-- This file is part of thesixthroc's Pirate Ship softmod, licensed under GPLv3 and stored at https://github.com/danielmartin0/ComfyFactorio-Pirates. local Memory = require 'maps.pirates.memory' -- local Common = require 'maps.pirates.common' -- local CoreData = require 'maps.pirates.coredata' local Utils = require 'maps.pirates.utils_local' -- local Math = require 'maps.pirates.math' local Balance = require 'maps.pirates.balance' -- local Surfaces = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.surfaces' local Roles = require 'maps.pirates.roles.roles' local Crew = require 'maps.pirates.crew' local Shop = require 'maps.pirates.shop.shop' -- local Progression = require 'maps.pirates.progression' -- local Structures = require 'maps.pirates.structures.structures' local _inspect = require 'utils.inspect'.inspect -- local Boats = require 'maps.pirates.structures.boats.boats' local GuiCommon = require 'maps.pirates.gui.common' local Public = {} local window_name = 'fuel' function Public.toggle_window(player) local flow, flow2, flow3 local shop_data_1 = Shop.Captains.main_shop_data_1 local shop_data_2 = Shop.Captains.main_shop_data_2 if player.gui.screen[window_name .. '_piratewindow'] then player.gui.screen[window_name .. '_piratewindow'].destroy() return end flow = GuiCommon.new_window(player, window_name) flow.caption = 'Captain\'s Store' flow2 = flow.add({ name = 'trades', type = 'flow', direction = 'vertical', }) flow2.style.top_margin = 3 flow2.style.bottom_margin = 3 flow2.style.horizontal_align = 'center' flow2.style.vertical_align = 'center' for k, _ in pairs(shop_data_1) do GuiCommon.flow_add_shop_item(flow2, k) end flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'line_1', type = 'line', }) flow3.style.width = 100 for k, _ in pairs(shop_data_2) do GuiCommon.flow_add_shop_item(flow2, k) end flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_close_button(flow, window_name .. '_piratebutton') flow2.add({ name = 'tospend', type = 'sprite-button', sprite = 'item/coin', index = 1, enabled = false, }) end function Public.regular_update(player) local flow -- local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() if not player.gui.screen[window_name .. '_piratewindow'] then return end flow = player.gui.screen[window_name .. '_piratewindow'] if Roles.player_privilege_level(player) >= Roles.privilege_levels.OFFICER then flow.close_button_flow.hflow.tospend.visible = true local inv = player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_main) if inv and inv.valid then local coin_amount = inv.get_item_count('coin') or 0 flow.close_button_flow.hflow.tospend.number = coin_amount flow.close_button_flow.hflow.tospend.tooltip = string.format("You're holding " .. Utils.bignumber_abbrevform2(coin_amount) .. " doubloons.") end else flow.close_button_flow.hflow.tospend.visible = false end end function Public.full_update(player) if Public.regular_update then Public.regular_update(player) end local flow local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local shop_data = Utils.nonrepeating_join_dict(Shop.Captains.main_shop_data_1, Shop.Captains.main_shop_data_2) local shop_data_1 = Shop.Captains.main_shop_data_1 local shop_data_2 = Shop.Captains.main_shop_data_2 local availability_data = memory.mainshop_availability_bools if not player.gui.screen[window_name .. '_piratewindow'] then return end flow = player.gui.screen[window_name .. '_piratewindow'] --*** WHAT TO SHOW ***-- -- if memory.stored_fuel then -- flow.close_button_flow.hflow.tospend.number = memory.stored_fuel -- flow.close_button_flow.hflow.tospend.tooltip = string.format('The crew has %01d stored coal.', memory.stored_fuel) -- else -- flow.close_button_flow.hflow.tospend.number = 0 -- flow.close_button_flow.hflow.tospend.tooltip = string.format('The crew has %01d stored coal.', 0) -- end if memory.crewstatus == Crew.enum.ADVENTURING then flow.trades.visible = true else flow.trades.visible = false end local anything_in_shop_1 = false for k, _ in pairs(shop_data_1) do if availability_data and availability_data[k] == true then flow.trades[k].visible = true anything_in_shop_1 = true if Roles.player_privilege_level(player) >= Roles.privilege_levels.OFFICER then flow.trades[k].buy_button.visible = true else flow.trades[k].buy_button.visible = false end else flow.trades[k].visible = false end end flow.trades.line_1.visible = anything_in_shop_1 for k, _ in pairs(shop_data_2) do if availability_data and availability_data[k] == true then flow.trades[k].visible = true if Roles.player_privilege_level(player) >= Roles.privilege_levels.OFFICER then flow.trades[k].buy_button.visible = true else flow.trades[k].buy_button.visible = false end else flow.trades[k].visible = false end end --*** UPDATE CONTENT ***-- local multiplier = Balance.main_shop_cost_multiplier() for k, v in pairs(shop_data) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v.base_cost) do if v2 == false then flow.trades[k]['cost_' .. k2].number = nil else flow.trades[k]['cost_' .. k2].number = multiplier * v2 end end end end function Public.click(event) local player = game.players[event.element.player_index] local eventname = event.element.name if not player.gui.screen[window_name .. '_piratewindow'] then return end -- local flow = player.gui.screen[window_name .. '_piratewindow'] -- local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() if eventname == 'buy_button' then Shop.Captains.main_shop_try_purchase(player, event.element.parent.name) end end return Public