--luacheck: ignore local Scheduler = require 'utils.scheduler' local table_insert = table.insert local string_find = string.find local len = string.len local Public = {} function Public.get_crafting_machines_for_recipe(force_name, recipe) local item_whitelist = global.fjei.item_whitelist[force_name] local crafting_machines = global.fjei.crafting_machines local recipe_category = recipe.category local result = {} local i = 1 for _, name in pairs(crafting_machines) do if item_whitelist[name] or name == 'character' then local crafting_categories = game.entity_prototypes[name].crafting_categories for category, _ in pairs(crafting_categories) do if recipe_category == category then result[i] = name i = i + 1 break end end end end return result end local function set_crafting_machines() global.fjei.crafting_machines = {} local list = global.fjei.crafting_machines local i = 1 for _, prototype in pairs(game.entity_prototypes) do if prototype.crafting_categories then list[i] = prototype.name i = i + 1 end end end local uncommon_recipes = {'compressing', 'barrel', 'canister', 'void', 'blackhole'} local function is_uncommon_recipe(recipe_name) for _, name in pairs(uncommon_recipes) do local a, b = string_find(recipe_name, name, 1, true) if a then return true end end end local function shift_uncommon_recipe_names(tbl) local list_common = {} local list_uncommon = {} for key, recipe_name in pairs(tbl) do if is_uncommon_recipe(recipe_name) then table_insert(list_uncommon, recipe_name) else table_insert(list_common, recipe_name) end end if #list_uncommon == 0 then return end local i = 1 for _, recipe_name in pairs(list_common) do tbl[i] = recipe_name i = i + 1 end for _, recipe_name in pairs(list_uncommon) do tbl[i] = recipe_name i = i + 1 end end local function add_item_list_product(item_list, product_name, recipe_name) if not item_list[product_name] then item_list[product_name] = {{}, {}} end table_insert(item_list[product_name][1], recipe_name) end local function add_item_list_ingredient(item_list, ingredient_name, recipe_name) if not item_list[ingredient_name] then item_list[ingredient_name] = {{}, {}} end table_insert(item_list[ingredient_name][2], recipe_name) end local function set_item_list() global.fjei.item_list = {} local item_list = global.fjei.item_list for recipe_name, recipe in pairs(game.recipe_prototypes) do for key, product in pairs(recipe.products) do add_item_list_product(item_list, product.name, recipe_name) end for key, ingredient in pairs(recipe.ingredients) do add_item_list_ingredient(item_list, ingredient.name, recipe_name) end end for key, v in pairs(item_list) do if v[1] then if v[1][2] then table.sort( v[1], function(a, b) return a < b end ) shift_uncommon_recipe_names(v[1]) end end if v[2] then if v[2][2] then table.sort( v[2], function(a, b) return a < b end ) shift_uncommon_recipe_names(v[2]) end end end end local function set_sorted_item_list() global.fjei.sorted_item_list = {} local sorted_item_list = global.fjei.sorted_item_list local item_list = global.fjei.item_list local item_prototypes = game.item_prototypes local fluid_prototypes = game.fluid_prototypes local sorted_items = {} local i = 1 for key, value in pairs(item_list) do if item_prototypes[key] then sorted_items[i] = key i = i + 1 end end table.sort( sorted_items, function(a, b) return a < b end ) local sorted_fluids = {} local i = 1 for key, value in pairs(item_list) do if fluid_prototypes[key] then sorted_fluids[i] = key i = i + 1 end end table.sort( sorted_fluids, function(a, b) return a < b end ) local i = 1 for key, name in pairs(sorted_items) do sorted_item_list[i] = name i = i + 1 end for key, name in pairs(sorted_fluids) do sorted_item_list[i] = name i = i + 1 end end local function add_recipe_to_whitelist(item_whitelist, recipe) for key, product in pairs(recipe.products) do item_whitelist[product.name] = true end for key, ingredient in pairs(recipe.ingredients) do item_whitelist[ingredient.name] = true end --Adding "place_result" in case the inventory item can turn into a differently named entity after placement on the map. for key, product in pairs(recipe.products) do local p = game.item_prototypes[product.name] if p and p.place_result then item_whitelist[p.place_result.name] = true end end for key, ingredient in pairs(recipe.ingredients) do local p = game.item_prototypes[ingredient.name] if p and p.place_result then item_whitelist[p.place_result.name] = true end end end function Public.add_research_to_whitelist(force, effects) if not effects then return end local item_whitelist = global.fjei.item_whitelist[force.name] local items_have_been_added = false for _, effect in pairs(effects) do if effect.recipe then add_recipe_to_whitelist(item_whitelist, game.recipe_prototypes[effect.recipe]) items_have_been_added = true end end return items_have_been_added end local function set_item_whitelist(force) global.fjei.item_whitelist[force.name] = {} local item_whitelist = global.fjei.item_whitelist[force.name] for key, recipe in pairs(force.recipes) do if recipe.enabled and not recipe.hidden then add_recipe_to_whitelist(item_whitelist, recipe) end end for key, technology in pairs(force.technologies) do if technology.researched then Public.add_research_to_whitelist(force, technology.effects) end end end local function set_item_whitelists_for_all_forces() global.fjei.item_whitelist = {} for _, force in pairs(game.forces) do if force.index ~= 2 and force.index ~= 3 then set_item_whitelist(force) end end end local function get_localised_name(name) local item = game.item_prototypes[name] if item then return item.localised_name end local fluid = game.fluid_prototypes[name] if fluid then return fluid.localised_name end local recipe = game.recipe_prototypes[name] if recipe then return recipe.localised_name end return name end local on_nth_translation_handler = Scheduler.set( function(data) for i = 1, #data do local player_index = data[i].player_index local name = data[i].name local player = game.get_player(player_index) local localized = get_localised_name(name) player.request_translation(localized) end end ) function Public.set_filtered_list(player) local player_data = global.fjei.player_data[player.index] player_data.filtered_list = {} player_data.active_page = 1 local filtered_list = player_data.filtered_list local active_filter = player_data.active_filter and player_data.active_filter:lower() or false local sorted_item_list = global.fjei.sorted_item_list local item_whitelist = global.fjei.item_whitelist[player.force.name] local locale_data = player_data.translated_data local i = 1 for key, name in pairs(sorted_item_list) do if item_whitelist[name] then local translated = locale_data and locale_data[name] and locale_data[name]:lower() or false if translated and active_filter then local r = translated:find(active_filter) if r then filtered_list[i] = key i = i + 1 end elseif active_filter then local a = name:find(active_filter, 1, true) if a then filtered_list[i] = key i = i + 1 end else filtered_list[i] = key i = i + 1 end end end player_data.size_of_filtered_list = #player_data.filtered_list end -- this is the only way of providing the translated strings to the gui -- or you could use the translated event to provide directly to the function function Public.set_translated_data(player, result, localised_string) local player_data = global.fjei.player_data[player.index] if not player_data.translated_data then player_data.translated_data = {} end local data = player_data.translated_data if not data[localised_string] and len(result) > 0 then data[localised_string] = result end end function Public.handle_translations_fetch(player) local sorted_item_list = global.fjei.sorted_item_list local tick = game.tick local item_whitelist = global.fjei.item_whitelist[player.force.name] local player_data = global.fjei.player_data[player.index] if not player_data.translated_data then player_data.translated_data = {} end local data = player_data.translated_data for key, name in pairs(sorted_item_list) do if item_whitelist[name] and not data[name] then Scheduler.timer(tick, on_nth_translation_handler, {name = name, player_index = player.index}) end end end function Public.build_tables() global.fjei = {} global.fjei.player_data = {} global.fjei.item_whitelist_translated = {} set_item_list() --creates list of all items as key and two tables for each key containing [1] product recipes and [2] ingredient recipes set_sorted_item_list() --creates sorted list of all items in the game for faster searching set_crafting_machines() --creates list of available crafting entities set_item_whitelists_for_all_forces() --whitelist to only display researched items in the browser for the force end return Public