-- forest maze from mewmew require "modules.satellite_score" require "modules.biter_pets" require "modules.no_deconstruction_of_neutral_entities" require "modules.spawners_contain_biters" local event = require 'utils.event' local map_functions = require "tools.map_functions" local simplex_noise = require 'utils.simplex_noise'.d2 local math_random = math.random local labyrinth_cell_size = 16 --valid values are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 local lake_noise_value = -0.55 local modifiers = { {x = 0, y = -1},{x = -1, y = 0},{x = 1, y = 0},{x = 0, y = 1} } local modifiers_diagonal = { {diagonal = {x = -1, y = 1}, connection_1 = {x = -1, y = 0}, connection_2 = {x = 0, y = 1}}, {diagonal = {x = 1, y = -1}, connection_1 = {x = 1, y = 0}, connection_2 = {x = 0, y = -1}}, {diagonal = {x = 1, y = 1}, connection_1 = {x = 1, y = 0}, connection_2 = {x = 0, y = 1}}, {diagonal = {x = -1, y = -1}, connection_1 = {x = -1, y = 0}, connection_2 = {x = 0, y = -1}} } local rock_raffle = {"sand-rock-big","sand-rock-big","rock-big","rock-big","rock-big","rock-big","rock-big","rock-big","rock-huge"} local function shuffle(tbl) local size = #tbl for i = size, 1, -1 do local rand = math_random(size) tbl[i], tbl[rand] = tbl[rand], tbl[i] end return tbl end local wrecks = {"big-ship-wreck-1", "big-ship-wreck-2", "big-ship-wreck-3"} local function create_shipwreck(surface, position) local raffle = {} local loot = { {{name = "iron-gear-wheel", count = math_random(80,100)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "copper-cable", count = math_random(100,200)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "engine-unit", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "electric-engine-unit", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "battery", count = math_random(40,80)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "advanced-circuit", count = math_random(40,80)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "electronic-circuit", count = math_random(100,200)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.4}, {{name = "processing-unit", count = math_random(30,60)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.7, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "explosives", count = math_random(25,50)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.6}, {{name = "lubricant-barrel", count = math_random(4,10)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "rocket-fuel", count = math_random(4,10)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "steel-plate", count = math_random(50,100)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "nuclear-fuel", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.7, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "burner-inserter", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1}, {{name = "inserter", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.4}, {{name = "long-handed-inserter", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.4}, {{name = "fast-inserter", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "filter-inserter", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "stack-filter-inserter", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "stack-inserter", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "small-electric-pole", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "medium-electric-pole", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "wooden-chest", count = math_random(16,24)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.2}, {{name = "iron-chest", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.4}, {{name = "steel-chest", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "small-lamp", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "rail", count = math_random(50,75)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.6}, {{name = "assembling-machine-1", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "assembling-machine-2", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "offshore-pump", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1}, {{name = "heat-pipe", count = math_random(8,12)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "arithmetic-combinator", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "constant-combinator", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "decider-combinator", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "power-switch", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "programmable-speaker", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "green-wire", count = math_random(50,100)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "red-wire", count = math_random(50,100)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "burner-mining-drill", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.2}, {{name = "electric-mining-drill", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.6}, {{name = "express-transport-belt", count = math_random(25,75)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "express-underground-belt", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "express-splitter", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "fast-transport-belt", count = math_random(25,75)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "fast-underground-belt", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "fast-splitter", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "transport-belt", count = math_random(25,75)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "underground-belt", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "splitter", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "pipe", count = math_random(40,50)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "pipe-to-ground", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "pump", count = math_random(1,4)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "rail-signal", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "rail-chain-signal", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "stone-wall", count = math_random(25,75)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "gate", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "train-stop", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "express-loader", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "fast-loader", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "loader", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.5} } local distance_to_center = math.sqrt(position.x^2 + position.y^2) if distance_to_center < 1 then distance_to_center = 0.1 else distance_to_center = distance_to_center / 4000 end if distance_to_center > 1 then distance_to_center = 1 end for _, t in pairs (loot) do for x = 1, t.weight, 1 do if t.evolution_min <= distance_to_center and t.evolution_max >= distance_to_center then table.insert(raffle, t[1]) end end end local e = surface.create_entity{name = wrecks[math_random(1,#wrecks)], position = position, force = "player"} for x = 1, math_random(2,3), 1 do local loot = raffle[math_random(1,#raffle)] e.insert(loot) end end local function get_noise(name, pos) local seed = game.surfaces[1].map_gen_settings.seed local noise_seed_add = 25000 seed = seed + noise_seed_add if name == 1 then local noise = {} noise[1] = simplex_noise(pos.x * 0.002, pos.y * 0.002, seed) local noise = noise[1] return noise end end local function set_cell_tiles(surface, cell_left_top, tile_name) for x = 0.5, labyrinth_cell_size, 1 do for y = 0.5, labyrinth_cell_size, 1 do local pos = {x = cell_left_top.x + x, y = cell_left_top.y + y} surface.set_tiles({{name = tile_name, position = pos}}, true) end end end local function labyrinth_wall(surface, cell_left_top) local noise = get_noise(1, cell_left_top) if noise < lake_noise_value then return end local tile_name = "grass-2" if noise > 0.6 then tile_name = "dirt-6" set_cell_tiles(surface, cell_left_top, tile_name) for x = 0.5, labyrinth_cell_size, 1 do for y = 0.5, labyrinth_cell_size, 1 do local pos = {x = cell_left_top.x + x, y = cell_left_top.y + y} if math_random(1,3) ~= 1 then surface.create_entity({name = "dead-tree-desert", position = pos}) else surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[math_random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = pos}) end end end return end set_cell_tiles(surface, cell_left_top, tile_name) for x = 0.5, labyrinth_cell_size, 1 do for y = 0.5, labyrinth_cell_size, 1 do local pos = {x = cell_left_top.x + x, y = cell_left_top.y + y} if math_random(1,3) ~= 1 then surface.create_entity({name = "tree-04", position = pos}) else if math_random(1,3) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[math_random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = pos}) end end end end end local function labyrinth_path(surface, cell_left_top) local noise = get_noise(1, cell_left_top) if noise < lake_noise_value then return end local tile_name = "grass-1" if noise > 0.6 then tile_name = "dirt-7" end set_cell_tiles(surface, cell_left_top, tile_name) end local function draw_oceans(surface, cell_left_top) if get_noise(1, cell_left_top) >= lake_noise_value then return end set_cell_tiles(surface, cell_left_top, "deepwater") for x = 0.5, labyrinth_cell_size, 1 do for y = 0.5, labyrinth_cell_size, 1 do local pos = {x = cell_left_top.x + x, y = cell_left_top.y + y} if math_random(1, 256) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = "fish", position = pos}) end end end end local function get_path_connections_count(cell_pos) local connections = 0 for _, m in pairs(modifiers) do if global.labyrinth_cells[tostring(cell_pos.x + m.x) .. "_" .. tostring(cell_pos.y + m.y)] then connections = connections + 1 end end return connections end local function process_labyrinth_cell(pos) local cell_position = {x = pos.x / labyrinth_cell_size, y = pos.y / labyrinth_cell_size} global.labyrinth_cells[tostring(cell_position.x) .. "_" .. tostring(cell_position.y)] = false for _, modifier in pairs(modifiers_diagonal) do if global.labyrinth_cells[tostring(cell_position.x + modifier.diagonal.x) .. "_" .. tostring(cell_position.y + modifier.diagonal.y)] then local connection_1 = global.labyrinth_cells[tostring(cell_position.x + modifier.connection_1.x) .. "_" .. tostring(cell_position.y + modifier.connection_1.y)] local connection_2 = global.labyrinth_cells[tostring(cell_position.x + modifier.connection_2.x) .. "_" .. tostring(cell_position.y + modifier.connection_2.y)] if not connection_1 and not connection_2 then return false end end end for _, m in pairs(modifiers) do if get_path_connections_count({x = cell_position.x + m.x, y = cell_position.y + m.y}) >= math_random(2, 3) then return false end end if get_path_connections_count(cell_position) >= math_random(2, 3) then return false end global.labyrinth_cells[tostring(cell_position.x) .. "_" .. tostring(cell_position.y)] = true return true end local function labyrinth(event) local positions = {} for x = 0, 32 - labyrinth_cell_size, labyrinth_cell_size do for y = 0, 32 - labyrinth_cell_size, labyrinth_cell_size do positions[#positions + 1] = {x = event.area.left_top.x + x, y = event.area.left_top.y + y} end end positions = shuffle(positions) for _, pos in pairs(positions) do draw_oceans(event.surface, pos) if process_labyrinth_cell(pos) then labyrinth_path(event.surface, pos) else labyrinth_wall(event.surface, pos) end end end local function on_chunk_generated(event) local surface = game.surfaces["forest_maze"] if event.surface.name ~= surface.name then return end local left_top = event.area.left_top local area = { left_top = {x = left_top.x, y = left_top.y}, right_bottom = {x = left_top.x + 31, y = left_top.y + 31} } surface.destroy_decoratives({area = area}) local entities = surface.find_entities(area) for _, e in pairs(entities) do if e.valid then if e.name ~= "character" then e.destroy() end end end labyrinth(event) local decorative_names = {} for k,v in pairs(game.decorative_prototypes) do if v.autoplace_specification then decorative_names[#decorative_names+1] = k end end surface.regenerate_decorative(decorative_names, {{x = left_top.x / 32, y = left_top.y / 32}}) end local function draw_secret_area(surface, position) local positions = {} for x = 0, labyrinth_cell_size - 1, 1 do for y = 0, labyrinth_cell_size - 1, 1 do positions[#positions + 1] = {x = position.x + x, y = position.y + y} end end positions = shuffle(positions) local wrecks_to_place = math_random(1, math.ceil(labyrinth_cell_size * 0.33)) for i = 1, #positions, 1 do if surface.can_place_entity({name = "big-ship-wreck-1", position = positions[i]}) then create_shipwreck(surface, positions[i]) wrecks_to_place = wrecks_to_place - 1 if wrecks_to_place <= 0 then break end end end end local ore_chance_weights = { {"iron-ore", 25}, {"copper-ore",18}, {"coal",14}, {"stone",10}, {"crude-oil",5}, {"uranium-ore",3} } local ore_raffle = {} for _, t in pairs (ore_chance_weights) do for x = 1, t[2], 1 do table.insert(ore_raffle, t[1]) end end local function draw_ores(surface, position) local ore = ore_raffle[math_random(1, #ore_raffle)] for x = 0, labyrinth_cell_size - 1, 1 do for y = 0, labyrinth_cell_size - 1, 1 do local pos = {x = position.x + x, y = position.y + y} local amount = 250 + math.sqrt(pos.x^2 + pos.y^2) * 0.5 if ore == "crude-oil" then if math_random(1, 32) == 1 and surface.can_place_entity({name = ore, position = pos, amount = amount * 200}) then surface.create_entity({name = ore, position = pos, amount = amount * 200}) end else surface.create_entity({name = ore, position = pos, amount = amount}) end end end end local function draw_water(surface, position) map_functions.draw_noise_tile_circle({x = position.x + labyrinth_cell_size * 0.5, y = position.y + labyrinth_cell_size * 0.5}, "water", surface, math.floor(labyrinth_cell_size * 0.3)) for _, tile in pairs(surface.find_tiles_filtered({name = "water", area = {{position.x, position.y},{position.x + labyrinth_cell_size, position.y + labyrinth_cell_size}}})) do if math_random(1, 12) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = "fish", position = tile.position}) end end end local enemy_chances = { {"biter-spawner", 20}, {"spitter-spawner",8}, {"small-worm-turret",5}, {"medium-worm-turret",4}, {"big-worm-turret",3}, {"behemoth-worm-turret",1}, } local enemy_raffle = {} for _, t in pairs (enemy_chances) do for x = 1, t[2], 1 do table.insert(enemy_raffle, t[1]) end end local function draw_enemies(surface, position) local positions = {} for x = 0, labyrinth_cell_size - 1, 1 do for y = 0, labyrinth_cell_size - 1, 1 do positions[#positions + 1] = {x = position.x + x, y = position.y + y} end end positions = shuffle(positions) for i = 1, labyrinth_cell_size, 1 do local enemy = enemy_raffle[math_random(1, #enemy_raffle)] if surface.can_place_entity({name = enemy, position = positions[i]}) then surface.create_entity({name = enemy, position = positions[i], force = "enemy"}) end end end local function draw_rocks(surface, position) local r = math_random(0,100) if r < 50 then surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[math_random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = {x = position.x + labyrinth_cell_size * 0.5, y = position.y + labyrinth_cell_size * 0.5}}) return end if r <= 100 then surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[math_random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = {x = position.x + labyrinth_cell_size * 0.5, y = position.y + labyrinth_cell_size * 0.25}}) surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[math_random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = {x = position.x + labyrinth_cell_size * 0.75, y = position.y + labyrinth_cell_size * 0.75}}) surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[math_random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = {x = position.x + labyrinth_cell_size * 0.25, y = position.y + labyrinth_cell_size * 0.75}}) return end end local function process_chunk_charted_cell(surface, pos) local cell_position = {x = pos.x / labyrinth_cell_size, y = pos.y / labyrinth_cell_size} if not global.labyrinth_cells[tostring(cell_position.x) .. "_" .. tostring(cell_position.y)] then return end local noise = get_noise(1, pos) if noise < lake_noise_value then return end --RETURN IF IT IS WATER LAKE local connection_count = get_path_connections_count(cell_position) if connection_count == 0 then draw_secret_area(surface, pos) end if connection_count == 1 then if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then draw_ores(surface, pos) else local distance_to_center = math.sqrt(pos.x^2 + pos.y^2) if distance_to_center > 196 then if math_random(1, 3) == 1 then draw_water(surface, pos) else draw_enemies(surface, pos) end else if math_random(1, 3) == 1 then draw_water(surface, pos) end end end end if connection_count == 3 then if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then draw_rocks(surface, pos) end end end local function on_chunk_charted(event) local surface = game.surfaces[event.surface_index] if game.tick < 300 then return end if not global.chunks_charted then game.forces.player.clear_chart(surface) global.chunks_charted = {} end local left_top = {x = event.position.x * 32, y = event.position.y * 32} if global.chunks_charted[tostring(left_top.x) .. "_" .. tostring(left_top.y)] then return end global.chunks_charted[tostring(left_top.x) .. "_" .. tostring(left_top.y)] = true for x = 0, 32 - labyrinth_cell_size, labyrinth_cell_size do for y = 0, 32 - labyrinth_cell_size, labyrinth_cell_size do local pos = {x = left_top.x + x, y = left_top.y + y} process_chunk_charted_cell(surface, pos) end end end local function on_player_joined_game(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not global.map_init_done then local map_gen_settings = {} map_gen_settings.water = "none" map_gen_settings.cliff_settings = {cliff_elevation_interval = 20, cliff_elevation_0 = 20} map_gen_settings.autoplace_controls = { ["coal"] = {frequency = "none", size = "none", richness = "none"}, ["stone"] = {frequency = "none", size = "none", richness = "none"}, ["copper-ore"] = {frequency = "none", size = "none", richness = "none"}, ["uranium-ore"] = {frequency = "none", size = "none", richness = "none"}, ["iron-ore"] = {frequency = "none", size = "none", richness = "none"}, ["crude-oil"] = {frequency = "none", size = "none", richness = "none"}, ["trees"] = {frequency = "none", size = "none", richness = "none"}, ["enemy-base"] = {frequency = "none", size = "none", richness = "none"} } game.map_settings.pollution.ageing = 0 game.map_settings.pollution.pollution_restored_per_tree_damage = 0 game.create_surface("forest_maze", map_gen_settings) game.forces["player"].set_spawn_position({0,0},game.surfaces["forest_maze"]) local surface = game.surfaces["forest_maze"] surface.daytime = 1 surface.freeze_daytime = 1 --local radius = 512 --game.forces.player.chart(surface, {{x = -1 * radius, y = -1 * radius}, {x = radius, y = radius}}) global.map_init_done = true end local surface = game.surfaces["forest_maze"] if player.online_time < 5 and surface.is_chunk_generated({0,0}) then player.teleport(surface.find_non_colliding_position("character", {0,0}, 2, 1), "forest_maze") else if player.online_time < 5 then player.teleport({0,0}, "forest_maze") end end if player.online_time < 10 then player.insert {name = 'iron-gear-wheel', count = 8} player.insert {name = 'iron-plate', count = 16} --player.insert {name = 'grenade', count = 160} end end --TREE BURNING NERF local function on_entity_died(event) if not event.entity.valid then return end if event.entity.type == "tree" then for _, entity in pairs (event.entity.surface.find_entities_filtered({area = {{event.entity.position.x - 4, event.entity.position.y - 4},{event.entity.position.x + 4, event.entity.position.y + 4}}, name = "fire-flame-on-tree"})) do if entity.valid then entity.destroy() end end end end local function on_init() global.labyrinth_cells = {} end event.on_init(on_init) event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, on_entity_died) event.add(defines.events.on_chunk_generated, on_chunk_generated) event.add(defines.events.on_chunk_charted, on_chunk_charted) event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, on_player_joined_game)