-- this script adds a group button to create groups for your players -- local Event = require 'utils.event' local function build_group_gui(player) local group_name_width = 160 local description_width = 220 local members_width = 90 local member_columns = 3 local actions_width = 60 local total_height = 350 if not player.gui.top["group_button"] then local b = player.gui.top.add({type = "button", name = "group_button", caption = global.player_group[player.name]}) b.style.font_color = {r = 0.77, g = 0.77, b = 0.77} b.style.font = "default-bold" b.style.minimal_height = 38 b.style.minimal_width = 38 b.style.top_padding = 2 b.style.left_padding = 4 b.style.right_padding = 4 b.style.bottom_padding = 2 end if player.online_time < 1 then return end if player.gui.left["group_frame"] then player.gui.left["group_frame"].destroy() end local frame = player.gui.left.add({type = "frame", name = "group_frame", direction = "vertical"}) frame.style.minimal_height = total_height local t = frame.add({type = "table", column_count = 5}) local headings = {{"Title", group_name_width}, {"Description", description_width}, {"Members", members_width * member_columns}, {"", actions_width*2 - 30}} for _, h in pairs (headings) do local l = t.add({ type = "label", caption = h[1]}) l.style.font_color = { r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22} l.style.font = "default-listbox" l.style.top_padding = 6 l.style.minimal_height = 40 l.style.minimal_width = h[2] l.style.maximal_width = h[2] end local b = t.add {type = "button", caption = "X", name = "close_group_frame", align = "right"} b.style.font = "default" b.style.minimal_height = 30 b.style.minimal_width = 30 b.style.top_padding = 2 b.style.left_padding = 4 b.style.right_padding = 4 b.style.bottom_padding = 2 local scroll_pane = frame.add({ type = "scroll-pane", name = "scroll_pane", direction = "vertical", horizontal_scroll_policy = "never", vertical_scroll_policy = "auto"}) scroll_pane.style.maximal_height = total_height - 50 scroll_pane.style.minimal_height = total_height - 50 local t = scroll_pane.add({type = "table", name = "groups_table", column_count = 4}) for _, h in pairs (headings) do local l = t.add({ type = "label", caption = ""}) l.style.minimal_width = h[2] l.style.maximal_width = h[2] end for _, group in pairs (global.tag_groups) do local l = t.add({ type = "label", caption = group.name}) l.style.font = "default-bold" l.style.top_padding = 16 l.style.bottom_padding = 16 l.style.minimal_width = group_name_width l.style.maximal_width = group_name_width local color = game.players[group.founder].color color = {r = color.r * 0.6 + 0.4, g = color.g * 0.6 + 0.4, b = color.b * 0.6 + 0.4, a = 1} l.style.font_color = color l.style.single_line = false local l = t.add({ type = "label", caption = group.description}) l.style.top_padding = 16 l.style.bottom_padding = 16 l.style.minimal_width = description_width l.style.maximal_width = description_width l.style.font_color = {r = 0.90, g = 0.90, b = 0.90} l.style.single_line = false local tt = t.add({ type = "table", column_count = member_columns}) for _, p in pairs (game.connected_players) do if group.name == global.player_group[p.name] then local l = tt.add({ type = "label", caption = p.name}) local color = {r = p.color.r * 0.6 + 0.4, g = p.color.g * 0.6 + 0.4, b = p.color.b * 0.6 + 0.4, a = 1} l.style.font_color = color --l.style.minimal_width = members_width l.style.maximal_width = members_width * 2 end end local tt = t.add({ type = "table", name = group.name, column_count = 2}) if player.admin == true or group.founder == player.name then local b = tt.add({ type = "button", caption = "Delete"}) b.style.font = "default-bold" b.style.minimal_width = actions_width b.style.maximal_width = actions_width else local l = tt.add({ type = "label", caption = ""}) l.style.minimal_width = actions_width l.style.maximal_width = actions_width end if group.name ~= global.player_group[player.name] then local b = tt.add({ type = "button", caption = "Join"}) b.style.font = "default-bold" b.style.minimal_width = actions_width b.style.maximal_width = actions_width else local b = tt.add({ type = "button", caption = "Leave"}) b.style.font = "default-bold" b.style.minimal_width = actions_width b.style.maximal_width = actions_width end end local frame2 = frame.add({type = "frame", name = "frame2"}) local t = frame2.add({type = "table", name = "group_table", column_count = 3}) local textfield = t.add({ type = "textfield", name = "new_group_name", text = "Name" }) textfield.style.minimal_width = group_name_width local textfield = t.add({ type = "textfield", name = "new_group_description", text = "Description" }) textfield.style.minimal_width = description_width + members_width * member_columns local b = t.add({type = "button", name = "create_new_group", caption = "Create"}) b.style.minimal_width = actions_width*2 - 12 b.style.font = "default-bold" end local function refresh_gui() for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do if p.gui.left["group_frame"] then local frame = p.gui.left["group_frame"] local new_group_name = frame.frame2.group_table.new_group_name.text local new_group_description = frame.frame2.group_table.new_group_description.text build_group_gui(p) local frame = p.gui.left["group_frame"] frame.frame2.group_table.new_group_name.text = new_group_name frame.frame2.group_table.new_group_description.text = new_group_description end end end local function on_player_joined_game(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not global.player_group then global.player_group = {} end if not global.player_group[player.name] then global.player_group[player.name] = "[Group]" end if not global.join_spam_protection then global.join_spam_protection = {} end if not global.join_spam_protection[player.name] then global.join_spam_protection[player.name] = game.tick end if not global.tag_groups then global.tag_groups = {} end if player.online_time < 10 then build_group_gui(player) end end local function on_gui_click(event) if not event then return end if not event.element then return end if not event.element.valid then return end local player = game.players[event.element.player_index] local name = event.element.name local frame = player.gui.left["group_frame"] if name == "create_new_group" then local new_group_name = frame.frame2.group_table.new_group_name.text local new_group_description = frame.frame2.group_table.new_group_description.text if new_group_name ~= "" and new_group_name ~= "Name" and new_group_description ~= "Description" then if string.len(new_group_name) > 32 then player.print("Group name is too long. 32 characters maximum.", { r=0.90, g=0.0, b=0.0}) return end if string.len(new_group_description) > 128 then player.print("Description is too long. 128 characters maximum.", { r=0.90, g=0.0, b=0.0}) return end global.tag_groups[new_group_name] = {name = new_group_name, description = new_group_description, founder = player.name} local color = {r = player.color.r * 0.7 + 0.3, g = player.color.g * 0.7 + 0.3, b = player.color.b * 0.7 + 0.3, a = 1} game.print(player.name .. " has founded a new group!", color) game.print('>> ' .. new_group_name, { r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22}) game.print(new_group_description, { r=0.85, g=0.85, b=0.85}) frame.frame2.group_table.new_group_name.text = "Name" frame.frame2.group_table.new_group_description.text = "Description" refresh_gui() return end end local p = event.element.parent if p then p = p.parent end if p then if p.name == "groups_table" then if event.element.type == "button" and event.element.caption == "Join" then global.player_group[player.name] = event.element.parent.name local str = "[" .. event.element.parent.name str = str .. "]" player.gui.top["group_button"].caption = str player.tag = str if game.tick - global.join_spam_protection[player.name] > 600 then local color = {r = player.color.r * 0.7 + 0.3, g = player.color.g * 0.7 + 0.3, b = player.color.b * 0.7 + 0.3, a = 1} game.print(player.name .. ' has joined group "' .. event.element.parent.name .. '"', color) global.join_spam_protection[player.name] = game.tick end refresh_gui() return end if event.element.type == "button" and event.element.caption == "Delete" then for _, p in pairs(game.players) do if global.player_group[p.name] then if global.player_group[p.name] == event.element.parent.name then global.player_group[p.name] = "[Group]" p.gui.top["group_button"].caption = "[Group]" p.tag = "" end end end game.print(player.name .. ' deleted group "' .. event.element.parent.name .. '"') global.tag_groups[event.element.parent.name] = nil refresh_gui() return end if event.element.type == "button" and event.element.caption == "Leave" then global.player_group[player.name] = "[Group]" player.gui.top["group_button"].caption = "[Group]" player.tag = "" refresh_gui() return end end end if name == "group_button" then if frame then frame.destroy() else build_group_gui(player) end end if name == "close_group_frame" then frame.destroy() end end Event.add(defines.events.on_gui_click, on_gui_click) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, on_player_joined_game)