local Server = require 'utils.server' local Modifiers = require 'utils.player_modifiers' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Event = require 'utils.event' local Public = {} local this = {} ---------------------------global table----------------------------------------- Global.register( this, function (tbl) this = tbl end ) function Public.reset_table() for k, _ in pairs(this) do this[k] = nil end this.soft_reset_counter = 0 this.original_surface_name = nil this.schedule_step = 0 this.schedule_max_step = 0 this.schedule = {} this.initial_tick = 0 end function Public.get_table() return this end local on_init = function () Public.reset_table() end Event.on_init(on_init) -------------------------scheduled deletion------------------------------------- local function add_step() if this.schedule_step ~= this.schedule_max_step then this.schedule_step = this.schedule_step + 1 end end local function scheduled_surface_clearing() if this.initial_tick > game.tick then return end local step = this.schedule_step local schedule = this.schedule if schedule[step] then local surface = schedule[step].surface if not surface.valid then schedule[step] = nil add_step() return end if schedule[step].operation == 'biter_clearing' then local biters = surface.find_entities_filtered { type = 'unit', limit = 10000 } for _, biter in pairs(biters) do if biter.valid then biter.destroy() end end schedule[step] = nil add_step() elseif schedule[step].operation == 'nest_clearing' then local nests = surface.find_entities_filtered { type = 'unit-spawner' } for _, nest in pairs(nests) do if nest.valid then nest.destroy() end end schedule[step] = nil add_step() elseif schedule[step].operation == 'scrap_clearing' then local scrap = surface.find_entities_filtered { force = 'neutral', limit = 5000 } for _, e in pairs(scrap) do if e.valid then e.destroy() end end schedule[step] = nil add_step() elseif schedule[step].operation == 'clear' then surface.clear() schedule[step] = nil add_step() elseif schedule[step].operation == 'delete' then game.delete_surface(surface) schedule[step] = nil add_step() end end end function Public.add_schedule_to_delete_surface(surface) local step = this.schedule_max_step local add = 1 this.schedule[step + add] = { operation = 'nest_clearing', surface = surface } add = add + 1 local count_biters = surface.count_entities_filtered { type = 'unit' } for i = 1, count_biters, 10000 do this.schedule[step + add] = { operation = 'biter_clearing', surface = surface } add = add + 1 end local count_scrap = surface.count_entities_filtered { force = 'neutral' } for i = 1, count_scrap, 5000 do this.schedule[step + add] = { operation = 'scrap_clearing', surface = surface } add = add + 1 end this.schedule[step + add] = { operation = 'clear', surface = surface } add = add + 1 this.schedule[step + add] = { operation = 'delete', surface = surface } this.schedule_max_step = this.schedule_max_step + add if this.schedule_step == step then this.schedule_step = this.schedule_step + 1 end if this.initial_tick <= game.tick then --add offset for starting of deletion, so new map can generate peacefully for a minute and tiny bit this.initial_tick = game.tick + 4000 end end function Public.change_entities_to_neutral(surface, force, delete_pollution) local entities = surface.find_entities_filtered { force = force or 'player' } for _, entity in pairs(entities) do if entity.valid then entity.force = 'neutral' entity.active = false end end if delete_pollution then local pollution = surface.get_total_pollution() surface.clear_pollution() game.get_pollution_statistics(surface).on_flow('power-switch', -pollution) end end Event.on_nth_tick(10, scheduled_surface_clearing) ---------------------------soft reset------------------------------------------- local function reset_forces(new_surface, old_surface) for _, f in pairs(game.forces) do local spawn = { x = game.forces.player.get_spawn_position(old_surface).x, y = game.forces.player.get_spawn_position(old_surface).y } f.reset() for _, tech in pairs(game.forces.player.technologies) do tech.researched = false tech.saved_progress = 0 end f.reset_evolution() f.set_spawn_position(spawn, new_surface) end end local function teleport_players(surface, small_force_chunk) for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do local spawn = player.force.get_spawn_position(surface) local chunk = { math.floor(spawn.x / 32), math.floor(spawn.y / 32) } if not surface.is_chunk_generated(chunk) then if not small_force_chunk then surface.request_to_generate_chunks(spawn, 1) surface.force_generate_chunk_requests() else surface.request_to_generate_chunks({ 0, 0 }, 0.1) surface.force_generate_chunk_requests() end end local pos = surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', spawn, 3, 0.5) player.teleport(pos, surface) end end local function equip_players(player_starting_items) for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do if player.character then player.character.destroy() end player.character = nil player.set_controller({ type = defines.controllers.god }) player.create_character() if player_starting_items then for item, amount in pairs(player_starting_items) do player.insert({ name = item, count = amount }) end end Modifiers.update_player_modifiers(player) end end local function clear_robots(new_surface) local radius = 512 local area = { { x = -radius, y = -radius }, { x = radius, y = radius } } for _, entity in pairs(new_surface.find_entities_filtered { area = area, type = 'logistic-robot' }) do entity.destroy() end for _, entity in pairs(new_surface.find_entities_filtered { area = area, type = 'construction-robot' }) do entity.destroy() end end function Public.soft_reset_map(old_surface, map_gen_settings, player_starting_items, small_force_chunk) if not this.original_surface_name then this.original_surface_name = old_surface.name end this.soft_reset_counter = this.soft_reset_counter + 1 local new_surface = game.create_surface(this.original_surface_name .. '_' .. tostring(this.soft_reset_counter), map_gen_settings) if not small_force_chunk then new_surface.request_to_generate_chunks({ 0, 0 }, 1) new_surface.force_generate_chunk_requests() else new_surface.request_to_generate_chunks({ 0, 0 }, 0.1) new_surface.force_generate_chunk_requests() end reset_forces(new_surface, old_surface) teleport_players(new_surface) equip_players(player_starting_items) clear_robots(new_surface) Public.change_entities_to_neutral(old_surface) Public.add_schedule_to_delete_surface(old_surface) local to_discord = { 'modules.soft_reset_welcome', this.original_surface_name } local restarting_to_discord = { 'modules.soft_reset_reshape', this.original_surface_name, tostring(this.soft_reset_counter) } local message if this.enable_mapkeeper then message = { 'modules.soft_reset_welcome_mapkeeper', this.original_surface_name } else message = to_discord end if this.soft_reset_counter > 1 then if this.enable_mapkeeper then message = { 'modules.soft_reset_reshape_mapkeeper', this.original_surface_name, tostring(this.soft_reset_counter) } else message = restarting_to_discord end end game.print(message, { r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22 }) Server.to_discord_embed(message, true) return new_surface end --- Returns the amount of times the server has soft restarted. function Public.get_reset_counter() return this.soft_reset_counter end --- Customizes the message with the mapkeeper param. ---@param state boolean function Public.enable_mapkeeper(state) if state and type(state) == 'boolean' then this.enable_mapkeeper = state or false end end return Public