--Factorio Cave Miner -- mewmew made this -- --You can use /c map_pregen() command to pre-generate the world before playing to avoid any possible microstutter while playing.-- --Use /c spaghetti() to play without bots. local enable_fishbank_terminal = false require "maps.cave_miner_kaboomsticks" require "maps.tools.map_pregen" local simplex_noise = require 'utils.simplex_noise' local Event = require 'utils.event' local market_items = require "maps.cave_miner_market_items" local math_random = math.random local spawn_dome_size = 10000 local darkness_messages = { "Something is lurking in the dark...", "A shadow moves. I doubt it is friendly...", "The silence grows louder...", "Trust not your eyes. They are useless in the dark.", "The darkness hides only death. Turn back now.", "You hear noises...", "They chitter as if laughing, hungry for their next foolish meal...", "Despite what the radars tell you, it is not safe here...", "The shadows are moving...", "You feel like, something is watching you...", } local rock_inhabitants = { [1] = {"small-biter"}, [2] = {"small-biter","small-biter","small-biter","small-biter","small-biter","medium-biter"}, [3] = {"small-biter","small-biter","small-biter","small-biter","medium-biter","medium-biter"}, [4] = {"small-biter","small-biter","small-biter","medium-biter","medium-biter","small-spitter"}, [5] = {"small-biter","small-biter","medium-biter","medium-biter","medium-biter","small-spitter"}, [6] = {"small-biter","small-biter","medium-biter","medium-biter","big-biter","small-spitter"}, [7] = {"small-biter","small-biter","medium-biter","medium-biter","big-biter","medium-spitter"}, [8] = {"small-biter","medium-biter","medium-biter","medium-biter","big-biter","medium-spitter"}, [9] = {"small-biter","medium-biter","medium-biter","big-biter","big-biter","medium-spitter"}, [10] = {"medium-biter","medium-biter","medium-biter","big-biter","big-biter","big-spitter"}, [11] = {"medium-biter","medium-biter","big-biter","big-biter","big-biter","big-spitter"}, [12] = {"medium-biter","big-biter","big-biter","big-biter","big-biter","big-spitter"}, [13] = {"big-biter","big-biter","big-biter","big-biter","big-biter","big-spitter"}, [14] = {"big-biter","big-biter","big-biter","big-biter","behemoth-biter","big-spitter"}, [15] = {"big-biter","big-biter","big-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-biter","big-spitter"}, [16] = {"big-biter","big-biter","big-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-spitter"}, [17] = {"big-biter","big-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-spitter"}, [18] = {"big-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-spitter"}, [19] = {"behemoth-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-spitter"}, [20] = {"behemoth-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-biter","behemoth-spitter","behemoth-spitter"} } local worm_raffle_table = { [1] = {"small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret"}, [2] = {"small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret"}, [3] = {"small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret"}, [4] = {"small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret"}, [5] = {"small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret"}, [6] = {"small-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret"}, [7] = {"medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret"}, [8] = {"medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret"}, [9] = {"medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret"}, [10] = {"medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret"} } local player_hunger_fish_food_value = 10 local player_hunger_spawn_value = 80 local player_hunger_stages = {} for x = 1, 200, 1 do if x <= 200 then player_hunger_stages[x] = "Obese" end if x <= 179 then player_hunger_stages[x] = "Stuffed" end if x <= 150 then player_hunger_stages[x] = "Bloated" end if x <= 130 then player_hunger_stages[x] = "Sated" end if x <= 110 then player_hunger_stages[x] = "Well Fed" end if x <= 89 then player_hunger_stages[x] = "Nourished" end if x <= 70 then player_hunger_stages[x] = "Hungry" end if x <= 35 then player_hunger_stages[x] = "Starving" end end local player_hunger_color_list = {} for x = 1, 50, 1 do player_hunger_color_list[x] = {r = 0.5 + x*0.01, g = x*0.01, b = x*0.005} player_hunger_color_list[50+x] = {r = 1 - x*0.02, g = 0.5 + x*0.01, b = 0.25} player_hunger_color_list[100+x] = {r = 0 + x*0.02, g = 1 - x*0.01, b = 0.25} player_hunger_color_list[150+x] = {r = 1 - x*0.01, g = 0.5 - x*0.01, b = 0.25 - x*0.005} end local player_hunger_buff = {} local buff_top_value = 0.70 for x = 1, 200, 1 do player_hunger_buff[x] = buff_top_value end local y = 1 for x = 89, 1, -1 do player_hunger_buff[x] = buff_top_value - y * 0.015 y = y + 1 end local y = 1 for x = 111, 200, 1 do player_hunger_buff[x] = buff_top_value - y * 0.015 y = y + 1 end local function shuffle(tbl) local size = #tbl for i = size, 1, -1 do local rand = math_random(size) tbl[i], tbl[rand] = tbl[rand], tbl[i] end return tbl end local function create_cave_miner_button(player) if player.gui.top["caver_miner_stats_toggle_button"] then player.gui.top["caver_miner_stats_toggle_button"].destroy() end local b = player.gui.top.add({ type = "sprite-button", name = "caver_miner_stats_toggle_button", sprite = "item/iron-axe" }) b.style.minimal_height = 38 b.style.minimal_width = 38 b.style.top_padding = 2 b.style.left_padding = 4 b.style.right_padding = 4 b.style.bottom_padding = 2 end local function create_cave_miner_info(player) local frame = player.gui.left.add {type = "frame", name = "cave_miner_info", direction = "vertical"} local t = frame.add {type = "table", column_count = 1} local tt = t.add {type = "table", column_count = 3} local l = tt.add {type = "label", caption = " --Cave Miner-- "} l.style.font = "default-frame" l.style.font_color = {r=0.6, g=0.3, b=0.99} l.style.top_padding = 6 l.style.bottom_padding = 6 local l = tt.add {type = "label", caption = " *diggy diggy hole* "} l.style.font = "default" l.style.font_color = {r=0.99, g=0.99, b=0.2} l.style.minimal_width = 340 local b = tt.add {type = "button", caption = "X", name = "close_cave_miner_info", align = "right"} b.style.font = "default" b.style.minimal_height = 30 b.style.minimal_width = 30 b.style.top_padding = 2 b.style.left_padding = 4 b.style.right_padding = 4 b.style.bottom_padding = 2 local tt = t.add {type = "table", column_count = 1} local frame = t.add {type = "frame"} local l = frame.add {type = "label", caption = global.cave_miner_map_info} l.style.single_line = false l.style.font_color = {r=0.95, g=0.95, b=0.95} end local function create_cave_miner_stats_gui(player) if player.gui.top["hunger_frame"] then player.gui.top["hunger_frame"].destroy() end if player.gui.top["caver_miner_stats_frame"] then player.gui.top["caver_miner_stats_frame"].destroy() end local captions = {} local caption_style = {{"font", "default-bold"}, {"font_color",{ r=0.63, g=0.63, b=0.63}}, {"top_padding",2}, {"left_padding",0},{"right_padding",0},{"minimal_width",0}} local stat_numbers = {} local stat_number_style = {{"font", "default-bold"}, {"font_color",{ r=0.77, g=0.77, b=0.77}}, {"top_padding",2}, {"left_padding",0},{"right_padding",0},{"minimal_width",0}} local separators = {} local separator_style = {{"font", "default-bold"}, {"font_color",{ r=0.15, g=0.15, b=0.89}}, {"top_padding",2}, {"left_padding",2},{"right_padding",2},{"minimal_width",0}} local frame = player.gui.top.add { type = "frame", name = "hunger_frame"} local str = tostring(global.player_hunger[player.name]) str = str .. "% " str = str .. player_hunger_stages[global.player_hunger[player.name]] local caption_hunger = frame.add { type = "label", caption = str } caption_hunger.style.font = "default-bold" caption_hunger.style.font_color = player_hunger_color_list[global.player_hunger[player.name]] caption_hunger.style.top_padding = 2 local frame = player.gui.top.add { type = "frame", name = "caver_miner_stats_frame" } local t = frame.add { type = "table", column_count = 11 } captions[1] = t.add { type = "label", caption = "Ores mined:" } global.total_ores_mined = global.stats_ores_found + game.forces.player.item_production_statistics.get_input_count("coal") + game.forces.player.item_production_statistics.get_input_count("iron-ore") + game.forces.player.item_production_statistics.get_input_count("copper-ore") + game.forces.player.item_production_statistics.get_input_count("uranium-ore") stat_numbers[1] = t.add { type = "label", caption = global.total_ores_mined } separators[1] = t.add { type = "label", caption = "|"} captions[2] = t.add { type = "label", caption = "Rocks broken:" } stat_numbers[2] = t.add { type = "label", caption = global.stats_rocks_broken } separators[2] = t.add { type = "label", caption = "|"} captions[3] = t.add { type = "label", caption = "Efficiency" } local x = math.ceil(game.forces.player.manual_mining_speed_modifier * 100 + player_hunger_buff[global.player_hunger[player.name]] * 100, 0) local str = "" if x > 0 then str = str .. "+" end str = str .. tostring(x) str = str .. "%" stat_numbers[3] = t.add { type = "label", caption = str } if game.forces.player.manual_mining_speed_modifier > 0 or game.forces.player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus > 0 then separators[3] = t.add { type = "label", caption = "|"} captions[5] = t.add { type = "label", caption = "Fortune" } local str = "+" str = str .. tostring(game.forces.player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus * 100) str = str .. "%" stat_numbers[4] = t.add { type = "label", caption = str } end for _, s in pairs (caption_style) do for _, l in pairs (captions) do l.style[s[1]] = s[2] end end for _, s in pairs (stat_number_style) do for _, l in pairs (stat_numbers) do l.style[s[1]] = s[2] end end for _, s in pairs (separator_style) do for _, l in pairs (separators) do l.style[s[1]] = s[2] end end stat_numbers[1].style.minimal_width = 9 * string.len(tostring(global.stats_ores_found)) stat_numbers[2].style.minimal_width = 9 * string.len(tostring(global.stats_rocks_broken)) end local function refresh_gui() for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do local frame = player.gui.top["caver_miner_stats_frame"] if (frame) then create_cave_miner_button(player) create_cave_miner_stats_gui(player) end end end local function treasure_chest(position, distance_to_center) local chest_raffle = {} local chest_loot = { {{name = "steel-axe", count = math_random(1,3)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "submachine-gun", count = math_random(1,3)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1}, {{name = "slowdown-capsule", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "poison-capsule", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "uranium-cannon-shell", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.6, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "cannon-shell", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "explosive-uranium-cannon-shell", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.6, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "explosive-cannon-shell", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "shotgun", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.2}, {{name = "shotgun-shell", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.2}, {{name = "combat-shotgun", count = 1}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "piercing-shotgun-shell", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "flamethrower", count = 1}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.6}, {{name = "flamethrower-ammo", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "rocket-launcher", count = 1}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.6}, {{name = "rocket", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "explosive-rocket", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "land-mine", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "grenade", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "cluster-grenade", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "firearm-magazine", count = math_random(32,128)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "piercing-rounds-magazine", count = math_random(32,128)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "uranium-rounds-magazine", count = math_random(32,128)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "railgun", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "railgun-dart", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "defender-capsule", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "distractor-capsule", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "destroyer-capsule", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, --{{name = "atomic-bomb", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "light-armor", count = 1}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.1}, {{name = "heavy-armor", count = 1}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "modular-armor", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.6}, {{name = "power-armor", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1}, --{{name = "power-armor-mk2", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.9, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "battery-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "battery-mk2-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.6, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "belt-immunity-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, --{{name = "solar-panel-equipment", count = math_random(1,4)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "discharge-defense-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "energy-shield-equipment", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "energy-shield-mk2-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.7, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "exoskeleton-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "fusion-reactor-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, --{{name = "night-vision-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "personal-laser-defense-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "exoskeleton-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "iron-gear-wheel", count = math_random(80,100)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "copper-cable", count = math_random(100,200)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "engine-unit", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "electric-engine-unit", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "battery", count = math_random(50,150)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "advanced-circuit", count = math_random(50,150)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "electronic-circuit", count = math_random(50,150)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.4}, {{name = "processing-unit", count = math_random(50,150)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.7, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "explosives", count = math_random(40,50)}, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "lubricant-barrel", count = math_random(4,10)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "rocket-fuel", count = math_random(4,10)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.7}, --{{name = "computer", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "steel-plate", count = math_random(25,75)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "nuclear-fuel", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.7, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "burner-inserter", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1}, {{name = "inserter", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.4}, {{name = "long-handed-inserter", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.4}, {{name = "fast-inserter", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "filter-inserter", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "stack-filter-inserter", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "stack-inserter", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "small-electric-pole", count = math_random(16,24)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "medium-electric-pole", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "big-electric-pole", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "substation", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "wooden-chest", count = math_random(16,24)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.2}, {{name = "iron-chest", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.4}, {{name = "steel-chest", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "small-lamp", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "rail", count = math_random(25,75)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.6}, {{name = "assembling-machine-1", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "assembling-machine-2", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "assembling-machine-3", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "accumulator", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "offshore-pump", count = math_random(1,3)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1}, {{name = "beacon", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.7, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "boiler", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "steam-engine", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "steam-turbine", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.6, evolution_max = 1}, --{{name = "nuclear-reactor", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.6, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "centrifuge", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.6, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "heat-pipe", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "heat-exchanger", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "arithmetic-combinator", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "constant-combinator", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "decider-combinator", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "power-switch", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "programmable-speaker", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "green-wire", count = math_random(50,99)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "red-wire", count = math_random(50,99)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "chemical-plant", count = math_random(1,3)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "burner-mining-drill", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.2}, {{name = "electric-mining-drill", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.6}, {{name = "express-transport-belt", count = math_random(25,75)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "express-underground-belt", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "express-splitter", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "fast-transport-belt", count = math_random(25,75)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "fast-underground-belt", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "fast-splitter", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "transport-belt", count = math_random(25,75)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "underground-belt", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "splitter", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.3}, --{{name = "oil-refinery", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "pipe", count = math_random(30,50)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "pipe-to-ground", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "pumpjack", count = math_random(1,3)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "pump", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8}, --{{name = "solar-panel", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 0.9}, {{name = "electric-furnace", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "steel-furnace", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "stone-furnace", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1}, {{name = "radar", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "rail-signal", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "rail-chain-signal", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "stone-wall", count = math_random(25,75)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "gate", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "storage-tank", count = math_random(1,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.6}, {{name = "train-stop", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, --{{name = "express-loader", count = math_random(1,3)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, --{{name = "fast-loader", count = math_random(1,3)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, --{{name = "loader", count = math_random(1,3)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "lab", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1}, --{{name = "roboport", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.6, evolution_max = 1}, --{{name = "flamethrower-turret", count = math_random(1,3)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, --{{name = "laser-turret", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "gun-turret", count = math_random(2,6)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.9} } distance_to_center = distance_to_center - spawn_dome_size if distance_to_center < 1 then distance_to_center = 0.1 else distance_to_center = math.sqrt(distance_to_center) / 1250 end if distance_to_center > 1 then distance_to_center = 1 end for _, t in pairs (chest_loot) do for x = 1, t.weight, 1 do if t.evolution_min <= distance_to_center and t.evolution_max >= distance_to_center then table.insert(chest_raffle, t[1]) end end end --game.print(distance_to_center) local n = "wooden-chest" if distance_to_center > 750 then n = "iron-chest" end if distance_to_center > 1250 then n = "steel-chest" end local e = game.surfaces[1].create_entity({name=n, position=position, force="player"}) e.minable = false local i = e.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) for x = 1, math_random(3,5), 1 do local loot = chest_raffle[math_random(1,#chest_raffle)] i.insert(loot) end end function rare_treasure_chest(position) local p = game.surfaces[1].find_non_colliding_position("steel-chest",position, 2,0.5) if not p then return end local rare_treasure_chest_raffle_table = {} local rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights = {} table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'combat-shotgun', count = 1},5}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'piercing-shotgun-shell', count = math_random(16,48)},5}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'flamethrower', count = 1},5}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'rocket-launcher', count = 1},5}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'flamethrower-ammo', count = math_random(16,48)},5}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'rocket', count = math_random(16,48)},5}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'explosive-rocket', count = math_random(16,48)},5}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'modular-armor', count = 1},3}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'power-armor', count = 1},1}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'uranium-rounds-magazine', count = math_random(16,48)},3}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'piercing-rounds-magazine', count = math_random(64,128)},3}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'railgun', count = 1},4}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'railgun-dart', count = math_random(16,48)},4}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'exoskeleton-equipment', count = 1},2}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'defender-capsule', count = math_random(8,16)},5}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'distractor-capsule', count = math_random(4,8)},4}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'destroyer-capsule', count = math_random(4,8)},3}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights, {{name = 'atomic-bomb', count = 1},1}) for _, t in pairs (rare_treasure_chest_loot_weights) do for x = 1, t[2], 1 do table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_raffle_table, t[1]) end end local e = game.surfaces[1].create_entity {name="steel-chest",position=p, force="player"} e.minable = false local i = e.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) for x = 1, math_random(2,3), 1 do local loot = rare_treasure_chest_raffle_table[math_random(1,#rare_treasure_chest_raffle_table)] i.insert(loot) end end local function secret_shop(pos) local secret_market_items = { {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(250,450)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'combat-shotgun'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(250,450)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'flamethrower'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(75,125)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'rocket-launcher'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(2,4)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'piercing-rounds-magazine'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(8,16)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'uranium-rounds-magazine'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(8,16)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'piercing-shotgun-shell'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(6,12)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'flamethrower-ammo'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(8,16)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'rocket'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(10,20)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'explosive-rocket'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(15,30)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'explosive-cannon-shell'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(25,35)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'explosive-uranium-cannon-shell'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(20,40)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'cluster-grenade'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(1,3)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'land-mine'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(250,500)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'modular-armor'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(1500,3000)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'power-armor'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(15000,20000)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'power-armor-mk2'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(4000,7000)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'fusion-reactor-equipment'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(50,100)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'battery-equipment'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(700,1100)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'battery-mk2-equipment'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(400,700)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'belt-immunity-equipment'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(12000,16000)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'night-vision-equipment'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(300,500)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'exoskeleton-equipment'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(350,500)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'personal-roboport-equipment'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(25,50)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'construction-robot'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(250,450)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'energy-shield-equipment'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(350,550)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'personal-laser-defense-equipment'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(125,250)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'railgun'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(2,4)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'railgun-dart'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(100,175)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'loader'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(200,350)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'fast-loader'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", math_random(400,600)}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'express-loader'}} } secret_market_items = shuffle(secret_market_items) local surface = game.surfaces[1] local market = surface.create_entity {name = "market", position = pos} market.destructible = false if enable_fishbank_terminal then market.add_market_item({price = {}, offer = {type = 'nothing', effect_description = 'Deposit Fish'}}) market.add_market_item({price = {}, offer = {type = 'nothing', effect_description = 'Withdraw Fish - 1% Bank Fee'}}) market.add_market_item({price = {}, offer = {type = 'nothing', effect_description = 'Show Account Balance'}}) end for i = 1, math_random(8,12), 1 do market.add_market_item(secret_market_items[i]) end end local function on_chunk_generated(event) if not global.noise_seed then global.noise_seed = math_random(1,5000000) end local surface = game.surfaces[1] local noise = {} local tiles = {} local enemy_building_positions = {} local enemy_worm_positions = {} local enemy_can_place_worm_positions = {} local rock_positions = {} local fish_positions = {} local rare_treasure_chest_positions = {} local treasure_chest_positions = {} local secret_shop_locations = {} local extra_tree_positions = {} local spawn_tree_positions = {} local tile_to_insert = false local entity_has_been_placed = false local pos_x = 0 local pos_y = 0 local tile_distance_to_center = 0 local entities = surface.find_entities(event.area) for _, e in pairs(entities) do if e.type == "resource" or e.type == "tree" or e.force.name == "enemy" then e.destroy() end end local noise_seed_add = 25000 local current_noise_seed_add = noise_seed_add local m1 = 0.13 local m2 = 0.13 --10 local m3 = 0.10 --07 for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do pos_x = event.area.left_top.x + x pos_y = event.area.left_top.y + y tile_distance_to_center = pos_x^2 + pos_y^2 noise[1] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x/350, pos_y/350,global.noise_seed+current_noise_seed_add) current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add noise[2] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x/200, pos_y/200,global.noise_seed+current_noise_seed_add) current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add noise[3] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x/50, pos_y/50,global.noise_seed+current_noise_seed_add) current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add noise[4] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x/20, pos_y/20,global.noise_seed+current_noise_seed_add) current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add local cave_noise = noise[1] + noise[2]*0.35 + noise[3]*0.05 + noise[4]*0.015 noise[1] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x/120, pos_y/120,global.noise_seed+current_noise_seed_add) current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add noise[2] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x/60, pos_y/60,global.noise_seed+current_noise_seed_add) current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add noise[3] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x/40, pos_y/40,global.noise_seed+current_noise_seed_add) current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add noise[4] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x/20, pos_y/20,global.noise_seed+current_noise_seed_add) current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add local cave_noise_2 = noise[1] + noise[2]*0.30 + noise[3]*0.20 + noise[4]*0.09 noise[1] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x/50, pos_y/50,global.noise_seed+current_noise_seed_add) current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add noise[2] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x/30, pos_y/30,global.noise_seed+current_noise_seed_add) current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add noise[3] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x/20, pos_y/20,global.noise_seed+current_noise_seed_add) current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add noise[4] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x/10, pos_y/10,global.noise_seed+current_noise_seed_add) current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add local cave_noise_3 = noise[1] + noise[2]*0.5 + noise[3]*0.25 + noise[4]*0.1 current_noise_seed_add = noise_seed_add tile_to_insert = false if tile_distance_to_center > spawn_dome_size then if tile_distance_to_center > (spawn_dome_size + 5000) * (cave_noise_3 * 0.05 + 1.1) then if cave_noise > 1 then tile_to_insert = "deepwater" table.insert(fish_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) else if cave_noise > 0.98 then tile_to_insert = "water" else if cave_noise > 0.82 then tile_to_insert = "grass-1" table.insert(enemy_building_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) table.insert(enemy_can_place_worm_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) --tile_to_insert = "grass-4" --if cave_noise > 0.88 then tile_to_insert = "grass-2" end if cave_noise > 0.94 then table.insert(extra_tree_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) table.insert(secret_shop_locations, {pos_x,pos_y}) end else if cave_noise > 0.72 then tile_to_insert = "dirt-6" if cave_noise < 0.79 then table.insert(rock_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) end end end end if cave_noise < -0.80 then tile_to_insert = "dirt-6" if noise[3] > 0.18 or noise[3] < -0.18 then table.insert(rock_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) table.insert(enemy_worm_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) table.insert(enemy_worm_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) table.insert(enemy_worm_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) else tile_to_insert = "sand-3" table.insert(treasure_chest_positions, {{pos_x,pos_y}, tile_distance_to_center}) table.insert(treasure_chest_positions, {{pos_x,pos_y}, tile_distance_to_center}) table.insert(treasure_chest_positions, {{pos_x,pos_y}, tile_distance_to_center}) table.insert(treasure_chest_positions, {{pos_x,pos_y}, tile_distance_to_center}) table.insert(rare_treasure_chest_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) end else if cave_noise < -0.75 then tile_to_insert = "dirt-6" if cave_noise > -0.78 then table.insert(rock_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) end end end end end if tile_to_insert == false then if cave_noise < m1 and cave_noise > m1*-1 then tile_to_insert = "dirt-7" if cave_noise < 0.06 and cave_noise > -0.06 and noise[1] > 0.4 and tile_distance_to_center > spawn_dome_size + 5000 then table.insert(enemy_can_place_worm_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) table.insert(enemy_can_place_worm_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) table.insert(enemy_can_place_worm_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) table.insert(enemy_can_place_worm_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) table.insert(enemy_building_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) table.insert(enemy_building_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) table.insert(enemy_building_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) table.insert(enemy_building_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) table.insert(enemy_building_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) else table.insert(rock_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) if math_random(1,3) == 1 then table.insert(enemy_worm_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) end end if cave_noise_2 > 0.85 and tile_distance_to_center > spawn_dome_size + 25000 then if math_random(1,48) == 1 then local p = surface.find_non_colliding_position("crude-oil",{pos_x,pos_y}, 5,1) if p then surface.create_entity {name="crude-oil", position=p, amount=math.floor(math_random(25000+tile_distance_to_center*0.5,50000+tile_distance_to_center),0)} end end end else if cave_noise_2 < m2 and cave_noise_2 > m2*-1 then tile_to_insert = "dirt-4" table.insert(rock_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) table.insert(treasure_chest_positions, {{pos_x,pos_y}, tile_distance_to_center}) else if cave_noise_3 < m3 and cave_noise_3 > m3*-1 and cave_noise_2 < m2+0.3 and cave_noise_2 > (m2*-1)-0.3 then tile_to_insert = "dirt-2" table.insert(rock_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) table.insert(treasure_chest_positions, {{pos_x,pos_y}, tile_distance_to_center}) table.insert(treasure_chest_positions, {{pos_x,pos_y}, tile_distance_to_center}) table.insert(treasure_chest_positions, {{pos_x,pos_y}, tile_distance_to_center}) end end end end if tile_distance_to_center < spawn_dome_size * (cave_noise_3 * 0.05 + 1.1) then if tile_to_insert == false then table.insert(rock_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) end tile_to_insert = "dirt-7" end else if tile_distance_to_center < 750 * (1 + cave_noise_3 * 0.8) then tile_to_insert = "water" table.insert(fish_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) else tile_to_insert = "grass-1" if cave_noise_3 > 0 and tile_distance_to_center + 3000 < spawn_dome_size then table.insert(spawn_tree_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) end end end if tile_distance_to_center < spawn_dome_size and tile_distance_to_center > spawn_dome_size - 500 and tile_to_insert == "grass-1" then table.insert(rock_positions, {pos_x,pos_y}) end if tile_to_insert == false then table.insert(tiles, {name = "out-of-map", position = {pos_x,pos_y}}) else table.insert(tiles, {name = tile_to_insert, position = {pos_x,pos_y}}) end end end surface.set_tiles(tiles,true) for _, k in pairs(treasure_chest_positions) do if math_random(1,800)==1 then treasure_chest(k[1], k[2]) end end for _, p in pairs(rare_treasure_chest_positions) do if math_random(1,100)==1 then rare_treasure_chest(p) end end for _, p in pairs(rock_positions) do local x = math_random(1,100) if x < global.rock_density then surface.create_entity {name=global.rock_raffle[math_random(1,#global.rock_raffle)], position=p} end --[[ local z = 1 if p[2] % 2 == 1 then z = 0 end if p[1] % 2 == z then surface.create_entity {name=global.rock_raffle[math_random(1,#global.rock_raffle)], position=p} end ]]-- end for _, p in pairs(enemy_building_positions) do if math_random(1,50)==1 then local pos = surface.find_non_colliding_position("biter-spawner", p, 8, 1) if pos then if math_random(1,3) == 1 then surface.create_entity {name="spitter-spawner",position=pos} else surface.create_entity {name="biter-spawner",position=pos} end end end end for _, p in pairs(enemy_worm_positions) do if math_random(1,300)==1 then local tile_distance_to_center = math.sqrt(p[1]^2 + p[2]^2) if tile_distance_to_center > global.worm_free_zone_radius then local raffle_index = math.ceil((tile_distance_to_center-global.worm_free_zone_radius)*0.01, 0) if raffle_index < 1 then raffle_index = 1 end if raffle_index > 10 then raffle_index = 10 end local entity_name = worm_raffle_table[raffle_index][math_random(1,#worm_raffle_table[raffle_index])] surface.create_entity {name=entity_name, position=p} end end end for _, p in pairs(enemy_can_place_worm_positions) do if math_random(1,30)==1 then local tile_distance_to_center = math.sqrt(p[1]^2 + p[2]^2) if tile_distance_to_center > global.worm_free_zone_radius then local raffle_index = math.ceil((tile_distance_to_center-global.worm_free_zone_radius)*0.01, 0) if raffle_index < 1 then raffle_index = 1 end if raffle_index > 10 then raffle_index = 10 end local entity_name = worm_raffle_table[raffle_index][math_random(1,#worm_raffle_table[raffle_index])] if surface.can_place_entity({name=entity_name, position=p}) then surface.create_entity {name=entity_name, position=p} end end end end for _, p in pairs(fish_positions) do if math_random(1,16)==1 then if surface.can_place_entity({name="fish",position=p}) then surface.create_entity {name="fish",position=p} end end end for _, p in pairs(secret_shop_locations) do if math_random(1,10)==1 then if surface.count_entities_filtered{area={{p[1]-125,p[2]-125},{p[1]+125,p[2]+125}}, name="market", limit=1} == 0 then secret_shop(p) end end end for _, p in pairs(spawn_tree_positions) do if math_random(1,6)==1 then surface.create_entity {name="tree-04",position=p} end end for _, p in pairs(extra_tree_positions) do if math_random(1,20)==1 then surface.create_entity {name="tree-02",position=p} end end local decorative_names = {} for k,v in pairs(game.decorative_prototypes) do if v.autoplace_specification then decorative_names[#decorative_names+1] = k end end surface.regenerate_decorative(decorative_names, {{x=math.floor(event.area.left_top.x/32),y=math.floor(event.area.left_top.y/32)}}) end local function hunger_update(player, food_value) if food_value == -1 and player.character.driving == true then return end local past_hunger = global.player_hunger[player.name] global.player_hunger[player.name] = global.player_hunger[player.name] + food_value if global.player_hunger[player.name] > 200 then global.player_hunger[player.name] = 200 end if past_hunger == 200 and global.player_hunger[player.name] + food_value > 200 then global.player_hunger[player.name] = player_hunger_spawn_value player.character.die("player") local t = {" ate too much and exploded.", " should have gone on a diet.", " needs to work on their bad eating habbits.", " should have skipped dinner today."} game.print(player.name .. t[math_random(1,#t)], { r=0.75, g=0.0, b=0.0}) end if global.player_hunger[player.name] < 1 then global.player_hunger[player.name] = player_hunger_spawn_value player.character.die("player") local t = {" ran out of foodstamps.", " starved.", " should not have skipped breakfast today."} game.print(player.name .. t[math_random(1,#t)], { r=0.75, g=0.0, b=0.0}) end if player.character then if player_hunger_stages[global.player_hunger[player.name]] ~= player_hunger_stages[past_hunger] then local print_message = "You feel " .. player_hunger_stages[global.player_hunger[player.name]] .. "." if player_hunger_stages[global.player_hunger[player.name]] == "Obese" then print_message = "You have become " .. player_hunger_stages[global.player_hunger[player.name]] .. "." end if player_hunger_stages[global.player_hunger[player.name]] == "Starving" then print_message = "You are starving!" end player.print(print_message, player_hunger_color_list[global.player_hunger[player.name]]) end end player.character.character_running_speed_modifier = player_hunger_buff[global.player_hunger[player.name]] * 0.5 player.character.character_mining_speed_modifier = player_hunger_buff[global.player_hunger[player.name]] end local function on_player_joined_game(event) local surface = game.surfaces[1] local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not global.cave_miner_init_done then local p = surface.find_non_colliding_position("player", {0,-40}, 10, 1) game.forces["player"].set_spawn_position(p,surface) player.teleport(p) surface.daytime = 0.5 surface.freeze_daytime = 1 game.forces["player"].technologies["landfill"].enabled = false game.forces["player"].technologies["night-vision-equipment"].enabled = false game.forces["player"].technologies["artillery-shell-range-1"].enabled = false game.forces["player"].technologies["artillery-shell-speed-1"].enabled = false game.forces["player"].technologies["artillery"].enabled = false game.forces["player"].technologies["atomic-bomb"].enabled = false game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.destroy_factor = 0.004 global.cave_miner_map_info = [[ Delve deep for greater treasures, but also face increased dangers. Mining productivity research, will overhaul your mining equipment, reinforcing your pickaxe as well as increasing the size of your backpack. Breaking rocks is exhausting and might make you hungry. So don´t forget to eat some fish once in a while to stay well fed. But be careful, eating too much might have it´s consequences too. As you dig, you will encounter black bedrock that is just too solid for your pickaxe. Some explosives could even break through the impassable dark rock. All they need is a container and a well aimed shot. Darkness is a hazard in the mines, stay near your lamps.. ]] global.player_hunger = {} global.damaged_rocks = {} global.biter_spawn_amount_weights = {} global.biter_spawn_amount_weights[1] = {64, 1} global.biter_spawn_amount_weights[2] = {32, 4} global.biter_spawn_amount_weights[3] = {16, 8} global.biter_spawn_amount_weights[4] = {8, 16} global.biter_spawn_amount_weights[5] = {4, 32} global.biter_spawn_amount_weights[6] = {2, 64} global.biter_spawn_amount_raffle = {} for _, t in pairs (global.biter_spawn_amount_weights) do for x = 1, t[2], 1 do table.insert(global.biter_spawn_amount_raffle, t[1]) end end global.rock_density = 62 ---- insert value up to 100 global.rock_raffle = {"sand-rock-big","sand-rock-big","rock-big","rock-big","rock-big","rock-big","rock-big","rock-big","rock-huge"} global.worm_free_zone_radius = math.sqrt(spawn_dome_size) + 40 global.biter_spawn_schedule = {} global.ore_spill_cap = 35 global.stats_rocks_broken = 0 global.stats_ores_found = 0 global.total_ores_mined = 0 global.rock_mining_chance_weights = {} global.rock_mining_chance_weights[1] = {"iron-ore",25} global.rock_mining_chance_weights[2] = {"copper-ore",18} global.rock_mining_chance_weights[3] = {"coal",14} global.rock_mining_chance_weights[4] = {"uranium-ore",3} global.rock_mining_raffle_table = {} for _, t in pairs (global.rock_mining_chance_weights) do for x = 1, t[2], 1 do table.insert(global.rock_mining_raffle_table, t[1]) end end global.darkness_threat_level = {} global.cave_miner_init_done = true end if player.online_time < 10 then create_cave_miner_info(player) global.player_hunger[player.name] = player_hunger_spawn_value hunger_update(player, 0) global.darkness_threat_level[player.name] = 0 player.insert {name = 'pistol', count = 1} --player.insert {name = 'raw-fish', count = 1} player.insert {name = 'firearm-magazine', count = 16} player.insert {name = 'iron-axe', count = 1} end create_cave_miner_button(player) create_cave_miner_stats_gui(player) end local function spawn_cave_inhabitant(pos, target_position) if not pos.x then return nil end if not pos.y then return nil end local surface = game.surfaces[1] local tile_distance_to_center = math.sqrt(pos.x^2 + pos.y^2) local rock_inhabitants_index = math.ceil((tile_distance_to_center-math.sqrt(spawn_dome_size))*0.015, 0) if rock_inhabitants_index < 1 then rock_inhabitants_index = 1 end if rock_inhabitants_index > #rock_inhabitants then rock_inhabitants_index = #rock_inhabitants end local entity_name = rock_inhabitants[rock_inhabitants_index][math_random(1,#rock_inhabitants[rock_inhabitants_index])] local p = surface.find_non_colliding_position(entity_name , pos, 6, 0.5) local biter = 1 if p then biter = surface.create_entity {name=entity_name, position=p} end if target_position then biter.set_command({type=defines.command.attack_area, destination=target_position, radius=5, distraction=defines.distraction.by_anything}) end if not target_position then biter.set_command({type=defines.command.attack_area, destination=game.forces["player"].get_spawn_position(surface), radius=5, distraction=defines.distraction.by_anything}) end end local function find_first_entity_spiral_scan(pos, entities, range) if not pos then return end if not entities then return end if not range then return end local surface = game.surfaces[1] local out_of_map_count = 0 local out_of_map_cap = 1 for z = 2,range,2 do pos.y = pos.y - 1 pos.x = pos.x - 1 for modifier = 1, -1, -2 do for x = 1, z, 1 do pos.x = pos.x + modifier local t = surface.get_tile(pos) if t.name == "out-of-map" then out_of_map_count = out_of_map_count + 1 end if out_of_map_count > out_of_map_cap then return end local e = surface.find_entities_filtered {position = pos, name = entities} if e[1] then return e[1].position end end for y = 1, z, 1 do pos.y = pos.y + modifier local t = surface.get_tile(pos) if t.name == "out-of-map" then out_of_map_count = out_of_map_count + 1 end if out_of_map_count > out_of_map_cap then return end local e = surface.find_entities_filtered {position = pos, name = entities} if e[1] then return e[1].position end end if out_of_map_count > out_of_map_cap then return end end if out_of_map_count > out_of_map_cap then return end end end local function biter_attack_event() local surface = game.surfaces[1] local valid_positions = {} for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do if player.character.driving == false then local position = {x = player.position.x, y = player.position.y} local p = find_first_entity_spiral_scan(position, {"rock-huge", "rock-big", "sand-rock-big"}, 32) if p then if p.x^2 + p.y^2 > spawn_dome_size then table.insert(valid_positions, p) end end end end if valid_positions[1] then if #valid_positions == 1 then for x = 1, global.biter_spawn_amount_raffle[math_random(1,#global.biter_spawn_amount_raffle)],1 do table.insert(global.biter_spawn_schedule, {game.tick + 20*x, valid_positions[1]}) end end if #valid_positions > 1 then for y = math_random(1,2), #valid_positions, 2 do if y > #valid_positions then break end for x = 1, global.biter_spawn_amount_raffle[math_random(1,#global.biter_spawn_amount_raffle)],1 do table.insert(global.biter_spawn_schedule, {game.tick + 20*x, valid_positions[y]}) end end end end end local function darkness_events() for _, p in pairs (game.connected_players) do if global.darkness_threat_level[p.name] > 4 then for x = 1, 2 + global.darkness_threat_level[p.name], 1 do spawn_cave_inhabitant(p.position) end local biters_found = game.surfaces[1].find_enemy_units(p.position, 12, "player") if p.character then for _, biter in pairs(biters_found) do biter.set_command({type=defines.command.attack, target=p.character, distraction=defines.distraction.none}) end p.character.damage(math_random(global.darkness_threat_level[p.name]*2,global.darkness_threat_level[p.name]*3),"enemy") end end if global.darkness_threat_level[p.name] == 2 then p.print(darkness_messages[math_random(1,#darkness_messages)],{ r=0.65, g=0.0, b=0.0}) end global.darkness_threat_level[p.name] = global.darkness_threat_level[p.name] + 1 end end local function darkness_checks() for _, p in pairs (game.connected_players) do if p.character then p.character.disable_flashlight() end local tile_distance_to_center = math.sqrt(p.position.x^2 + p.position.y^2) if tile_distance_to_center < math.sqrt(spawn_dome_size) then global.darkness_threat_level[p.name] = 0 else if p.character and p.character.driving == true then global.darkness_threat_level[p.name] = 0 else local light_source_entities = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{area={{p.position.x-12,p.position.y-12},{p.position.x+12,p.position.y+12}}, name="small-lamp"} for _, lamp in pairs (light_source_entities) do local circuit = lamp.get_or_create_control_behavior() if circuit then if lamp.energy > 50 and circuit.disabled == false then global.darkness_threat_level[p.name] = 0 break end else if lamp.energy > 50 then global.darkness_threat_level[p.name] = 0 break end end end end end end end local healing_amount = { ["rock-big"] = 4, ["sand-rock-big"] = 4, ["rock-huge"] = 16 } local function heal_rocks() for key, rock in pairs(global.damaged_rocks) do if rock.last_damage + 300 < game.tick then if rock.entity.valid then rock.entity.health = rock.entity.health + healing_amount[rock.entity.name] if rock.entity.prototype.max_health == rock.entity.health then global.damaged_rocks[key] = nil end else global.damaged_rocks[key] = nil end end end end local function on_tick(event) if game.tick % 30 == 0 then if global.biter_spawn_schedule then for x = 1, #global.biter_spawn_schedule, 1 do if global.biter_spawn_schedule[x] then if game.tick >= global.biter_spawn_schedule[x][1] then local pos = {x = global.biter_spawn_schedule[x][2].x, y = global.biter_spawn_schedule[x][2].y} global.biter_spawn_schedule[x] = nil spawn_cave_inhabitant(pos) end end end end end if game.tick % 240 == 0 then darkness_checks() darkness_events() heal_rocks() end if game.tick % 5400 == 2700 then for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do if player.afk_time < 18000 then hunger_update(player, -1) end end refresh_gui() if math_random(1,2) == 1 then biter_attack_event() end end if game.tick == 30 then local surface = game.surfaces[1] local p = game.surfaces[1].find_non_colliding_position("market",{0,-15},60,0.5) local market = surface.create_entity {name = "market", position = p} market.destructible = false if enable_fishbank_terminal then market.add_market_item({price = {}, offer = {type = 'nothing', effect_description = 'Deposit Fish'}}) market.add_market_item({price = {}, offer = {type = 'nothing', effect_description = 'Withdraw Fish - 1% Bank Fee'}}) market.add_market_item({price = {}, offer = {type = 'nothing', effect_description = 'Show Account Balance'}}) end for _, item in pairs(market_items.spawn) do market.add_market_item(item) end surface.regenerate_entity({"rock-big","rock-huge"}) end end local disabled_for_deconstruction = { ["fish"] = true, ["rock-huge"] = true, ["rock-big"] = true, ["sand-rock-big"] = true, ["tree-02"] = true, ["tree-04"] = true } local function on_marked_for_deconstruction(event) if disabled_for_deconstruction[event.entity.name] then event.entity.cancel_deconstruction(game.players[event.player_index].force.name) end end local treasure_chest_messages = { "You notice an old crate within the rubble. It's filled with treasure!", "You find a chest underneath the broken rocks. It's filled with goodies!", "We has found the precious!" } local function pre_player_mined_item(event) local surface = game.surfaces[1] local player = game.players[event.player_index] if math_random(1,12) == 1 then if event.entity.name == "rock-huge" or event.entity.name == "rock-big" or event.entity.name == "sand-rock-big" then for x = 1, math_random(6, 10), 1 do table.insert(global.biter_spawn_schedule, {game.tick + 15*x, event.entity.position}) end end end if event.entity.type == "tree" then surface.spill_item_stack(player.position,{name = "raw-fish", count = math.random(1,2)},true) end if event.entity.name == "rock-huge" or event.entity.name == "rock-big" or event.entity.name == "sand-rock-big" then local rock_position = {x = event.entity.position.x, y = event.entity.position.y} event.entity.destroy() local distance_to_center = rock_position.x ^ 2 + rock_position.y ^ 2 if math_random(1, 250) == 1 then treasure_chest(rock_position, distance_to_center) player.print(treasure_chest_messages[math_random(1, #treasure_chest_messages)], { r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22}) end local tile_distance_to_center = math.sqrt(rock_position.x^2 + rock_position.y^2) if tile_distance_to_center > 1450 then tile_distance_to_center = 1450 end if math_random(1,3) == 1 then hunger_update(player, -1) end surface.spill_item_stack(player.position,{name = "raw-fish", count = math_random(3,4)},true) local bonus_amount = math.ceil((tile_distance_to_center - math.sqrt(spawn_dome_size)) * 0.10, 0) if bonus_amount < 1 then bonus_amount = 0 end local amount = (math_random(45,55) + bonus_amount)*(1+game.forces.player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus) amount = math.round(amount, 0) amount_of_stone = math.round(amount * 0.15,0) global.stats_ores_found = global.stats_ores_found + amount + amount_of_stone local mined_loot = global.rock_mining_raffle_table[math_random(1,#global.rock_mining_raffle_table)] if amount > global.ore_spill_cap then surface.spill_item_stack(rock_position,{name = mined_loot, count = global.ore_spill_cap},true) amount = amount - global.ore_spill_cap local i = player.insert {name = mined_loot, count = amount} amount = amount - i if amount > 0 then surface.spill_item_stack(rock_position,{name = mined_loot, count = amount},true) end else surface.spill_item_stack(rock_position,{name = mined_loot, count = amount},true) end if amount_of_stone > global.ore_spill_cap then surface.spill_item_stack(rock_position,{name = "stone", count = global.ore_spill_cap},true) amount_of_stone = amount_of_stone - global.ore_spill_cap local i = player.insert {name = "stone", count = amount_of_stone} amount_of_stone = amount_of_stone - i if amount_of_stone > 0 then surface.spill_item_stack(rock_position,{name = "stone", count = amount_of_stone},true) end else surface.spill_item_stack(rock_position,{name = "stone", count = amount_of_stone},true) end global.stats_rocks_broken = global.stats_rocks_broken + 1 refresh_gui() if math_random(1,32) == 1 then local p = {x = rock_position.x, y = rock_position.y} local tile_distance_to_center = p.x^2 + p.y^2 if tile_distance_to_center > spawn_dome_size + 100 then local radius = 32 if surface.count_entities_filtered{area={{p.x - radius,p.y - radius},{p.x + radius,p.y + radius}}, type="resource", limit=1} == 0 then local size_raffle = {{"huge", 33, 42},{"big", 17, 32},{"", 8, 16},{"tiny", 3, 7}} local size = size_raffle[math_random(1,#size_raffle)] local ore_prints = {coal = {"dark", "Coal"}, ["iron-ore"] = {"shiny", "Iron"}, ["copper-ore"] = {"glimmering", "Copper"}, ["uranium-ore"] = {"glowing", "Uranium"}} player.print("You notice something " .. ore_prints[mined_loot][1] .. " underneath the rubble covered floor. It's a " .. size[1] .. " vein of " .. ore_prints[mined_loot][2] .. "!!", { r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22}) tile_distance_to_center = math.sqrt(tile_distance_to_center) local ore_entities_placed = 0 local modifier_raffle = {{0,-1},{-1,0},{1,0},{0,1}} while ore_entities_placed < math_random(size[2],size[3]) do local a = math.ceil((math_random(tile_distance_to_center*4, tile_distance_to_center*5)) / 1 + ore_entities_placed * 0.5, 0) for x = 1, 150, 1 do local m = modifier_raffle[math_random(1,#modifier_raffle)] local pos = {x = p.x + m[1], y = p.y + m[2]} if surface.can_place_entity({name=mined_loot, position=pos, amount=a}) then surface.create_entity {name=mined_loot, position=pos, amount=a} p = pos break end end ore_entities_placed = ore_entities_placed + 1 end end end end end end local function on_player_mined_entity(event) if event.entity.name == "rock-huge" or event.entity.name == "rock-big" or event.entity.name == "sand-rock-big" then event.buffer.clear() end if event.entity.name == "fish" then if math_random(1,2) == 1 then local player = game.players[event.player_index] local health = player.character.health player.character.damage(math_random(50,150),"enemy") if not player.character then game.print(player.name .. " should have kept their hands out of the foggy lake waters.",{ r=0.75, g=0.0, b=0.0} ) else if health > 200 then player.print("You got bitten by an angry cave piranha.",{ r=0.75, g=0.0, b=0.0}) else local messages = {"Ouch.. That hurt! Better be careful now.", "Just a fleshwound.", "Better keep those hands to yourself or you might loose them."} player.print(messages[math_random(1,#messages)],{ r=0.75, g=0.0, b=0.0}) end end end end end local function on_entity_damaged(event) if not event.entity.valid then return end if event.entity.name == "rock-huge" or event.entity.name == "rock-big" or event.entity.name == "sand-rock-big" then local rock_is_alive = true if event.force.name == "enemy" then event.entity.health = event.entity.health + (event.final_damage_amount - 0.2) if event.entity.health <= event.final_damage_amount then rock_is_alive = false end end if event.force.name == "player" then event.entity.health = event.entity.health + (event.final_damage_amount * 0.8) if event.entity.health <= event.final_damage_amount then rock_is_alive = false end end if event.entity.health <= 0 then rock_is_alive = false end if rock_is_alive then global.damaged_rocks[tostring(event.entity.position.x) .. tostring(event.entity.position.y)] = {last_damage = game.tick, entity = event.entity} else global.damaged_rocks[tostring(event.entity.position.x) .. tostring(event.entity.position.y)] = nil if event.force.name == "player" then if math_random(1,12) == 1 then for x = 1, math_random(6,10), 1 do table.insert(global.biter_spawn_schedule, {game.tick + 10*x, event.entity.position}) end end end local p = {x = event.entity.position.x, y = event.entity.position.y} local drop_amount = math_random(4, 8) event.entity.destroy() game.surfaces[1].spill_item_stack(p,{name = "stone", count = drop_amount},true) local drop_amount_ore = math_random(16, 32) local ore = global.rock_mining_raffle_table[math_random(1, #global.rock_mining_raffle_table)] game.surfaces[1].spill_item_stack(p,{name = ore, count = drop_amount_ore},true) global.stats_rocks_broken = global.stats_rocks_broken + 1 global.stats_ores_found = global.stats_ores_found + drop_amount + drop_amount_ore --refresh_gui() end end end local function on_player_respawned(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] player.character.disable_flashlight() global.player_hunger[player.name] = player_hunger_spawn_value hunger_update(player, 0) refresh_gui() end local function on_research_finished(event) game.forces.player.manual_mining_speed_modifier = game.forces.player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus * 4 game.forces.player.character_inventory_slots_bonus = game.forces.player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus * 500 refresh_gui() end local function on_gui_click(event) if not event then return end if not event.element then return end if not event.element.valid then return end local player = game.players[event.element.player_index] local name = event.element.name local frame = player.gui.top["caver_miner_stats_frame"] if name == "caver_miner_stats_toggle_button" and frame == nil then create_cave_miner_stats_gui(player) end if name == "caver_miner_stats_toggle_button" and frame then if player.gui.left["cave_miner_info"] then frame.destroy() player.gui.top["hunger_frame"].destroy() player.gui.left["cave_miner_info"].destroy() else create_cave_miner_info(player) end end if name == "close_cave_miner_info" then player.gui.left["cave_miner_info"].destroy() end end local function on_player_used_capsule(event) if event.item.name == "raw-fish" then local player = game.players[event.player_index] hunger_update(player, player_hunger_fish_food_value) player.play_sound{path="utility/armor_insert", volume_modifier=1} refresh_gui() end end local bank_messages = { "Caves are dangerous. Did you hear about our insurance programs?", "Get your wealth flowing today with Fishbank!", "Hungry? Take a look at our credit offers! No questions asked.", "Fishbank. The only choice.", "Smart miners use Fishbank!", "Your wealth is safe with Fishbank!", "Fishbank, because inventory space matters!", "Have you heard of our Caviar Card? Don't ask, we will ask you..", "9 out of 10 felines only trust in Fishbank." } local function on_market_item_purchased(event) if not enable_fishbank_terminal then return end local player = game.players[event.player_index] local market = event.market local offer_index = event.offer_index local count = event.count local offers = market.get_market_items() local bought_offer = offers[offer_index].offer if bought_offer.type ~= "nothing" then return end if not global.fish_bank then global.fish_bank = {} end if not global.fish_bank[player.name] then global.fish_bank[player.name] = 0 end if offer_index == 1 then local fish_removed = player.remove_item({name = "raw-fish", count = 999999}) if fish_removed == 0 then return end global.fish_bank[player.name] = global.fish_bank[player.name] + fish_removed player.print(fish_removed .. " Fish deposited into your account. Your balance is " .. global.fish_bank[player.name] .. ".", {r=0.10, g=0.75, b=0.5}) player.print(bank_messages[math_random(1,#bank_messages)], { r=0.77, g=0.77, b=0.77}) player.surface.create_entity({name = "flying-text", position = player.position, text = tostring(fish_removed .. " Fish deposited"), color = {r=0.10, g=0.75, b=0.5}}) end if offer_index == 2 then if global.fish_bank[player.name] == 0 then player.print("No fish in your Bank account :(", { r=0.10, g=0.75, b=0.5}) return end local requested_withdraw_amount = 500 local fee = 10 if global.fish_bank[player.name] < requested_withdraw_amount + fee then fee = math.ceil(global.fish_bank[player.name] * 0.01, 0) if global.fish_bank[player.name] < 10 then fee = 0 end requested_withdraw_amount = global.fish_bank[player.name] - fee end local fish_withdrawn = player.insert({name = "raw-fish", count = requested_withdraw_amount}) if fish_withdrawn ~= requested_withdraw_amount then player.remove_item({name = "raw-fish", count = fish_withdrawn}) return end global.fish_bank[player.name] = global.fish_bank[player.name] - (fish_withdrawn + fee) player.print(fish_withdrawn .. " Fish withdrawn from your account. Your balance is " .. global.fish_bank[player.name] .. ".", { r=0.10, g=0.75, b=0.5}) player.print(bank_messages[math_random(1,#bank_messages)], { r=0.77, g=0.77, b=0.77}) player.surface.create_entity({name = "flying-text", position = player.position, text = tostring(fish_withdrawn .. " Fish withdrawn"), color = {r=0.10, g=0.75, b=0.5}}) end if offer_index == 3 then player.print("Your balance is " .. global.fish_bank[player.name] .. " Fish.", { r=0.10, g=0.75, b=0.5}) end end Event.add(defines.events.on_market_item_purchased, on_market_item_purchased) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_used_capsule, on_player_used_capsule) Event.add(defines.events.on_gui_click, on_gui_click) Event.add(defines.events.on_research_finished, on_research_finished) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_respawned, on_player_respawned) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_mined_entity, on_player_mined_entity) Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_damaged, on_entity_damaged) Event.add(defines.events.on_pre_player_mined_item, pre_player_mined_item) Event.add(defines.events.on_marked_for_deconstruction, on_marked_for_deconstruction) Event.add(defines.events.on_chunk_generated, on_chunk_generated) Event.add(defines.events.on_tick, on_tick) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, on_player_joined_game)