--luacheck: ignore local Public = {} local math_random = math.random local Immersive_cargo_wagons = require 'modules.immersive_cargo_wagons.main' local GetNoise = require 'utils.math.get_noise' local LootRaffle = require 'utils.functions.loot_raffle' local wagon_raffle = { 'cargo-wagon', 'cargo-wagon', 'cargo-wagon', 'locomotive', 'fluid-wagon' } local rock_raffle = { 'big-sand-rock', 'big-sand-rock', 'big-rock', 'big-rock', 'big-rock', 'big-rock', 'big-rock', 'big-rock', 'big-rock', 'huge-rock' } local function draw_border(surface, left_x, height) local tiles = {} local i = 1 for x = left_x, left_x + 31, 1 do for y = height * -1, height - 1, 1 do tiles[i] = { name = 'out-of-map', position = { x = x, y = y } } i = i + 1 end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) end function Public.clone_south_to_north(mountain_race) if game.tick < 60 then return end local surface = game.surfaces.nauvis if not surface.is_chunk_generated({ mountain_race.clone_x + 2, 0 }) then return end local area = { { mountain_race.clone_x * 32, 0 }, { mountain_race.clone_x * 32 + 32, mountain_race.playfield_height } } local offset = mountain_race.playfield_height + mountain_race.border_half_width draw_border(surface, mountain_race.clone_x * 32, mountain_race.border_half_width) surface.clone_area( { source_area = area, destination_area = { { area[1][1], area[1][2] - offset }, { area[2][1], area[2][2] - offset } }, destination_surface = surface, --destination_force = …, clone_tiles = true, clone_entities = true, clone_decoratives = true, clear_destination_entities = true, clear_destination_decoratives = true, expand_map = true } ) mountain_race.clone_x = mountain_race.clone_x + 1 end local function common_loot_crate(surface, position) local item_stacks = LootRaffle.roll(math.abs(position.x), 16) local container = surface.create_entity({ name = 'wooden-chest', position = position, force = 'neutral' }) for _, item_stack in pairs(item_stacks) do container.insert(item_stack) end container.minable = false end function Public.draw_terrain(surface, left_top) if left_top.x < 64 then return end local seed = surface.map_gen_settings.seed for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do local position = { x = left_top.x + x, y = left_top.y + y } local tile = surface.get_tile(position) if not tile.collides_with('resource') then if math_random(1, 3) > 1 and surface.can_place_entity({ name = 'coal', position = position, amount = 1 }) and GetNoise('decoratives', position, seed) > 0.2 then surface.create_entity({ name = rock_raffle[math_random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = position }) end if math_random(1, 756) == 1 then common_loot_crate(surface, position) end end end end end function Public.draw_out_of_map_chunk(surface, left_top) local tiles = {} local i = 1 for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do tiles[i] = { name = 'out-of-map', position = { x = left_top.x + x, y = left_top.y + y } } i = i + 1 end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) end function Public.generate_spawn(mountain_race, force_name) local force = game.forces[force_name] local surface = game.surfaces.nauvis local p = force.get_spawn_position(surface) local v = { { 0, 0 }, { 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 1, 1 } } local teams = { ['north'] = { 75, 75, 255 }, ['south'] = { 255, 65, 65 } } for x = 0, 48, 2 do surface.create_entity({ name = 'straight-rail', position = { p.x + x, p.y }, direction = 2, force = force_name }) for k, tile in pairs(surface.find_tiles_filtered({ area = { { p.x + x, p.y }, { p.x + x + 2, p.y + 2 } } })) do if tile.collides_with('resource') then surface.set_tiles({ { name = 'landfill', position = tile.position } }, true) end end end local entity = surface.create_entity({ name = 'locomotive', position = { p.x + 6, p.y }, force = force_name, direction = 2 }) entity.minable = false entity.color = teams[force_name] rendering.draw_text( { text = string.upper(force_name), surface = surface, target = entity, target_offset = { 0, -3 }, color = teams[force_name], scale = 2, font = 'default-game', alignment = 'center', scale_with_zoom = false } ) mountain_race.locomotives[force_name] = entity local wagon = Immersive_cargo_wagons.register_wagon(entity) wagon.entity_count = 999 end function Public.generate_chunks(mountain_race) if game.ticks_played % 60 ~= 0 then return end local surface = game.surfaces.nauvis surface.request_to_generate_chunks({ 0, 0 }, 10) if not surface.is_chunk_generated({ 9, 0 }) then return end game.print('preparing terrain..') mountain_race.gamestate = 'prepare_terrain' end function Public.reroll_terrain(mountain_race) if game.ticks_played % 60 ~= 0 then return end for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do if player.character then if player.character.valid then player.character.destroy() end end player.character = nil player.set_controller({ type = defines.controllers.god }) end local surface = game.surfaces.nauvis local mgs = surface.map_gen_settings mgs.seed = math_random(1, 99999999) mgs.water = 0.5 mgs.starting_area = 1 mgs.terrain_segmentation = 12 mgs.cliff_settings = { cliff_elevation_interval = 0, cliff_elevation_0 = 0 } mgs.autoplace_controls = { ['coal'] = { frequency = 16, size = 1, richness = 0.5 }, ['stone'] = { frequency = 16, size = 1, richness = 0.5 }, ['copper-ore'] = { frequency = 16, size = 1, richness = 0.75 }, ['iron-ore'] = { frequency = 16, size = 1, richness = 1 }, ['uranium-ore'] = { frequency = 8, size = 0.5, richness = 0.5 }, ['crude-oil'] = { frequency = 32, size = 1, richness = 1 }, ['trees'] = { frequency = math.random(4, 32) * 0.1, size = math.random(4, 16) * 0.1, richness = math.random(1, 10) * 0.1 }, ['enemy-base'] = { frequency = 16, size = 1, richness = 1 } } surface.map_gen_settings = mgs surface.clear(false) for chunk in surface.get_chunks() do surface.delete_chunk({ chunk.x, chunk.y }) end game.print('generating chunks..') mountain_race.gamestate = 'generate_chunks' end return Public