--luacheck: ignore local Public = {} local Constants = require 'modules.immersive_cargo_wagons.constants' local table_insert = table.insert local table_remove = table.remove local math_round = math.round local math_random = math.random function Public.request_reconstruction(icw) icw.rebuild_tick = game.tick + 30 end local function delete_empty_surfaces(icw) for k, surface in pairs(icw.surfaces) do if not icw.trains[tonumber(surface.name)] then game.delete_surface(surface) table_remove(icw.surfaces, k) end end end local function kick_players_out_of_vehicles(wagon) for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do local character = player.character if character and character.valid and character.driving then if wagon.surface == player.surface then character.driving = false end end end end local function connect_power_pole(entity, wagon_area_left_top_y) local surface = entity.surface local max_wire_distance = entity.prototype.max_wire_distance local area = { {entity.position.x - max_wire_distance, entity.position.y - max_wire_distance}, {entity.position.x + max_wire_distance, entity.position.y - 1} } for _, pole in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({area = area, name = entity.name})) do if pole.position.y < wagon_area_left_top_y then entity.connect_neighbour(pole) return end end end local function equal_fluid(source_tank, target_tank) if not source_tank.valid then return end if not target_tank.valid then return end local source_fluid = source_tank.fluidbox[1] if not source_fluid then return end local target_fluid = target_tank.fluidbox[1] local source_fluid_amount = source_fluid.amount local amount if target_fluid then amount = source_fluid_amount - ((target_fluid.amount + source_fluid_amount) * 0.5) else amount = source_fluid.amount * 0.5 end if amount <= 0 then return end local inserted_amount = target_tank.insert_fluid({name = source_fluid.name, amount = amount, temperature = source_fluid.temperature}) if inserted_amount > 0 then source_tank.remove_fluid({name = source_fluid.name, amount = inserted_amount}) end end local function divide_fluid(wagon, storage_tank) local fluid_wagon = wagon.entity equal_fluid(fluid_wagon, storage_tank) equal_fluid(storage_tank, fluid_wagon) end local function input_filtered(wagon_inventory, chest, chest_inventory, free_slots) local request_stacks = {} local prototypes = game.item_prototypes for slot_index = 1, 4, 1 do local stack = chest.get_request_slot(slot_index) if stack then request_stacks[stack.name] = 10 * prototypes[stack.name].stack_size end end for i = 1, wagon_inventory.get_bar() - 1, 1 do if free_slots <= 0 then return end local stack = wagon_inventory[i] if stack.valid_for_read then local request_stack = request_stacks[stack.name] if request_stack and request_stack > chest_inventory.get_item_count(stack.name) then chest_inventory.insert(stack) stack.clear() free_slots = free_slots - 1 end end end end local function input_cargo(wagon, chest) if not chest.request_from_buffers then return end local wagon_entity = wagon.entity if not wagon_entity.valid then wagon.transfer_entities = nil return end local wagon_inventory = wagon_entity.get_inventory(defines.inventory.cargo_wagon) if wagon_inventory.is_empty() then return end local chest_inventory = chest.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) local free_slots = 0 for i = 1, chest_inventory.get_bar() - 1, 1 do if not chest_inventory[i].valid_for_read then free_slots = free_slots + 1 end end if chest.get_request_slot(1) then input_filtered(wagon_inventory, chest, chest_inventory, free_slots) return end for i = 1, wagon_inventory.get_bar() - 1, 1 do if free_slots <= 0 then return end if wagon_inventory[i].valid_for_read then chest_inventory.insert(wagon_inventory[i]) wagon_inventory[i].clear() free_slots = free_slots - 1 end end end local function output_cargo(wagon, passive_chest) local passive_chest_inventory = passive_chest.get_inventory(defines.inventory.cargo_wagon) if passive_chest_inventory.is_empty() then return end local wagon_inventory = wagon.entity.get_inventory(defines.inventory.cargo_wagon) local free_slots = 0 for i = 1, wagon_inventory.get_bar() - 1, 1 do if not wagon_inventory[i].valid_for_read and not wagon_inventory.get_filter(i) then free_slots = free_slots + 1 end end for i = 1, passive_chest_inventory.get_bar() - 1, 1 do if free_slots <= 0 then return end if passive_chest_inventory[i].valid_for_read then wagon_inventory.insert(passive_chest_inventory[i]) passive_chest_inventory[i].clear() free_slots = free_slots - 1 end end end local transfer_functions = { ['storage-tank'] = divide_fluid, ['logistic-chest-requester'] = input_cargo, ['logistic-chest-passive-provider'] = output_cargo } local function get_wagon_for_entity(icw, entity) local train = icw.trains[tonumber(entity.surface.name)] if not train then return end local position = entity.position for k, unit_number in pairs(train.wagons) do local wagon = icw.wagons[unit_number] if wagon then local left_top = wagon.area.left_top local right_bottom = wagon.area.right_bottom if position.x >= left_top.x and position.y >= left_top.y and position.x <= right_bottom.x and position.y <= right_bottom.y then return wagon end end end return false end local function kill_wagon_doors(icw, wagon) for k, e in pairs(wagon.doors) do icw.doors[e.unit_number] = nil e.destroy() wagon.doors[k] = nil end end local function construct_wagon_doors(icw, wagon) local area = wagon.area local surface = wagon.surface for _, x in pairs({area.left_top.x - 0.55, area.right_bottom.x + 0.55}) do local e = surface.create_entity( { name = 'car', position = {x, area.left_top.y + ((area.right_bottom.y - area.left_top.y) * 0.5)}, force = 'neutral', create_build_effect_smoke = false } ) e.get_inventory(defines.inventory.fuel).insert({name = 'wood', count = 1}) e.destructible = false e.minable = false e.operable = false icw.doors[e.unit_number] = wagon.entity.unit_number table_insert(wagon.doors, e) end end local function get_player_data(icw, player) local player_data = icw.players[player.index] if icw.players[player.index] then return player_data end icw.players[player.index] = { surface = 1, fallback_surface = 1, zoom = 0.30, map_size = 360 } return icw.players[player.index] end function Public.kill_minimap(player) local element = player.gui.left.icw_map if element then element.destroy() end end function Public.kill_wagon(icw, entity) if not Constants.wagon_types[entity.type] then return end local wagon = icw.wagons[entity.unit_number] local surface = wagon.surface kick_players_out_of_vehicles(wagon) kill_wagon_doors(icw, wagon) for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({area = wagon.area})) do if e.name == 'character' and e.player then local p = wagon.entity.surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', wagon.entity.position, 128, 0.5) if p then e.player.teleport(p, wagon.entity.surface) else e.player.teleport(wagon.entity.position, wagon.entity.surface) end Public.kill_minimap(e.player) else e.die() end end for _, tile in pairs(surface.find_tiles_filtered({area = wagon.area})) do surface.set_tiles({{name = 'out-of-map', position = tile.position}}, true) end wagon.entity.force.chart(surface, wagon.area) icw.wagons[entity.unit_number] = nil Public.request_reconstruction(icw) end function Public.create_room_surface(icw, unit_number) if game.surfaces[tostring(unit_number)] then return game.surfaces[tostring(unit_number)] end local map_gen_settings = { ['width'] = 2, ['height'] = 2, ['water'] = 0, ['starting_area'] = 1, ['cliff_settings'] = {cliff_elevation_interval = 0, cliff_elevation_0 = 0}, ['default_enable_all_autoplace_controls'] = true, ['autoplace_settings'] = { ['entity'] = {treat_missing_as_default = false}, ['tile'] = {treat_missing_as_default = true}, ['decorative'] = {treat_missing_as_default = false} } } local surface = game.create_surface(tostring(unit_number), map_gen_settings) surface.freeze_daytime = true surface.daytime = 0.1 surface.request_to_generate_chunks({16, 16}, 2) surface.force_generate_chunk_requests() for _, tile in pairs(surface.find_tiles_filtered({area = {{-2, -2}, {2, 2}}})) do surface.set_tiles({{name = 'out-of-map', position = tile.position}}, true) end table_insert(icw.surfaces, surface) return surface end function Public.create_wagon_room(icw, wagon) local surface = wagon.surface local area = wagon.area local main_tile_name = 'concrete' if wagon.entity.type == 'locomotive' then main_tile_name = 'black-refined-concrete' end local tiles = {} for x = -3, 2, 1 do table_insert(tiles, {name = 'hazard-concrete-right', position = {x, area.left_top.y}}) table_insert(tiles, {name = 'hazard-concrete-right', position = {x, area.right_bottom.y - 1}}) end for x = area.left_top.x, area.right_bottom.x - 1, 1 do for y = area.left_top.y + 2, area.right_bottom.y - 3, 1 do table_insert(tiles, {name = main_tile_name, position = {x, y}}) end end for x = -3, 2, 1 do for y = 1, 3, 1 do table_insert(tiles, {name = main_tile_name, position = {x, y}}) end for y = area.right_bottom.y - 4, area.right_bottom.y - 2, 1 do table_insert(tiles, {name = main_tile_name, position = {x, y}}) end end if wagon.entity.type == 'locomotive' then local vectors = {} local r1 = math_random(1, 2) * -1 local r2 = math_random(1, 2) for x = math_random(1, 2) * -1, math_random(1, 2), 1 do for y = r1, r2, 1 do table_insert(vectors, {x, y}) end end local position = {x = area.left_top.x + (area.right_bottom.x - area.left_top.x) * 0.5, y = area.left_top.y + (area.right_bottom.y - area.left_top.y) * 0.5} position = {x = position.x + (-4 + math_random(0, 8)), y = position.y + (-6 + math_random(0, 12))} for _, v in pairs(vectors) do table_insert(tiles, {name = 'water', position = {position.x + v[1], position.y + v[2]}}) end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) construct_wagon_doors(icw, wagon) if wagon.entity.type == 'fluid-wagon' then local height = area.right_bottom.y - area.left_top.y local positions = { {area.right_bottom.x, area.left_top.y + height * 0.25}, {area.right_bottom.x, area.left_top.y + height * 0.75}, {area.left_top.x - 1, area.left_top.y + height * 0.25}, {area.left_top.x - 1, area.left_top.y + height * 0.75} } table.shuffle_table(positions) local e = surface.create_entity( { name = 'storage-tank', position = positions[1], force = 'neutral', create_build_effect_smoke = false } ) e.destructible = false e.minable = false wagon.transfer_entities = {e} return end if wagon.entity.type == 'cargo-wagon' then local vectors = {{0, -1}, {0, 1}, {-1, 0}, {1, 0}} local v = vectors[math_random(1, 4)] local position = {math_random(area.left_top.x + 2, area.right_bottom.x - 3), math_random(area.left_top.y + 5, area.right_bottom.y - 6)} local e = surface.create_entity( { name = 'logistic-chest-requester', position = position, force = 'neutral', create_build_effect_smoke = false } ) e.destructible = false e.minable = false e2 = surface.create_entity( { name = 'logistic-chest-passive-provider', position = {position[1] + v[1], position[2] + v[2]}, force = 'neutral', create_build_effect_smoke = false } ) e2.destructible = false e2.minable = false wagon.transfer_entities = {e, e2} return end end function Public.create_wagon(icw, created_entity, delay_surface) if not created_entity.unit_number then return end if icw.trains[tonumber(created_entity.surface.name)] or icw.wagons[tonumber(created_entity.surface.name)] then return end if not Constants.wagon_types[created_entity.type] then return end local wagon_area = Constants.wagon_areas[created_entity.type] icw.wagons[created_entity.unit_number] = { entity = created_entity, area = {left_top = {x = wagon_area.left_top.x, y = wagon_area.left_top.y}, right_bottom = {x = wagon_area.right_bottom.x, y = wagon_area.right_bottom.y}}, doors = {}, entity_count = 0 } local wagon = icw.wagons[created_entity.unit_number] if not delay_surface then wagon.surface = Public.create_room_surface(icw, created_entity.unit_number) Public.create_wagon_room(icw, icw.wagons[created_entity.unit_number]) end Public.request_reconstruction(icw) return wagon end function Public.add_wagon_entity_count(icw, added_entity) local wagon = get_wagon_for_entity(icw, added_entity) if not wagon then return end wagon.entity_count = wagon.entity_count + 1 wagon.entity.minable = false end function Public.subtract_wagon_entity_count(icw, removed_entity) local wagon = get_wagon_for_entity(icw, removed_entity) if not wagon then return end wagon.entity_count = wagon.entity_count - 1 if wagon.entity_count > 0 then return end wagon.entity.minable = true end function Public.use_cargo_wagon_door(icw, player, door) local player_data = get_player_data(icw, player) if player_data.state then player_data.state = player_data.state - 1 if player_data.state == 0 then player_data.state = nil end return end if not door then return end if not door.valid then return end local doors = icw.doors local wagons = icw.wagons local wagon = false if doors[door.unit_number] then wagon = wagons[doors[door.unit_number]] end if wagons[door.unit_number] then wagon = wagons[door.unit_number] end if not wagon then return end player_data.fallback_surface = wagon.entity.surface.index player_data.fallback_position = {wagon.entity.position.x, wagon.entity.position.y} if wagon.entity.surface.name ~= player.surface.name then local surface = wagon.entity.surface local x_vector = (door.position.x / math.abs(door.position.x)) * 2 local position = {wagon.entity.position.x + x_vector, wagon.entity.position.y} local position = surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', position, 128, 0.5) if not position then return end player.teleport(position, surface) player_data.state = 2 player.driving = true Public.kill_minimap(player) player_data.surface = surface.index else local surface = wagon.surface local area = wagon.area local x_vector = door.position.x - player.position.x local position if x_vector > 0 then position = {area.left_top.x + 0.5, area.left_top.y + ((area.right_bottom.y - area.left_top.y) * 0.5)} else position = {area.right_bottom.x - 0.5, area.left_top.y + ((area.right_bottom.y - area.left_top.y) * 0.5)} end local p = surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', position, 128, 0.5) if p then player.teleport(p, surface) else player.teleport(position, surface) end player_data.surface = surface.index end end local function move_room_to_train(icw, train, wagon) if not wagon then return end table_insert(train.wagons, wagon.entity.unit_number) local destination_area = { left_top = {x = wagon.area.left_top.x, y = train.top_y}, right_bottom = {x = wagon.area.right_bottom.x, y = train.top_y + (wagon.area.right_bottom.y - wagon.area.left_top.y)} } train.top_y = destination_area.right_bottom.y if destination_area.left_top.x == wagon.area.left_top.x and destination_area.left_top.y == wagon.area.left_top.y and wagon.surface.name == train.surface.name then return end kick_players_out_of_vehicles(wagon) local player_positions = {} for _, e in pairs(wagon.surface.find_entities_filtered({name = 'character', area = wagon.area})) do local player = e.player if player then player_positions[player.index] = {player.position.x, player.position.y + (destination_area.left_top.y - wagon.area.left_top.y)} player.teleport({0, 0}, game.surfaces.nauvis) end end kill_wagon_doors(icw, wagon) wagon.surface.clone_area( { source_area = wagon.area, destination_area = destination_area, destination_surface = train.surface, clone_tiles = true, clone_entities = true, clone_decoratives = true, clear_destination_entities = true, clear_destination_decoratives = true, expand_map = true } ) for player_index, position in pairs(player_positions) do local player = game.players[player_index] player.teleport(position, train.surface) end for _, tile in pairs(wagon.surface.find_tiles_filtered({area = wagon.area})) do wagon.surface.set_tiles({{name = 'out-of-map', position = tile.position}}, true) end wagon.entity.force.chart(wagon.surface, wagon.area) wagon.surface = train.surface wagon.area = destination_area wagon.transfer_entities = {} construct_wagon_doors(icw, wagon) local left_top_y = wagon.area.left_top.y for _, e in pairs(wagon.surface.find_entities_filtered({type = 'electric-pole', area = wagon.area})) do connect_power_pole(e, left_top_y) end for _, e in pairs(wagon.surface.find_entities_filtered({area = wagon.area, force = 'neutral'})) do if transfer_functions[e.name] then table_insert(wagon.transfer_entities, e) end end end function Public.construct_train(icw, carriages) local unit_number = carriages[1].unit_number if icw.trains[unit_number] then return end local train = {surface = Public.create_room_surface(icw, unit_number), wagons = {}, top_y = 0} icw.trains[unit_number] = train for k, carriage in pairs(carriages) do move_room_to_train(icw, train, icw.wagons[carriage.unit_number]) end end function Public.reconstruct_all_trains(icw) icw.trains = {} for unit_number, wagon in pairs(icw.wagons) do if not wagon.entity or not wagon.entity.valid then icw.wagons[unit_number] = nil Public.request_reconstruction(icw) return end if not wagon.surface then wagon.surface = Public.create_room_surface(icw, unit_number) Public.create_wagon_room(icw, wagon) end local carriages = wagon.entity.train.carriages Public.construct_train(icw, carriages) end delete_empty_surfaces(icw) end function Public.item_transfer(icw) for _, wagon in pairs(icw.wagons) do if wagon.transfer_entities then for k, e in pairs(wagon.transfer_entities) do transfer_functions[e.name](wagon, e) end end end end function Public.draw_minimap(icw, player, surface, position) local element = player.gui.left.icw_map if not element then local player_data = get_player_data(icw, player) element = player.gui.left.add( { type = 'camera', name = 'icw_map', position = position, surface_index = surface.index, zoom = player_data.zoom, tooltip = 'LMB: Increase zoom level.\nRMB: Decrease zoom level.\nMMB: Toggle camera size.' } ) element.style.margin = 1 element.style.minimal_height = player_data.map_size element.style.minimal_width = player_data.map_size return end element.position = position end function Public.update_minimap(icw) for k, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do if player.character and player.character.valid then local wagon = get_wagon_for_entity(icw, player.character) if wagon then Public.draw_minimap(icw, player, wagon.entity.surface, wagon.entity.position) end end end end function Public.toggle_minimap(icw, event) local element = event.element if not element then return end if not element.valid then return end if element.name ~= 'icw_map' then return end local player = game.players[event.player_index] local player_data = get_player_data(icw, player) if event.button == defines.mouse_button_type.right then player_data.zoom = player_data.zoom - 0.07 if player_data.zoom < 0.07 then player_data.zoom = 0.07 end element.zoom = player_data.zoom return end if event.button == defines.mouse_button_type.left then player_data.zoom = player_data.zoom + 0.07 if player_data.zoom > 2 then player_data.zoom = 2 end element.zoom = player_data.zoom return end if event.button == defines.mouse_button_type.middle then player_data.map_size = player_data.map_size + 50 if player_data.map_size > 650 then player_data.map_size = 250 end element.style.minimal_height = player_data.map_size element.style.minimal_width = player_data.map_size element.style.maximal_height = player_data.map_size element.style.maximal_width = player_data.map_size return end end return Public