local Event = require 'utils.event' local Gui = require 'utils.gui' local Server = require 'utils.server' local Global = require 'utils.global' local SpamProtection = require 'utils.spam_protection' local max = math.max local round = math.round local main_frame_name = Gui.uid_name() local selection_button_name = Gui.uid_name() local close_main_frame = Gui.uid_name() local top_button_name = Gui.uid_name() local this = { difficulties = { [1] = { name = "I'm too young to die", index = 1, value = 0.75, color = {r = 0.00, g = 0.25, b = 0.00}, print_color = {r = 0.00, g = 0.4, b = 0.00}, count = 0, strength_modifier = 1.00, boss_modifier = 6.0 }, [2] = { name = 'Hurt me plenty', index = 2, value = 1, color = {r = 0.00, g = 0.00, b = 0.25}, print_color = {r = 0.0, g = 0.0, b = 0.5}, count = 0, strength_modifier = 1.25, boss_modifier = 7.0 }, [3] = { name = 'Ultra-violence', index = 3, value = 1.5, color = {r = 255, g = 128, b = 0.00}, print_color = {r = 255, g = 128, b = 0.00}, count = 0, strength_modifier = 1.75, boss_modifier = 8.0 } }, tooltip = { [1] = '', [2] = '', [3] = '' }, show_gui = true, value = 0.75, index = 1, fair_vote = false, closing_timeout = 54000, all_votes = {}, gui_width = 108, name = "I'm too young to die", strength_modifier = 1.00, boss_modifier = 6.0, button_tooltip = nil } local Public = {} Global.register( this, function(t) this = t end ) local function clear_main_frame(player) local screen = player.gui.center if screen[main_frame_name] and screen[main_frame_name].valid then screen[main_frame_name].destroy() end end function Public.difficulty_gui() if not this.show_gui then return end local tooltip = 'Current difficulty of the map is ' .. this.difficulties[this.index].name .. '.' for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do local top = player.gui.top if top[top_button_name] then top[top_button_name].caption = this.difficulties[this.index].name top[top_button_name].tooltip = this.button_tooltip or tooltip top[top_button_name].style.font_color = this.difficulties[this.index].print_color else local b = top.add { type = 'button', caption = this.difficulties[this.index].name, tooltip = tooltip, name = top_button_name } b.style.font = 'heading-2' b.style.font_color = this.difficulties[this.index].print_color b.style.minimal_height = 37 b.style.maximal_height = 37 b.style.minimal_width = this.gui_width end end end local function highest_count(tbl) local init = { count = {}, index = {} } for i = 1, #tbl do init.count[#init.count + 1] = tbl[i].count init.index[#init.index + 1] = tbl[i].index end local highest = max(unpack(init.count)) local pre = {} if this.fair_vote then for x = 1, #init.count do if init.count[x] == highest then pre[#pre + 1] = {i = init.index[x], c = init.count[x]} end end else for x = 1, #init.count do if init.count[x] ~= 0 then if round(init.count[x] / highest) == 1 then pre[#pre + 1] = {i = init.index[x], c = init.count[x]} end end end end local post = {} for i = 1, #pre do post[#post + 1] = pre[i].i end highest = round(table.mean(post)) return highest end local function poll_difficulty(player) if player.gui.center[main_frame_name] then clear_main_frame(player) end if not this.show_gui then if player.gui.center[main_frame_name] then clear_main_frame(player) end return end if game.tick > this.closing_timeout then if player.online_time ~= 0 then local t = math.abs(math.floor((this.closing_timeout - game.tick) / 3600)) local str = 'Votes have closed ' .. t str = str .. ' minute' if t > 1 then str = str .. 's' end str = str .. ' ago.' player.print(str) end return end local _, inside_frame = Gui.add_main_frame_with_toolbar(player, 'center', main_frame_name, nil, close_main_frame, 'Difficulty') if not inside_frame then return end for i = 1, #this.difficulties, 1 do local button_flow = inside_frame.add { type = 'flow', name = tostring(i) } local b = button_flow.add({type = 'button', name = selection_button_name, caption = this.difficulties[i].name}) b.style.font_color = this.difficulties[i].color b.style.font = 'heading-2' b.style.minimal_width = 160 b.tooltip = this.tooltip[i] end local label_flow = inside_frame.add { type = 'flow' } inside_frame.add({type = 'line'}) label_flow.style.horizontal_align = 'center' label_flow.style.horizontally_stretchable = true local timeleft_flow = inside_frame.add { type = 'flow' } timeleft_flow.style.horizontal_align = 'center' timeleft_flow.style.horizontally_stretchable = true local b = timeleft_flow.add( { type = 'button', caption = math.floor((this.closing_timeout - game.tick) / 3600) .. ' minutes left.' } ) b.style.font_color = {r = 0.66, g = 0.0, b = 0.66} b.style.font = 'heading-3' b.style.minimal_width = 96 b.enabled = false inside_frame.add({type = 'line'}) end local function set_difficulty() local index = highest_count(this.difficulties) if not index or not this.difficulties[index] then return end if this.index ~= index then local message = table.concat({'*** Map difficulty has changed to ', this.difficulties[index].name, ' difficulty! ***'}) game.print(message, this.difficulties[index].print_color) Server.to_discord_embed(message) end this.index = index this.name = this.difficulties[index].name this.value = this.difficulties[index].value this.boss_modifier = this.difficulties[index].boss_modifier this.strength_modifier = this.difficulties[index].strength_modifier this.button_tooltip = this.tooltip[index] end function Public.reset_difficulty_poll(tbl) if tbl then this.value = tbl.value or 0.75 this.index = tbl.index or 1 this.all_votes = {} this.closing_timeout = tbl.closing_timeout or game.tick + 54000 for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do if p.gui.center[main_frame_name] then clear_main_frame(p) end poll_difficulty(p) end for _, vote in pairs(this.difficulties) do vote.count = 0 end Public.difficulty_gui() else this.value = 0.75 this.index = 1 this.all_votes = {} this.closing_timeout = game.tick + 54000 for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do if p.gui.center[main_frame_name] then clear_main_frame(p) end poll_difficulty(p) end for _, vote in pairs(this.difficulties) do vote.count = 0 end Public.difficulty_gui() end end local function on_player_joined_game(event) if not this.show_gui then return end local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if game.tick < this.closing_timeout then if not this.all_votes[player.name] then poll_difficulty(player) end else clear_main_frame(player) end Public.difficulty_gui() end local function on_player_left_game(event) if game.tick > this.closing_timeout then return end local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if not this.all_votes[player.name] then return end local index = this.all_votes[player.name].index this.difficulties[index].count = this.difficulties[index].count - 1 if this.difficulties[index].count <= 0 then this.difficulties[index].count = 0 end this.all_votes[player.name] = nil set_difficulty() Public.difficulty_gui() end function Public.set_tooltip(...) if type(...) == 'table' then this.tooltip = ... end end function Public.set_difficulties(...) if type(...) == 'table' then this.difficulties = ... end end function Public.set_poll_closing_timeout(...) this.closing_timeout = ... end --- Sets gui width ---@param number number function Public.set_gui_width(number) this.gui_width = number end function Public.get_fair_vote() return this.fair_vote end function Public.set_fair_vote(value) this.fair_vote = value or false end function Public.show_gui(state) this.show_gui = state or false end function Public.get(key) if key then return this[key] else return this end end function Public.set(key, value) if key and (value or value == false) then this[key] = value return this[key] elseif key then return this[key] else return this end end Gui.on_click( selection_button_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Poll difficulty selection frame name') if is_spamming then return end local element = event.element if not element or not element.valid then return end local player = event.player if not player or not player.valid then return end local i = tonumber(element.parent.name) if game.tick > this.closing_timeout then clear_main_frame(player) return end if this.all_votes[player.name] and this.all_votes[player.name].index == i then player.print('You have already voted for ' .. this.difficulties[i].name .. '.', this.difficulties[i].print_color) clear_main_frame(player) return end if this.all_votes[player.name] then local index = this.all_votes[player.name].index this.difficulties[index].count = this.difficulties[index].count - 1 if this.difficulties[index].count <= 0 then this.difficulties[index].count = 0 end end this.difficulties[i].count = this.difficulties[i].count + 1 this.all_votes[player.name] = {voted = true, index = i} set_difficulty() Public.difficulty_gui() clear_main_frame(player) local message = '*** ' .. player.name .. ' has voted for ' .. this.difficulties[i].name .. ' difficulty! ***' game.print(message, this.difficulties[i].print_color) Server.to_discord_embed(message) end ) Gui.on_click( top_button_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Poll difficulty top button') if is_spamming then return end local player = event.player if not player or not player.valid then return end if game.tick > this.closing_timeout then clear_main_frame(player) return end local screen = player.gui.center if screen[main_frame_name] and screen[main_frame_name].valid then clear_main_frame(player) else poll_difficulty(player) end end ) Gui.on_click( close_main_frame, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'Poll difficulty close button') if is_spamming then return end local player = event.player if not player or not player.valid then return end clear_main_frame(player) end ) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_created, on_player_joined_game) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, on_player_joined_game) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_left_game, on_player_left_game) Public.top_button_name = top_button_name return Public