local Memory = require 'maps.pirates.memory' local Common = require 'maps.pirates.common' local CoreData = require 'maps.pirates.coredata' local Utils = require 'maps.pirates.utils_local' local Math = require 'maps.pirates.math' -- local Surfaces = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.surfaces' -- local Roles = require 'maps.pirates.roles.roles' local Crew = require 'maps.pirates.crew' local Progression = require 'maps.pirates.progression' -- local Structures = require 'maps.pirates.structures.structures' local _inspect = require 'utils.inspect'.inspect local Boats = require 'maps.pirates.structures.boats.boats' local GuiCommon = require 'maps.pirates.gui.common' -- local Server = require 'utils.server' local Public = {} local window_name = 'runs' local function flow_add_proposal_slider(flow, name, displayname, indices_count, starting_index, tooltip) local flow2, flow3, flow4 flow2 = flow.add({ name = name, type = 'flow', direction = 'vertical', }) flow2.style.horizontal_align = 'left' flow2.style.width = 130 flow3 = flow2.add({ type = 'label', caption = displayname, }) flow3.style.font = 'heading-3' flow3.style.height = 20 flow3.style.margin = 0 flow3.style.padding = 0 flow3.style.top_padding = -4 flow3.style.bottom_margin = 0 flow3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.subsection_header_font_color flow3.tooltip = tooltip flow3 = flow2.add({ name = name, type = 'flow', direction = 'vertical', }) flow3.style.horizontal_align = 'center' flow3.style.width = 130 flow4 = flow3.add({ name = 'slider', type = 'slider', value_step = 1, minimum_value = 1, maximum_value = indices_count, value = starting_index, discrete_values = true, discrete_slider = true, }) flow4.style.width = 100 flow4.style.margin = 0 flow4.tooltip = tooltip flow4 = flow3.add({ name = 'readoff_text', type = 'label', caption = '', }) flow4.style.font = 'default-listbox' flow4.style.height = 20 flow4.style.margin = 0 flow4.style.padding = 0 flow4.style.top_padding = 0 flow4.style.bottom_margin = 16 flow4.tooltip = tooltip flow2 = flow.add({ name = name .. '_readoff_icon', type = 'sprite-button', enabled = false, }) flow2.style.width = 48 flow2.style.height = 48 flow2.tooltip = tooltip return flow2 end -- commented out for luacheck: -- local function flow_add_proposal_switch(flow, name, displayname, starting_position, tooltip) -- local flow2, flow3, flow4 -- flow2 = flow.add({ -- name = name, -- type = 'flow', -- direction = 'vertical', -- }) -- flow2.style.horizontal_align = 'left' -- flow2.style.width = 130 -- flow3 = flow2.add({ -- type = 'label', -- caption = displayname, -- }) -- flow3.style.font = 'heading-3' -- flow3.style.height = 20 -- flow3.style.margin = 0 -- flow3.style.padding = 0 -- flow3.style.top_padding = -4 -- flow3.style.bottom_margin = 0 -- flow3.style.font_color = GuiCommon.subsection_header_font_color -- flow3.tooltip = tooltip -- flow3 = flow2.add({ -- name = name, -- type = 'flow', -- direction = 'vertical', -- }) -- flow3.style.horizontal_align = 'center' -- flow3.style.width = 130 -- flow4 = flow3.add({ -- name = 'switch', -- type = 'switch', -- switch_state = starting_position, -- }) -- -- flow4.style.width = 80 -- -- flow4.style.height = 40 -- flow4.style.margin = 0 -- flow4.tooltip = tooltip -- flow4 = flow3.add({ -- name = 'readoff_text', -- type = 'label', -- caption = '', -- }) -- flow4.style.font = 'default-listbox' -- flow4.style.height = 20 -- flow4.style.margin = 0 -- flow4.style.padding = 0 -- flow4.style.top_padding = 0 -- flow4.style.bottom_margin = 16 -- flow4.tooltip = tooltip -- flow2 = flow.add({ -- name = name .. '_readoff_icon', -- type = 'sprite-button', -- enabled = false, -- }) -- flow2.style.width = 48 -- flow2.style.height = 48 -- flow2.tooltip = tooltip -- return flow2 -- end function Public.toggle_window(player) local flow, flow2, flow3, flow4, flow5 --*** OVERALL FLOW ***-- if player.gui.screen[window_name .. '_piratewindow'] then player.gui.screen[window_name .. '_piratewindow'].destroy() return end flow = GuiCommon.new_window(player, window_name) flow.caption = 'Play' --*** ONGOING RUNS ***-- flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_section(flow, 'ongoing_runs', 'Ongoing Runs') flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'helpful_tip', type = 'label', caption = 'To join a run, first select it in the table below.', }) flow3.style.font_color = {r=0.90, g=0.90, b=0.90} flow3.style.single_line = false flow3.style.maximal_width = 160 flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'ongoing_runs_listbox', type = 'list-box', }) flow3.style.margin = 2 flow3.style.horizontally_stretchable = true flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'flow_buttons', type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal', }) flow4 = flow3.add({ name = 'join_spectators', type = 'button', caption = 'Spectate', }) flow4.style.minimal_width = 95 flow4.style.font = 'default-bold' flow4.style.font_color = {r=0.10, g=0.10, b=0.10} flow4 = flow3.add({ name = 'join_crew', type = 'button', caption = 'Join Crew', }) flow4.style.minimal_width = 95 flow4.style.font = 'default-bold' flow4.style.font_color = {r=0.10, g=0.10, b=0.10} flow4 = flow3.add({ name = 'leave_spectators', type = 'button', caption = 'Return to Lobby', }) flow4.style.minimal_width = 95 flow4.style.font = 'default-bold' flow4.style.font_color = {r=0.10, g=0.10, b=0.10} flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'wait_to_join', type = 'label', }) flow3.style.left_margin = 5 flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'leaving_prompt', type = 'label', caption = 'Hop on board.', }) flow3.style.left_margin = 5 -- PROPOSALS -- flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_section(flow, 'proposals', 'Proposals') flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'proposals_listbox', type = 'list-box', }) flow3.style.margin = 2 flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'flow_buttons', type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal', }) flow4 = flow3.add({ name = 'endorse_proposal', type = 'button', caption = 'Endorse Proposal', }) flow4.style.minimal_width = 150 flow4.style.font = 'default-bold' flow4.style.font_color = {r=0.10, g=0.10, b=0.10} flow4.style.bottom_margin = 9 flow4 = flow3.add({ name = 'retract_endorsement', type = 'button', caption = 'Retract Endorsement', }) flow4.style.minimal_width = 150 flow4.style.font = 'default-bold' flow4.style.font_color = {r=0.10, g=0.10, b=0.10} flow4.style.bottom_margin = 9 flow4 = flow3.add({ name = 'abandon_proposal', type = 'button', caption = 'Abandon Proposal', }) flow4.style.minimal_width = 150 flow4.style.font = 'default-bold' flow4.style.font_color = {r=0.10, g=0.10, b=0.10} flow4.style.bottom_margin = 9 -- PROPOSAL MAKER -- flow3 = GuiCommon.flow_add_subpanel(flow2, 'proposal_maker') flow4 = flow3.add({ name = 'body', type = 'flow', direction = 'vertical', }) flow4.style.horizontal_align = 'center' flow4.style.vertical_align = 'center' flow5 = flow4.add({ type = 'label', caption = 'Run name', }) flow5.style.font = 'heading-3' flow5 = flow4.add({ name = 'namefield', type = 'textfield', caption = 'Name', text = '', }) flow5.style.width = 150 flow5.style.height = 24 flow5.style.top_margin = -3 flow5.style.bottom_margin = 3 flow5 = flow4.add({ name = 'options', type = 'table', column_count = 2, }) flow5.style.width = 200 flow5.style.margin = 0 flow_add_proposal_slider(flow5, 'capacity', 'Capacity', #CoreData.capacity_options, 5, {'pirates.capacity_tooltip'}) -- flow_add_proposal_slider(flow5, 'difficulty', 'Difficulty', #CoreData.difficulty_options, 2, {'pirates.difficulty_tooltip'}) -- flow_add_proposal_switch(flow5, 'mode', 'Mode', 'left', {'pirates.mode_tooltip'}) -- flow5 = flow4.add({ -- name = 'proposal_cant_do_infinity_mode', -- type = 'label', -- caption = 'Infinity mode isn\'t available at the moment.', -- }) -- flow5.style.single_line = false -- flow5.style.maximal_width = 200 flow5 = flow4.add({ name = 'proposal_disabled_low_crew_caps', type = 'label', caption = 'This capacity setting isn\'t available at the moment.', }) flow5.style.single_line = false flow5.style.maximal_width = 200 flow5 = flow4.add({ name = 'propose_crew', type = 'button', caption = 'Propose', }) flow5.style.minimal_width = 75 flow5.style.font = 'default-bold' flow5.style.font_color = {r=0.10, g=0.10, b=0.10} -- LAUNCH YOUR PROPOSAL -- flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'flow_proposal_launch', type = 'flow', direction = 'vertical', }) flow4 = flow3.add({ name = 'proposal_insufficient_endorsers', type = 'label', caption = 'Gather support from more pirates.', }) flow4.style.single_line = false flow4 = flow3.add({ name = 'proposal_crew_count_capped', type = 'label', caption = 'The number of concurrent runs on the server has reached the cap set by the admins.', }) flow4.style.single_line = false flow4 = flow3.add({ name = 'proposal_insufficient_player_capacity', type = 'label', caption = "Can't launch; at least one run needs high player capacity.", }) flow4.style.single_line = false flow4 = flow3.add({ name = 'proposal_insufficient_sloops', type = 'label', caption = 'No sloops available. Join an existing run instead.', }) flow4.style.single_line = false flow4 = flow3.add({ name = 'launch_crew', type = 'button', caption = 'Launch run', }) flow4.style.minimal_width = 150 flow4.style.font = 'default-bold' flow4.style.font_color = {r=0.10, g=0.10, b=0.10} GuiCommon.flow_add_close_button(flow, window_name .. '_piratebutton') end -- function Public.regular_update(player) -- end function Public.full_update(player) if Public.regular_update then Public.regular_update(player) end local global_memory = Memory.get_global_memory() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() if not player.gui.screen['runs_piratewindow'] then return end local flow = player.gui.screen['runs_piratewindow'] local playercrew_status = GuiCommon.crew_overall_state_bools(player.index) if not playercrew_status then return end --*** WHAT TO SHOW ***-- flow.ongoing_runs.visible = (#global_memory.crew_active_ids > 0) if flow.ongoing_runs.visible then local bool1 = (not playercrew_status.leaving) and (not playercrew_status.adventuring) and (not playercrew_status.spectating) and (flow.ongoing_runs.body.ongoing_runs_listbox.selected_index ~= 0) local selected_joinable_bool = false local crewid if bool1 then crewid = tonumber((flow.ongoing_runs.body.ongoing_runs_listbox.get_item(flow.ongoing_runs.body.ongoing_runs_listbox.selected_index))[2]) selected_joinable_bool = bool1 and crewid and (global_memory.crew_memories[crewid].crewstatus == Crew.enum.ADVENTURING) end flow.ongoing_runs.body.helpful_tip.visible = not (playercrew_status.leaving or playercrew_status.adventuring or playercrew_status.spectating) flow.ongoing_runs.body.flow_buttons.visible = selected_joinable_bool or playercrew_status.spectating flow.ongoing_runs.body.flow_buttons.join_spectators.visible = selected_joinable_bool flow.ongoing_runs.body.flow_buttons.leave_spectators.visible = playercrew_status.spectating flow.ongoing_runs.body.flow_buttons.join_crew.visible = selected_joinable_bool and (not (crewid and global_memory.crew_memories[crewid] and (global_memory.crew_memories[crewid].crewstatus == Crew.enum.LEAVING_INITIAL_DOCK or #global_memory.crew_memories[crewid].crewplayerindices >= global_memory.crew_memories[crewid].capacity or (global_memory.crew_memories[crewid].tempbanned_from_joining_data and global_memory.crew_memories[crewid].tempbanned_from_joining_data[player.index] and game.tick < global_memory.crew_memories[crewid].tempbanned_from_joining_data[player.index] + Common.ban_from_rejoining_crew_ticks)))) flow.ongoing_runs.body.wait_to_join.visible = selected_joinable_bool and crewid and global_memory.crew_memories[crewid] and (global_memory.crew_memories[crewid].tempbanned_from_joining_data and global_memory.crew_memories[crewid].tempbanned_from_joining_data[player.index] and game.tick < global_memory.crew_memories[crewid].tempbanned_from_joining_data[player.index] + Common.ban_from_rejoining_crew_ticks) and (not (global_memory.crew_memories[crewid].crewstatus == Crew.enum.LEAVING_INITIAL_DOCK or #global_memory.crew_memories[crewid].crewplayerindices >= global_memory.crew_memories[crewid].capacity)) if flow.ongoing_runs.body.wait_to_join.visible then flow.ongoing_runs.body.wait_to_join.caption = 'Wait to join... ' .. Math.ceil(((global_memory.crew_memories[crewid].tempbanned_from_joining_data[player.index] - (game.tick - Common.ban_from_rejoining_crew_ticks)))/60) end if not selected_joinable_bool then flow.ongoing_runs.body.ongoing_runs_listbox.selected_index = 0 end flow.ongoing_runs.body.leaving_prompt.visible = playercrew_status.leaving end flow.proposals.visible = (memory.crewstatus == nil and not playercrew_status.leaving) if flow.proposals.visible then if playercrew_status.proposing then flow.proposals.body.proposals_listbox.selected_index = 0 flow.proposals.body.proposals_listbox.selected_index = 0 end flow.proposals.body.proposals_listbox.visible = (not playercrew_status.leaving) and (#global_memory.crewproposals > 0) flow.proposals.body.flow_buttons.endorse_proposal.visible = (not playercrew_status.leaving) and (not playercrew_status.endorsing) and (#global_memory.crewproposals > 0) and flow.proposals.body.proposals_listbox.selected_index ~= 0 flow.proposals.body.flow_buttons.abandon_proposal.visible = (not playercrew_status.leaving) and playercrew_status.endorsing and playercrew_status.endorsing and playercrew_status.proposing and (#global_memory.crewproposals > 0) flow.proposals.body.flow_buttons.retract_endorsement.visible = (not playercrew_status.leaving) and playercrew_status.endorsing and (not playercrew_status.proposing) and (#global_memory.crewproposals > 0) flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.visible = (not playercrew_status.leaving) and (not playercrew_status.endorsing) flow.proposals.body.flow_proposal_launch.proposal_insufficient_sloops.visible = playercrew_status.sloops_full flow.proposals.body.flow_proposal_launch.proposal_insufficient_player_capacity.visible = playercrew_status.needs_more_capacity flow.proposals.body.flow_proposal_launch.proposal_crew_count_capped.visible = playercrew_status.crew_count_capped flow.proposals.body.flow_proposal_launch.proposal_insufficient_endorsers.visible = playercrew_status.needs_more_endorsers -- flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.proposal_cant_do_infinity_mode.visible = (flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.options.mode.mode.switch.switch_state == 'right') -- flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.proposal_disabled_low_crew_caps.visible = false flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.proposal_disabled_low_crew_caps.visible = (flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.options.capacity.capacity.slider.slider_value < global_memory.minimum_capacity_slider_value) flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.propose_crew.visible = (flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.proposal_disabled_low_crew_caps.visible == false) -- flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.propose_crew.visible = (flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.proposal_cant_do_infinity_mode.visible == false) and (flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.proposal_disabled_low_crew_caps.visible == false) flow.proposals.body.flow_proposal_launch.launch_crew.visible = playercrew_status.proposal_can_launch end --*** UPDATE CONTENT ***-- if flow.ongoing_runs.visible then local wrappedmemories = {} for _, mem in pairs(global_memory.crew_memories) do local count = 0 if mem.crewstatus and mem.crewstatus == Crew.enum.LEAVING_INITIAL_DOCK then count = Boats.players_on_boat_count(mem.boat) elseif mem.crewplayerindices then count = #mem.crewplayerindices end wrappedmemories[#wrappedmemories + 1] = {'pirates.run_displayform', mem.id, mem.name .. ', ' .. CoreData.difficulty_options[mem.difficulty_option].text .. ', [item=light-armor]' .. count .. CoreData.capacity_options[mem.capacity_option].text2 .. ', [item=rail] ' .. (mem.overworldx or 0)} -- wrappedmemories[#wrappedmemories + 1] = {'pirates.run_displayform', mem.id, mem.name, Utils.spritepath_to_richtext(CoreData.difficulty_options[mem.difficulty_option].icon), count, CoreData.capacity_options[mem.capacity_option].text2, ' [item=rail] ', mem.overworldx or 0} end GuiCommon.update_listbox(flow.ongoing_runs.body.ongoing_runs_listbox, wrappedmemories) end if flow.proposals.visible then local wrappedproposals = {} for _, proposal in pairs(global_memory.crewproposals) do wrappedproposals[#wrappedproposals + 1] = {'pirates.proposal_displayform', proposal.name, Utils.spritepath_to_richtext(CoreData.capacity_options[proposal.capacity_option].icon)} -- wrappedproposals[#wrappedproposals + 1] = {'pirates.proposal_displayform', proposal.name, Utils.spritepath_to_richtext(CoreData.difficulty_options[proposal.difficulty_option].icon), Utils.spritepath_to_richtext(CoreData.capacity_options[proposal.capacity_option].icon)} end GuiCommon.update_listbox(flow.proposals.body.proposals_listbox, wrappedproposals) end -- update proposal maker if flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.visible then local capacity_slider_value = flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.options.capacity.capacity.slider.slider_value for i, opt in pairs(CoreData.capacity_options) do if capacity_slider_value == i then flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.options.capacity.capacity.readoff_text.caption = opt.text flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.options.capacity_readoff_icon.sprite = opt.icon end end if flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.options.capacity.capacity.readoff_text.caption == '∞' then flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.options.capacity.capacity.readoff_text.caption = 'No limit' end -- local difficulty_slider_value = flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.options.difficulty.difficulty.slider.slider_value -- for i, opt in pairs(CoreData.difficulty_options) do -- if difficulty_slider_value == i then -- flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.options.difficulty.difficulty.readoff_text.caption = opt.text -- flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.options.difficulty_readoff_icon.sprite = opt.icon -- end -- end -- local mode_switch_state = flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.options.mode.mode.switch.switch_state -- for i, opt in pairs(CoreData.mode_options) do -- if mode_switch_state == i then -- flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.options.mode.mode.readoff_text.caption = opt.text -- flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.options.mode_readoff_icon.sprite = opt.icon -- end -- end end end function Public.click(event) local player = game.players[event.element.player_index] local eventname = event.element.name if not player.gui.screen[window_name .. '_piratewindow'] then return end local flow = player.gui.screen[window_name .. '_piratewindow'] local global_memory = Memory.get_global_memory() -- local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() if eventname == 'join_spectators' then local listbox = flow.ongoing_runs.body.ongoing_runs_listbox Crew.join_spectators(player, tonumber(listbox.get_item(listbox.selected_index)[2])) return end if eventname == 'leave_spectators' then Crew.leave_spectators(player) return end if eventname == 'join_crew' then local listbox = flow.ongoing_runs.body.ongoing_runs_listbox Crew.join_crew(player, tonumber(listbox.get_item(listbox.selected_index)[2])) return end if eventname == 'propose_crew' then local proposal_name = flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.namefield.text -- local proposal_name = string.sub(flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.namefield.text, 1, 30) local capacity_option = flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.options.capacity.capacity.slider.slider_value local difficulty_option = 1 -- local difficulty_option = flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.options.difficulty.difficulty.slider.slider_value -- local mode_option = flow.proposals.body.proposal_maker.body.options.mode.mode.switch.switch_state if (not proposal_name) or (proposal_name == '') then proposal_name = 'NoName' end -- make name unique -- local unique, changed = true, false -- local check_unique = function(name) -- unique = true -- for _, proposal in pairs(global_memory.crewproposals) do -- if name == proposal.name then -- unique = false -- changed = true -- break -- end -- end -- end -- local i = 0 -- check_unique() -- while i < 10 and not unique do -- check_unique(proposal_name .. i) -- i = i + 1 -- end -- if not unique then return end -- if changed then proposal_name = proposal_name .. i end local unique = true for _, proposal in pairs(global_memory.crewproposals) do if proposal_name == proposal.name then unique = false break end end if not unique then return end local proposal = { name = proposal_name, difficulty_option = difficulty_option, capacity_option = capacity_option, -- mode_option = mode_option, endorserindices = {player.index}, } global_memory.crewproposals[#global_memory.crewproposals + 1] = proposal local message = player.name .. ' proposed the run ' .. proposal_name .. ' [capacity ' .. CoreData.capacity_options[capacity_option].text3 .. '].' -- local message = player.name .. ' proposed the run ' .. proposal_name .. ' (difficulty ' .. CoreData.difficulty_options[difficulty_option].text .. ', capacity ' .. CoreData.capacity_options[capacity_option].text3 .. ').' Common.notify_lobby(message) return end if eventname == 'endorse_proposal' then local lb = flow.proposals.body.proposals_listbox local index = lb.selected_index if index ~= 0 then local name2 = lb.get_item(lb.selected_index)[2] for _, proposal in pairs(global_memory.crewproposals) do if proposal.name == name2 and #proposal.endorserindices < CoreData.capacity_options[proposal.capacity_option].value then proposal.endorserindices[#proposal.endorserindices + 1] = player.index end end end return end if eventname == 'abandon_proposal' then Crew.player_abandon_proposal(player) Crew.player_abandon_endorsements(player) return end if eventname == 'retract_endorsement' then Crew.player_abandon_endorsements(player) return end if eventname == 'launch_crew' then if GuiCommon.crew_overall_state_bools(player.index).proposal_can_launch then --double check for k, proposal in pairs(global_memory.crewproposals) do if #proposal.endorserindices > 0 and proposal.endorserindices[1] == player.index then Crew.initialise_crew(proposal) global_memory.crewproposals[k] = nil Progression.set_off_from_starting_dock() return end end end end end return Public