local Memory = require 'maps.pirates.memory' local Common = require 'maps.pirates.common' local CoreData = require 'maps.pirates.coredata' -- local Utils = require 'maps.pirates.utils_local' -- local Math = require 'maps.pirates.math' local Surfaces = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.surfaces' local Lobby = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.lobby' local _inspect = require 'utils.inspect'.inspect -- local Boats = require 'maps.pirates.structures.boats.boats' local GuiCommon = require 'maps.pirates.gui.common' local Public = {} local window_name = 'progress' function Public.toggle_window(player) if player.gui.screen[window_name .. '_piratewindow'] then player.gui.screen[window_name .. '_piratewindow'].destroy() return end local flow, flow2, flow3 flow = GuiCommon.new_window(player, window_name) flow.caption = 'Progress' flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_section(flow, 'distance_travelled', 'Distance Travelled:') flow3 = flow2.add({ name = 'leagues', type = 'label', }) flow3.style.left_margin = 5 flow3.style.top_margin = -3 flow3.style.bottom_margin = -3 flow3.style.single_line = false flow3.style.maximal_width = 160 flow3.style.font = 'default-dropdown' flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_section(flow, 'current_location', 'Current location: ') -- flow3 = flow2.add({ -- name = 'location_name', -- type = 'label', -- }) -- flow3.style.left_margin = 5 -- flow3.style.top_margin = -3 -- flow3.style.bottom_margin = -3 -- flow3.style.single_line = false -- flow3.style.maximal_width = 160 -- flow3.style.font = 'default-dropdown' -- flow3 = flow2.add({type = 'label', name = 'hidden_ores_yes', caption = 'Ores detected:'}) -- flow3 = flow2.add({type = 'table', name = 'hidden_ores_yes_table', column_count = 3}) -- flow3.style.left_margin = 5 -- flow3.style.bottom_margin = 4 -- for _, ore in ipairs(CoreData.ore_types) do -- flow3.add({type = 'sprite-button', name = ore.name, sprite = ore.sprite_name, enabled = false, number = 0}) -- end -- flow3 = flow2.add({type = 'label', name = 'hidden_ores_no', caption = 'Ores detected: None'}) -- -- flow3 = flow2.add({type = 'label', name = 'daynight', caption = ''}) -- flow3 = flow2.add({type = 'label', name = 'patch_size', caption = ''}) -- flow3.style.top_margin = -3 flow3 = flow2.add({type = 'label', name = 'daynight', caption = ''}) flow3.style.top_margin = -3 -- flow2 = GuiCommon.flow_add_section(flow, 'departure_items', 'Resources needed for departure:') -- flow3.style.bottom_margin = -2 -- flow3 = flow2.add({type = 'table', name = 'needed', column_count = 4}) -- flow3.style.left_margin = 5 -- for _, item in ipairs(CoreData.departure_items) do -- flow3.add({type = 'sprite-button', name = item.name, sprite = item.sprite_name, enabled = false, number = 0}) -- end GuiCommon.flow_add_close_button(flow, window_name .. '_piratebutton') return nil end -- function Public.regular_update(player) -- end function Public.full_update(player) if Public.regular_update then Public.regular_update(player) end if not player.gui.screen[window_name .. '_piratewindow'] then return end local flow = player.gui.screen[window_name .. '_piratewindow'] local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local destination = Common.current_destination() -- local type = destination.type -- local subtype = destination.subtype local scope = Surfaces.get_scope(destination) local name if scope then name = (destination and destination.static_params and destination.static_params.name) and destination.static_params.name or scope.Data.display_name else name = Lobby.Data.display_name end flow.current_location.header.caption = string.format('Current location: %s', name) flow.distance_travelled.body.leagues.caption = string.format('%d leagues', memory.overworldx or 0) -- local daynighttype -- if destination.static_params and destination.static_params.daynightcycletype then -- daynighttype = destination.static_params.daynightcycletype -- else -- daynighttype = 1 -- end -- flow.current_location.body.daynight.caption = string.format('Day/night cycle: %s', CoreData.daynightcycle_types[daynighttype].displayname) -- if destination.static_params and destination.static_params.radius_squared_modifier then -- local radius_squared_modifier = destination.static_params.radius_squared_modifier -- flow.current_location.body.patch_size.visible = true -- if radius_squared_modifier <= 0.65 then -- flow.current_location.body.patch_size.caption = 'Patch sizing: ' .. 'Nano' -- elseif radius_squared_modifier <= 0.85 then -- flow.current_location.body.patch_size.caption = 'Patch sizing: ' .. 'Small' -- elseif radius_squared_modifier <= 1.5 then -- flow.current_location.body.patch_size.caption = 'Patch sizing: ' .. 'Normal' -- else -- flow.current_location.body.patch_size.caption = 'Patch sizing: ' .. 'Large' -- end -- else -- flow.current_location.body.patch_size.visible = false -- end -- if destination.static_params and destination.static_params.daynightcycletype then -- flow.current_location.body.daynight.visible = true -- local daynightcycletype = destination.static_params.daynightcycletype -- flow.current_location.body.daynight.caption = 'Daynight cycle: ' .. CoreData.daynightcycle_types[daynightcycletype].displayname -- else -- flow.current_location.body.daynight.visible = false -- end local daynightcycletype = destination.static_params.daynightcycletype or 1 flow.current_location.body.daynight.caption = 'Time of day: ' .. CoreData.daynightcycle_types[daynightcycletype].displayname -- local ores -- -- if destination.static_params and destination.static_params.abstract_ore_amounts then ores = destination.static_params.abstract_ore_amounts end -- if destination.dynamic_data and destination.dynamic_data.hidden_ore_remaining_abstract then ores = destination.dynamic_data.hidden_ore_remaining_abstract end -- if ores then -- flow.current_location.body.hidden_ores_yes.visible = true -- flow.current_location.body.hidden_ores_yes_table.visible = true -- flow.current_location.body.patch_size.visible = true -- flow.current_location.body.hidden_ores_no.visible = false -- for _, ore in ipairs(CoreData.ore_types) do -- if ores[ore.name] then -- flow.current_location.body.hidden_ores_yes_table[ore.name].number = Math.ceil(ores[ore.name]) -- else -- flow.current_location.body.hidden_ores_yes_table[ore.name].number = 0 -- end -- end -- else -- flow.current_location.body.hidden_ores_yes.visible = false -- flow.current_location.body.hidden_ores_yes_table.visible = false -- flow.current_location.body.patch_size.visible = false -- flow.current_location.body.hidden_ores_no.visible = true -- end end return Public