local Event = require 'utils.event' local Gui = require 'utils.gui' local Public = require 'modules.wave_defense.table' local Token = require 'utils.token' local Task = require 'utils.task' local Server = require 'utils.server' local SpamProtection = require 'utils.spam_protection' local main_frame_name = Gui.uid_name() local save_button_name = Gui.uid_name() local discard_button_name = Gui.uid_name() local random = math.random local random_greetings = { 'Dear defender', 'Defenders', 'Dear players', 'Fellow players' } local random_greetings_size = #random_greetings function Public.main_gui(player, text) local main_frame = player.gui.screen[main_frame_name] if main_frame and main_frame.valid then main_frame.destroy() end main_frame = player.gui.screen.add( { type = 'frame', name = main_frame_name, caption = 'A stretch is needed.', direction = 'vertical' } ) main_frame.auto_center = true local main_frame_style = main_frame.style main_frame_style.width = 500 local inside_frame = main_frame.add {type = 'frame', style = 'inside_shallow_frame'} local inside_frame_style = inside_frame.style inside_frame_style.padding = 0 local inside_table = inside_frame.add {type = 'table', column_count = 1} local inside_table_style = inside_table.style inside_table_style.vertical_spacing = 0 inside_table.add({type = 'line'}) local info_main = inside_table.add( { type = 'label', caption = '[color=yellow]' .. text .. ',[/color]' } ) local info_main_style = info_main.style info_main_style.font = 'default-large-bold' info_main_style.padding = 0 info_main_style.left_padding = 10 info_main_style.horizontal_align = 'left' info_main_style.vertical_align = 'bottom' info_main_style.single_line = false info_main_style.font_color = {0.55, 0.55, 0.99} inside_table.add({type = 'line'}) local info_sub = inside_table.add( { type = 'label', caption = 'We have played for ' .. Server.format_time(game.ticks_played) .. ' now.\nIf you want to take a quick break,\nplease vote to pause the waves for 5 minutes.' } ) local info_sub_style = info_sub.style info_sub_style.font = 'default-game' info_sub_style.padding = 0 info_sub_style.left_padding = 10 info_sub_style.horizontal_align = 'left' info_sub_style.vertical_align = 'bottom' info_sub_style.single_line = false inside_table.add({type = 'line'}) local bottom_flow = main_frame.add({type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'}) local left_flow = bottom_flow.add({type = 'flow'}) left_flow.style.horizontal_align = 'left' left_flow.style.horizontally_stretchable = true local close_button = left_flow.add({type = 'button', name = discard_button_name, caption = 'I cannot rest!'}) close_button.style = 'back_button' local right_flow = bottom_flow.add({type = 'flow'}) right_flow.style.horizontal_align = 'right' local save_button = right_flow.add({type = 'button', name = save_button_name, caption = 'I need to stretch'}) save_button.style = 'confirm_button' player.opened = main_frame end function Public.display_pause_wave(player, text) if not player then return end if not text then return end return Public.main_gui(player, text) end local function pause_waves_state(state) if state then game.print('[color=blue][Wave Defense][/color] New waves will not spawn for 5 minutes!', {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}) Public.set('paused', true) else game.print('[color=blue][Wave Defense][/color] Waves will spawn normally again.', {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}) Public.set('paused', false) end end local pause_waves_state_token = Token.register(pause_waves_state) Gui.on_click( save_button_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'WD Save Button') if is_spamming then return end local player = event.player if not player or not player.valid or not player.character then return end local total_players = #game.connected_players local pause_waves = Public.get('pause_waves') if not pause_waves[player.index] then pause_waves[player.index] = true pause_waves.index = pause_waves.index + 1 end local divided = total_players / 2 if pause_waves.index >= divided then Public.set('pause_waves', {index = 0}) local players = game.connected_players for i = 1, #players do local p = players[i] local screen = p.gui.screen local frame = screen[main_frame_name] p.surface.play_sound({path = 'utility/new_objective', position = p.position, volume_modifier = 0.75}) if frame and frame.valid then Gui.remove_data_recursively(frame) frame.destroy() end end pause_waves_state(true) Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(18000, pause_waves_state_token, false) -- 5 minutes return end local screen = player.gui.screen local frame = screen[main_frame_name] if frame and frame.valid then Gui.remove_data_recursively(frame) frame.destroy() end end ) Gui.on_click( discard_button_name, function(event) local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(event.player, nil, 'WD Discard Button') if is_spamming then return end local player = event.player local screen = player.gui.screen local frame = screen[main_frame_name] if not player or not player.valid or not player.character then return end if frame and frame.valid then Gui.remove_data_recursively(frame) frame.destroy() end end ) Event.on_nth_tick( 216000, -- 1 hour function() if game.ticks_played < 100 then return end local greeting = random_greetings[random(1, random_greetings_size)] local players = game.connected_players for i = 1, #players do local player = players[i] Public.display_pause_wave(player, greeting) end end ) return Public