local Global = require 'utils.global' local Color = require 'utils.color_presets' local SpamProtection = require 'utils.spam_protection' local Event = require 'utils.event' local this = { data = {}, module_disabled = false } local Public = {} Global.register( this, function(tbl) this = tbl end ) local space = { minimal_height = 10, top_padding = 0, bottom_padding = 0 } local function get_player_data(player, remove) if remove and this.data[player.index] then this.data[player.index] = nil return end if not this.data[player.index] then this.data[player.index] = {} end return this.data[player.index] end local function unpack_inventory(inventory) if not inventory then return end local unpacked = {} for i = 1, #inventory do unpacked[i] = inventory[i] end return unpacked end local function addStyle(guiIn, styleIn) for k, v in pairs(styleIn) do guiIn.style[k] = v end end local function adjustSpace(guiIn) addStyle(guiIn.add {type = 'line', direction = 'horizontal'}, space) end local function validate_object(obj) if not obj then return false end if not obj.valid then return false end return true end local function get_target_player(index) local viewingPlayer = game.get_player(index) if not viewingPlayer or not viewingPlayer.valid then return false end return viewingPlayer end local function watching_inventory(player) for index, data in pairs(this.data) do if data and data.player_opened == player.index then local sourcePlayer = game.get_player(index) if not sourcePlayer or not sourcePlayer.valid then return false else return sourcePlayer end end end return false end local function player_opened(player) local data = get_player_data(player) if not data then return false end local opened = data.player_opened if not opened then return false end return true, opened end local function last_tab(player) local data = get_player_data(player) if not data then return false end local tab = data.last_tab if not tab then return false end return true, tab end local function validate_player(player) if not player then return false end if not player.valid then return false end if not player.character then return false end if not player.connected then return false end if not game.players[player.index] then return false end return true end local function close_player_inventory(player) local data = get_player_data(player) if not data then return end local gui = player.gui.screen if not validate_object(gui) then return end local element = gui.inventory_gui if not validate_object(element) then return end element.destroy() get_player_data(player, true) end local function redraw_inventory(gui, source, target, caption, panel_type) gui.clear() local items_table = gui.add({type = 'table', column_count = 11}) local types = game.item_prototypes local screen = source.gui.screen if not validate_object(screen) then return end local inventory_gui = screen.inventory_gui inventory_gui.caption = 'Inventory of ' .. target.name for i = 1, #panel_type do if panel_type[i] and panel_type[i].valid_for_read then local name = panel_type[i].name local count = panel_type[i].count local flow = items_table.add({type = 'flow'}) flow.style.vertical_align = 'bottom' local button = flow.add( { type = 'sprite-button', sprite = 'item/' .. name, number = count, name = name, tooltip = types[name].localised_name, style = 'slot_button' } ) button.enabled = false if caption == 'Armor' then if target.get_inventory(5)[1].grid then local p_armor = target.get_inventory(5)[1].grid.get_contents() for k, v in pairs(p_armor) do local armor_gui = flow.add( { type = 'sprite-button', sprite = 'item/' .. k, number = v, name = k, tooltip = types[name].localised_name, style = 'slot_button' } ) armor_gui.enabled = false end end end end end end local function add_inventory(panel, source, target, caption, panel_type) local data = get_player_data(source) data.panel_type = data.panel_type or {} local pane_name = panel.add({type = 'tab', caption = caption, name = caption}) local scroll_pane = panel.add { type = 'scroll-pane', name = caption .. 'tab', direction = 'vertical', vertical_scroll_policy = 'always', horizontal_scroll_policy = 'never' } scroll_pane.style.maximal_height = 200 scroll_pane.style.horizontally_stretchable = true scroll_pane.style.minimal_height = 200 scroll_pane.style.right_padding = 0 panel.add_tab(pane_name, scroll_pane) data.panel_type[caption] = panel_type redraw_inventory(scroll_pane, source, target, caption, panel_type) end local function open_inventory(source, target) if not validate_player(source) then return end source.opened = nil if not validate_player(target) then return end local screen = source.gui.screen if not validate_object(screen) then return end local inventory_gui = screen.inventory_gui if inventory_gui then close_player_inventory(source) end local frame = screen.add( { type = 'frame', caption = 'Inventory', direction = 'vertical', name = 'inventory_gui' } ) if not (frame and frame.valid) then return end frame.auto_center = true frame.style.minimal_width = 500 frame.style.minimal_height = 250 adjustSpace(frame) local panel = frame.add({type = 'tabbed-pane', name = 'tabbed_pane'}) panel.selected_tab_index = 1 local data = get_player_data(source) data.player_opened = target.index data.last_tab = 'Main' local main = unpack_inventory(target.get_main_inventory()) if not main then return end local armor = unpack_inventory(target.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_armor)) local guns = unpack_inventory(target.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_guns)) local ammo = unpack_inventory(target.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_ammo)) local trash = unpack_inventory(target.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_trash)) local types = { ['Main'] = main, ['Armor'] = armor, ['Guns'] = guns, ['Ammo'] = ammo, ['Trash'] = trash } for k, v in pairs(types) do if v ~= nil then add_inventory(panel, source, target, k, v) end end source.opened = frame end local function on_gui_click(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not this.data[player.index] then return end local element = event.element if not element or not element.valid then return end local types = { ['Main'] = true, ['Armor'] = true, ['Guns'] = true, ['Ammo'] = true, ['Trash'] = true } local name = element.name if not types[name] then return end local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(player, nil, 'Player Inventory') if is_spamming then return end local data = get_player_data(player) if not data then return end data.last_tab = name local valid, target = player_opened(player) if valid and target then local viewingPlayer = get_target_player(target) if not viewingPlayer then return false end local main = unpack_inventory(viewingPlayer.get_main_inventory()) if not main then return end local armor = unpack_inventory(viewingPlayer.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_armor)) local guns = unpack_inventory(viewingPlayer.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_guns)) local ammo = unpack_inventory(viewingPlayer.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_ammo)) local trash = unpack_inventory(viewingPlayer.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_trash)) local target_types = { ['Main'] = main, ['Armor'] = armor, ['Guns'] = guns, ['Ammo'] = ammo, ['Trash'] = trash } local frame = Public.get_active_frame(player) local panel_type = target_types[name] redraw_inventory(frame, player, viewingPlayer, name, panel_type) end end local function gui_closed(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not this.data[player.index] then return end local type = event.gui_type if type == defines.gui_type.custom then local data = get_player_data(player) if not data then return end close_player_inventory(player) end end local function on_pre_player_left_game(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not this.data[player.index] then return end close_player_inventory(player) end local function update_gui(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if not player or not player.valid then return end if not this.data[player.index] then return end local sourcePlayer = watching_inventory(player) local success, tab = last_tab(player) if sourcePlayer and sourcePlayer.valid then if success then local main = player.get_main_inventory() if not main then return end main = unpack_inventory(player.get_main_inventory()) if not main then return end local armor = unpack_inventory(player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_armor)) local guns = unpack_inventory(player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_guns)) local ammo = unpack_inventory(player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_ammo)) local trash = unpack_inventory(player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_trash)) local types = { ['Main'] = main, ['Armor'] = armor, ['Guns'] = guns, ['Ammo'] = ammo, ['Trash'] = trash } local frame = Public.get_active_frame(player) local panel_type = types[tab] if frame then if frame.name == tab .. 'tab' then redraw_inventory(frame, sourcePlayer, player, tab, panel_type) end end end end end commands.add_command( 'inventory', 'Opens a players inventory!', function(cmd) local player = game.player if this.module_disabled then return end if validate_player(player) then if not cmd.parameter then return end local target_player = game.players[cmd.parameter] if target_player == player and not player.admin then return player.print('Cannot open self.', Color.warning) end local valid, opened = player_opened(player) if valid then if target_player == opened then return player.print('You are already viewing this players inventory.', Color.warning) end end if validate_player(target_player) then open_inventory(player, target_player) else player.print('[Inventory] Please type a name of a player who is connected.', Color.warning) end else return end end ) function Public.get_active_frame(player) if not player.gui.screen.inventory_gui then return false end return player.gui.screen.inventory_gui.tabbed_pane.tabs[player.gui.screen.inventory_gui.tabbed_pane.selected_tab_index].content end function Public.get(key) if key then return this[key] else return this end end --- Disables the module. ---@param state boolean function Public.module_disabled(state) this.module_disabled = state or false end Event.add(defines.events.on_player_main_inventory_changed, update_gui) Event.add(defines.events.on_gui_closed, gui_closed) Event.add(defines.events.on_gui_click, on_gui_click) Event.add(defines.events.on_pre_player_left_game, on_pre_player_left_game) return Public