local Event = require 'utils.event' local Global = require 'utils.global' local this = { inf_chests = {}, inf_storage = {}, inf_mode = {}, inf_gui = {}, storage = {}, chest = { ['infinity-chest'] = 'infinity-chest' }, stop = false, editor = {}, limits = {}, debug = false } local default_limit = 1000 local Public = {} Public.storage = {} Global.register( this, function (tbl) this = tbl end ) function Public.get_table() return this end function Public.create_chest(surface, position, storage) local entity = surface.create_entity { name = 'infinity-chest', position = position, force = 'player' } this.inf_chests[entity.unit_number] = { entity = entity, storage = storage } return entity end function Public.err_msg(string) local debug = this.debug if not debug then return end log('[Infinity] ' .. string) end local function has_value(tab) local count = 0 for _, k in pairs(tab) do count = count + 1 end return count end local function return_value(tab) for index, value in pairs(tab) do if value then local temp temp = value tab[index] = nil return temp end end return false end local function validate_player(player) if not player then return false end if not player.valid then return false end if not player.character then return false end if not player.connected then return false end if not game.players[player.index] then return false end return true end local function built_entity(event) local entity = event.entity if not entity.valid then return end if entity.name ~= this.chest[entity.name] then return end if event.player_index then local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if this.storage[player.index] and has_value(this.storage[player.index].chests) then if this.stop then goto continue end local chest_index = this.storage[player.index].chests local limit_index = this.storage[player.index].limits this.inf_storage[entity.unit_number] = return_value(chest_index) this.limits[entity.unit_number] = return_value(limit_index) end ::continue:: entity.active = false if not this.limits[entity.unit_number] then this.limits[entity.unit_number] = default_limit end this.inf_chests[entity.unit_number] = entity this.inf_mode[entity.unit_number] = 1 rendering.draw_text { text = '♾', surface = entity.surface, target = entity, target_offset = { 0, -0.6 }, scale = 2, color = { r = 0, g = 0.6, b = 1 }, alignment = 'center' } end end local function built_entity_robot(event) local entity = event.entity if not entity.valid then return end if entity.name ~= this.chest[entity.name] then return end entity.destroy() end local function item(item_name, item_count, inv, unit_number) local item_stack = prototypes.item[item_name].stack_size local diff = item_count - item_stack if not this.inf_storage[unit_number] then this.inf_storage[unit_number] = {} end local storage = this.inf_storage[unit_number] local mode = this.inf_mode[unit_number] if mode == 2 then diff = 2 ^ 31 elseif mode == 4 then diff = 2 ^ 31 end if diff > 0 then if not storage[item_name] then local count = inv.remove({ name = item_name, count = diff }) this.inf_storage[unit_number][item_name] = count else if this.inf_storage[unit_number][item_name] >= this.limits[unit_number] then Public.err_msg('Limit for entity: ' .. unit_number .. 'and item: ' .. item_name .. ' is limited. ') if mode == 1 then this.inf_mode[unit_number] = 3 end if inv.can_insert({ name = item_name, count = item_stack }) then local count = inv.insert({ name = item_name, count = item_stack }) this.inf_storage[unit_number][item_name] = storage[item_name] - count end return end local count = inv.remove({ name = item_name, count = diff }) this.inf_storage[unit_number][item_name] = storage[item_name] + count end elseif diff < 0 then if not storage[item_name] then return end if storage[item_name] > (diff * -1) then local inserted = inv.insert({ name = item_name, count = (diff * -1) }) this.inf_storage[unit_number][item_name] = storage[item_name] - inserted else inv.insert({ name = item_name, count = storage[item_name] }) this.inf_storage[unit_number][item_name] = nil end end end local function is_chest_empty(entity, player) local number = entity.unit_number local inv = this.inf_mode[number] if inv == 2 then for k, v in pairs(this.inf_storage) do if k == number then if not v then goto no_storage end if (has_value(v) >= 1) then this.storage[player].chests[number] = this.inf_storage[number] this.storage[player].limits[number] = this.limits[number] end end end ::no_storage:: this.inf_chests[number] = nil this.inf_storage[number] = nil this.limits[number] = nil this.inf_mode[number] = nil else this.inf_chests[number] = nil this.inf_storage[number] = nil this.limits[number] = nil this.inf_mode[number] = nil end end local function on_entity_died(event) local entity = event.entity if not entity then return end if entity.name ~= this.chest[entity.name] then return end local number = entity.unit_number this.inf_mode[number] = nil this.inf_chests[number] = nil this.inf_storage[number] = nil this.limits[number] = nil end local function on_pre_player_mined_item(event) local entity = event.entity local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not player then return end if not this.storage[player.index] then this.storage[player.index] = { chests = {}, limits = {} } end if entity.name ~= this.chest[entity.name] then return end is_chest_empty(entity, player.index) local data = this.inf_gui[player.name] if not data then return end data.frame.destroy() end local function update_chest() for unit_number, chest in pairs(this.inf_chests) do if not chest.valid then goto continue end local inv = chest.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) local content = inv.get_contents() local mode = this.inf_mode[chest.unit_number] if mode then if mode == 1 then inv.set_bar() chest.destructible = false chest.minable = false elseif mode == 2 then inv.set_bar(1) chest.destructible = true chest.minable = true elseif mode == 3 then inv.set_bar(2) chest.destructible = false chest.minable = false end end for item_name, item_count in pairs(content) do item(item_name, item_count, inv, unit_number) end local storage = this.inf_storage[unit_number] if not storage then goto continue end for item_name, _ in pairs(storage) do if storage[item_name] <= this.limits[unit_number] and mode == 3 then this.inf_mode[unit_number] = 1 end if not content[item_name] then item(item_name, 0, inv, unit_number) end end ::continue:: end end local function text_changed(event) local element = event.element if not element then return end if not element.valid then return end local player = game.players[event.player_index] local data = this.inf_gui[player.name] if not data then return end if not data.text_field or not data.text_field.valid then return end if not data.text_field.text then return end local value = tonumber(element.text) if not value then return end if value ~= '' and value >= default_limit then data.text_field.text = value local entity = data.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end local unit_number = entity.unit_number this.limits[unit_number] = value elseif value ~= '' and value <= default_limit then return end this.inf_gui[player.name].updated = false end local function gui_opened(event) if not event.gui_type == defines.gui_type.entity then return end local entity = event.entity if not entity then return end if not entity.valid or entity.name ~= this.chest[entity.name] then return end local player = game.players[event.player_index] local frame = player.gui.center.add { type = 'frame', caption = 'Unlimited Chest', direction = 'vertical', name = entity.unit_number } local controls = frame.add { type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal' } local items = frame.add { type = 'flow', direction = 'vertical' } local mode = this.inf_mode[entity.unit_number] local selected = mode and mode or 1 local tbl = controls.add { type = 'table', column_count = 1 } local limit_tooltip = '[color=yellow]Limit Info:[/color]\nThis is only usable if you intend to use this chest for one item.' local mode_tooltip = '[color=yellow]Mode Info:[/color]\nEnabled: will active the chest and allow for insertions.\nDisabled: will deactivate the chest and let´s the player utilize the GUI to retrieve items.\nLimited: will deactivate the chest as per limit.' local btn = tbl.add { type = 'sprite-button', tooltip = '[color=blue]Info![/color]\nThis chest stores unlimited quantity of items (up to 48 different item types).\nThe chest is best used with an inserter to add / remove items.\nThe chest is mineable if state is disabled.\nContent is kept when mined.\n[color=yellow]Limit:[/color]\nThis is only usable if you intend to use this chest for one item.', sprite = 'utility/questionmark' } btn.style.height = 20 btn.style.width = 20 btn.enabled = false btn.focus() local tbl_2 = tbl.add { type = 'table', column_count = 4 } tbl_2.add { type = 'label', caption = 'Mode: ', tooltip = mode_tooltip } local drop_down if player.admin and this.editor[player.name] then drop_down = tbl_2.add { type = 'drop-down', items = { 'Enabled', 'Disabled', 'Limited', 'Editor' }, selected_index = selected, name = entity.unit_number, tooltip = mode_tooltip } else drop_down = tbl_2.add { type = 'drop-down', items = { 'Enabled', 'Disabled', 'Limited' }, selected_index = selected, name = entity.unit_number, tooltip = mode_tooltip } end tbl_2.add({ type = 'label', caption = ' Limit: ', tooltip = limit_tooltip }) local text_field = tbl_2.add({ type = 'textfield', text = this.limits[entity.unit_number] }) text_field.style.width = 80 text_field.numeric = true text_field.tooltip = limit_tooltip this.inf_mode[entity.unit_number] = drop_down.selected_index player.opened = frame this.inf_gui[player.name] = { item_frame = items, frame = frame, text_field = text_field, entity = entity, updated = false } end local function update_gui() for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do local chest_gui_data = this.inf_gui[player.name] if not chest_gui_data then goto continue end local frame = chest_gui_data.item_frame local entity = chest_gui_data.entity if not frame then goto continue end if not entity or not entity.valid then goto continue end local mode = this.inf_mode[entity.unit_number] if (mode == 2 or mode == 3 or mode == 4) and this.inf_gui[player.name].updated then goto continue end frame.clear() local tbl = frame.add { type = 'table', column_count = 10, name = 'infinity_chest_inventory' } local total = 0 local items = {} local storage = this.inf_storage[entity.unit_number] local inv = entity.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) local content = inv.get_contents() local limit = this.limits[entity.unit_number] local full if not storage then goto no_storage end for item_name, item_count in pairs(storage) do total = total + 1 items[item_name] = item_count if storage[item_name] >= limit then full = true end end ::no_storage:: if full then goto full end for item_name, item_count in pairs(content) do if not items[item_name] then total = total + 1 items[item_name] = item_count else items[item_name] = items[item_name] + item_count end end ::full:: local btn for item_name, item_count in pairs(items) do if mode == 1 or mode == 3 then btn = tbl.add { type = 'sprite-button', sprite = 'item/' .. item_name, style = 'slot_button', number = item_count, name = item_name, tooltip = 'Withdrawal is possible when state is disabled!' } btn.enabled = false elseif mode == 2 or mode == 4 then btn = tbl.add { type = 'sprite-button', sprite = 'item/' .. item_name, style = 'slot_button', number = item_count, name = item_name } btn.enabled = true end end while total < 48 do local btns if mode == 1 or mode == 2 or mode == 3 then btns = tbl.add { type = 'sprite-button', style = 'slot_button' } btns.enabled = false elseif mode == 4 then btns = tbl.add { type = 'choose-elem-button', style = 'slot_button', elem_type = 'item' } btns.enabled = true end total = total + 1 end this.inf_gui[player.name].updated = true ::continue:: end end local function gui_closed(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] local type = event.gui_type if type == defines.gui_type.custom then local data = this.inf_gui[player.name] if not data then return end data.frame.destroy() this.inf_gui[player.name] = nil end end local function state_changed(event) local element = event.element if not element.valid then return end if not element.selected_index then return end local unit_number = tonumber(element.name) if not unit_number then return end if not this.inf_mode[unit_number] then return end this.inf_mode[unit_number] = element.selected_index local mode = this.inf_mode[unit_number] if mode >= 2 then local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not validate_player(player) then return end this.inf_gui[player.name].updated = false return end end local function gui_click(event) local element = event.element local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not validate_player(player) then return end if not element.valid then return end local parent = element.parent if not parent then return end if parent.name ~= 'infinity_chest_inventory' then return end local unit_number = tonumber(parent.parent.parent.name) if tonumber(element.name) == unit_number then return end local shift = event.shift local ctrl = event.control local name = element.name local storage = this.inf_storage[unit_number] local mode = this.inf_mode[unit_number] if not storage then return end if player.admin then if mode == 4 then if not storage[name] then return end if ctrl then storage[name] = storage[name] + 5000000 goto update elseif shift then storage[name] = storage[name] - 5000000 if storage[name] <= 0 then storage[name] = nil end goto update end end end if mode == 1 then return end if ctrl then local count = storage[name] if not count then return end local inserted = player.insert { name = name, count = count } if not inserted then return end if inserted == count then storage[name] = nil else storage[name] = storage[name] - inserted end elseif shift then local count = storage[name] local stack = prototypes.item[name].stack_size if not count then return end if not stack then return end if count > stack then local inserted = player.insert { name = name, count = stack } storage[name] = storage[name] - inserted else player.insert { name = name, count = count } storage[name] = nil end else if not storage[name] then return end storage[name] = storage[name] - 1 player.insert { name = name, count = 1 } if storage[name] <= 0 then storage[name] = nil end end ::update:: for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do if this.inf_gui[p.name] then this.inf_gui[p.name].updated = false end end end local function on_gui_elem_changed(event) local element = event.element local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not validate_player(player) then return end if not element.valid then return end local parent = element.parent if not parent then return end if parent.name ~= 'infinity_chest_inventory' then return end local unit_number = tonumber(parent.parent.parent.name) if tonumber(element.name) == unit_number then return end local button = event.button local storage = this.inf_storage[unit_number] if not storage then this.inf_storage[unit_number] = {} storage = this.inf_storage[unit_number] end local name = element.elem_value if button == defines.mouse_button_type.right then storage[name] = nil return end if not name then return end storage[name] = 5000000 if this.inf_gui[player.name] then this.inf_gui[player.name].updated = false end end local function on_entity_settings_pasted(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if not player or not player.valid then return end local source = event.source if not source or not source.valid then return end local destination = event.destination if not destination or not destination.valid then return end local source_number = source.unit_number local destination_number = destination.unit_number local source_limit = this.limits[source_number] this.limits[destination_number] = source_limit end local function tick() update_chest() update_gui() end Event.add(defines.events.on_tick, tick) Event.add(defines.events.on_gui_click, gui_click) Event.add(defines.events.on_gui_opened, gui_opened) Event.add(defines.events.on_gui_closed, gui_closed) Event.add(defines.events.on_built_entity, built_entity) Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_built_entity, built_entity_robot) Event.add(defines.events.on_pre_player_mined_item, on_pre_player_mined_item) Event.add(defines.events.on_gui_selection_state_changed, state_changed) Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, on_entity_died) Event.add(defines.events.on_gui_elem_changed, on_gui_elem_changed) Event.add(defines.events.on_gui_text_changed, text_changed) Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_settings_pasted, on_entity_settings_pasted) return Public