id, {floor(255 - 255 * m), floor(200 * m), 0}) end local function try_acid(cause, target) if not cause or not cause.valid then return end local biter_health_boost_units = this.biter_health_boost_units local cause_unit_number = cause.unit_number local cause_health_pool = biter_health_boost_units[cause_unit_number] if cause_health_pool and cause_health_pool[3] and entity_types[cause.type] then if this.acid_nova then if acid_lines[cause.name] then if not this.acid_lines_delay[cause_unit_number] then this.acid_lines_delay[cause_unit_number] = 0 end if this.acid_lines_delay[cause_unit_number] < game.tick then acid_line(cause.surface, acid_lines[cause.name], cause.position, target.position) this.acid_lines_delay[cause_unit_number] = game.tick + 180 end end end end end local function on_entity_damaged(event) local biter = event.entity if not (biter and biter.valid) then return end local cause = event.cause local biter_health_boost_units = this.biter_health_boost_units local unit_number = biter.unit_number --Create new health pool local health_pool = biter_health_boost_units[unit_number] try_acid(cause, biter) if not entity_types[biter.type] then return end if not health_pool and this.make_normal_unit_mini_bosses then if this.biter_health_boost_forces[biter.force.index] then Public.add_unit(biter, this.biter_health_boost_forces[biter.force.index]) else Public.add_unit(biter, this.biter_health_boost) end health_pool = this.biter_health_boost_units[unit_number] end if not health_pool then return end --Process boss unit health bars local boss = health_pool[3] if boss then if boss.last_update + 10 < game.tick then set_boss_healthbar(health_pool[1], boss.max_health, boss.healthbar_id) boss.last_update = game.tick end end --Reduce health pool health_pool[1] = health_pool[1] - event.final_damage_amount --Set entity health relative to health pool biter.health = health_pool[1] * health_pool[2] --Proceed to kill entity if health is 0 if biter.health > 0 then return end if cause then if cause.valid then event.entity.die(cause.force, cause) return end end biter.die(biter.force) end local function on_entity_died(event) if not this.check_on_entity_died then return end local biter = event.entity if not (biter and biter.valid) then return end if not entity_types[biter.type] then return end local biter_health_boost_units = this.biter_health_boost_units local unit_number = biter.unit_number local health_pool = biter_health_boost_units[unit_number] local wave_count = WD.get_wave() if health_pool then Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(30, removeUnit, {unit_number = unit_number, biter_health_boost_units = biter_health_boost_units}) if health_pool[3] then if this.enable_boss_loot then if random(1, 128) == 1 then LootDrop.drop_loot(biter, wave_count) end end if this.boss_spawns_projectiles then if random(1, 96) == 1 then loaded_biters(event) end end if this.acid_nova then if acid_splashes[biter.name] then acid_nova(event) end if this.acid_lines_delay[biter.unit_number] then this.acid_lines_delay[biter.unit_number] = nil end end end end end --- Use this function to retrieve a key from the global table. ---@param key function Public.get(key) if key then return this[key] else return this end end --- Using this function can set a new value to an exist key or create a new key with value ---@param key ---@param value function Public.set(key, value) if key and (value or value == false) then this[key] = value return this[key] elseif key then return this[key] else return this end end --- Use this function to reset the global table to it's init values. function Public.reset_table() this.biter_health_boost = 1 this.biter_health_boost_forces = false this.biter_health_boost_forces = {} this.biter_health_boost_units = {} this.biter_health_boost_count = 0 this.make_normal_unit_mini_bosses = false this.active_surface = 'nauvis' this.active_surfaces = {} this.check_on_entity_died = false this.acid_lines_delay = {} this.acid_nova = false this.boss_spawns_projectiles = false this.enable_boss_loot = false end --- Use this function to add a new unit that has extra health ---@param unit ---@param health_multiplier function Public.add_unit(unit, health_multiplier) if not health_multiplier then health_multiplier = this.biter_health_boost end local xp_modifier = round(1 / health_multiplier, 5) this.biter_health_boost_units[unit.unit_number] = { floor(unit.prototype.max_health * health_multiplier), xp_modifier } end --- Use this function to add a new boss unit (with healthbar) ---@param unit ---@param health_multiplier ---@param health_bar_size function Public.add_boss_unit(unit, health_multiplier, health_bar_size) if not health_multiplier then health_multiplier = this.biter_health_boost end if not health_bar_size then health_bar_size = 0.5 end local xp_modifier = round(1 / health_multiplier, 5) local health = floor(unit.prototype.max_health * health_multiplier) this.biter_health_boost_units[unit.unit_number] = { health, xp_modifier, {max_health = health, healthbar_id = create_boss_healthbar(unit, health_bar_size), last_update = game.tick} } end --- This sets the active surface that we check and have the script active. --- This deletes the list of surfaces if we use multiple, so use it only before setting more of them. ---@param string function Public.set_active_surface(str) if str and type(str) == 'string' then this.active_surfaces = {} this.active_surface = str end return this.active_surface end --- This sets if this surface is active, when we using multiple surfaces. The default active surface does not need to be added again ---@param string, boolean function Public.set_surface_activity(name, value) if name and type(name) == 'string' and type(value) == 'boolean' then this.active_surfaces[name] = value end return this.active_surfaces end --- Enables that biter bosses (units with health bars) spawns acid on death. ---@param boolean function Public.acid_nova(boolean) this.acid_nova = boolean or false return this.acid_nova end --- Enables that we clear units from the global table when a unit dies. ---@param boolean function Public.check_on_entity_died(boolean) this.check_on_entity_died = boolean or false return this.check_on_entity_died end --- Enables that biter bosses (units with health bars) spawns projectiles on death. ---@param boolean function Public.boss_spawns_projectiles(boolean) this.boss_spawns_projectiles = boolean or false return this.boss_spawns_projectiles end --- Enables that biter bosses (units with health bars) drops loot. ---@param boolean function Public.enable_boss_loot(boolean) this.enable_boss_loot = boolean or false return this.enable_boss_loot end --- Forces a value of biter_health_boost ---@param boolean function Public.enable_biter_health_boost_forced(boolean) this.biter_health_boost_forced = boolean or false return this.biter_health_boost_forced end --- Enables that normal units have boosted health. ---@param boolean function Public.enable_make_normal_unit_mini_bosses(boolean) this.make_normal_unit_mini_bosses = boolean or false return this.make_normal_unit_mini_bosses end Event.on_init( function() Public.reset_table() end ) Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_damaged, on_entity_damaged) Event.on_nth_tick(7200, clean_table) Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, on_entity_died) return Public