-- This file is part of thesixthroc's Pirate Ship softmod, licensed under GPLv3 and stored at https://github.com/danielmartin0/ComfyFactorio-Pirates. local Math = require 'maps.pirates.math' -- local _inspect = require 'utils.inspect'.inspect local simplex_noise = require 'utils.simplex_noise'.d2 --rms ~ 0.1925 -- local perlin_noise = require 'utils.perlin_noise' -- local Memory = require 'maps.pirates.memory' -- local CoreData = require 'maps.pirates.coredata' local NoisePregen = require 'maps.pirates.noise_pregen.noise_pregen' local Public = {} -- Lua 5.2 compatibility -- local unpack = unpack or table.unpack function Public.rgb_from_hsv(h, s, v) -- 0 ≤ H < 360, 0 ≤ S ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ V ≤ 1 local r, g, b local c = v * s local x = c * (1 - Math.abs(((h/60) % 2) - 1)) local m = v - c if h < 60 then r=c+m g=x+m b=m elseif h < 120 then r=x+m g=c+m b=m elseif h < 180 then r=m g=c+m b=x+m elseif h < 240 then r=m g=x+m b=c+m elseif h < 300 then r=x+m g=m b=c+m else r=c+m g=m b=x+m end return {r = 255*r, g = 255*g, b = 255*b} end function Public.stable_sort(list, comp) --sorts but preserves ordering of equals comp = comp or function (a, b) return a < b end local num = 0 for k, _ in ipairs(list) do num = num + 1 end if num <= 1 then return end local sorted = false local n = num while not sorted do sorted = true for i = 1, n - 1 do if comp(list[i+1], list[i]) then local tmp = list[i] list[i] = list[i+1] list[i+1] = tmp sorted = false end end n = n - 1 end end function Public.psum(plist) local totalx, totaly = 0, 0 for i = 1, #plist do if plist[i][1] then --multiplier if plist[i][2] and plist[i][2].x and plist[i][2].y then totalx = totalx + plist[i][1] * plist[i][2].x totaly = totaly + plist[i][1] * plist[i][2].y end elseif plist[i].x and plist[i].y then totalx = totalx + plist[i].x totaly = totaly + plist[i].y end end return {x = totalx, y = totaly} end function Public.interpolate(vector1, vector2, param) return {x = vector1.x * (1-param) + vector2.x * param, y = vector1.y * (1-param) + vector2.y * param} end function Public.contains(table, element) if not table then return false end for _, value in pairs(table) do if value == element then return true end end return false end function Public.snap_coordinates_for_rails(p) return {x = p.x + (p.x % 2) - 1, y = p.y + (p.y % 2)} end function Public.spritepath_to_richtext(spritepath) return '[' .. spritepath:gsub("/", "=") .. ']' end function Public.nonrepeating_join_dict(t1, t2) t1 = t1 or {} t2 = t2 or {} local t3 = {} for k, i1 in pairs(t1) do t3[k] = i1 end for k, i2 in pairs(t2) do t3[k] = i2 end return t3 end function Public.nonrepeating_join(t1, t2) t1 = t1 or {} t2 = t2 or {} local t3 = {} for _, i1 in pairs(t1) do t3[#t3 + 1] = i1 end for _, i2 in pairs(t2) do if not Public.contains(t3, i2) then t3[#t3 + 1] = i2 end end return t3 end function Public.exclude(t, t_exclude) t_exclude = t_exclude or {} local t2 = {} for _, i in pairs(t) do if not Public.contains(t_exclude, i) then t2[#t2 + 1] = i end end return t2 end function Public.exclude_position_arrays(a, b_exclude) b_exclude = b_exclude or {} local a2 = {} for x, xtab in pairs(a) do for y, _ in pairs(xtab) do if not (b_exclude[x] and b_exclude[x][y]) then if not a2[x] then a2[x] = {} end a2[x][y] = true end end end return a2 end function Public.unordered_table_with_values_removed(tbl, val) local to_keep = {} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do if v ~= val then to_keep[k] = v end end return to_keep end function Public.ordered_table_with_values_removed(tbl, val) local to_keep = {} local j = 1 for i = 1, #tbl do if tbl[i] ~= val then to_keep[j] = tbl[i] j = j + 1 end end return to_keep end function Public.ordered_table_with_single_value_removed(tbl, val) local to_keep = {} local j = 1 local taken_one = false for i = 1, #tbl do if (tbl[i] ~= val) or taken_one then to_keep[j] = tbl[i] j = j + 1 else taken_one = true end end return to_keep end function Public.ordered_table_with_index_removed(tbl, index) local to_keep = {} local j = 1 for i = 1, #tbl do if i ~= index then to_keep[j] = tbl[i] j = j + 1 end end return to_keep end -- Implementation of table.fast_remove function Public.fast_remove(tbl, index) local count = #tbl if index > count then return elseif index < count then tbl[index] = tbl[count] end tbl[count] = nil end function Public.length(tbl) local count = 0 for k, _ in pairs(tbl) do count = count + 1 end return count end function Public.standard_string_form_of_time_in_seconds(time) local time2, str1 if time >= 0 then time2 = time str1 = '' else time2 = - time str1 = '-' end local str2 local hours = Math.floor(Math.ceil(time2) / 3600) local minutes = Math.floor(Math.ceil(time2) / 60) local seconds = Math.ceil(time2) if hours >= 1 then str2 = string.format('%.0fh %.0fm %.0fs', hours, minutes % 60, seconds % 60) elseif minutes >= 1 then str2 = string.format('%.0fm %.0fs', minutes, seconds % 60) else str2 = string.format('%.0fs', seconds) end return str1 .. str2 end function Public.time_longform(seconds) local seconds2, str1 if seconds >= 0 then seconds2 = seconds str1 = '' else seconds2 = - seconds str1 = '-' end local str2 if seconds2 < 60 - 1 then str2 = string.format('%.0f seconds', Math.ceil(seconds2)) elseif seconds2 < 60 * 60 - 1 then str2 = string.format('%.0f mins, %.0f seconds', Math.floor(Math.ceil(seconds2) / 60), Math.ceil(seconds2) % 60) elseif seconds2 < 60 * 60 * 24 - 1 then str2 = string.format('%.0f hours, %.0f mins, %.0f seconds', Math.floor(Math.ceil(seconds2) / (60*60)), Math.floor(Math.ceil(seconds2) / 60) % 60, Math.ceil(seconds2) % 60) else str2 = string.format('%.0f days, %.0f hours, %.0f mins, %.0f seconds', Math.floor(Math.ceil(seconds2) / (24*60*60)), Math.floor(Math.ceil(seconds2) / (60*60)) % 24, Math.floor(Math.ceil(seconds2) / 60) % 60, Math.ceil(seconds2) % 60) end return str1 .. str2 end function Public.time_mediumform(seconds) local seconds2, str1 if seconds >= 0 then seconds2 = seconds str1 = '' else seconds2 = - seconds str1 = '-' end local str2 local seconds3 = Math.floor(seconds2) if seconds3 < 60 - 1 then str2 = string.format('%.0fs', seconds3) elseif seconds3 < 60 * 60 - 1 then str2 = string.format('%.0fm%.0fs', Math.floor(seconds3 / 60), seconds3 % 60) elseif seconds3 < 60 * 60 * 24 - 1 then str2 = string.format('%.0fh%.0fm%.0fs', Math.floor(seconds3 / (60*60)), Math.floor(seconds3 / 60) % 60, seconds3 % 60) else str2 = string.format('%.0fd%.0fh%.0fm%.0fs', Math.floor(seconds3 / (24*60*60)), Math.floor(seconds3 / (60*60)) % 24, Math.floor(seconds3 / 60) % 60, seconds3 % 60) end return str1 .. str2 end function Public.deepcopy(obj) --doesn't copy metatables if type(obj) ~= 'table' then return obj end local res = {} for k, v in pairs(obj) do res[Public.deepcopy(k)] = Public.deepcopy(v) end return res end function Public.bignumber_abbrevform(number) --e.g. 516, 1.2k, 21.4k, 137k local str1, str2, number2 if number >= 0 then number2 = number str1 = '' else number2 = - number str1 = '-' end if number2 == 0 then str2 = '0' elseif number2 < 1000 then str2 = string.format('%.0d', Math.floor(number2)) elseif number2 < 100000 then str2 = string.format('%.1fk', Math.floor(number2/100)/10) else str2 = string.format('%.0dk', Math.floor(number2/1000)) end return str1 .. str2 end function Public.bignumber_abbrevform2(number) --e.g. 516, 1.2k, 21k, 137k local str1, str2, number2 if number >= 0 then number2 = number str1 = '' else number2 = - number str1 = '-' end if number2 == 0 then str2 = '0' elseif number2 < 1000 then str2 = string.format('%.0d', Math.floor(number2)) elseif number2 < 10000 then str2 = string.format('%.1fk', Math.floor(number2/100)/10) else str2 = string.format('%.0dk', Math.floor(number2/1000)) end return str1 .. str2 end function Public.negative_rate_abbrevform(number) local str1, str2, number2 if number > 0 then number2 = number str1 = '' else number2 = - number str1 = '-' end if number2 == 0 then str2 = '0' elseif number2 < 10 then str2 = string.format('%.1f', Math.ceil(number2*10)/10) else str2 = string.format('%.0d', Math.ceil(number2)) end return str1 .. str2 .. '/s' end function Public.noise_field_simplex_2d(noise_data, seed, normalised) normalised = normalised or false local f = function(position) local noise, _seed, weight_sum = 0, seed, 0 for i = 1, #noise_data do local n = noise_data[i] local toadd = n.amplitude if n.wavelength > 0 then --=0 codes for infinite toadd = toadd * simplex_noise(position.x / n.wavelength, position.y / n.wavelength, _seed) _seed = _seed + 12345 --some deficiencies end if normalised then weight_sum = weight_sum + n.amplitude end noise = noise + toadd end if normalised then noise = noise / weight_sum end return noise end return f end function Public.hardcoded_noise_field_decompress(fieldtype, noise_data, seed, normalised) normalised = normalised or false -- local hardcoded_upperscale = NoisePregen[fieldtype].upperscale -- local hardcoded_boxsize = NoisePregen[fieldtype].boxsize local hardcoded_wordlength = NoisePregen[fieldtype].wordlength local factor = NoisePregen[fieldtype].factor local f = function(position) local noise, weight_sum, _seed = 0, 0, seed for i = 1, #noise_data do local n = noise_data[i] local toadd = n.amplitude local seedfactor = n.seedfactor or 1 if n.upperscale > 0 then --=0 codes for infinite local scale = n.upperscale / 100 local seed2 = seed * seedfactor local x2 = position.x / scale local y2 = position.y / scale local x2remainder = x2%1 local y2remainder = y2%1 local x2floor = x2 - x2remainder local y2floor = y2 - y2remainder local topleftnoiseindex = seed2 % (1000*1000) local relativeindex00 = x2floor + y2floor * 1000 local totalindex00 = (topleftnoiseindex + relativeindex00) % (1000*1000) local totalindex10 = (1 + topleftnoiseindex + relativeindex00) % (1000*1000) local totalindex01 = (1000 + topleftnoiseindex + relativeindex00) % (1000*1000) local strindex00 = 1 + totalindex00 * hardcoded_wordlength local strindex10 = 1 + totalindex10 * hardcoded_wordlength local strindex01 = 1 + totalindex01 * hardcoded_wordlength local str00 = NoisePregen[fieldtype].Data:sub(strindex00, strindex00 + (hardcoded_wordlength - 1)) local str10 = NoisePregen[fieldtype].Data:sub(strindex10, strindex10 + (hardcoded_wordlength - 1)) local str01 = NoisePregen[fieldtype].Data:sub(strindex01, strindex01 + (hardcoded_wordlength - 1)) local noise00, noise10, noise01 = 0, 0, 0 for j = 0, hardcoded_wordlength-1 do noise00 = noise00 + NoisePregen.dec[str00:sub(hardcoded_wordlength - j, hardcoded_wordlength - j)] * (NoisePregen.encoding_length ^ j) noise10 = noise10 + NoisePregen.dec[str10:sub(hardcoded_wordlength - j, hardcoded_wordlength - j)] * (NoisePregen.encoding_length ^ j) noise01 = noise01 + NoisePregen.dec[str01:sub(hardcoded_wordlength - j, hardcoded_wordlength - j)] * (NoisePregen.encoding_length ^ j) end if noise00 % 2 == 1 then noise00 = -noise00 end noise00 = noise00 / (NoisePregen.encoding_length ^ (hardcoded_wordlength-1)) if noise10 % 2 == 1 then noise10 = -noise10 end noise10 = noise10 / (NoisePregen.encoding_length ^ (hardcoded_wordlength-1)) if noise01 % 2 == 1 then noise01 = -noise01 end noise01 = noise01 / (NoisePregen.encoding_length ^ (hardcoded_wordlength-1)) -- local hardnoise00 = tonumber(strsub00:sub(2,6))/10000 -- if strsub00:sub(1,1) == '-' then hardnoise00 = -hardnoise00 end -- local hardnoise10 = tonumber(strsub10:sub(2,6))/10000 -- if strsub10:sub(1,1) == '-' then hardnoise10 = -hardnoise10 end -- local hardnoise01 = tonumber(strsub01:sub(2,6))/10000 -- if strsub01:sub(1,1) == '-' then hardnoise01 = -hardnoise01 end -- log(_inspect{topleftnoiseindex, topleftnoiseindex2, relativeindex00, relativeindex10, relativeindex01}) -- log(_inspect{strindex00, strindex10, strindex01, hardnoise1, hardnoise2, hardnoise3}) local interpolatedhardnoise = noise00 + x2remainder*(noise10-noise00) + y2remainder*(noise01-noise00) toadd = toadd * factor * tonumber(interpolatedhardnoise) _seed = _seed + 12345 end if normalised then weight_sum = weight_sum + n.amplitude end noise = noise + toadd end if normalised then noise = noise / weight_sum end return noise end return f end function Public.hardcoded_noise_field(fieldtype, noise_data, seed, normalised) normalised = normalised or false -- local hardcoded_upperscale = NoisePregen[fieldtype].upperscale --100 -- local hardcoded_boxsize = NoisePregen[fieldtype].boxsize --1000 local hardcoded_wordlength = NoisePregen[fieldtype].wordlength local factor = NoisePregen[fieldtype].factor local f = function(position) local noise, weight_sum, _seed = 0, 0, seed for i = 1, #noise_data do local n = noise_data[i] local toadd = n.amplitude local seedfactor = n.seedfactor or 1 if n.upperscale > 0 then --=0 codes for infinite local scale = n.upperscale / 100 local seed2 = seed * seedfactor local x2 = position.x / scale local y2 = position.y / scale local x2remainder = x2%1 local y2remainder = y2%1 local x2floor = x2 - x2remainder local y2floor = y2 - y2remainder local seedindex = seed2 % (1000*1000) local relativeindex00 = x2floor + y2floor * 1000 local noiseindex1 = seedindex + relativeindex00 local totalindex00 = noiseindex1 % (1000*1000) local totalindex10 = (1 + noiseindex1) % (1000*1000) local totalindex01 = (1000 + noiseindex1) % (1000*1000) local strindex00 = 1 + totalindex00 * hardcoded_wordlength local strindex10 = 1 + totalindex10 * hardcoded_wordlength local strindex01 = 1 + totalindex01 * hardcoded_wordlength local str00 = NoisePregen[fieldtype].Data:sub(strindex00, strindex00 + (hardcoded_wordlength - 1)) local str10 = NoisePregen[fieldtype].Data:sub(strindex10, strindex10 + (hardcoded_wordlength - 1)) local str01 = NoisePregen[fieldtype].Data:sub(strindex01, strindex01 + (hardcoded_wordlength - 1)) local noise00 = tonumber(str00:sub(2,6))/10000 if str00:sub(1,1) == '-' then noise00 = -noise00 end local noise10 = tonumber(str10:sub(2,6))/10000 if str10:sub(1,1) == '-' then noise10 = -noise10 end local noise01 = tonumber(str01:sub(2,6))/10000 if str01:sub(1,1) == '-' then noise01 = -noise01 end -- log(_inspect{topleftnoiseindex, topleftnoiseindex2, relativeindex00, relativeindex10, relativeindex01}) -- log(_inspect{strindex00, strindex10, strindex01, hardnoise1, hardnoise2, hardnoise3}) local interpolatedhardnoise = noise00 + x2remainder*(noise10-noise00) + y2remainder*(noise01-noise00) toadd = toadd * factor * tonumber(interpolatedhardnoise) _seed = _seed + 12345 --some deficiencies end if normalised then weight_sum = weight_sum + n.amplitude end noise = noise + toadd end if normalised then noise = noise / weight_sum end return noise end return f end function Public.noise_generator(noiseparams, seed) --memoizes locally noiseparams = noiseparams or {} seed = seed or 0 local ret = {} for k, v in pairs(noiseparams) do local fn if v.type == 'simplex_2d' then fn = Public.noise_field_simplex_2d(v.params, seed, v.normalised) elseif v.type == 'perlin_1d_circle' then fn = Public.noise_field_perlin_1d_circle(v.params, seed, v.normalised) else fn = Public.hardcoded_noise_field(v.type, v.params, seed, v.normalised) end ret[k] = Public.memoize(fn) end function ret:addNoise(key, new_noise_function) if self[key] then return else self[key] = Public.memoize(new_noise_function) end end ret.seed = seed -- ret.noiseparams = noiseparams return ret end local function cache_get(cache, params) local node = cache for i=1, #params do node = node.children and node.children[params[i]] if not node then return nil end end return node.results end local function cache_put(cache, params, results) local node = cache local param for i=1, #params do param = params[i] node.children = node.children or {} node.children[param] = node.children[param] or {} node = node.children[param] end node.results = results end -- The following functions were adapted from https://github.com/kikito/memoize.lua/blob/master/memoize.lua, under the MIT License: -- [[ -- MIT LICENSE -- Copyright (c) 2018 Enrique García Cota -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a -- copy of this software and associated documentation files (the -- "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including -- without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -- distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to -- permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to -- the following conditions: -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included -- in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS -- OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -- MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. -- IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY -- CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, -- TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE -- SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -- ]] local function is_callable(f) local tf = type(f) if tf == 'function' then return true end if tf == 'table' then local mt = getmetatable(f) return type(mt) == 'table' and is_callable(mt.__call) end return false end -- == memoization -- memoize takes in a function and outputs an auto-memoizing version of the same -- e.g. local memoized_f = memoize(f, ), explicit cache is optional function Public.memoize(f, cache) cache = cache or {} if not is_callable(f) then log(string.format( "Only functions and callable tables are memoizable. Received %s (a %s)", tostring(f), type(f))) end return function (...) local params = {...} local results = cache_get(cache, params) if not results then results = { f(...) } cache_put(cache, params, results) end return table.unpack(results) end end return Public