-- This file is part of thesixthroc's Pirate Ship softmod, licensed under GPLv3 and stored at https://github.com/danielmartin0/ComfyFactorio-Pirates. local Memory = require 'maps.pirates.memory' local Math = require 'maps.pirates.math' local Common = require 'maps.pirates.common' local CoreData = require 'maps.pirates.coredata' local Utils = require 'maps.pirates.utils_local' local GuiEvo = require 'maps.pirates.gui.evo' local GuiProgress = require 'maps.pirates.gui.progress' local GuiRuns = require 'maps.pirates.gui.runs' local GuiCrew = require 'maps.pirates.gui.crew' local GuiClasses = require 'maps.pirates.gui.classes' local GuiFuel = require 'maps.pirates.gui.fuel' local GuiMinimap = require 'maps.pirates.gui.minimap' local GuiInfo = require 'maps.pirates.gui.info' local Quest = require 'maps.pirates.quest' local Balance = require 'maps.pirates.balance' local _inspect = require 'utils.inspect'.inspect local GuiCommon = require 'maps.pirates.gui.common' local Boats = require 'maps.pirates.structures.boats.boats' local Hold = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.hold' local Cabin = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.cabin' local Crowsnest = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.crowsnest' local Progression = require 'maps.pirates.progression' local Surfaces = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.surfaces' local Roles = require 'maps.pirates.roles.roles' local Event = require 'utils.event' local CustomEvents = require 'maps.pirates.custom_events' local ComfyGui = require 'utils.gui' ComfyGui.set_disabled_tab('Scoreboard', true) ComfyGui.set_disabled_tab('Groups', true) local Public = {} local enum = { PROGRESS = 'progress', RUNS = 'runs', CREW = 'crew', FUEL = 'fuel', MINIMAP = 'minimap', INFO = 'info', COLOR = 'color', } Public.enum = enum Public.progress = require 'maps.pirates.gui.progress' Public.runs = require 'maps.pirates.gui.runs' Public.crew = require 'maps.pirates.gui.crew' Public.classes = require 'maps.pirates.gui.classes' Public.fuel = require 'maps.pirates.gui.fuel' Public.minimap = require 'maps.pirates.gui.minimap' Public.info = require 'maps.pirates.gui.info' Public.color = require 'maps.pirates.gui.color' function Public.update_crew_gui(which_gui) local players = Common.crew_get_crew_members_and_spectators() for _, player in pairs(players) do Public[which_gui].full_update(player) end end function Public.update_crew_progress_gui() return Public.update_crew_gui('progress') end Event.add(CustomEvents.enum['update_crew_progress_gui'], Public.update_crew_progress_gui) -- script.raise_event(CustomEvents.enum['update_crew_progress_gui'], {}) function Public.update_crew_fuel_gui() return Public.update_crew_gui('fuel') end Event.add(CustomEvents.enum['update_crew_fuel_gui'], Public.update_crew_fuel_gui) local function create_gui(player) local flow1, flow2, flow3, flow4 flow1 = player.gui.top flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_floating_sprite_button(flow1, 'info_piratebutton') flow2.caption = '?' flow2.style.font = 'debug' flow2.tooltip = {'pirates.gui_info_main_tooltip'} flow2.style.font_color = {r=1, g=1, b=1} flow2.style.hovered_font_color = {r=1, g=1, b=1} flow2.style.clicked_font_color = {r=1, g=1, b=1} flow2.parent.style.left_padding = -6 flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_floating_sprite_button(flow1, 'runs_piratebutton', 70) flow2.caption = {'pirates.gui_crews'} flow2.tooltip = {'pirates.gui_crews_main_tooltip'} flow2.style.font = 'debug' flow2.style.font_color = {r=1, g=1, b=1} flow2.style.hovered_font_color = {r=1, g=1, b=1} flow2.style.clicked_font_color = {r=1, g=1, b=1} flow2.parent.style.width = 67 flow2.parent.style.left_padding = -6 -- optional use of left gui: -- flowleft = player.gui.left -- flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_floating_sprite_button(flowleft, 'crew_piratebutton') -- flow2.sprite = 'utility/spawn_flag' flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_floating_sprite_button(flow1, 'crew_piratebutton') flow2.sprite = 'utility/spawn_flag' flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_floating_sprite_button(flow1, 'classes_piratebutton') flow2.sprite = 'item/light-armor' -- flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_floating_sprite_button(flow1, 'lives_piratebutton') -- flow2.tooltip = 'Lives\n\nWhen a silo is destroyed before its rocket is launched, you lose a life.\n\nLosing all your lives is one way to lose the game.' -- flow2.mouse_button_filter = {'middle'} -- flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_floating_sprite_button(flow1, 'distance_travelled_piratebutton') -- flow2.tooltip = 'Leagues travelled in the overworld\n\nCrews progress through the game by travelling in the overworld. Travel ' .. CoreData.victory_x/40 .. ' leagues = victory.' -- flow2.sprite = 'item/rail' -- flow2.mouse_button_filter = {'middle'} -- flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_floating_sprite_button(flow1, 'destination_piratebutton') -- flow2.tooltip = 'Location window\n\nWhere am I?' -- flow2.sprite = 'item/landfill' flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_floating_sprite_button(flow1, 'progress_piratebutton') flow2.sprite = 'item/rail' flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_floating_sprite_button(flow1, 'evo_piratebutton') flow2.sprite = 'entity/small-biter' flow2.mouse_button_filter = {'middle'} --hack to avoid press visual flow2.show_percent_for_small_numbers = true --as of factorio v1.1.59, there is a bug in which 1.002 displays as like 1e-2% or something. but after 1.01 it's ok flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_floating_sprite_button(flow1, 'minimap_piratebutton') flow2.tooltip = {'pirates.gui_minimap_main_tooltip'} flow2.sprite = 'utility/map' -- flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_floating_sprite_button(flow1, 'shop_piratebutton') -- flow2.tooltip = "Coal/Officer's Shop\n\nThe captain and their officers are authorised to spend coal in the shop." -- flow2.sprite = 'item/coal' flow2 = flow1.add({ name = 'fuel_flow', type = 'frame', }) flow2.style.minimal_width = 80 flow2.style.natural_width = 80 flow2.style.minimal_height = 40 flow2.style.maximal_height = 40 flow2.style.left_padding = 4 flow2.style.right_padding = 4 flow2.style.top_padding = 3 -- interactive version: -- flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_floating_button(flow1, 'fuel_piratebutton') flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'fuel_label_0', type = 'label', caption = '' }) flow3.style.font = 'default-large-semibold' flow3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.bold_font_color flow3.caption = {'pirates.gui_fuel_1'} flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'fuel_label_1', type = 'label', caption = '' }) flow3.style.font = 'default-large' flow3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.default_font_color -- flow3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.bold_font_color -- flow4.style.top_margin = -36 -- flow4.style.left_margin = -100 -- flow3.style.horizontal_align = 'center' -- flow4.style.left_padding = -5 flow3.style.left_margin = -2 flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'fuel_label_2', type = 'label', caption = '' }) flow3.style.font = 'default-large' flow3.style.left_margin = 3 flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_floating_button(flow1, 'etaframe_piratebutton') -- flow2.style.right_padding = -100 -- flow2.enabled = false flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'etaframe_label_1', type = 'label', }) flow3.style.font = 'default-large-semibold' flow3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.bold_font_color flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'etaframe_label_2', type = 'label', }) flow3.style.left_margin = 1 flow3.style.font = 'default-large' flow3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.default_font_color flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'etaframe_label_3', type = 'label', }) flow3.style.left_margin = 3 flow3.style.font = 'default-large-semibold' flow3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.bold_font_color flow3 = flow2.add({type = 'table', name = 'cost_table', column_count = #CoreData.cost_items}) for i = 1, #CoreData.cost_items do flow4 = flow3.add({type = 'sprite-button', name = 'cost_' .. i, number = 0}) -- flow4.mouse_button_filter = {'middle'} flow4.sprite = CoreData.cost_items[i].sprite_name flow4.enabled = false flow4.style.top_margin = -6 flow4.style.right_margin = -6 flow4.style.maximal_height = 38 flow4.visible = false end -- and flow4 = flow3.add({type = 'sprite-button', name = 'cost_launch_rocket'}) -- flow4.mouse_button_filter = {'middle'} flow4.sprite = 'item/rocket-silo' flow4.enabled = false flow4.style.top_margin = -6 flow4.style.right_margin = -6 flow4.style.maximal_height = 38 flow4.visible = false flow3.style.left_margin = -1 flow3.style.right_margin = -2 --to get to the end of the button frame -- flow2 = flow1.add({ -- name = 'time_remaining_frame', -- type = 'frame', -- }) -- flow2.style.minimal_width = 100 -- flow2.style.natural_width = 100 -- flow2.style.minimal_height = 40 -- flow2.style.maximal_height = 40 -- flow2.style.left_padding = 4 -- flow2.style.right_padding = 4 -- flow2.style.top_padding = 3 -- flow2.tooltip = tooltip -- flow3 = flow2.add({ -- name = 'time_remaining_label_1', -- type = 'label', -- caption = 'Max Time:' -- }) -- flow3.style.font = 'default-large-semibold' -- flow3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.bold_font_color -- flow3.tooltip = tooltip -- flow3 = flow2.add({ -- name = 'time_remaining_label_2', -- type = 'label', -- }) -- flow3.style.left_margin = 2 -- flow3.style.font = 'default-large' -- flow3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.default_font_color -- flow3.tooltip = tooltip -- flow3 = flow2.add({ -- name = 'rage_table', -- type = 'table', -- column_count = 5, -- }) -- flow3.style.top_margin = 6 -- flow3.style.left_margin = 4 -- for i = 1, 6 do -- flow4 = flow3.add({type = 'progressbar', name = 'bar_' .. i, value = 0.5}) -- flow4.style.width = 18 -- flow4.style.height = 5 -- end -- flow2 = flow1.add({ -- name = 'cost_frame', -- type = 'frame', -- }) -- flow2.style.minimal_width = 100 -- flow2.style.natural_width = 100 -- flow2.style.minimal_height = 40 -- flow2.style.maximal_height = 40 -- flow2.style.left_padding = 4 -- flow2.style.right_padding = 4 -- flow2.style.top_padding = 3 -- -- flow3 = flow2.add({ -- -- name = 'cost_label_1', -- -- type = 'label', -- -- }) -- -- flow3.style.font = 'default-large-semibold' -- -- flow3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.bold_font_color -- -- flow3 = flow2.add({ -- -- name = 'cost_label_2', -- -- type = 'label', -- -- }) -- -- flow3.style.font = 'default-large' -- -- flow3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.default_font_color -- flow3 = flow2.add({type = 'table', name = 'cost_table', column_count = 5}) -- for i = 1, 5 do -- flow4 = flow3.add({type = 'sprite-button', name = 'cost_' .. i, number = 0}) -- -- flow4.mouse_button_filter = {'middle'} -- flow4.enabled = false -- flow4.style.top_margin = -6 -- flow4.style.right_margin = -6 -- flow4.style.maximal_height = 38 -- flow4.visible = false -- end -- flow3.style.right_margin = -3 flow2 = flow1.add({ name = 'silo_frame', type = 'frame', }) flow2.style.minimal_width = 80 flow2.style.natural_width = 80 flow2.style.minimal_height = 40 flow2.style.maximal_height = 40 flow2.style.left_padding = 4 flow2.style.right_padding = 4 flow2.style.top_padding = 3 flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'silo_label_1', type = 'label', }) flow3.style.font = 'default-large-semibold' flow3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.bold_font_color flow3.style.right_margin = 2 flow3 = flow2.add({ type = 'progressbar', name = 'silo_progressbar', value = 0, }) flow3.style.top_margin = 9 flow3.style.right_margin = 2 flow3.style.width = 72 flow3.style.height = 11 flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'silo_label_2', type = 'label', }) flow3.style.font = 'default-large-semibold' flow3.style.right_margin = 2 flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'silo_label_3', type = 'label', }) flow3.style.font = 'default-large' flow3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.default_font_color flow3.style.right_margin = 2 -- flow3 = flow2.add({ -- type = 'sprite', -- name = 'silo_charging_indicator', -- }) -- flow3.tooltip = tooltip -- old font color: {r=0.33, g=0.66, b=0.9} flow2 = flow1.add({ name = 'quest_frame', type = 'frame', }) flow2.style.minimal_width = 80 flow2.style.natural_width = 80 flow2.style.minimal_height = 40 flow2.style.maximal_height = 40 flow2.style.left_padding = 4 flow2.style.right_padding = 4 flow2.style.top_padding = 3 flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'quest_label_1', type = 'label', }) flow3.style.font = 'default-large-semibold' flow3.style.right_margin = 2 flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'quest_label_2', type = 'label', }) flow3.style.font = 'default-large' flow3.style.font_color = Common.default_font_color flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'quest_label_3', type = 'label', }) -- flow3.style.font = 'default-large' flow3.style.font = 'default-large-semibold' flow3.style.left_margin = -4 flow3.style.right_margin = -4 flow3.style.font_color = Common.default_font_color flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'quest_label_4', type = 'label', }) flow3.style.font = 'default-large' flow3.style.font_color = Common.default_font_color flow2 = flow1.add({ name = 'covering_line_frame', type = 'frame', }) flow2.style.minimal_width = 40 flow2.style.natural_width = 40 flow2.style.minimal_height = 40 flow2.style.maximal_height = 40 flow2.style.left_padding = 3 flow2.style.right_padding = 3 flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'covering_line', type = 'line', direction = 'horizontal', }) flow3.style.top_margin = 9 flow3.style.minimal_width = 320 flow3.style.maximal_width = 320 --== SCREEN STUFF -- spontaneous inside view of the hold: flow1 = player.gui.screen.add( { type = 'camera', name = 'pirates_spontaneous_camera', position = {x=0,y=0}, } ) flow1.visible = false flow1.style.margin = 8 -- flow2.style.minimal_height = 64 -- flow2.style.minimal_width = 64 -- flow2.style.maximal_height = 640 -- flow2.style.maximal_width = 640 -- flow2 = player.gui.screen.add({ -- name = 'pirates_undock_shortcut_button', -- type = 'sprite-button', -- enabled = false, -- }) -- flow2.style.minimal_width = 80 -- flow2.style.natural_width = 80 -- flow2.style.maximal_width = 150 -- flow2.style.minimal_height = 40 -- flow2.style.maximal_height = 40 -- flow2.style.left_margin = 1 -- flow2.style.top_margin = 1 -- flow2.style.left_padding = 4 -- flow2.style.right_padding = 4 -- flow2.style.top_padding = 3 -- flow2.style.font = 'default-large-semibold' -- flow2.style.font_color = GuiCommon.default_font_color end function Public.process_etaframe_update(player, flow1, bools) if not flow1 then return end local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local destination = Common.current_destination() local dynamic_data = destination.dynamic_data --assumes this always exists local flow2 if bools.cost_bool or bools.atsea_loading_bool or bools.atsea_waiting_bool or bools.eta_bool or bools.retreating_bool or bools.leave_anytime_bool then flow1.visible = true local tooltip = '' flow2 = flow1.etaframe_piratebutton_flow_2 flow2.etaframe_label_1.visible = false --start off flow2.etaframe_label_2.visible = false --start off flow2.etaframe_label_3.visible = false --start off flow2.cost_table.visible = false --start off if bools.retreating_bool then flow2.etaframe_label_1.visible = true flow2.etaframe_label_2.visible = false tooltip = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_board_warning_tooltip'} flow2.etaframe_label_1.caption = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_board_warning'} elseif bools.eta_bool then flow2.etaframe_label_1.visible = true flow2.etaframe_label_2.visible = true tooltip = {'pirates.auto_undock_tooltip'} local passive_eta = dynamic_data.time_remaining flow2.etaframe_label_1.caption = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_autoundock'} flow2.etaframe_label_2.caption = Utils.standard_string_form_of_time_in_seconds(passive_eta) elseif bools.atsea_loading_bool then flow2.etaframe_label_1.visible = true flow2.etaframe_label_2.visible = true tooltip = {'pirates.atsea_loading_tooltip'} local total = Common.map_loading_ticks_atsea if destination.type == Surfaces.enum.DOCK then total = Common.map_loading_ticks_atsea_dock elseif destination.type == Surfaces.enum.ISLAND and destination.subtype == Surfaces.Island.enum.MAZE then total = Common.map_loading_ticks_atsea_maze end local eta_ticks = total + (memory.extra_time_at_sea or 0) - memory.loadingticks flow2.etaframe_label_1.caption = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_arriving_in'} flow2.etaframe_label_2.caption = Utils.standard_string_form_of_time_in_seconds(eta_ticks / 60) elseif bools.atsea_waiting_bool then flow2.etaframe_label_1.visible = true flow2.etaframe_label_2.visible = false tooltip = {'pirates.atsea_waiting_tooltip'} flow2.etaframe_label_1.caption = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_atsea_waiting'} elseif bools.leave_anytime_bool then flow2.etaframe_label_1.visible = true flow2.etaframe_label_2.visible = true tooltip = {'pirates.leave_anytime_tooltip'} flow2.etaframe_label_1.caption = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_undock'} flow2.etaframe_label_2.caption = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_anytime'} end if bools.cost_bool then local costs = destination.static_params.base_cost_to_undock local adjusted_costs = Common.time_adjusted_departure_cost(costs) local cost_table = flow2.cost_table flow2.etaframe_label_3.visible = true cost_table.visible = true if flow2.etaframe_label_2.visible then flow2.etaframe_label_2.caption = flow2.etaframe_label_2.caption .. '.' end -- local caption if bools.atsea_loading_bool then if memory.overworldx >= Balance.rockets_needed_x then --bools.eta_bool is not helpful yet flow2.etaframe_label_3.caption = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_nest_escape_cost'} if bools.cost_includes_rocket_launch_bool then tooltip = {'pirates.resources_needed_tooltip_0_rocketvariant'} else tooltip = {'pirates.resources_needed_tooltip_0'} end else flow2.etaframe_label_3.caption = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_nest_escape_cost'} if bools.cost_includes_rocket_launch_bool then tooltip = {'pirates.resources_needed_tooltip_1_rocketvariant'} else tooltip = {'pirates.resources_needed_tooltip_1'} end end elseif (not bools.eta_bool) then flow2.etaframe_label_3.visible = false flow2.etaframe_label_1.visible = true flow2.etaframe_label_1.caption = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_to_escape_store'} if bools.cost_includes_rocket_launch_bool then tooltip = {'pirates.resources_needed_tooltip_3_rocketvariant'} else tooltip = {'pirates.resources_needed_tooltip_3'} end else flow2.etaframe_label_3.caption = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_or_store'} local adjusted_costs_resources_strings = Common.time_adjusted_departure_cost_resources_strings(memory) if bools.cost_includes_rocket_launch_bool then tooltip = {'pirates.resources_needed_tooltip_2_rocketvariant', adjusted_costs_resources_strings[1], adjusted_costs_resources_strings[2]} else --@Future reference: localisation handling tooltip = {'pirates.resources_needed_tooltip_2', adjusted_costs_resources_strings[1], adjusted_costs_resources_strings[2]} end end for i = 1, #CoreData.cost_items do local item_name = CoreData.cost_items[i].name if adjusted_costs[item_name] and cost_table['cost_' .. i] then local stored = (memory.boat.stored_resources and memory.boat.stored_resources[item_name]) or 0 if bools.atsea_loading_bool then cost_table['cost_' .. i].number = adjusted_costs[item_name] else --subtract off the amount we've stored cost_table['cost_' .. i].number = Math.max(adjusted_costs[item_name] - stored, 0) end cost_table['cost_' .. i].tooltip = CoreData.cost_items[i].display_name cost_table['cost_' .. i].visible = true else cost_table['cost_' .. i].visible = false end end if adjusted_costs['launch_rocket'] and cost_table['cost_launch_rocket'] then if bools.atsea_loading_bool or (not dynamic_data.rocketlaunched) then cost_table['cost_launch_rocket'].number = 1 else cost_table['cost_launch_rocket'].number = 0 end cost_table['cost_launch_rocket'].tooltip = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_rocket_requirement_tooltip'} cost_table['cost_launch_rocket'].visible = true else cost_table['cost_launch_rocket'].visible = false end end flow1.etaframe_piratebutton.tooltip = tooltip flow2.tooltip = tooltip if bools.captain_bool and (not bools.retreating_bool) and (bools.leave_anytime_bool or bools.atsea_waiting_bool or bools.eta_bool or (bools.cost_bool and (not bools.atsea_loading_bool))) then flow1.etaframe_piratebutton.mouse_button_filter = {'left'} if memory.undock_shortcut_are_you_sure_data and memory.undock_shortcut_are_you_sure_data[player.index] and memory.undock_shortcut_are_you_sure_data[player.index] > game.tick - 60 * 4 then flow2.etaframe_label_1.visible = true flow2.etaframe_label_1.caption = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_undock_are_you_sure'} flow2.etaframe_label_2.visible = false flow2.etaframe_label_3.visible = false end else flow1.etaframe_piratebutton.mouse_button_filter = {'middle'} --hack to avoid press visual end else flow1.visible = false end end function Public.process_siloframe_and_questframe_updates(flowsilo, flowquest, bools) local destination = Common.current_destination() local dynamic_data = destination.dynamic_data --assumes this always exists local active_eta local flow1 flow1 = flowsilo if flow1 then if bools.silo_bool then flow1.visible = true if bools.charged_bool then if bools.launched_bool then flow1.silo_progressbar.visible = false flow1.silo_label_2.visible = false flow1.silo_label_3.visible = true -- flow1.silo_label_1.caption = string.format('[achievement=there-is-no-spoon]: +%.0f[item=sulfur]', dynamic_data.rocketcoalreward) flow1.silo_label_1.caption = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_launched'} -- flow1.silo_label_1.caption = string.format('Launched for %.0f[item=coal] , ' .. Balance.rocket_launch_coin_reward .. '[item=coin]', dynamic_data.rocketcoalreward) flow1.silo_label_1.style.font_color = GuiCommon.achieved_font_color flow1.silo_label_3.caption = Math.floor(dynamic_data.rocketcoalreward/100)/10 .. 'k[item=coal], ' .. Math.floor(Balance.rocket_launch_coin_reward/100)/10 .. 'k[item=coin]' local tooltip = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_launched_tooltip'} flow1.tooltip = tooltip flow1.silo_label_1.tooltip = tooltip flow1.silo_label_3.tooltip = tooltip else local tooltip = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_launching'} flow1.tooltip = tooltip flow1.silo_label_1.tooltip = tooltip flow1.silo_progressbar.tooltip = tooltip flow1.silo_label_1.caption = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_charge'} flow1.silo_label_1.style.font_color = GuiCommon.bold_font_color flow1.silo_label_2.visible = false flow1.silo_label_3.visible = false flow1.silo_progressbar.visible = true flow1.silo_progressbar.value = 1 end else flow1.silo_label_1.caption = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_charge'} flow1.silo_label_1.style.font_color = GuiCommon.bold_font_color flow1.silo_label_2.visible = true flow1.silo_progressbar.visible = true flow1.silo_label_3.visible = false local consumed = dynamic_data.rocketsiloenergyconsumed local needed = dynamic_data.rocketsiloenergyneeded local recent = (dynamic_data.rocketsiloenergyconsumedwithinlasthalfsecond * 2) flow1.silo_progressbar.value = consumed/needed local tooltip = {'pirates.gui_etaframe_charge_tooltip', string.format('%.1f', Math.floor(consumed / 100000000)/10), string.format('%.1f', Math.floor(needed / 100000000)/10)} flow1.tooltip = tooltip flow1.silo_label_1.tooltip = tooltip flow1.silo_label_2.tooltip = tooltip flow1.silo_progressbar.tooltip = tooltip if recent ~= 0 then active_eta = (needed - consumed) / recent flow1.silo_label_2.caption = Utils.standard_string_form_of_time_in_seconds(active_eta) if active_eta < dynamic_data.time_remaining or (not bools.eta_bool) then flow1.silo_label_2.style.font_color = GuiCommon.sufficient_font_color else flow1.silo_label_2.style.font_color = GuiCommon.insufficient_font_color end else flow1.silo_label_2.caption = '∞' flow1.silo_label_2.style.font_color = GuiCommon.insufficient_font_color end end else flow1.visible = false end end flow1 = flowquest if flow1 then if bools.quest_bool then flow1.visible = true local quest_type = dynamic_data.quest_type or nil local quest_params = dynamic_data.quest_params or {} local quest_reward = dynamic_data.quest_reward or nil local quest_progress = dynamic_data.quest_progress or 0 local quest_progressneeded = dynamic_data.quest_progressneeded or 0 local quest_complete = dynamic_data.quest_complete or false if quest_type then local tooltip = '' if quest_complete and quest_reward then tooltip = {'pirates.gui_questframe_complete_tooltip'} flow1.quest_label_1.caption = {'pirates.gui_questframe'} flow1.quest_label_1.style.font_color = GuiCommon.achieved_font_color flow1.quest_label_2.visible = true flow1.quest_label_3.visible = false flow1.quest_label_4.visible = false flow1.quest_label_2.caption = quest_reward.display_amount .. ' ' .. quest_reward.display_sprite elseif quest_reward then if quest_progress < quest_progressneeded then flow1.quest_label_1.caption = {'pirates.gui_questframe'} flow1.quest_label_1.style.font_color = GuiCommon.bold_font_color flow1.quest_label_2.visible = true flow1.quest_label_3.visible = true flow1.quest_label_4.visible = true -- defaults, to be overwritten: flow1.quest_label_2.caption = string.format('%s ', Quest.quest_icons[quest_type]) flow1.quest_label_3.caption = string.format('%.0f/%.0f', quest_progress, quest_progressneeded) flow1.quest_label_3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.insufficient_font_color flow1.quest_label_4.caption = string.format(' for %s', quest_reward.display_sprite) flow1.quest_label_4.style.font_color = Common.default_font_color end if quest_type == Quest.enum.TIME then if tooltip == '' then tooltip = {'pirates.gui_questframe_time'} end if quest_progress >= 0 then flow1.quest_label_3.caption = string.format('%.0fm%.0fs', Math.floor(quest_progress / 60), quest_progress % 60) if active_eta then if active_eta < quest_progress - 35 then --35 is roughly the number of seconds between charge and launch flow1.quest_label_3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.sufficient_font_color else flow1.quest_label_3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.insufficient_font_color end else if bools.charged_bool and quest_progress > 35 then flow1.quest_label_3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.sufficient_font_color else flow1.quest_label_3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.insufficient_font_color end end else flow1.quest_label_3.caption = {'pirates.gui_questframe_fail'} flow1.quest_label_3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.insufficient_font_color end elseif quest_type == Quest.enum.WORMS then if tooltip == '' then tooltip = {'pirates.gui_questframe_worms'} end elseif quest_type == Quest.enum.FIND then if tooltip == '' then tooltip = {'pirates.gui_questframe_find'} end elseif quest_type == Quest.enum.RESOURCEFLOW then if tooltip == '' then tooltip = {'pirates.gui_questframe_resourceflow'} end -- out of date: if quest_progressneeded/60 % 1 == 0 then flow1.quest_label_2.caption = string.format('%s %.1f/%.0f /s', '[item=' .. quest_params.item .. ']', quest_progress/60, quest_progressneeded/60) flow1.quest_label_3.caption = string.format(' for %s', quest_reward.display_sprite) else flow1.quest_label_2.caption = string.format('%s %.1f/%.1f /s', '[item=' .. quest_params.item .. ']', quest_progress/60, quest_progressneeded/60) flow1.quest_label_3.caption = string.format(' for %s', quest_reward.display_sprite) end elseif quest_type == Quest.enum.RESOURCECOUNT then if tooltip == '' then tooltip = {'pirates.gui_questframe_resourcecount'} end flow1.quest_label_2.caption = string.format('%s ', '[item=' .. quest_params.item .. ']') elseif quest_type == Quest.enum.NODAMAGE then if tooltip == '' then tooltip = {'pirates.gui_questframe_nodamage'} end if bools.approaching_bool or (dynamic_data.rocketsilos and dynamic_data.rocketsilos[1] and dynamic_data.rocketsilos[1].valid and dynamic_data.rocketsilohp == dynamic_data.rocketsilomaxhp) then flow1.quest_label_3.caption = {'pirates.gui_questframe_ok'} flow1.quest_label_3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.sufficient_font_color else flow1.quest_label_3.caption = {'pirates.gui_questframe_fail'} flow1.quest_label_3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.insufficient_font_color end end end flow1.tooltip = tooltip flow1.quest_label_1.tooltip = tooltip flow1.quest_label_2.tooltip = tooltip flow1.quest_label_3.tooltip = tooltip flow1.quest_label_4.tooltip = tooltip end else flow1.visible = false end end end -- local function create_gui_2() -- end -- Event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, create_gui_2) function Public.update_gui(player) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local destination = Common.current_destination() local flow1, flow2 local pirates_flow = player.gui.top if not pirates_flow.info_piratebutton_frame then create_gui(player) end flow1 = pirates_flow.crew_piratebutton_frame.crew_piratebutton if Common.is_id_valid(memory.id) then flow1.tooltip = {'pirates.gui_crew_tooltip_1'} flow1.mouse_button_filter = {'left','right'} else flow1.tooltip = {'pirates.gui_crew_tooltip_2'} flow1.mouse_button_filter = {'middle'} --hack to avoid press visual if player.gui.screen['crew_piratewindow'] then player.gui.screen['crew_piratewindow'].destroy() end end flow1 = pirates_flow.classes_piratebutton_frame.classes_piratebutton if Common.is_id_valid(memory.id) then flow1.tooltip = {'pirates.gui_classes_tooltip_1'} flow1.mouse_button_filter = {'left','right'} else flow1.tooltip = {'pirates.gui_classes_tooltip_2'} flow1.mouse_button_filter = {'middle'} --hack to avoid press visual if player.gui.screen['classes_piratewindow'] then player.gui.screen['classes_piratewindow'].destroy() end end if GuiEvo.full_update then GuiEvo.full_update(player) end if GuiProgress.regular_update then GuiProgress.regular_update(player) end --moved to event if GuiRuns.full_update then GuiRuns.full_update(player) end if GuiCrew.full_update then GuiCrew.full_update(player) end if GuiClasses.full_update then GuiClasses.full_update(player) end if GuiFuel.regular_update then GuiFuel.regular_update(player) end --moved to event if GuiMinimap.full_update then GuiMinimap.full_update(player) end if GuiInfo.full_update then GuiInfo.full_update(player) end -- local lives = memory.lives or 1 -- local button = pirates_flow.lives_piratebutton_frame.lives_piratebutton -- if lives == 1 then -- button.sprite = 'item/effectivity-module' -- button.number = 1 -- elseif lives == 2 then -- button.sprite = 'item/effectivity-module-2' -- button.number = 2 -- elseif lives == 3 then -- button.sprite = 'item/effectivity-module-3' -- button.number = 3 -- end flow1 = pirates_flow.fuel_flow -- flow1 = pirates_flow.fuel_piratebutton_flow_1 local tooltip = {'pirates.fuel_tooltip', Math.floor(memory.stored_fuel or 0)} flow1.tooltip = tooltip -- flow1.fuel_piratebutton.tooltip = {'pirates.fuel_tooltip', Math.floor(memory.stored_fuel or 0)} flow2 = flow1 -- flow2 = flow1.fuel_piratebutton_flow_2 flow2.fuel_label_1.caption = Utils.bignumber_abbrevform(memory.stored_fuel or 0) .. '[item=coal]' flow2.fuel_label_2.caption = Utils.negative_rate_abbrevform(memory.fuel_depletion_rate_memoized or 0) local color_scale = Math.clamp(0, 1, (- (memory.fuel_depletion_rate_memoized or 0))/30) flow2.fuel_label_2.style.font_color = { r = GuiCommon.fuel_color_1.r * (1-color_scale) + GuiCommon.fuel_color_2.r * color_scale, g = GuiCommon.fuel_color_1.g * (1-color_scale) + GuiCommon.fuel_color_2.g * color_scale, b = GuiCommon.fuel_color_1.b * (1-color_scale) + GuiCommon.fuel_color_2.b * color_scale, } flow2.fuel_label_0.tooltip = tooltip flow2.fuel_label_1.tooltip = tooltip flow2.fuel_label_2.tooltip = tooltip flow1 = pirates_flow.progress_piratebutton_frame.progress_piratebutton flow1.number = (memory.overworldx or 0) flow1.tooltip = {'pirates.gui_progress_tooltip', memory.overworldx or 0, CoreData.victory_x} -- pirates_flow.destination_piratebutton_frame.destination_piratebutton.number = memory.destinationsvisited_indices and #memory.destinationsvisited_indices or 0 --== State-checking bools ==-- -- this is nonsense to temporarily avoid function complexity for luacheck: local bools = GuiCommon.player_and_crew_state_bools(player) --== Update Gui ==-- flow1 = pirates_flow.fuel_flow -- flow1 = pirates_flow.fuel_piratebutton_flow_1 if memory.crewstatus == nil then flow1.visible = false else flow1.visible = true end flow1 = pirates_flow.etaframe_piratebutton_flow_1 Public.process_etaframe_update(player, flow1, bools) -- flow1 = pirates_flow.cost_frame -- if flow1 then -- if bools.cost_bool then -- flow1.visible = true -- -- local costs = destination.static_params.base_cost_to_undock -- -- for i = 1, #CoreData.cost_items do -- -- local item_name = CoreData.cost_items[i].name -- -- if costs[item_name] then -- -- local stored = (memory.boat.stored_resources and memory.boat.stored_resources[item_name]) or 0 -- -- flow1.cost_table['cost_' .. i].sprite = CoreData.cost_items[i].sprite_name -- -- flow1.cost_table['cost_' .. i].number = Math.max(costs[item_name] - stored, 0) -- -- flow1.cost_table['cost_' .. i].tooltip = CoreData.cost_items[i].display_name -- -- flow1.cost_table['cost_' .. i].visible = true -- -- else -- -- flow1.cost_table['cost_' .. i].visible = false -- -- end -- -- end -- -- local total_rage = time_rage + silo_rage -- -- flow1.rage_label_2.caption = total_rage .. '/10' -- -- if total_rage <= 4 then -- -- flow1.rage_label_2.style.font_color = GuiCommon.rage_font_color_1 -- -- flow1.rage_label_2.style.font = 'default-large' -- -- elseif total_rage <= 7 then -- -- flow1.rage_label_2.style.font_color = GuiCommon.rage_font_color_2 -- -- flow1.rage_label_2.style.font = 'default-large-semibold' -- -- else -- -- flow1.rage_label_2.style.font_color = GuiCommon.rage_font_color_3 -- -- flow1.rage_label_2.style.font = 'default-dialog-button' -- -- end -- -- -- flow1.rage_table.bar_1.value = time_rage >= 1 and 1 or 0 -- -- -- flow1.rage_table.bar_2.value = time_rage >= 2 and 1 or 0 -- -- -- flow1.rage_table.bar_3.value = time_rage >= 3 and 1 or 0 -- -- -- flow1.rage_table.bar_4.value = time_rage >= 4 and 1 or 0 -- -- -- flow1.rage_table.bar_5.value = silo_rage >= 1 and 1 or 0 -- -- -- flow1.rage_table.bar_6.value = silo_rage >= 2 and 1 or 0 -- else -- flow1.visible = false -- end -- end -- flow1 = player.gui.screen.pirates_undock_shortcut_button -- if flow1 then -- flow1.location = GuiCommon.default_window_positions.undock_shortcut_button -- if bools.captain_bool and bools.landed_bool and (not memory.captain_acceptance_timer) then -- flow1.visible = true -- local enabled = Common.query_can_pay_cost_to_leave() -- flow1.enabled = enabled -- if enabled then -- flow1.tooltip = '' -- else -- flow1.tooltip = 'Store more resources in the captain\'s cabin before leaving.' -- end -- elseif bools.captain_bool and destination and destination.type and destination.type == Surfaces.enum.DOCK and (not (memory.boat.state and memory.boat.state == Boats.enum_state.LEAVING_DOCK)) then -- flow1.visible = true -- flow1.enabled = memory.boat and memory.boat.state and memory.boat.state == Boats.enum_state.DOCKED -- flow1.tooltip = '' -- else -- flow1.visible = false -- end -- if flow1.visible then -- if (not memory.undock_shortcut_are_you_sure_data) then memory.undock_shortcut_are_you_sure_data = {} end -- if memory.undock_shortcut_are_you_sure_data[player.index] and memory.undock_shortcut_are_you_sure_data[player.index] > game.tick - 60 * 4 then -- flow1.caption = 'Are you sure?' -- else -- flow1.caption = 'Undock' -- end -- end -- end local flowsilo = pirates_flow.silo_frame local flowquest = pirates_flow.quest_frame Public.process_siloframe_and_questframe_updates(flowsilo, flowquest, bools) flow1 = pirates_flow.covering_line_frame if flow1 then -- if not bools.eta_bool and not bools.retreating_bool and not bools.quest_bool and not bools.silo_bool and not bools.atsea_loading_bool and not bools.leave_anytime_bool and not bools.cost_bool and not bools.approaching_dock_bool and not bools.leaving_dock_bool then if not (bools.eta_bool or bools.retreating_bool or bools.quest_bool or bools.silo_bool or bools.atsea_loading_bool or bools.leave_anytime_bool or bools.cost_bool or bools.approaching_dock_bool or bools.leaving_dock_bool or bools.atsea_sailing_bool or bools.atsea_waiting_bool) then flow1.visible = true else flow1.visible = false end end flow1 = pirates_flow.minimap_piratebutton_frame if flow1 then if bools.in_hold_bool or bools.in_cabin_bool then flow1.visible = true else flow1.visible = false end end flow1 = player.gui.screen.pirates_spontaneous_camera if not flow1 then --comfy panel might possibly destroy this, so this puts it back flow1 = player.gui.screen.add( { type = 'camera', name = 'pirates_spontaneous_camera', position = {x=0,y=0}, } ) flow1.visible = false flow1.style.margin = 8 end if flow1 then flow1.visible = false flow1.location = {x = 8, y = 48} if bools.on_deck_standing_near_loco_bool then flow1.visible = true flow1.surface_index = Hold.get_hold_surface(1).index flow1.zoom = 0.182 flow1.style.minimal_height = 292 flow1.style.minimal_width = 540 flow1.position = {x=0,y=-2} elseif bools.on_deck_standing_near_cabin_bool then flow1.visible = true flow1.surface_index = Cabin.get_cabin_surface().index flow1.zoom = 0.468 flow1.style.minimal_height = 400 flow1.style.minimal_width = 280 flow1.position = {x=0,y=-1} elseif bools.on_deck_standing_near_crowsnest_bool then flow1.visible = true flow1.surface_index = Crowsnest.get_crowsnest_surface().index flow1.zoom = 0.21 flow1.style.minimal_height = 384 flow1.style.minimal_width = 384 flow1.position = {x=memory.overworldx,y=memory.overworldy} elseif bools.in_crowsnest_bool then flow1.visible = true flow1.surface_index = game.surfaces[memory.boat.surface_name].index flow1.zoom = 0.09 flow1.style.minimal_height = 312 flow1.style.minimal_width = 312 local position = memory.boat.position if (destination and destination.type and destination.type == Surfaces.enum.ISLAND and memory.boat.surface_name and memory.boat.surface_name == destination.surface_name and destination.static_params and destination.static_params.boat_starting_xposition) then -- nicer viewing position: position = {x = destination.static_params.boat_starting_xposition + 50, y = destination.static_params.boat_starting_yposition or 0} end flow1.position = position end end end local function on_gui_click(event) if not event then return end if not event.element then return end if not event.element.valid then return end local player = game.players[event.element.player_index] local crew_id = Common.get_id_from_force_name(player.force.name) Memory.set_working_id(crew_id) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() if event.element.name and event.element.name == 'etaframe_piratebutton' then if (memory.boat.state == Boats.enum_state.DOCKED or memory.boat.state == Boats.enum_state.LANDED) then if Roles.player_privilege_level(player) >= Roles.privilege_levels.CAPTAIN then if (not memory.undock_shortcut_are_you_sure_data) then memory.undock_shortcut_are_you_sure_data = {} end if memory.undock_shortcut_are_you_sure_data[player.index] and memory.undock_shortcut_are_you_sure_data[player.index] > game.tick - 60 * 4 then if memory.boat.state == Boats.enum_state.DOCKED then Progression.undock_from_dock(true) elseif memory.boat.state == Boats.enum_state.LANDED then Progression.try_retreat_from_island(player, true) end else memory.undock_shortcut_are_you_sure_data[player.index] = game.tick end end elseif memory.boat.state == Boats.enum_state.ATSEA_WAITING_TO_SAIL then if Roles.player_privilege_level(player) >= Roles.privilege_levels.CAPTAIN then Progression.at_sea_begin_to_set_sail() end end elseif string.sub(event.element.name, -13, -1) and string.sub(event.element.name, -13, -1) == '_piratebutton' then local name = string.sub(event.element.name, 1, -14) if Public[name] then Public[name].toggle_window(player) Public[name].full_update(player) end -- elseif event.element.name == 'fuel_label_1' or event.element.name == 'fuel_label_2' then -- Public.fuel.toggle_window(player) -- Public.fuel.full_update(player) else if GuiRuns.click then GuiRuns.click(event) end if GuiCrew.click then GuiCrew.click(event) end if GuiClasses.click then GuiClasses.click(event) end if GuiFuel.click then GuiFuel.click(event) end if GuiMinimap.click then GuiMinimap.click(event) end if GuiInfo.click then GuiInfo.click(event) end end end local function on_gui_location_changed(event) if (not event and event.element and event.element.valid) then return end if string.sub(event.element.name, -13, -1) and string.sub(event.element.name, -13, -1) == '_piratewindow' then local name = string.sub(event.element.name, 1, -14) local player = game.players[event.element.player_index] GuiCommon.update_gui_memory(player, name, 'position', event.element.location) end end local event = require 'utils.event' event.add(defines.events.on_gui_click, on_gui_click) event.add(defines.events.on_gui_location_changed, on_gui_location_changed) return Public