[rpg_main] no_valid_surface=No surface name given flame_boots_worn_out=Your flame boots have worn out. flame_mana_remaining=Mana remaining: __1__ one_punch_text=ONE PUNCH mana_casting_too_fast=There was a lot more to magic, as __1__ quickly found out, than waving their wand and saying a few funny words. low_level=You lack the level to cast this spell. not_inside_pos=You wave your wand but realize that it´s out of reach. no_mana=You don´t have enough mana to cast this spell. suicidal_comfylatron=You wave your wand and __1__ is on the run! warped_ok=Warped home with minor bruises. object_spawned=You wave your wand and __1__ appears. out_of_reach=Can´t create entity at given location. [rpg_functions] max_level=[color=blue]Level Limit:[/color]\nYou have hit the max level for the current zone. pool_reward=[color=blue]Global Pool Reward:[/color]\n __1__ received nothing. Reason: AFK [rpg_gui] gain_info_tooltip=XP gain from mining, moving, crafting, repairing and combat. allocate_info=Right-click to allocate __1__ points.\nShift + click to allocate all points. player_name=Hello __1__! class_info=You're a __1__. settings_frame=Configure your RPG player-settings here! level_limit=Current max level limit for this zone is: __1__\nIncreases by breaching walls/zones. settings_name=SETTINGS level_name=LEVEL experience_name=EXPERIENCE next_level_name=NEXT LEVEL strength_name=STRENGTH strength_tooltip=Increases inventory slots, mining speed.\nIncreases melee damage and amount of robot followers. magic_name=MAGIC magic_tooltip=Increases reach distance.\nIncreases repair speed. Enables spawning entities. dexterity_name=DEXTERITY dexterity_tooltip=Increases running and crafting speed. vitality_name=VITALITY vitality_tooltip=Increases health.\nIncreases melee life on-hit. points_to_dist=POINTS TO\nDISTRIBUTE life_name=LIFE life_tooltip=Your current health life_increase=Current life. Increase it by adding vitality. life_maximum=This is your maximum life. shield_name=SHIELD shield_no_shield=You don't have any shield. shield_no_armor=This is your current shield. You aren't wearing any armor. shield_tooltip=Shield protects you and heightens your resistance. shield_current=Current shield value of the equipment. shield_max=Maximum shield value. mana_name=MANA mana_bonus=MANA\nBONUS mana_regen_bonus=Mana regen bonus: __1__ mana_tooltip=Mana lets you spawn entities by eating fish. mana_regen_current=This is your current mana. You can increase the regen by increasing your magic skills. mana_max_limit=This is your max mana. You have reached the max mana limit. mana_max=This is your max mana. You can increase the regen by increasing your magic skills. mining_name=MINING\nSPEED slot_name=SLOT\nBONUS melee_name=MELEE\nDAMAGE one_punch_chance=Life on-hit: __1__\nOne punch chance: __2__ % \n+__3__ [img=recipe.defender-capsule] one_punch_disabled=One Punch is disabled. bonus_tooltip=Reach distance bonus: __1__\nBuild distance bonus: __2__\nItem drop distance bonus: __3__\nLoot pickup distance bonus: __4__\nItem pickup distance bonus: __5__\nResource reach distance bonus: __6__\nRepair speed: __7__ reach_distance=REACH\nDISTANCE crafting_speed=CRAFTING\nSPEED running_speed=RUNNING\nSPEED health_bonus_name=HEALTH\nBONUS health_tooltip=Health regen bonus: __1__ [rpg_settings] name=RPG Settings spell_name=Spells mana_cost=Mana cost of selected spell mana=Current Mana mana_max=Max Mana spell_gui_setup=Spells MiniGui Setup spell_gui_tooltip=Set your 3 spells for useful Spell Switcher. Opened or closed by this fish button.\n save_changes=Save changes discard_changes=Discard changes not_trusted=Not trusted.\nChecked: true\nUnchecked: false low_level=Level requirement: __1__ used_up=All used up! no_mana=Not enough mana! mana_label=Mana Settings: tooltip_check=Checked: true\nUnchecked: false info_text_label=Common RPG settings. These settings are per player basis. health_text_label=Show health/mana bar? health_only_text_label=Show health bar? reset_text_label=Reset your skillpoints? reset_tooltip=ONE-TIME reset if you picked the wrong path (this will keep your points) reach_text_label=Enable reach bonus? reach_text_tooltip=Don´t feeling like picking up others people loot?\nYou can toggle it here. movement_text_label=Enable movement speed bonus? movement_text_tooltip=Don´t feeling like running like the flash?\nYou can toggle it here. stone_path_label=Enable stone-path when mining? stone_path_tooltip=Enabling this will automatically create stone-path when you mine. one_punch_label=Enable one-punch? one_punch_tooltip=Enabling this will have a chance of one-punching biters.\nOne-Punch only works if both ammo AND gun is unequipped. one_punch_globally=Enabled globally.\nOne-Punch only works if both ammo AND gun is unequipped. flameboots_label=Enable flame boots? flameboots_tooltip=When the bullets simply don´t bite. explosive_bullets_label=Enable explosive bullets? explosive_bullets_tooltip=Hurts the biters a bit extra magic_label=Enable spawning with raw-fish? magic_tooltip=When simply constructing items is not enough.\nNOTE! Use Raw-fish to cast spells. magic_spell=Select what entity to spawn magic_item_requirement=__1__ [item=__2__] requires __3__ mana to cast. Level: __4__\n magic_entity_requirement=__1__ [entity=__2__] requires __3__ mana to cast. Level: __4__\n magic_special_requirement=__1__ __2__ requires __3__ mana to cast. Level: __4__\n allocation_settings_label=Allocations Settings: allocation_label=Select what skill to auto-allocate. allocation_tooltip=This will automatically allocate all available points to the given node. [spells] acid_stream=Bitter Spew railgun_beam=Shoop Da Whoop!! raw_fish=Conjure Raw-fish comfylatron=Suicidal Comfylatron distractor=Distractor Capsule warp=Warp Gate [allocations] deactivated=Deactivated str=Strength mag=Magicka dex=Dexterity vit=Vitality