local math_abs = math.abs local math_random = math.random local Map_functions = require "tools.map_functions" local simplex_noise = require 'utils.simplex_noise'.d2 local Public = {} local hatchery_position = {x = 200, y = 0} local table_tiles = { [1] = "concrete", [2] = "refined-concrete", [3] = "stone-path", } local function get_replacement_tile(surface, position) for i = 1, 128, 1 do local vectors = {{0, i}, {0, i * -1}, {i, 0}, {i * -1, 0}} table.shuffle_table(vectors) for k, v in pairs(vectors) do local tile = surface.get_tile(position.x + v[1], position.y + v[2]) if not tile.collides_with("resource-layer") then return tile.name end end end return "grass-1" end local function place_market(surface, position, team_force) local market = surface.create_entity({name = "market", position = position, force = team_force}) market.minable = false return market end local function kill_entities_combat_zone(surface, table_area) for _, ent in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered{area = table_area, type = "resource"}) do ent.destroy() end for _, entity in ipairs(surface.find_entities_filtered{ area= table_area, type="tree"}) do entity.destroy() end end local function create_markets(surface) local wall = surface.create_entity({name = "stone-wall", position = {-15, -174}, force = "spectator"}) wall.destructible=false wall.minable=false local wall = surface.create_entity({name = "stone-wall", position = {15, -174}, force = "spectator"}) wall.destructible=false wall.minable=false local wall = surface.create_entity({name = "stone-wall", position = {-15, 174}, force = "spectator"}) wall.destructible=false wall.minable=false local wall = surface.create_entity({name = "stone-wall", position = {15, 174}, force = "spectator"}) wall.destructible=false wall.minable=false surface.create_entity({name = "electric-beam", position = {-15, -174}, source = {-15, -174}, target = {15,-174}}) surface.create_entity({name = "electric-beam", position = {-15, 174}, source = {-15, 174}, target = {15,174}}) local x = hatchery_position.x local y = hatchery_position.y for i=169, 200, 1 do for j=1, 100, 1 do if math.sqrt((i*-1+160)*(i*-1+160)+(j-50)*(j-50))>=38 and math.sqrt((i*-1+160)*(i*-1+160)+(j-50)*(j-50))<=40 then if j== 50 or j== 49 or j==51 then else local wall = surface.create_entity({name = "stone-wall", position = {i*-1, j-50}, force = "west"}) wall.destructible=false wall.minable=false end end end end for i=169, 200, 1 do for j=1, 100, 1 do if math.sqrt((i-160)*(i-160)+(j-50)*(j-50))>=38 and math.sqrt((i-160)*(i-160)+(j-50)*(j-50))<=40 then if j== 50 or j== 49 or j==51 then else local wall = surface.create_entity({name = "stone-wall", position = {i, j-50}, force = "east"}) wall.destructible=false wall.minable=false end end end end local position = {(x * -1)+2, 0} local e = place_market(surface, position, "west") global.market1=e local energy_source = {type = "electric", buffer_capacity = "10GJ", usage_priority = "tertiary", input_flow_limit = "1GW", output_flow_limit = "0W", drain="0W"} local eei = surface.create_entity({type = "electric-energy-interface", name = "electric-energy-interface", energy_source = energy_source, position = {-200,-2}, force = "west"}) local ep = surface.create_entity({name = "small-electric-pole", position = {-200,-5}, force = "west"}) ep.destructible=false ep.minable=false eei.operable = false eei.destructible=false eei.minable=false eei.electric_buffer_size = 100000000 eei.power_usage = 48000000 eei.power_production = 1 --surface.create_entity({name = "small-worm-turret", position = {x * -1 + 6, 0}, force = "west"}) global.map_forces.west.hatchery = e global.map_forces.east.target = e local position = {x-2, 0} local f = place_market(surface, position, "east") global.market=f local energy_source = {type = "electric", buffer_capacity = "10GJ", usage_priority = "tertiary", input_flow_limit = "1GW", output_flow_limit = "0W", drain="0W"} local eei2 = surface.create_entity({type = "electric-energy-interface", name = "electric-energy-interface", energy_source = energy_source, position = {201,-2}, force = "east"}) local ep2 = surface.create_entity({name = "small-electric-pole", position = {200,-5}, force = "east"}) ep2.destructible=false ep2.minable=false eei2.operable = false eei2.destructible=false eei2.minable=false eei2.electric_buffer_size = 100000000 eei2.power_usage = 48000000 eei2.power_production = 1 --surface.create_entity({name = "small-worm-turret", position = {x - 6, 0}, force = "east"}) global.map_forces.east.hatchery = f global.map_forces.west.target = f --global.map_forces.east.spawn = {x=137,y=0} --global.map_forces.west.spawn = {x=-137,y=0} local area ={{-174,-150},{174,150}} kill_entities_combat_zone(surface, area) local te = surface.create_entity({name = "tree-09-red", position = {137,0}, force = "neutral"}) local tw = surface.create_entity({name = "tree-04", position = {-137,0}, force = "neutral"}) te.minable =false tw.minable = false te.destructible = false tw.destructible = false end local function draw_noise_ore_patch(position, name, surface, radius, richness) if not position then return end if not name then return end if not surface then return end if not radius then return end if not richness then return end local seed = game.surfaces[1].map_gen_settings.seed local noise_seed_add = 25000 local richness_part = richness / radius for y = radius * -3, radius * 3, 1 do for x = radius * -3, radius * 3, 1 do local pos = {x = x + position.x + 0.5, y = y + position.y + 0.5} local noise_1 = simplex_noise(pos.x * 0.0125, pos.y * 0.0125, seed) local noise_2 = simplex_noise(pos.x * 0.1, pos.y * 0.1, seed + 25000) local noise = noise_1 + noise_2 * 0.12 local distance_to_center = math.sqrt(x^2 + y^2) local a = richness - richness_part * distance_to_center if distance_to_center < radius - math.abs(noise * radius * 0.85) and a > 1 then if surface.can_place_entity({name = name, position = pos, amount = a}) then surface.create_entity{name = name, position = pos, amount = a} local mirror_pos = {x = pos.x * -1, y = pos.y } surface.create_entity{name = name, position = mirror_pos, amount = a} for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({position = pos, name = {"wooden-chest", "gun-turret"}})) do e.destroy() end for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({position = mirror_pos, name = {"wooden-chest", "gun-turret"}})) do e.destroy() end end end end end end local function first_ore_generate(surface) local area = {{250, -50}, {300, 50}} local ores = {} ores["iron-ore"] = surface.count_entities_filtered({name = "iron-ore", area = area}) ores["copper-ore"] = surface.count_entities_filtered({name = "copper-ore", area = area}) ores["coal"] = surface.count_entities_filtered({name = "coal", area = area}) ores["stone"] = surface.count_entities_filtered({name = "stone", area = area}) for ore, ore_count in pairs(ores) do if ore_count < 1000 or ore_count == nil then local pos = {} for a = 1, 32, 1 do pos = {x = math_random(250, 300), y = math_random(-50, 50)} if surface.can_place_entity({name = "coal", position = pos, amount = 1}) then break end end draw_noise_ore_patch(pos, ore, surface, math_random(18, 24), math_random(1500, 2000)) end end end function Public.create_mirror_surface() if game.surfaces["mirror_terrain"] then return end local map_gen_settings = {} map_gen_settings.seed = math_random(1, 99999999) map_gen_settings.water = math.random(5, 10) * 0.025 map_gen_settings.starting_area = 1 map_gen_settings.terrain_segmentation = 8 map_gen_settings.cliff_settings = {cliff_elevation_interval = 0, cliff_elevation_0 = 0} map_gen_settings.autoplace_controls = { ["coal"] = {frequency = 2.5, size = 0.65, richness = 0.5}, ["stone"] = {frequency = 2.5, size = 0.65, richness = 0.5}, ["copper-ore"] = {frequency = 2.5, size = 0.65, richness = 0.5}, ["iron-ore"] = {frequency = 2.5, size = 0.65, richness = 0.5}, ["uranium-ore"] = {frequency = 2, size = 1, richness = 1}, ["crude-oil"] = {frequency = 3, size = 1, richness = 0.75}, ["trees"] = {frequency = math_random(5, 12) * 0.1, size = math_random(5, 12) * 0.1, richness = math_random(1, 10) * 0.1}, ["enemy-base"] = {frequency = 0, size = 0, richness = 0} } local surface = game.create_surface("mirror_terrain", map_gen_settings) local x = hatchery_position.x - 16 local offset = 38 surface.request_to_generate_chunks({x, 0}, 5) surface.force_generate_chunk_requests() local positions = {{x = x, y = offset}, {x = x, y = offset * -1}, {x = x, y = offset * -2}, {x = x, y = offset * 2}} table.shuffle_table(positions) for key, ore in pairs({"copper-ore", "iron-ore", "coal", "stone"}) do Map_functions.draw_smoothed_out_ore_circle(surface.find_non_colliding_position("coal", positions[key], 128, 1), ore, surface, 15, 2500) end local r = 32 for x = r * -1, r, 1 do for y = r * -1, r, 1 do local p = {x = hatchery_position.x + x, y = hatchery_position.y + y} if math.sqrt(x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) < r then local tile = surface.get_tile(p) if tile.name == "water" or tile.name == "deepwater" then surface.set_tiles({{name = "landfill", position = p}}, true) end end end end end local function mirror_chunk(event, source_surface, x_modifier) local surface = event.surface local left_top = event.area.left_top local offset = 0 if x_modifier == -1 then offset = 32 end local mirror_left_top = {x = left_top.x * x_modifier - offset, y = left_top.y} source_surface.request_to_generate_chunks(mirror_left_top, 1) source_surface.force_generate_chunk_requests() local mirror_area = {{mirror_left_top.x , mirror_left_top.y}, {mirror_left_top.x + 32, mirror_left_top.y + 32}} for _, tile in pairs(source_surface.find_tiles_filtered({area = mirror_area})) do surface.set_tiles({{name = tile.name, position = {x = tile.position.x * x_modifier, y = tile.position.y}}}, true) end for _, entity in pairs(source_surface.find_entities_filtered({area = mirror_area})) do if surface.can_place_entity({name = entity.name, position = {x = entity.position.x * x_modifier, y = entity.position.y}}) then entity.clone({position = {x = entity.position.x * x_modifier, y = entity.position.y}, surface = surface, force = "neutral"}) end end for _, decorative in pairs(source_surface.find_decoratives_filtered{area = mirror_area}) do surface.create_decoratives{ check_collision=false, decoratives={{name = decorative.decorative.name, position = {x = decorative.position.x * x_modifier, y = decorative.position.y}, amount = decorative.amount}} } end end local function combat_area(event) local surface = event.surface local left_top = event.area.left_top if left_top.y >= 15 then return end if left_top.y < -15 then return end local replacement_tile = "landfill" local tile = surface.get_tile({8,0}) if tile then replacement_tile = tile.name end for _, tile in pairs(surface.find_tiles_filtered({area = event.area})) do -- if tile.name == "water" or tile.name == "deepwater" then -- surface.set_tiles({{name = replacement_tile, position = tile.position}}, true) -- end -- if tile.position.x >= -4 and tile.position.x < 4 then -- surface.set_tiles({{name = "water-shallow", position = tile.position}}, true) -- end end --[[ for _, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({type = {"resource", "cliff"}, area = event.area})) do entity.destroy() end ]] end local function is_out_of_map(p) --if math.sqrt((p.x*p.x)+(p.y*p.y))<30 then return end --if math.sqrt((p.x*p.x)+(p.y*p.y))<30 then return end if math.sqrt((p.x+90)*(p.x+90)+(p.y+100)*(p.y+100))<15 then return true end if math.sqrt((p.x+90)*(p.x+90)+(p.y+100)*(p.y+100))<45 and p.y <=-100 then return end if math.sqrt((p.x-30)*(p.x-30)+(p.y+100)*(p.y+100))<15 then return true end if math.sqrt((p.x-30)*(p.x-30)+(p.y+100)*(p.y+100))<45 and p.y <=-100 then return end if math.sqrt((p.x-90)*(p.x-90)+(p.y-100)*(p.y-100))<15 then return true end if math.sqrt((p.x-90)*(p.x-90)+(p.y-100)*(p.y-100))<45 and p.y >=100 then return end if math.sqrt((p.x+30)*(p.x+30)+(p.y-100)*(p.y-100))<15 then return true end if math.sqrt((p.x+30)*(p.x+30)+(p.y-100)*(p.y-100))<45 and p.y >=100 then return end if math.sqrt((p.x+135)*(p.x+135)+(p.y)*(p.y))<30 and p.y >=0 and p.x >= -135 then return end if math.sqrt((p.x-135)*(p.x-135)+(p.y)*(p.y))<30 and p.y <=0 and p.x <= 135 then return end if p.x >= -15 and p.x <= 15 and ( p.y<=100 and p.y >= -100) then return end if p.x >= -75 and p.x <= -45 and ( p.y<=100 and p.y >= -100) then return end if p.x >= 45 and p.x <= 75 and ( p.y<=100 and p.y >= -100) then return end if p.x >= -135 and p.x <= -105 and ( p.y<=0 and p.y >= -100) then return end if p.x >= 105 and p.x <= 135 and ( p.y<=100 and p.y >= 0) then return end if p.x > -105 and p.x <= -75 and ( p.y>=-15 and p.y <= 15) then return true end if p.x >= 75 and p.x < 105 and ( p.y>=-15 and p.y <= 15) then return true end if p.y < 30 and p.y >= -30 and p.x >= 135 then return end if p.y < 30 and p.y >= -30 and p.x <= -135 then return end if p.x * 0.5 >= math_abs(p.y)+50 then return end if p.x * -0.5 > math_abs(p.y)+50 then return end return true end local function out_of_map_area(event) local surface = event.surface local left_top = event.area.left_top for x = -1, 32, 1 do for y = -1, 32, 1 do local p = {x = left_top.x + x, y = left_top.y + y} if is_out_of_map(p) then if (p.x == -137 or p.x == -138 or p.x == -102 or p.x == -103 or p.x == -78 or p.x == -77 or p.x == -42 or p.x == -43 or p.x == -17 or p.x == -18 or p.x == 17 or p.x == 18 or p.x == 42 or p.x == 43 or p.x == 77 or p.x == 78) and (p.y == -32 or p.y == -33 or p.y == -95 or p.y == -96) then surface.set_tiles({{name = "hazard-concrete-right", position = p}}, true) if (p.x == -137 and p.y == -32) and surface.can_place_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == -137 and p.y == -95) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == -102 and p.y == -32) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == -102 and p.y == -95) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == -77 and p.y == -32) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == -77 and p.y == -95) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == -42 and p.y == -32) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == -42 and p.y == -95) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == -17 and p.y == -32) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == -17 and p.y == -95) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == 18 and p.y == -32) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == 18 and p.y == -95) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == 43 and p.y == -32) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == 43 and p.y == -95) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == 78 and p.y == -32) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == 78 and p.y == -95) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end elseif (p.x == 137 or p.x == 138 or p.x == 102 or p.x == 103 or p.x == 78 or p.x == 77 or p.x == 42 or p.x == 43 or p.x == 17 or p.x == 18 or p.x == -17 or p.x == -18 or p.x == -42 or p.x == -43 or p.x == -77 or p.x == -78) and (p.y == 32 or p.y == 33 or p.y == 95 or p.y == 96) then surface.set_tiles({{name = "hazard-concrete-right", position = p}}, true) if (p.x == 138 and p.y == 33) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == 138 and p.y == 96) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == 103 and p.y == 33) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == 103 and p.y == 96) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == 78 and p.y == 33) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == 78 and p.y == 96) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == 43 and p.y == 33) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == 43 and p.y == 96) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == 18 and p.y == 33) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == 18 and p.y == 96) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == -17 and p.y == 33) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == -17 and p.y == 96) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == -42 and p.y == 33) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == -42 and p.y == 96) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == -77 and p.y == 33) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end if (p.x == -77 and p.y == 96) then local e = surface.create_entity({name="substation", position = {p.x,p.y}, force = 'neutral'}) e.destructible=false e.minable=false end else surface.set_tiles({{name = "out-of-map", position = p}}, true) end else if p.x >=-210 and p.x <=210 then local this_tile = surface.get_tile(p) local replacement_tile = "landfill" if this_tile.name == "water" or this_tile.name == "deepwater" then surface.set_tiles({{name = replacement_tile, position = this_tile.position}}, true) end end end if( p.x ==-135 or p.x == 75 ) and (p.y >= -200 and p.y <= -175 ) then local this_tile = surface.get_tile(p) local replacement_tile = "hazard-concrete-right" surface.set_tiles({{name = replacement_tile, position = this_tile.position}}, true) end if( p.x >=-135 and p.x <= 75 ) and (p.y == -200 or p.y == -175 ) then local this_tile = surface.get_tile(p) local replacement_tile = "hazard-concrete-right" surface.set_tiles({{name = replacement_tile, position = this_tile.position}}, true) end if( p.x >=-15 and p.x <= 15 ) and p.y == -174 then local this_tile = surface.get_tile(p) local replacement_tile = "hazard-concrete-right" surface.set_tiles({{name = replacement_tile, position = this_tile.position}}, true) end if p.x >-135 and p.x < 75 and p.y>-200 and p.y<-175 then local this_tile = surface.get_tile(p) local nb_rand=math.random(3) local replacement_tile = table_tiles[nb_rand] surface.set_tiles({{name = replacement_tile, position = this_tile.position}}, true) end if( p.x == -75 or p.x == 135 ) and (p.y <= 200 and p.y >= 175 ) then local this_tile = surface.get_tile(p) local replacement_tile = "hazard-concrete-left" surface.set_tiles({{name = replacement_tile, position = this_tile.position}}, true) end if( p.x >=-75 and p.x <= 135 ) and (p.y == 200 or p.y == 175 ) then local this_tile = surface.get_tile(p) local replacement_tile = "hazard-concrete-left" surface.set_tiles({{name = replacement_tile, position = this_tile.position}}, true) end if( p.x >=-15 and p.x <= 15 ) and p.y == 174 then local this_tile = surface.get_tile(p) local replacement_tile = "hazard-concrete-left" surface.set_tiles({{name = replacement_tile, position = this_tile.position}}, true) end if p.x >-75 and p.x < 135 and p.y<200 and p.y>175 then local this_tile = surface.get_tile(p) local nb_rand=math.random(3) local replacement_tile = table_tiles[nb_rand] surface.set_tiles({{name = replacement_tile, position = this_tile.position}}, true) end end end end local scrap_vectors = {} for x = -5, 5, 1 do for y = -5, 5, 1 do if math.sqrt(x^2 + y^2) <= 5 then scrap_vectors[#scrap_vectors + 1] = {x, y} end end end local function generate_scrap(event) local distance_to_center = math.sqrt(event.area.left_top.x ^ 2 + event.area.left_top.y ^ 2) local worms = event.surface.find_entities_filtered({area = event.area, type = "turret"}) if #worms == 0 then return end for _, e in pairs(worms) do if math_random(1,2) == 1 then for c = 1, math_random(2,12), 1 do local vector = scrap_vectors[math_random(1, #scrap_vectors)] local position = {e.position.x + vector[1], e.position.y + vector[2]} if e.surface.can_place_entity({name = "mineable-wreckage", position = position, force = "neutral"}) then e.surface.create_entity({name = "mineable-wreckage", position = position, force = "neutral"}) end end end end end local function on_chunk_generated(event) local source_surface = game.surfaces["mirror_terrain"] if not source_surface then return end if not source_surface.valid then return end if event.surface.index == source_surface.index then return end local left_top = event.area.left_top if left_top.x >= 0 then mirror_chunk(event, source_surface, 1) else mirror_chunk(event, source_surface, -1) end out_of_map_area(event) if left_top.x >= -150 and left_top.x < 150 then combat_area(event) end if left_top.x == 256 and left_top.y == 256 then create_markets(event.surface) first_ore_generate(event.surface) end if left_top.x <= -500 and left_top.x >= -1500 then local density = -0.003 * left_top.x -0.5 local floor_density = math.floor(density) for i = 0, floor_density, 1 do if math.random(100)<=10 then local rand_x = math.random(33)-1 local rand_y = math.random(33)-1 local pos = {x =left_top.x + rand_x, y = left_top.y + rand_y} --local position = envent.surface.find_non_colliding_position("big-worm-turret", pos, 8, 1) if pos.x * -0.5 > math_abs(pos.y)+50 and event.surface.can_place_entity({name = "small-worm-turret", position = pos, force = "east"}) then event.surface.create_entity({name = "small-worm-turret", position = pos, force = "east"}) generate_scrap(event) end end end end if left_top.x <= -1500 and left_top.x >= -2500 then local density = -0.003 * left_top.x -2.5 local floor_density = math.floor(density) for i = 0, floor_density, 1 do if math.random(100)<=10 then local rand_x = math.random(33)-1 local rand_y = math.random(33)-1 local pos = {x =left_top.x + rand_x, y = left_top.y + rand_y} --local position = envent.surface.find_non_colliding_position("big-worm-turret", pos, 8, 1) if pos.x * -0.5 > math_abs(pos.y)+50 and event.surface.can_place_entity({name = "medium-worm-turret", position = pos, force = "east"}) then event.surface.create_entity({name = "medium-worm-turret", position = pos, force = "east"}) generate_scrap(event) end end end end if left_top.x <= -2500 then local density = -0.003 * left_top.x -5.5 local floor_density = math.floor(density) if floor_density > 4 then floor_density = 4 end for i = 0, floor_density, 1 do if math.random(100)<=10 then local rand_x = math.random(33)-1 local rand_y = math.random(33)-1 local pos = {x =left_top.x + rand_x, y = left_top.y + rand_y} --local position = envent.surface.find_non_colliding_position("big-worm-turret", pos, 8, 1) if pos.x * -0.5 > math_abs(pos.y)+50 and event.surface.can_place_entity({name = "big-worm-turret", position = pos, force = "east"}) then event.surface.create_entity({name = "big-worm-turret", position = pos, force = "east"}) generate_scrap(event) end end end end if left_top.x >= 500 and left_top.x <= 1500 then local density = 0.003 * left_top.x -0.5 local floor_density = math.floor(density) for i = 0, floor_density, 1 do if math.random(100)<=10 then local rand_x = math.random(33)-1 local rand_y = math.random(33)-1 local pos = {x =left_top.x + rand_x, y = left_top.y + rand_y} --local position = envent.surface.find_non_colliding_position("big-worm-turret", pos, 8, 1) if pos.x * 0.5 > math_abs(pos.y)+50 and event.surface.can_place_entity({name = "small-worm-turret", position = pos, force = "west"}) then event.surface.create_entity({name = "small-worm-turret", position = pos, force = "west"}) generate_scrap(event) end end end end if left_top.x >= 1500 and left_top.x <= 2500 then local density = 0.003 * left_top.x -2.5 local floor_density = math.floor(density) for i = 0, floor_density, 1 do if math.random(100)<=10 then local rand_x = math.random(33)-1 local rand_y = math.random(33)-1 local pos = {x =left_top.x + rand_x, y = left_top.y + rand_y} --local position = envent.surface.find_non_colliding_position("big-worm-turret", pos, 8, 1) if pos.x * 0.5 > math_abs(pos.y)+50 and event.surface.can_place_entity({name = "medium-worm-turret", position = pos, force = "west"}) then event.surface.create_entity({name = "medium-worm-turret", position = pos, force = "west"}) generate_scrap(event) end end end end if left_top.x >= 2500 then local density = 0.003 * left_top.x -5.5 local floor_density = math.floor(density) if floor_density > 4 then floor_density=4 end for i = 0, floor_density, 1 do if math.random(100)<=10 then local rand_x = math.random(33)-1 local rand_y = math.random(33)-1 local pos = {x =left_top.x + rand_x, y = left_top.y + rand_y} --local position = envent.surface.find_non_colliding_position("big-worm-turret", pos, 8, 1) if pos.x * 0.5 > math_abs(pos.y)+50 and event.surface.can_place_entity({name = "big-worm-turret", position = pos, force = "west"}) then event.surface.create_entity({name = "big-worm-turret", position = pos, force = "west"}) generate_scrap(event) end end end end if left_top.x > 320 then return end if left_top.x < -320 then return end if left_top.y > 320 then return end if left_top.y < -320 then return end game.forces.west.chart(event.surface, {{left_top.x, left_top.y},{left_top.x + 31, left_top.y + 31}}) game.forces.east.chart(event.surface, {{left_top.x, left_top.y},{left_top.x + 31, left_top.y + 31}}) end local event = require 'utils.event' event.add(defines.events.on_chunk_generated, on_chunk_generated) return Public