local Memory = require 'maps.pirates.memory' local Math = require 'maps.pirates.math' local Balance = require 'maps.pirates.balance' local Common = require 'maps.pirates.common' local CoreData = require 'maps.pirates.coredata' local Utils = require 'maps.pirates.utils_local' local inspect = require 'utils.inspect'.inspect local Structures = require 'maps.pirates.structures.structures' local Token = require 'utils.token' local Task = require 'utils.task' local SurfacesCommon = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.common' local Effects = require 'maps.pirates.effects' local Public = {} local kraken_width = 31 local kraken_height = 31 local kraken_bps = { [[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]], [[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]], [[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]], [[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]] } Public.kraken_slots = 4 local kraken_positions = { [1] = {first = {x = -40.5, y = -59.5}, second = {x = -15.5, y = -49.5}, third = {x = -32.5, y = -39.5}, final = {x = -24.5, y = -30.5},}, [2] = {first = {x = 28.5, y = -59.5}, second = {x = 10.5, y = -49.5}, third = {x = 30.5, y = -39.5}, final = {x = 13.5, y = -30.5},}, [3] = {first = {x = -40.5, y = 59.5}, second = {x = -15.5, y = 49.5}, third = {x = -32.5, y = 39.5}, final = {x = -24.5, y = 29.5},}, [4] = {first = {x = 28.5, y = 59.5}, second = {x = 10.5, y = 49.5}, third = {x = 30.5, y = 39.5}, final = {x = 13.5, y = 29.5},}, -- [1] = {first = {x = 96.5, y = 0.5}, second = {x = 81.5, y = 5.5}, third = {x = 66.5, y = -4.5}, final = {x = 51.5, y = 0.5},} } local kraken_tick_token = Token.register( function(data) Public.kraken_tick(data.crew_id, data.kraken_id, data.step, data.substep) end ) function Public.kraken_tick(crew_id, kraken_id, step, substep) Memory.set_working_id(crew_id) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() if not (memory.id and memory.id > 0) then return end --check if crew disbanded if memory.game_lost then return end local surface = game.surfaces[memory.sea_name] local kraken_data = memory.active_sea_enemies.krakens[kraken_id] if not kraken_data then return end --check if kraken died local kraken_spawner_entity = kraken_data.spawner_entity if step == 1 then if substep == 1 then Effects.kraken_effect_3(surface, kraken_data.position, 10) end if substep < 32 then Effects.kraken_effect_1(surface, kraken_data.position, substep/32 * 6.283) Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(1, kraken_tick_token, {crew_id = crew_id, kraken_id = kraken_id, step = 1, substep = substep + 1}) else Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(1, kraken_tick_token, {crew_id = crew_id, kraken_id = kraken_id, step = 2, substep = 1}) end elseif step == 2 then local p1 = kraken_positions[kraken_id].first local p2 = kraken_positions[kraken_id].second local p3 = kraken_positions[kraken_id].third local p4 = kraken_positions[kraken_id].final if substep <= 30 then if substep < 5 then Public.kraken_move(kraken_id, p1, substep % 4 + 1) elseif substep < 10 then Public.kraken_move(kraken_id, Utils.interpolate(p1, p2, (substep-5) / 5), substep % 4 + 1) elseif substep < 15 then Public.kraken_move(kraken_id, p2, substep % 4 + 1) elseif substep < 20 then Public.kraken_move(kraken_id, Utils.interpolate(p2, p3, (substep-15) / 5), substep % 4 + 1) elseif substep < 25 then Public.kraken_move(kraken_id, p3, substep % 4 + 1) elseif substep <= 30 then Public.kraken_move(kraken_id, Utils.interpolate(p3, p4, (substep-25) / 5), substep % 4 + 1) end Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(15, kraken_tick_token, {crew_id = crew_id, kraken_id = kraken_id, step = 2, substep = substep + 1}) else Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(6, kraken_tick_token, {crew_id = crew_id, kraken_id = kraken_id, step = 3, substep = 1}) end elseif step == 3 then Public.kraken_move(kraken_id, kraken_data.position, substep % 4 + 1) -- regen: local healthbar = memory.healthbars and memory.healthbars[kraken_spawner_entity.unit_number] if healthbar then local new_health = Math.min(healthbar.health + Balance.kraken_regen_scale, kraken_data.max_health) healthbar.health = new_health Common.update_healthbar_rendering(healthbar, new_health) end if substep % 4 == 0 then local crewmembers = Common.crew_get_crew_members() local p_can_fire_at = {} for _, player in pairs(crewmembers) do local p = player.position if player.surface == surface then -- if player.surface == surface and Public.on_boat(memory.boat, p) then p_can_fire_at[#p_can_fire_at + 1] = p end end if #p_can_fire_at > 0 then local p_fire = p_can_fire_at[Math.random(#p_can_fire_at)] local stream = surface.create_entity{ name = 'acid-stream-spitter-big', position = kraken_data.position, force = memory.enemy_force_name, source = kraken_data.position, target = p_fire, max_range = 500, speed = 0.1 } memory.kraken_stream_registrations[#memory.kraken_stream_registrations + 1] = {number = script.register_on_entity_destroyed(stream), position = p_fire} Effects.kraken_effect_4(surface, kraken_data.position) end end if substep % 50 > 40 then -- if substep % 70 == 69 then -- Public.kraken_spawn_biters(kraken_id) -- end Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(5, kraken_tick_token, {crew_id = crew_id, kraken_id = kraken_id, step = 3, substep = substep + 1}) elseif substep % 50 > 30 then Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(10, kraken_tick_token, {crew_id = crew_id, kraken_id = kraken_id, step = 3, substep = substep + 1}) else Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(30, kraken_tick_token, {crew_id = crew_id, kraken_id = kraken_id, step = 3, substep = substep + 1}) end end end local function on_entity_destroyed(event) local registration_number = event.registration_number local p local memory for i = 1,3 do Memory.set_working_id(i) memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() if memory.kraken_stream_registrations then for j, r in pairs(memory.kraken_stream_registrations) do if r.number == registration_number then p = r.position memory.kraken_stream_registrations = Utils.ordered_table_with_index_removed(memory.kraken_stream_registrations, j) break end end end if p then break end end if p then local surface = game.surfaces[memory.sea_name] if not surface and surface.valid then return end local spits_here = surface.find_entities_filtered{position = p, radius = 0.5, name = 'acid-splash-fire-spitter-big'} if spits_here and #spits_here > 0 then for _, s in pairs(spits_here) do if s.valid then s.destroy() end end end local p2 = surface.find_non_colliding_position('medium-biter', p, 10, 0.2) if not p2 then return end local name = Common.get_random_unit_type(memory.evolution_factor + Balance.kraken_spawns_base_extra_evo) surface.create_entity{name = name, position = p2, force = memory.enemy_force_name} Effects.kraken_effect_2(surface, p2) local evo_increase = Balance.kraken_evo_increase_per_shot() if not memory.kraken_evo then memory.kraken_evo = 0 end memory.kraken_evo = memory.kraken_evo + evo_increase Common.increment_evo(evo_increase) end end function Public.try_spawn_kraken() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local surface = game.surfaces[memory.sea_name] if not (surface and surface.valid) then return end -- check sea still exists if not memory.active_sea_enemies then memory.active_sea_enemies = {} end if not memory.active_sea_enemies.krakens then memory.active_sea_enemies.krakens = {} end local possible_slots = {} for i = 1, Public.kraken_slots do if not memory.active_sea_enemies.krakens[i] then possible_slots[#possible_slots + 1] = i end end if #possible_slots > 0 then local kraken_id = possible_slots[Math.random(#possible_slots)] -- if _DEBUG then game.print('spawning kraken in slot ' .. kraken_id) end local p = kraken_positions[kraken_id].first memory.active_sea_enemies.krakens[kraken_id] = { state = 'submerged', position = p, max_health = Balance.kraken_health(), spawner_entity = nil, frame = nil, } Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(10, kraken_tick_token, {crew_id = memory.id, kraken_id = kraken_id, step = 1, substep = 1}) end end function Public.kraken_move(kraken_id, new_p, new_frame) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local surface = game.surfaces[memory.sea_name] if not surface and surface.valid then return end -- check sea still exists local kraken_data = memory.active_sea_enemies.krakens[kraken_id] local kraken_tile = CoreData.kraken_tile local old_p = kraken_data.position local old_frame = kraken_data.frame local new_p_2 = {x = Math.ceil(new_p.x), y = Math.ceil(new_p.y)} local old_p_2 = {x = Math.ceil(old_p.x), y = Math.ceil(old_p.y)} local new_tile_positions = Common.tile_positions_from_blueprint_arrayform(kraken_bps[new_frame], Utils.psum{new_p_2, {x = -16, y = -16}}) local old_tile_positions = {} if old_frame then old_tile_positions = Common.tile_positions_from_blueprint_arrayform(kraken_bps[old_frame], Utils.psum{old_p_2, {x = -16, y = -16}}) end local new_tile_positions2 = Utils.exclude_position_arrays(new_tile_positions, old_tile_positions) local tiles1 = {} for x, xtab in pairs(new_tile_positions2) do for y, _ in pairs(xtab) do tiles1[#tiles1 + 1] = {name = kraken_tile, position = {x = x, y = y}} end end surface.set_tiles(tiles1) if kraken_data.spawner_entity and kraken_data.spawner_entity.valid then kraken_data.spawner_entity.teleport(new_p_2.x - old_p_2.x, new_p_2.y - old_p_2.y) else kraken_data.spawner_entity = surface.create_entity{name = 'biter-spawner', position = new_p_2, force = memory.enemy_force_name} Common.new_healthbar(kraken_id, true, kraken_data.spawner_entity, kraken_data.max_health) end if old_frame then --cleanup old tiles local old_tile_positions2 = Utils.exclude_position_arrays(old_tile_positions, new_tile_positions) local tiles2 = {} for x, xtab in pairs(old_tile_positions2) do for y, _ in pairs(xtab) do tiles2[#tiles2 + 1] = {name = 'deepwater', position = {x = x, y = y}} end end surface.set_tiles(tiles2, true, false) end kraken_data.position = new_p kraken_data.frame = new_frame end function Public.kraken_die(kraken_id, unit_number) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local surface = game.surfaces[memory.sea_name] if not surface and surface.valid then return end -- check sea still exists local kraken_data = memory.active_sea_enemies.krakens[kraken_id] if kraken_data.spawner_entity and kraken_data.spawner_entity.valid then kraken_data.spawner_entity.destroy() end Effects.kraken_effect_5(surface, kraken_data.position) local tiles2 = {} for x = -16, 16 do for y = -16, 16 do tiles2[#tiles2 + 1] = {name = 'deepwater', position = Utils.psum{kraken_data.position, {x = x, y = y}}} end end surface.set_tiles(tiles2, true, false) memory.active_sea_enemies.krakens[kraken_id] = nil local reward = Balance.kraken_kill_reward() Common.give_reward_items(reward) local force = memory.force if not (force and force.valid) then return end Common.notify_force_light(force,'Granted ' .. reward[1].count .. ' [item=sulfuric-acid-barrel]') end local event = require 'utils.event' event.add(defines.events.on_entity_destroyed, on_entity_destroyed) return Public