--luacheck: ignore --[[ It's a Minesweeper thingy - MewMew Cell Values: -- 1 to 8 = adjacent mines -- 9 = empty cell with grid -- 10 = mine -- 11 = marked mine ]] -- require 'modules.satellite_score' local Functions = require 'maps.minesweeper.functions' local Map_score = require 'utils.gui.map_score' local Map = require 'modules.map_info' local Global = require 'utils.global' local minesweeper = {} Global.register( minesweeper, function(tbl) minesweeper = tbl end ) local number_colors = { [1] = {0, 0, 210}, [2] = {0, 100, 0}, [3] = {180, 0, 0}, [4] = {0, 0, 120}, [5] = {120, 0, 0}, [6] = {0, 110, 110}, [7] = {0, 0, 0}, [8] = {125, 125, 125}, [11] = {185, 0, 255} } local rendering_tile_values = { ['nuclear-ground'] = {offset = {0.6, -0.2}, zoom = 3, font = 'scenario-message-dialog'}, --['stone-path'] = {offset = {0.54, -0.27}, zoom = 3, font = 'default-large'}, ['stone-path'] = {offset = {0.52, -0.28}, zoom = 3, font = 'default-large-bold'}, ['concrete'] = {offset = {0.52, -0.28}, zoom = 3, font = 'default-large-bold'}, ['hazard-concrete-left'] = {offset = {0.52, -0.28}, zoom = 3, font = 'default-large-bold'}, ['hazard-concrete-right'] = {offset = {0.52, -0.28}, zoom = 3, font = 'default-large-bold'}, ['refined-concrete'] = {offset = {0.54, -0.26}, zoom = 3, font = 'default-game'}, ['refined-hazard-concrete-left'] = {offset = {0.54, -0.26}, zoom = 3, font = 'default-game'}, ['refined-hazard-concrete-right'] = {offset = {0.54, -0.26}, zoom = 3, font = 'default-game'} } local chunk_divide_vectors = {} for x = 0, 30, 2 do for y = 0, 30, 2 do table.insert(chunk_divide_vectors, {x, y}) end end local size_of_chunk_divide_vectors = #chunk_divide_vectors local chunk_vectors = {} for x = -32, 32, 32 do for y = -32, 32, 32 do table.insert(chunk_vectors, {x, y}) end end local cell_update_vectors = {} for x = -2, 2, 2 do for y = -2, 2, 2 do table.insert(cell_update_vectors, {x, y}) end end local cell_adjacent_vectors = {} for x = -2, 2, 2 do for y = -2, 2, 2 do if x == 0 and y == 0 then else table.insert(cell_adjacent_vectors, {x, y}) end end end local solving_vector_tables = {} local i = 1 for r = 3, 10, 1 do solving_vector_tables[i] = {} for x = r * -2, r * 2, 2 do for y = r * -2, r * 2, 2 do table.insert(solving_vector_tables[i], {x, y}) end end i = i + 1 end local size_of_solving_vector_tables = #solving_vector_tables local function update_rendering(cell, position) local surface = game.surfaces[1] local tile = surface.get_tile(position) local tile_values = rendering_tile_values[tile.name] if not tile_values then tile_values = {offset = {0.6, -0.2}, zoom = 3, font = 'scenario-message-dialog'} end if cell[2] then rendering.destroy(cell[2]) end if cell[3] then rendering.destroy(cell[3]) end local cell_value = cell[1] local color if number_colors[cell_value] then color = number_colors[cell_value] else color = {125, 125, 125} end local p = {position.x + tile_values.offset[1], position.y + tile_values.offset[2]} local text = cell_value if cell_value == 10 or cell_value == 9 then text = ' ' end if cell_value == 11 then text = 'X' end cell[2] = rendering.draw_text { text = text, surface = surface, target = p, color = color, scale = tile_values.zoom, font = tile_values.font, draw_on_ground = true, scale_with_zoom = false, only_in_alt_mode = false } if not tile.hidden_tile then return end if tile.hidden_tile ~= 'nuclear-ground' then return end cell[3] = rendering.draw_rectangle { width = 2, filled = false, surface = surface, left_top = position, right_bottom = {position.x + 2, position.y + 2}, color = {0, 0, 0}, draw_on_ground = true, only_in_alt_mode = false } end local function get_adjacent_mine_count(position) local count = 0 for _, vector in pairs(cell_adjacent_vectors) do local p = {x = position.x + vector[1], y = position.y + vector[2]} local key = Functions.position_to_string(p) local cell = minesweeper.cells[key] if cell and cell[1] >= 10 then count = count + 1 end end return count end local function kill_cell(position) local key = Functions.position_to_string(position) local cell = minesweeper.cells[key] if not cell then return end if cell[2] then rendering.destroy(cell[2]) end if cell[3] then rendering.destroy(cell[3]) end minesweeper.cells[key] = nil end local function visit_cell(position) local score_change = 0 if not Functions.is_minefield_tile(position, true) then return score_change end local key = Functions.position_to_string(position) local cell = minesweeper.cells[key] local cell_value_before_visit = false if cell then if cell[1] == 10 then Functions.kaboom(position) score_change = -8 cell[1] = -1 for _, vector in pairs(cell_update_vectors) do local p = {x = position.x + vector[1], y = position.y + vector[2]} local key = Functions.position_to_string(p) if minesweeper.cells[key] and minesweeper.cells[key][1] < 10 then table.insert(minesweeper.visit_queue, {x = p.x, y = p.y}) end end return score_change end if cell[1] == 11 then update_rendering(cell, position) return score_change end cell_value_before_visit = cell[1] end if not cell then minesweeper.cells[key] = {} end local cell = minesweeper.cells[key] cell[1] = get_adjacent_mine_count(position) if cell[1] == 0 then for _, vector in pairs(cell_adjacent_vectors) do local adjacent_position = {x = position.x + vector[1], y = position.y + vector[2]} if Functions.is_minefield_tile(adjacent_position, true) then local adjacent_key = Functions.position_to_string(adjacent_position) if not minesweeper.cells[adjacent_key] then minesweeper.cells[adjacent_key] = {} end local adjacent_cell = minesweeper.cells[adjacent_key] local mine_count = get_adjacent_mine_count(adjacent_position) adjacent_cell[1] = mine_count update_rendering(adjacent_cell, adjacent_position) if mine_count == 0 then table.insert(minesweeper.visit_queue, {x = adjacent_position.x, y = adjacent_position.y}) end end end Functions.uncover_terrain(position) kill_cell(position) return score_change end if cell_value_before_visit and cell_value_before_visit ~= cell[1] then for _, vector in pairs(cell_adjacent_vectors) do local adjacent_position = {x = position.x + vector[1], y = position.y + vector[2]} local adjacent_key = Functions.position_to_string(adjacent_position) local adjacent_cell = minesweeper.cells[adjacent_key] if adjacent_cell and adjacent_cell[1] < 9 then table.insert(minesweeper.visit_queue, {x = adjacent_position.x, y = adjacent_position.y}) end end end update_rendering(cell, position) return score_change end local function get_solving_vectors(position) local distance_to_center = math.sqrt(position.x ^ 2 + position.y ^ 2) local key = math.floor(distance_to_center * 0.005) + 1 if key > size_of_solving_vector_tables then key = size_of_solving_vector_tables end local solving_vectors = solving_vector_tables[key] return solving_vectors end local function are_mines_marked_around_target(position) local marked_positions = {} for _, vector in pairs(get_solving_vectors(position)) do local p = {x = position.x + vector[1], y = position.y + vector[2]} local key = Functions.position_to_string(p) local cell = minesweeper.cells[key] if cell then if cell[1] == 10 then return end if cell[1] == 11 then table.insert(marked_positions, p) end end end return marked_positions end local function solve_attempt(position) local solved = false for _, vector in pairs(get_solving_vectors(position)) do local p = {x = position.x + vector[1], y = position.y + vector[2]} local key = Functions.position_to_string(p) local cell = minesweeper.cells[key] if cell and cell[1] > 10 then local marked_positions = are_mines_marked_around_target(p) if marked_positions then solved = true for _, p in pairs(marked_positions) do minesweeper.cells[Functions.position_to_string(p)][1] = -1 visit_cell(p) Functions.disarm_reward(p) end end end end return solved end local function mark_mine(entity, player) local position = Functions.position_to_cell_position(entity.position) local key = Functions.position_to_string(position) local cell = minesweeper.cells[key] local score_change = 0 --Success if cell and cell[1] > 9 then local surface = game.surfaces.nauvis if cell[1] == 10 then score_change = 1 end surface.create_entity( { name = 'flying-text', position = entity.position, text = 'Mine marked.', color = {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22} } ) cell[1] = 11 update_rendering(cell, position) entity.destroy() local solved = solve_attempt(position) if solved then player.insert({name = 'stone-furnace', count = 1}) return score_change end local e = surface.create_entity({name = 'item-on-ground', position = {position.x + 1, position.y + 1}, stack = {name = 'stone-furnace', count = 1}}) if e and e.valid then e.to_be_looted = true end return score_change end --Trigger all adjacent mines when missplacing a disarming furnace. for _, vector in pairs(cell_update_vectors) do local p = {x = position.x + vector[1], y = position.y + vector[2]} local key = Functions.position_to_string(p) if minesweeper.cells[key] and minesweeper.cells[key][1] == 10 then Functions.kaboom(p) score_change = score_change - 8 minesweeper.cells[key][1] = -1 solve_attempt(p) table.insert(minesweeper.visit_queue, {x = p.x, y = p.y}) end end return score_change end local function add_mines_to_chunk(left_top, distance_to_center) local base_mine_count = 40 local max_mine_count = 128 local mine_count = distance_to_center * 0.043 + base_mine_count if mine_count > max_mine_count then mine_count = max_mine_count end local shuffle_index = {} for i = 1, size_of_chunk_divide_vectors, 1 do table.insert(shuffle_index, i) end table.shuffle_table(shuffle_index) -- place shuffled mines if distance_to_center < 128 then for i = 1, mine_count, 1 do local vector = chunk_divide_vectors[shuffle_index[i]] local position = {x = left_top.x + vector[1], y = left_top.y + vector[2]} if not Functions.is_spawn(position) then local key = Functions.position_to_string(position) minesweeper.cells[key] = {10} minesweeper.active_mines = minesweeper.active_mines + 1 end end else for i = 1, mine_count, 1 do local vector = chunk_divide_vectors[shuffle_index[i]] local position = {x = left_top.x + vector[1], y = left_top.y + vector[2]} local key = Functions.position_to_string(position) minesweeper.cells[key] = {10} minesweeper.active_mines = minesweeper.active_mines + 1 end end -- remove mines that would form a 3x3 block for _, chunk_vector in pairs(chunk_vectors) do local left_top_2 = {x = left_top.x + chunk_vector[1], y = left_top.y + chunk_vector[2]} for _, vector in pairs(chunk_divide_vectors) do local position = {x = left_top_2.x + vector[1], y = left_top_2.y + vector[2]} local key = Functions.position_to_string(position) local cell = minesweeper.cells[key] if cell and cell[1] == 10 then if get_adjacent_mine_count(position) == 8 then --if cell[2] then rendering.destroy(cell[2]) end minesweeper.cells[key] = nil end end end --[[ for _, vector in pairs(chunk_divide_vectors) do local position = {x = left_top_2.x + vector[1], y = left_top_2.y + vector[2]} local key = Functions.position_to_string(position) local cell = minesweeper.cells[key] if cell then update_rendering(cell, position) end end ]] end end local function on_chunk_generated(event) local left_top = event.area.left_top local surface = event.surface if surface.index ~= 1 then return end local distance_to_center = math.sqrt((left_top.x + 16) ^ 2 + (left_top.y + 16) ^ 2) local tiles = {} if distance_to_center < 128 then for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do local position = {x = left_top.x + x, y = left_top.y + y} if Functions.is_spawn(position) then table.insert(tiles, {name = Functions.get_terrain_tile(surface, position), position = position}) else table.insert(tiles, {name = 'nuclear-ground', position = position}) end end end else for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do local position = {x = left_top.x + x, y = left_top.y + y} table.insert(tiles, {name = 'nuclear-ground', position = position}) --table.insert(tiles, {name = Functions.get_terrain_tile(surface, position), position = position}) end end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) --surface.clear() will cause to trigger on_chunk_generated twice local key = Functions.position_to_string(left_top) if minesweeper.chunks[key] then return end minesweeper.chunks[key] = true add_mines_to_chunk(left_top, distance_to_center) end local function on_player_changed_position(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not Functions.is_minefield_tile(player.position) then return end local cell_position = Functions.position_to_cell_position(player.position) local score_change = visit_cell(cell_position) if score_change < 0 then solve_attempt(cell_position) end Map_score.set_score(player, Map_score.get_score(player) + score_change) end local function deny_building(event) local entity = event.created_entity if not entity.valid then return end if not game.item_prototypes[entity.name] then return end if not Functions.is_minefield_tile(entity.position, true) then return end if event.player_index then local player = game.players[event.player_index] if entity.position.x % 2 == 1 and entity.position.y % 2 == 1 and entity.name == 'stone-furnace' then local score_change = mark_mine(entity, player) Map_score.set_score(player, Map_score.get_score(player) + score_change) return end player.insert({name = entity.name, count = 1}) else local inventory = event.robot.get_inventory(defines.inventory.robot_cargo) inventory.insert({name = entity.name, count = 1}) end entity.destroy() end local function on_built_entity(event) deny_building(event) end local function on_robot_built_entity(event) deny_building(event) end local function update_built_tiles(surface, tiles) for _, placed_tile in pairs(tiles) do local cell_position = Functions.position_to_cell_position(placed_tile.position) local key = Functions.position_to_string(cell_position) local cell = minesweeper.cells[key] if not cell and Functions.is_minefield_tile(placed_tile.position) then minesweeper.cells[key] = {9} end local cell = minesweeper.cells[key] if cell then update_rendering(cell, cell_position) end end end local function on_player_built_tile(event) update_built_tiles(game.surfaces[event.surface_index], event.tiles) end local function on_robot_built_tile(event) update_built_tiles(event.robot.surface, event.tiles) end local function on_player_mined_tile(event) update_built_tiles(game.surfaces[event.surface_index], event.tiles) end local function on_robot_mined_tile(event) update_built_tiles(event.robot.surface, event.tiles) end local function on_player_created(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] player.insert({name = 'stone-furnace', count = 1}) end local function on_player_respawned(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] player.insert({name = 'stone-furnace', count = 1}) game.surfaces.nauvis.destroy_decoratives({name = 'nuclear-ground-patch'}) end local function on_entity_died(event) local entity = event.entity if not entity.valid then return end if entity.force.index ~= 2 then return end local force = event.force if not force then return end if force.name ~= 'minesweeper' then return end local revived_entity = entity.clone({position = entity.position}) revived_entity.health = entity.prototype.max_health entity.destroy() end local function on_nth_tick() for k, position in pairs(minesweeper.visit_queue) do visit_cell(position) table.remove(minesweeper.visit_queue, k) break end end local function on_init() game.create_force('minesweeper') global.custom_highscore.description = 'Minesweep rank:' local surface = game.surfaces[1] local mgs = surface.map_gen_settings mgs.water = 0 mgs.cliff_settings = {cliff_elevation_interval = 0, cliff_elevation_0 = 0} mgs.autoplace_controls = { ['coal'] = {frequency = 0, size = 0, richness = 0}, ['stone'] = {frequency = 0, size = 0, richness = 0}, ['copper-ore'] = {frequency = 0, size = 0, richness = 0}, ['iron-ore'] = {frequency = 0, size = 0, richness = 0}, ['uranium-ore'] = {frequency = 0, size = 0, richness = 0}, ['crude-oil'] = {frequency = 0, size = 0, richness = 0}, ['trees'] = {frequency = 4, size = 0.5, richness = 0.1} } surface.map_gen_settings = mgs surface.clear(true) minesweeper.chunks = {} minesweeper.cells = {} minesweeper.visit_queue = {} minesweeper.player_data = {} minesweeper.active_mines = 0 minesweeper.disarmed_mines = 0 minesweeper.triggered_mines = 0 local T = Map.Pop_info() T.main_caption = 'Minesweeper' T.sub_caption = '' T.text = table.concat( { 'Mechanical lifeforms once dominated this world.\n', 'They have left long ago, leaving an inhabitable wasteland.\n', 'It also seems riddled with buried explosives.\n\n', 'Mark mines with your stone furnace.\n', 'Marked mines are save to walk on.\n', 'When enough mines in an area are marked,\n', 'they will disarm and yield rewards!\n', 'Faulty marking may trigger surrounding mines!!\n\n', 'As you move away from spawn,\n', 'mine density and radius required to disarm will increase.\n', 'Crates will contain more loot and ore will have higher yield.\n\n', 'The paint for the numerics does not work very well with the dirt.\n', 'Laying some stone bricks or better may help.\n' } ) T.main_caption_color = {r = 255, g = 125, b = 55} T.sub_caption_color = {r = 0, g = 250, b = 150} end local Event = require 'utils.event' Event.on_init(on_init) Event.on_nth_tick(2, on_nth_tick) Event.add(defines.events.on_chunk_generated, on_chunk_generated) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_changed_position, on_player_changed_position) Event.add(defines.events.on_built_entity, on_built_entity) Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, on_entity_died) Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_built_entity, on_robot_built_entity) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_created, on_player_created) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_respawned, on_player_respawned) Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_built_tile, on_robot_built_tile) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_built_tile, on_player_built_tile) Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_mined_tile, on_robot_mined_tile) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_mined_tile, on_player_mined_tile)