local room = {} room.empty = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) end room.biters = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local amount = get_biter_amount() * 2 local tile_positions = {} local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} for x = 0.5, grid_size * 3 - 0.5, 1 do for y = 0.5, grid_size * 3 - 0.5, 1 do local pos = {left_top.x + x, left_top.y + y} tile_positions[#tile_positions + 1] = pos end end table.shuffle_table(tile_positions) for _, pos in pairs(tile_positions) do local enemy = get_biter() if surface.can_place_entity({name = enemy, position = pos}) then surface.create_entity({name = enemy, position = pos, force = "enemy"}) amount = amount - 1 end if amount < 1 then break end end end room.spitters = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local amount = get_biter_amount() * 2 local tile_positions = {} local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} for x = 0.5, grid_size * 3 - 0.5, 1 do for y = 0.5, grid_size * 3 - 0.5, 1 do local pos = {left_top.x + x, left_top.y + y} tile_positions[#tile_positions + 1] = pos end end table.shuffle_table(tile_positions) for _, pos in pairs(tile_positions) do local enemy = get_spitter() if surface.can_place_entity({name = enemy, position = pos}) then surface.create_entity({name = enemy, position = pos, force = "enemy"}) amount = amount - 1 end if amount < 1 then break end end end room.nests = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local amount = math.ceil(get_biter_amount() * 0.1) local tile_positions = {} local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} for x = 0.5, grid_size * 3 - 0.5, 1 do for y = 0.5, grid_size * 3 - 0.5, 1 do local pos = {left_top.x + x, left_top.y + y} tile_positions[#tile_positions + 1] = pos end end table.shuffle_table(tile_positions) for _, pos in pairs(tile_positions) do if surface.can_place_entity({name = "spitter-spawner", position = pos}) then if math.random(1,4) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = "spitter-spawner", position = pos, force = "enemy"}) else surface.create_entity({name = "biter-spawner", position = pos, force = "enemy"}) end amount = amount - 1 end if amount < 1 then break end end end room.uranium_wasteland = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} local center_pos = {x = left_top.x + grid_size * 1.5, y = left_top.y + grid_size * 1.5} map_functions.draw_noise_tile_circle(center_pos, "water-green", surface, grid_size * 0.65) map_functions.draw_smoothed_out_ore_circle(center_pos, "uranium-ore", surface, grid_size * 1.3, get_ore_amount()) for x = math.floor(grid_size * 3 * 0.1), math.floor(grid_size * 3 * 0.9), 1 do for y = math.floor(grid_size * 3 * 0.1), math.floor(grid_size * 3 * 0.9), 1 do local pos = {x = left_top.x + x, y = left_top.y + y} local distance_to_center = math.sqrt((center_pos.x - pos.x) ^ 2 + (center_pos.y - pos.y) ^ 2) if math.random(1,128) == 1 and distance_to_center < grid_size * 1.4 then spawn_enemy_gun_turret(surface, pos) end if math.random(1,10) == 1 and distance_to_center < grid_size * 1.4 then if surface.can_place_entity({name = "mineable-wreckage", position = pos, force = "neutral"}) then surface.create_entity({name = "mineable-wreckage", position = pos, force = "neutral"}) end end end end room.biters(surface, cell_left_top, direction) end room.stone_block = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} for x = 3.5, grid_size * 3 - 3.5, 1 do for y = 3.5, grid_size * 3 - 3.5, 1 do local pos = {left_top.x + x, left_top.y + y} if math.random(1,5) ~= 1 then surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[math.random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = pos, force = "neutral"}) end end end for a = 1, math.random(1, 3), 1 do local chest = surface.create_entity({ name = "steel-chest", position = {left_top.x + math.random(math.floor(grid_size * 0.5), math.floor(grid_size * 2.5)), left_top.y + math.random(math.floor(grid_size * 0.5), math.floor(grid_size * 2.5))}, force = "neutral", }) for a = 1, math.random(1, 4), 1 do chest.insert(get_loot_item_stack()) end end end room.tree_square_nests = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} local tree = tree_raffle[math.random(1, #tree_raffle)] for x = 0, grid_size * 3 - 1, 1 do for y = 0, grid_size * 3 - 1, 1 do local pos = {left_top.x + x, left_top.y + y} if x <= 1 or x >= grid_size * 3 - 2 or y <= 1 or y >= grid_size * 3 - 2 then surface.create_entity({name = tree, position = pos, force = "neutral"}) end end end room.nests(surface, cell_left_top, direction) room.spitters(surface, cell_left_top, direction) room.biters(surface, cell_left_top, direction) end local room_weights = { {func = room.uranium_wasteland, weight = 1}, {func = room.stone_block, weight = 3}, {func = room.tree_square_nests, weight = 3} } local room_shuffle = {} for _, r in pairs(room_weights) do for c = 1, r.weight, 1 do room_shuffle[#room_shuffle + 1] = r.func end end return room_shuffle