--draws lines modified by noise -- mewmew local simplex_noise = require 'utils.simplex_noise'.d2 local Public = {} local function get_brush(size) local vectors = {} for x = size * -1, size, 1 do for y = size * -1, size, 1 do if math.sqrt(y ^ 2 + x ^ 2) <= size then vectors[#vectors + 1] = {x, y} end end end return vectors end local function get_brush_unfiltered(size) local vectors = {} for x = size, size * -1, -1 do for y = size * -1, size, 1 do vectors[#vectors + 1] = {x = x, y = y} end end return vectors end function Public.noise_vector_entity_path(surface, entity_name, position, base_vector, length, collision) local seed_1 = math.random(1, 10000000) local seed_2 = math.random(1, 10000000) local vector = {} local entities = {} local minimal_movement = 0.5 for _ = 1, length, 1 do if collision then if surface.can_place_entity({name = entity_name, position = position}) then entities[#entities + 1] = surface.create_entity({name = entity_name, position = position}) end else entities[#entities + 1] = surface.create_entity({name = entity_name, position = position}) end local noise = simplex_noise(position.x * 0.01, position.y * 0.01, seed_1) local noise_2 = simplex_noise(position.x * 0.01, position.y * 0.01, seed_2) vector[1] = base_vector[1] + noise * 0.85 vector[2] = base_vector[2] + noise_2 * 0.85 --enforce minimum movement if math.abs(vector[1]) < minimal_movement and math.abs(vector[2]) < minimal_movement then local i = math.random(1, 2) if vector[i] < 0 then vector[i] = minimal_movement * -1 else vector[i] = minimal_movement end end position = {x = position.x + vector[1], y = position.y + vector[2]} end return entities end function Public.noise_vector_tile_path(surface, tile_name, position, base_vector, length, brush_size, whitelist) local seed_1 = math.random(1, 10000000) local seed_2 = math.random(1, 10000000) local m = math.random(1, 100) * 0.001 local vector = {} local tiles = {} local minimal_movement = 0.65 local brush_vectors = get_brush(brush_size) for _ = 1, length, 1 do for _, v in pairs(brush_vectors) do local p = {x = position.x + v[1], y = position.y + v[2]} if whitelist then local tile = surface.get_tile(p) if tile.valid then if whitelist[tile.name] then surface.set_tiles({{name = tile_name, position = p}}, true) tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = tile_name, position = p} end end else surface.set_tiles({{name = tile_name, position = p}}, true) tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = tile_name, position = p} end end local noise = simplex_noise(position.x * m, position.y * m, seed_1) local noise_2 = simplex_noise(position.x * m, position.y * m, seed_2) vector[1] = base_vector[1] + noise vector[2] = base_vector[2] + noise_2 if math.abs(vector[1]) < minimal_movement and math.abs(vector[2]) < minimal_movement then local i = math.random(1, 2) if vector[i] < 0 then vector[i] = minimal_movement * -1 else vector[i] = minimal_movement end end position = {x = position.x + vector[1], y = position.y + vector[2]} end return tiles end function Public.noise_vector_tiles_path(surface, tbl_tiles, position, base_vector, length, brush_size, whitelist, seed_1, seed_2, m) seed_1 = seed_1 or math.random(1, 10000000) seed_2 = seed_2 or math.random(1, 10000000) m = m or math.random(1, 100) * 0.001 local vector = {} local tiles = {} local minimal_movement = 0.40 local brush_vectors = get_brush_unfiltered(brush_size) local tile_name = tbl_tiles[math.random(1, #tbl_tiles)] for _ = 1, length, 1 do for _, brush in pairs(brush_vectors) do local p = {x = position.x + brush.x, y = position.y + brush.y} if whitelist then local tile = surface.get_tile(p) if tile.valid then if whitelist[tile.name] then surface.set_tiles({{name = tile_name, position = p}}, true) tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = tile_name, position = p} end end end end local noise = simplex_noise(position.x * m, position.y * m, seed_1) local noise_2 = simplex_noise(position.x * m, position.y * m, seed_2) vector[1] = base_vector[1] + noise vector[2] = base_vector[2] + noise_2 if math.abs(vector[1]) < minimal_movement and math.abs(vector[2]) < minimal_movement then local i = math.random(1, 2) if vector[i] < 0 then vector[i] = minimal_movement * -1 else vector[i] = minimal_movement end end position = {x = position.x + vector[1], y = position.y + vector[2]} end return tiles, seed_1, seed_2, m end --/c noise_vector_path(game.player.surface, "tree-04", game.player.position, {0,0}) return Public