local Gui = require 'utils.gui' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Event = require 'utils.event' local Game = require 'utils.game' local Server = require 'utils.server' local session = require 'utils.datastore.session_data' local Config = require 'utils.gui.config' local SpamProtection = require 'utils.spam_protection' local Class = {} local insert = table.insert local default_poll_duration = 300 * 60 -- in ticks local duration_max = 3600 -- in seconds local duration_step = 15 -- in seconds local duration_slider_max = duration_max / duration_step local tick_duration_step = duration_step * 60 local inv_tick_duration_step = 1 / tick_duration_step local polls = {} local polls_counter = {0} local no_notify_players = {} local player_poll_index = {} local player_create_poll_data = {} Global.register( { polls = polls, polls_counter = polls_counter, no_notify_players = no_notify_players, player_poll_index = player_poll_index, player_create_poll_data = player_create_poll_data }, function(tbl) polls = tbl.polls polls_counter = tbl.polls_counter no_notify_players = tbl.no_notify_players player_poll_index = tbl.player_poll_index player_create_poll_data = tbl.player_create_poll_data end ) local main_button_name = Gui.uid_name() local main_frame_name = Gui.uid_name() local create_poll_button_name = Gui.uid_name() local notify_checkbox_name = Gui.uid_name() local poll_view_back_name = Gui.uid_name() local poll_view_forward_name = Gui.uid_name() local poll_view_vote_name = Gui.uid_name() local poll_view_edit_name = Gui.uid_name() local create_poll_frame_name = Gui.uid_name() local create_poll_duration_name = Gui.uid_name() local create_poll_label_name = Gui.uid_name() local create_poll_question_name = Gui.uid_name() local create_poll_answer_name = Gui.uid_name() local create_poll_add_answer_name = Gui.uid_name() local create_poll_delete_answer_name = Gui.uid_name() local create_poll_close_name = Gui.uid_name() local create_poll_clear_name = Gui.uid_name() local create_poll_edit_name = Gui.uid_name() local create_poll_confirm_name = Gui.uid_name() local create_poll_delete_name = Gui.uid_name() local function poll_id() local count = polls_counter[1] + 1 polls_counter[1] = count return count end local function apply_direction_button_style(button) local button_style = button.style button_style.width = 24 button_style.height = 24 button_style.top_padding = 0 button_style.bottom_padding = 0 button_style.left_padding = 0 button_style.right_padding = 0 button_style.font = 'default-listbox' end local function apply_button_style(button) local button_style = button.style button_style.font = 'default-semibold' button_style.height = 26 button_style.minimal_width = 26 button_style.top_padding = 0 button_style.bottom_padding = 0 button_style.left_padding = 2 button_style.right_padding = 2 end local function do_remaining_time(poll, remaining_time_label) local end_tick = poll.end_tick if end_tick == -1 then remaining_time_label.caption = 'Endless Poll.' return true end local ticks = end_tick - game.tick if ticks < 0 then remaining_time_label.caption = 'Poll Finished.' polls.running = false return false else local time = math.ceil(ticks / 60) remaining_time_label.caption = 'Remaining Time: ' .. time return true end end local function send_poll_result_to_discord(poll) local result = {'Poll #', poll.id} local created_by_player = poll.created_by if created_by_player then insert(result, ' Created by ') insert(result, created_by_player) end local edited_by_players = poll.edited_by if next(edited_by_players) then insert(result, ' Edited by ') for pi, _ in pairs(edited_by_players) do local p = game.players[pi] if p and p.valid then insert(result, p.name) insert(result, ', ') end end table.remove(result) end insert(result, '\\n**Question: ') insert(result, poll.question) insert(result, '**\\n') local answers = poll.answers local answers_count = #answers for i, a in pairs(answers) do insert(result, '[') insert(result, a.voted_count) insert(result, '] - ') insert(result, a.text) if i ~= answers_count then insert(result, '\\n') end end local message = table.concat(result) Server.to_discord_embed(message) end local function redraw_poll_viewer_content(data) local poll_viewer_content = data.poll_viewer_content local remaining_time_label = data.remaining_time_label local poll_index = data.poll_index local player = poll_viewer_content.gui.player data.vote_buttons = nil Gui.remove_data_recursively(poll_viewer_content) poll_viewer_content.clear() local poll = polls[poll_index] if not poll then return end local answers = poll.answers local created_by_player = poll.created_by local created_by_text if created_by_player then created_by_text = ' Created by ' .. created_by_player else created_by_text = '' end local top_flow = poll_viewer_content.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'vertical'} top_flow.add {type = 'label', caption = table.concat {'Poll #', poll.id, created_by_text}} local edited_by_players = poll.edited_by if next(edited_by_players) then local edit_names = {'Edited by '} for pi, _ in pairs(edited_by_players) do local p = Game.get_player_by_index(pi) if p and p.valid then insert(edit_names, p.name) insert(edit_names, ', ') end end table.remove(edit_names) local edit_text = table.concat(edit_names) local top_flow_label = top_flow.add {type = 'label', caption = edit_text, tooltip = edit_text} top_flow_label.style.single_line = false top_flow_label.style.horizontally_stretchable = false end local poll_enabled = do_remaining_time(poll, remaining_time_label) local question_flow = poll_viewer_content.add {type = 'table', column_count = 2} if player.admin then local edit_button = question_flow.add { type = 'sprite-button', name = poll_view_edit_name, sprite = 'utility/rename_icon_normal', tooltip = 'Edit Poll.' } local edit_button_style = edit_button.style edit_button_style.width = 26 edit_button_style.height = 26 end local question_label = question_flow.add {type = 'label', caption = poll.question} question_label.style.minimal_height = 32 question_label.style.single_line = false question_label.style.font = 'heading-2' question_label.style.font_color = {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22} question_label.style.top_padding = 4 question_label.style.left_padding = 4 question_label.style.right_padding = 4 question_label.style.bottom_padding = 4 local grid = poll_viewer_content.add {type = 'table', column_count = 2} local vote_buttons = {} for i, a in pairs(answers) do local vote_button_flow = grid.add {type = 'flow'} local vote_button = vote_button_flow.add { type = 'button', name = poll_view_vote_name, caption = a.voted_count, enabled = poll_enabled } local vote_button_style = vote_button.style vote_button_style.height = 24 vote_button_style.width = 26 vote_button_style.font = 'default-small' vote_button_style.top_padding = 0 vote_button_style.bottom_padding = 0 vote_button_style.left_padding = 0 vote_button_style.right_padding = 0 Gui.set_data(vote_button, {answer = a, data = data}) vote_buttons[i] = vote_button local label = grid.add {type = 'label', caption = a.text} label.style.single_line = false label.style.minimal_height = 24 label.style.font = 'heading-3' label.style.font_color = {r = 0.95, g = 0.95, b = 0.95} label.style.left_padding = 4 label.style.right_padding = 4 label.style.bottom_padding = 4 end data.vote_buttons = vote_buttons end local function update_poll_viewer(data) local back_button = data.back_button local forward_button = data.forward_button local poll_index_label = data.poll_index_label local poll_index = data.poll_index if #polls == 0 then poll_index = 0 else poll_index = math.clamp(poll_index, 1, #polls) end data.poll_index = poll_index if poll_index == 0 then poll_index_label.caption = 'No Polls' else poll_index_label.caption = table.concat {'Poll ', poll_index, ' / ', #polls} end back_button.enabled = poll_index > 1 forward_button.enabled = poll_index < #polls redraw_poll_viewer_content(data) end local function draw_main_frame(_, player) local trusted = session.get_trusted_table() local main_frame, inside_frame = Gui.add_main_frame_with_toolbar(player, 'left', main_frame_name, nil, main_button_name, 'Polls') local poll_viewer_top_flow = inside_frame.add {type = 'table', column_count = 5} poll_viewer_top_flow.style.horizontal_spacing = 0 local back_button = poll_viewer_top_flow.add {type = 'button', name = poll_view_back_name, caption = '◀'} apply_direction_button_style(back_button) local forward_button = poll_viewer_top_flow.add {type = 'button', name = poll_view_forward_name, caption = '▶'} apply_direction_button_style(forward_button) local poll_index_label = poll_viewer_top_flow.add {type = 'label'} poll_index_label.style.left_padding = 8 local spacer = poll_viewer_top_flow.add {type = 'flow'} spacer.style.horizontally_stretchable = true local remaining_time_label = poll_viewer_top_flow.add {type = 'label'} local poll_viewer_content = inside_frame.add {type = 'scroll-pane'} poll_viewer_content.style.maximal_height = 480 poll_viewer_content.style.width = 274 local poll_index = player_poll_index[player.index] or #polls local data = { back_button = back_button, forward_button = forward_button, poll_index_label = poll_index_label, poll_viewer_content = poll_viewer_content, remaining_time_label = remaining_time_label, poll_index = poll_index } Gui.set_data(main_frame, data) Gui.set_data(back_button, data) Gui.set_data(forward_button, data) update_poll_viewer(data) local bottom_flow = inside_frame.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} local left_flow = bottom_flow.add {type = 'flow'} left_flow.style.horizontal_align = 'left' left_flow.style.horizontally_stretchable = true local right_flow = bottom_flow.add {type = 'flow'} right_flow.style.horizontal_align = 'right' local config = Config.get('gui_config') if (trusted[player.name] or player.admin) or config.poll_trusted == false then local create_poll_button = right_flow.add {type = 'button', name = create_poll_button_name, caption = 'Create Poll'} apply_button_style(create_poll_button) else local create_poll_button = right_flow.add { type = 'button', caption = 'Create Poll', enabled = false, tooltip = 'Sorry, you need to be trusted to create polls.' } apply_button_style(create_poll_button) end end local function remove_create_poll_frame(create_poll_frame, player_index) local data = Gui.get_data(create_poll_frame) if not data then return end data.edit_mode = nil player_create_poll_data[player_index] = data Gui.remove_data_recursively(create_poll_frame) create_poll_frame.destroy() end local function remove_main_frame(main_frame, left, player) local player_index = player.index local data = Gui.get_data(main_frame) player_poll_index[player_index] = data.poll_index Gui.remove_data_recursively(main_frame) main_frame.destroy() local create_poll_frame = left[create_poll_frame_name] if create_poll_frame and create_poll_frame.valid then remove_create_poll_frame(create_poll_frame, player_index) end end local function toggle(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Toggle Poll') if is_spamming then return end local left = event.player.gui.left local main_frame = left[main_frame_name] if main_frame then remove_main_frame(main_frame, left, event.player) else Gui.clear_all_active_frames(event.player) draw_main_frame(left, event.player) end end local function update_duration(slider) local slider_data = Gui.get_data(slider) local label = slider_data.duration_label local value = slider.slider_value value = math.floor(value) slider_data.data.duration = value * tick_duration_step if value == 0 then label.caption = 'Endless Poll.' else label.caption = value * duration_step .. ' sec.' end end local function redraw_create_poll_content(data) local grid = data.grid local answers = data.answers Gui.remove_data_recursively(grid) grid.clear() grid.add {type = 'flow'} grid.add { type = 'label', caption = 'Duration:', tooltip = 'Pro tip: Use mouse wheel or arrow keys for more fine control.' } local duration_flow = grid.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} local duration_slider = duration_flow.add { type = 'slider', name = create_poll_duration_name, minimum_value = 0, maximum_value = duration_slider_max, value = math.floor(data.duration * inv_tick_duration_step) } duration_slider.style.width = 100 data.duration_slider = duration_slider local duration_label = duration_flow.add {type = 'label'} Gui.set_data(duration_slider, {duration_label = duration_label, data = data}) update_duration(duration_slider) grid.add {type = 'flow'} local question_label = grid.add({type = 'flow'}).add {type = 'label', name = create_poll_label_name, caption = 'Question:'} local question_textfield = grid.add({type = 'flow'}).add {type = 'textfield', name = create_poll_question_name, text = data.question} question_textfield.style.width = 170 Gui.set_data(question_label, question_textfield) Gui.set_data(question_textfield, data) local edit_mode = data.edit_mode for count, answer in pairs(answers) do local delete_flow = grid.add {type = 'flow'} local delete_button if edit_mode or count ~= 1 then delete_button = delete_flow.add { type = 'sprite-button', name = create_poll_delete_answer_name, sprite = 'utility/trash', tooltip = 'Delete answer field.' } delete_button.style.height = 26 delete_button.style.width = 26 else delete_flow.style.height = 26 delete_flow.style.width = 26 end local label_flow = grid.add {type = 'flow'} local label = label_flow.add { type = 'label', name = create_poll_label_name, caption = table.concat {'Answer #', count, ':'} } local textfield_flow = grid.add {type = 'flow'} local textfield = textfield_flow.add {type = 'textfield', name = create_poll_answer_name, text = answer.text} textfield.style.width = 170 Gui.set_data(textfield, {answers = answers, count = count}) if delete_button then Gui.set_data(delete_button, {data = data, count = count}) end Gui.set_data(label, textfield) end end local function draw_create_poll_frame(parent, player, previous_data) previous_data = previous_data or player_create_poll_data[player.index] local edit_mode local question local answers local duration local title_text local confirm_text local confirm_name if previous_data then edit_mode = previous_data.edit_mode question = previous_data.question answers = {} for i, a in pairs(previous_data.answers) do answers[i] = {text = a.text, source = a} end duration = previous_data.duration else question = '' answers = {{text = ''}, {text = ''}, {text = ''}} duration = default_poll_duration end if edit_mode then title_text = 'Edit Poll #' .. previous_data.id confirm_text = 'Edit Poll' confirm_name = create_poll_edit_name else title_text = 'New Poll' confirm_text = 'Create Poll' confirm_name = create_poll_confirm_name end local frame = parent.add {type = 'frame', name = create_poll_frame_name, caption = title_text, direction = 'vertical'} frame.style.maximal_width = 320 local scroll_pane = frame.add {type = 'scroll-pane', vertical_scroll_policy = 'always'} scroll_pane.style.maximal_height = 250 scroll_pane.style.maximal_width = 300 scroll_pane.style.padding = 3 local grid = scroll_pane.add {type = 'table', column_count = 3} local data = { frame = frame, grid = grid, question = question, answers = answers, duration = duration, previous_data = previous_data, edit_mode = edit_mode } Gui.set_data(frame, data) redraw_create_poll_content(data) local add_answer_button = scroll_pane.add { type = 'button', name = create_poll_add_answer_name, caption = 'Add Answer' } apply_button_style(add_answer_button) Gui.set_data(add_answer_button, data) local bottom_flow = frame.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} local left_flow = bottom_flow.add {type = 'flow'} left_flow.style.horizontal_align = 'left' left_flow.style.horizontally_stretchable = true local close_button = left_flow.add {type = 'button', name = create_poll_close_name, caption = 'Close'} apply_button_style(close_button) Gui.set_data(close_button, frame) local clear_button = left_flow.add {type = 'button', name = create_poll_clear_name, caption = 'Clear'} apply_button_style(clear_button) Gui.set_data(clear_button, data) local right_flow = bottom_flow.add {type = 'flow'} right_flow.style.horizontal_align = 'right' if edit_mode then local delete_button = right_flow.add {type = 'button', name = create_poll_delete_name, caption = 'Delete'} apply_button_style(delete_button) Gui.set_data(delete_button, data) end local confirm_button = right_flow.add {type = 'button', name = confirm_name, caption = confirm_text} apply_button_style(confirm_button) Gui.set_data(confirm_button, data) end local function show_new_poll(poll_data) local message = table.concat {poll_data.created_by, ' has created a new Poll #', poll_data.id, ': ', poll_data.question} for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do local left = p.gui.left local frame = left[main_frame_name] if no_notify_players[p.index] then if frame and frame.valid then local data = Gui.get_data(frame) update_poll_viewer(data) end else p.print(message) if frame and frame.valid then local data = Gui.get_data(frame) data.poll_index = #polls update_poll_viewer(data) else player_poll_index[p.index] = nil draw_main_frame(left, p) end end end end local function create_poll(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Create Poll Confirm') if is_spamming then return end local player = event.player local data = Gui.get_data(event.element) if not data then return end local frame = data.frame local question = data.question if not question:find('%S') then event.player.print('Sorry, the poll needs a question.') return end local answers = {} for _, a in pairs(data.answers) do local text = a.text if text:find('%S') then local index = #answers + 1 answers[index] = {text = text, index = index, voted_count = 0} end end if #answers < 1 then player.print('Sorry, the poll needs at least one answer.') return end player_create_poll_data[player.index] = nil local tick = game.tick local duration = data.duration local end_tick if duration == 0 then end_tick = -1 else end_tick = tick + duration end local name = '' if event.player and event.player.valid then name = event.player.name end local poll_data = { id = poll_id(), question = question, answers = answers, voters = {}, start_tick = tick, end_tick = end_tick, duration = duration, created_by = name, edited_by = {} } insert(polls, poll_data) polls.running = true show_new_poll(poll_data) send_poll_result_to_discord(poll_data) Gui.remove_data_recursively(frame) frame.destroy() end local function update_vote(answer, direction) local count = answer.voted_count + direction answer.voted_count = count return tostring(count) end local function vote(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Poll Vote') if is_spamming then return end local player_index = event.player_index local voted_button = event.element local button_data = Gui.get_data(voted_button) local answer = button_data.answer local poll_index = button_data.data.poll_index local poll = polls[poll_index] local voters = poll.voters local previous_vote_answer = voters[player_index] if previous_vote_answer == answer then return end local vote_index = answer.index voters[player_index] = answer local previous_vote_button_count local previous_vote_index if previous_vote_answer then previous_vote_button_count = update_vote(previous_vote_answer, -1) previous_vote_index = previous_vote_answer.index end local vote_button_count = update_vote(answer, 1) for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do local frame = p.gui.left[main_frame_name] if frame and frame.valid then local data = Gui.get_data(frame) if data.poll_index == poll_index then local vote_buttons = data.vote_buttons if previous_vote_answer then local vote_button = vote_buttons[previous_vote_index] vote_button.caption = previous_vote_button_count end local vote_button = vote_buttons[vote_index] vote_button.caption = vote_button_count end end end end local function player_joined(event) local player = Game.get_player_by_index(event.player_index) if not player or not player.valid then return end if Gui.get_mod_gui_top_frame() then Gui.add_mod_button( player, { type = 'sprite-button', name = main_button_name, sprite = 'item/programmable-speaker', tooltip = 'Let your question be heard!' } ) else if player.gui.top[main_button_name] ~= nil then local frame = player.gui.top[main_frame_name] if frame and frame.valid then local data = Gui.get_data(frame) update_poll_viewer(data) end else local b = player.gui.top.add { type = 'sprite-button', name = main_button_name, sprite = 'item/programmable-speaker', tooltip = 'Let your question be heard!' } b.style.maximal_height = 38 end end end local function tick() if not polls.running then return end for _, p in pairs(game.players) do local frame = p.gui.left[main_frame_name] if frame and frame.valid then local data = Gui.get_data(frame) local poll = polls[data.poll_index] if poll then local poll_enabled = do_remaining_time(poll, data.remaining_time_label) if not poll_enabled then for _, v in pairs(data.vote_buttons) do v.enabled = poll_enabled end end end end local player_index = p.index local tbl = player_create_poll_data[player_index] if tbl then for k, element in pairs(tbl) do if type(element) == 'table' then if not element.valid then player_create_poll_data[player_index] = nil end end end end end end Event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, player_joined) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_created, player_joined) Event.on_nth_tick(60, tick) Gui.on_click(main_button_name, toggle) Gui.on_click( create_poll_button_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Create Poll') if is_spamming then return end local player = event.player local left = player.gui.left local frame = left[create_poll_frame_name] if frame and frame.valid then remove_create_poll_frame(frame, player.index) else draw_create_poll_frame(left, player) end end ) Gui.on_click( poll_view_edit_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Poll View Edit') if is_spamming then return end local player = event.player local left = player.gui.left local frame = left[create_poll_frame_name] if frame and frame.valid then Gui.remove_data_recursively(frame) frame.destroy() end local main_frame = left[main_frame_name] local frame_data = Gui.get_data(main_frame) local poll = polls[frame_data.poll_index] poll.edit_mode = true draw_create_poll_frame(left, player, poll) end ) Gui.on_value_changed( create_poll_duration_name, function(event) update_duration(event.element) end ) Gui.on_click( create_poll_delete_answer_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Create Poll Delete Answer') if is_spamming then return end local button_data = Gui.get_data(event.element) if not button_data then return end local data = button_data.data if not data then return end table.remove(data.answers, button_data.count) redraw_create_poll_content(data) end ) Gui.on_click( create_poll_label_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Create Poll Label Name') if is_spamming then return end local textfield = Gui.get_data(event.element) if not textfield then return end if textfield and textfield.valid then textfield.focus() end end ) Gui.on_text_changed( create_poll_question_name, function(event) local textfield = event.element local data = Gui.get_data(textfield) if not data then return end if textfield and textfield.valid then if string.len(textfield.text) >= 50 then textfield.text = '' return end data.question = textfield.text end end ) Gui.on_text_changed( create_poll_answer_name, function(event) local textfield = event.element local data = Gui.get_data(textfield) if not data then return end if textfield and textfield.valid then if string.len(textfield.text) >= 50 then textfield.text = '' return end data.answers[data.count].text = textfield.text end end ) Gui.on_click( create_poll_add_answer_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Create Poll Add Answer') if is_spamming then return end local data = Gui.get_data(event.element) if not data then return end if data and #data.answers > 10 then return end insert(data.answers, {text = ''}) redraw_create_poll_content(data) end ) Gui.on_click( create_poll_close_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Create Poll Close') if is_spamming then return end local frame = Gui.get_data(event.element) if frame and frame.valid then remove_create_poll_frame(frame, event.player_index) end end ) Gui.on_click( create_poll_clear_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Create Poll Clear') if is_spamming then return end local data = Gui.get_data(event.element) if not data then return end local slider = data.duration_slider slider.slider_value = math.floor(default_poll_duration * inv_tick_duration_step) update_duration(slider) data.question = '' local answers = data.answers for i = 1, #answers do answers[i].text = '' end redraw_create_poll_content(data) end ) Gui.on_click(create_poll_confirm_name, create_poll) Gui.on_click( create_poll_delete_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Create Poll Delete') if is_spamming then return end local player = event.player local data = Gui.get_data(event.element) if not data then return end local frame = data.frame local poll = data.previous_data Gui.remove_data_recursively(frame) frame.destroy() player_create_poll_data[player.index] = nil local removed_index for i, p in pairs(polls) do if p == poll then table.remove(polls, i) removed_index = i break end end if not removed_index then return end local message = table.concat {player.name, ' has deleted Poll #', poll.id, ': ', poll.question} for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do if not no_notify_players[p.index] then p.print(message) end local main_frame = p.gui.left[main_frame_name] if main_frame and main_frame.valid then local main_frame_data = Gui.get_data(main_frame) local poll_index = main_frame_data.poll_index if removed_index < poll_index then main_frame_data.poll_index = poll_index - 1 end update_poll_viewer(main_frame_data) toggle(event) end end end ) Gui.on_click( create_poll_edit_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Create Poll Edit') if is_spamming then return end local player = event.player local data = Gui.get_data(event.element) if not data then return end local frame = data.frame local poll = data.previous_data local new_question = data.question if not new_question:find('%S') then player.print('Sorry, the poll needs a question.') return end local new_answer_set = {} local new_answers = {} for _, a in pairs(data.answers) do if a.text:find('%S') then local source = a.source local index = #new_answers + 1 if source then new_answer_set[source] = a source.text = a.text source.index = index new_answers[index] = source else new_answers[index] = {text = a.text, index = index, voted_count = 0} end end end if not next(new_answers) then player.print('Sorry, the poll needs at least one answer.') return end Gui.remove_data_recursively(frame) frame.destroy() local player_index = player.index player_create_poll_data[player_index] = nil local old_answers = poll.answers local voters = poll.voters for _, a in pairs(old_answers) do if not new_answer_set[a] then for pi, a2 in pairs(voters) do if a == a2 then voters[pi] = nil end end end end poll.question = new_question poll.answers = new_answers poll.edited_by[player_index] = true local start_tick = game.tick local duration = data.duration local end_tick if duration == 0 then end_tick = -1 else end_tick = start_tick + duration end poll.start_tick = start_tick poll.end_tick = end_tick poll.duration = duration local poll_index for i, p in pairs(polls) do if poll == p then poll_index = i break end end if not poll_index then insert(polls, poll) poll_index = #polls end local message = table.concat {player.name, ' has edited Poll #', poll.id, ': ', poll.question} for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do local main_frame = p.gui.left[main_frame_name] if no_notify_players[p.index] then if main_frame and main_frame.valid then local main_frame_data = Gui.get_data(main_frame) update_poll_viewer(main_frame_data) end else p.print(message) if main_frame and main_frame.valid then local main_frame_data = Gui.get_data(main_frame) main_frame_data.poll_index = poll_index update_poll_viewer(main_frame_data) else draw_main_frame(p.gui.left, p) end end end end ) Gui.on_checked_state_changed( notify_checkbox_name, function(event) local player_index = event.player_index local checkbox = event.element local new_state if checkbox.state then new_state = nil else new_state = true end no_notify_players[player_index] = new_state end ) local function do_direction(event, sign) local count if event.shift then count = #polls else local button = event.button if button == defines.mouse_button_type.right then count = 5 else count = 1 end end count = count * sign local data = Gui.get_data(event.element) data.poll_index = data.poll_index + count update_poll_viewer(data) end Gui.on_click( poll_view_back_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Poll View Back') if is_spamming then return end do_direction(event, -1) end ) Gui.on_click( poll_view_forward_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Poll View Forward') if is_spamming then return end do_direction(event, 1) end ) Gui.on_click(poll_view_vote_name, vote) function Class.reset() for k, _ in pairs(polls) do polls[k] = nil end for k, _ in pairs(player_poll_index) do player_poll_index[k] = nil end for k, _ in pairs(player_create_poll_data) do player_create_poll_data[k] = nil end for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do local main_frame = p.gui.left[main_frame_name] if main_frame and main_frame.valid then local main_frame_data = Gui.get_data(main_frame) update_poll_viewer(main_frame_data) remove_main_frame(main_frame, p.gui.left, p) end end end function Class.get_no_notify_players() return no_notify_players end function Class.validate(data) if type(data) ~= 'table' then return false, 'argument must be of type table' end local question = data.question if type(question) ~= 'string' or question == '' then return false, 'field question must be a non empty string.' end local answers = data.answers if type(answers) ~= 'table' then return false, 'answers field must be an array.' end if #answers == 0 then return false, 'answer array must contain at least one entry.' end for _, a in pairs(answers) do if type(a) ~= 'string' or a == '' then return false, 'answers must be a non empty string.' end end local duration = data.duration local duration_type = type(duration) if duration_type == 'number' then if duration < 0 then return false, 'duration cannot be negative, set duration to 0 for endless poll.' end elseif duration_type ~= 'nil' then return false, 'duration must be of type number or nil' end return true end function Class.poll(data) local suc, error = Class.validate(data) if not suc then return false, error end local answers = {} for index, a in pairs(data.answers) do if a ~= '' then insert(answers, {text = a, index = index, voted_count = 0}) end end local duration = data.duration if duration then duration = duration * 60 else duration = default_poll_duration end local start_tick = game.tick local end_tick if duration == 0 then end_tick = -1 else end_tick = start_tick + duration end local id = poll_id() local name = '' if game.player and game.player.valid then name = game.player.name end local poll_data = { id = id, question = data.question, answers = answers, voters = {}, start_tick = start_tick, end_tick = end_tick, duration = duration, created_by = name or {name = '', valid = true}, edited_by = {} } insert(polls, poll_data) show_new_poll(poll_data) send_poll_result_to_discord(poll_data) return true, id end function Class.poll_result(id) if type(id) ~= 'number' then return 'poll-id must be a number' end for _, poll_data in pairs(polls) do if poll_data.id == id then local result = {'Question: ', poll_data.question, ' Answers: '} local answers = poll_data.answers local answers_count = #answers for i, a in pairs(answers) do insert(result, '( [') insert(result, a.voted_count) insert(result, '] - ') insert(result, a.text) insert(result, ' )') if i ~= answers_count then insert(result, ', ') end end return table.concat(result) end end return table.concat {'poll #', id, ' not found'} end function Class.send_poll_result_to_discord(id) if type(id) ~= 'number' then Server.to_discord_embed('poll-id must be a number') return end for _, poll_data in pairs(polls) do if poll_data.id == id then send_poll_result_to_discord(poll_data) return end end local message = table.concat {'poll #', id, ' not found'} Server.to_discord_embed(message) end return Class