local Event = require 'utils.event' local Server = require 'utils.server' local Global = require 'utils.global' local this = { difficulties = { [1] = { name = 'Peaceful', value = 0.25, color = {r = 0.00, g = 0.45, b = 0.00}, print_color = {r = 0.00, g = 0.8, b = 0.00} }, [2] = { name = 'Piece of cake', value = 0.5, color = {r = 0.00, g = 0.35, b = 0.00}, print_color = {r = 0.00, g = 0.6, b = 0.00} }, [3] = { name = 'Easy', value = 0.75, color = {r = 0.00, g = 0.25, b = 0.00}, print_color = {r = 0.00, g = 0.4, b = 0.00} }, [4] = { name = 'Normal', value = 1, color = {r = 0.00, g = 0.00, b = 0.25}, print_color = {r = 0.0, g = 0.0, b = 0.5} }, [5] = { name = 'Hard', value = 1.5, color = {r = 0.25, g = 0.00, b = 0.00}, print_color = {r = 0.4, g = 0.0, b = 0.00} }, [6] = { name = 'Nightmare', value = 3, color = {r = 0.35, g = 0.00, b = 0.00}, print_color = {r = 0.6, g = 0.0, b = 0.00} }, [7] = { name = 'Impossible', value = 5, color = {r = 0.45, g = 0.00, b = 0.00}, print_color = {r = 0.8, g = 0.0, b = 0.00} } }, tooltip = { [1] = '', [2] = '', [3] = '', [4] = '', [5] = '', [6] = '', [7] = '' }, difficulty_vote_value = 1, difficulty_vote_index = 4, difficulty_poll_closing_timeout = 54000, difficulty_player_votes = {} } local Public = {} Global.register( this, function(t) this = t end ) function Public.set_tooltip(...) if type(...) == 'table' then this.tooltip = ... end end function Public.set_difficulties(...) if type(...) == 'table' then this.difficulties = ... end end function Public.set_poll_closing_timeout(...) this.difficulty_poll_closing_timeout = ... end function Public.get() return this end local function difficulty_gui() local tooltip = 'Current difficulty of the map is ' .. this.difficulties[this.difficulty_vote_index].name tooltip = tooltip .. '.' for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do if player.gui.top['difficulty_gui'] then player.gui.top['difficulty_gui'].caption = this.difficulties[this.difficulty_vote_index].name player.gui.top['difficulty_gui'].tooltip = tooltip player.gui.top['difficulty_gui'].style.font_color = this.difficulties[this.difficulty_vote_index].print_color else local b = player.gui.top.add { type = 'button', caption = this.difficulties[this.difficulty_vote_index].name, tooltip = tooltip, name = 'difficulty_gui' } b.style.font = 'heading-2' b.style.font_color = this.difficulties[this.difficulty_vote_index].print_color b.style.minimal_height = 38 end end end local function poll_difficulty(player) if player.gui.center['difficulty_poll'] then player.gui.center['difficulty_poll'].destroy() return end if game.tick > this.difficulty_poll_closing_timeout then if player.online_time ~= 0 then local t = math.abs(math.floor((this.difficulty_poll_closing_timeout - game.tick) / 3600)) local str = 'Votes have closed ' .. t str = str .. ' minute' if t > 1 then str = str .. 's' end str = str .. ' ago.' player.print(str) end return end local frame = player.gui.center.add { type = 'frame', caption = 'Vote difficulty:', name = 'difficulty_poll', direction = 'vertical' } for i = 1, 7, 1 do local b = frame.add({type = 'button', name = tostring(i), caption = this.difficulties[i].name}) b.style.font_color = this.difficulties[i].color b.style.font = 'heading-2' b.style.minimal_width = 160 b.tooltip = this.tooltip[i] end local b = frame.add({type = 'label', caption = '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'}) local b = frame.add( { type = 'button', name = 'close', caption = 'Close (' .. math.floor((this.difficulty_poll_closing_timeout - game.tick) / 3600) .. ' minutes left)' } ) b.style.font_color = {r = 0.66, g = 0.0, b = 0.66} b.style.font = 'heading-3' b.style.minimal_width = 96 end local function set_difficulty() local a = 0 local vote_count = 0 for _, d in pairs(this.difficulty_player_votes) do a = a + d vote_count = vote_count + 1 end if vote_count == 0 then return end a = a / vote_count local new_index = math.round(a, 0) if this.difficulty_vote_index ~= new_index then local message = table.concat({'>> Map difficulty has changed to ', this.difficulties[new_index].name, ' difficulty!'}) game.print(message, this.difficulties[new_index].print_color) Server.to_discord_embed(message) end this.difficulty_vote_index = new_index this.difficulty_vote_value = this.difficulties[new_index].value end function Public.reset_difficulty_poll() this.difficulty_vote_value = 1 this.difficulty_vote_index = 4 this.difficulty_player_votes = {} this.difficulty_poll_closing_timeout = game.tick + 54000 for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do if p.gui.center['difficulty_poll'] then p.gui.center['difficulty_poll'].destroy() end poll_difficulty(p) end difficulty_gui() end local function on_player_joined_game(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if game.tick < this.difficulty_poll_closing_timeout then if not this.difficulty_player_votes[player.name] then poll_difficulty(player) end else if player.gui.center['difficulty_poll'] then player.gui.center['difficulty_poll'].destroy() end end difficulty_gui() end local function on_player_left_game(event) if game.tick > this.difficulty_poll_closing_timeout then return end local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not this.difficulty_player_votes[player.name] then return end this.difficulty_player_votes[player.name] = nil set_difficulty() difficulty_gui() end local function on_gui_click(event) if not event then return end if not event.element then return end if not event.element.valid then return end local player = game.players[event.element.player_index] if event.element.name == 'difficulty_gui' then poll_difficulty(player) return end if event.element.type ~= 'button' then return end if event.element.parent.name ~= 'difficulty_poll' then return end if event.element.name == 'close' then event.element.parent.destroy() return end if game.tick > this.difficulty_poll_closing_timeout then event.element.parent.destroy() return end local i = tonumber(event.element.name) game.print( player.name .. ' has voted for ' .. this.difficulties[i].name .. ' difficulty!', this.difficulties[i].print_color ) this.difficulty_player_votes[player.name] = i set_difficulty() difficulty_gui() event.element.parent.destroy() end Event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, on_player_joined_game) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_left_game, on_player_left_game) Event.add(defines.events.on_gui_click, on_gui_click) return Public