local Global = require 'utils.global' local Event = require 'utils.event' local this = { fullness_enabled = true, warned = {} } Global.register( this, function (t) this = t end ) local Public = {} local random = math.random local ceil = math.ceil local floor = math.floor local function is_player_warned(player, reset) if reset and this.warned[player.index] then this.warned[player.index] = nil return end if not this.warned[player.index] then this.warned[player.index] = { count = 2 } end this.warned[player.index].count = this.warned[player.index].count + 1 return this.warned[player.index] end local function compute_fullness(player, position) if not player.mining_state.mining then return false end if player.controller_type == defines.controllers.remote then return end local warn_player = is_player_warned(player) local free_slots = player.get_main_inventory().count_empty_stacks() local inventory_size = #player.get_main_inventory() if free_slots == 0 or free_slots == 1 then if player.character and player.character.valid then local damage = ceil((warn_player.count / 2) * warn_player.count) if player.character.health >= damage then player.character.damage(damage, 'player', 'explosion') player.character.surface.create_entity({ name = 'water-splash', position = player.position }) local messages = { 'Ouch.. That hurt! Better be careful now.', 'Just a fleshwound.', 'Better keep those hands to yourself or you might loose them.' } player.create_local_flying_text( { position = { position.x, position.y + 0.6 }, text = messages[random(1, #messages)], color = { r = 0.75, g = 0.0, b = 0.0 } } ) else player.character.die('enemy') is_player_warned(player, true) game.print(player.name .. ' should have emptied their pockets.', { r = 0.75, g = 0.0, b = 0.0 }) return free_slots end end else is_player_warned(player, true) end if free_slots > 1 then if floor(inventory_size / free_slots) == 10 then -- When player has 10% free slots player.create_local_flying_text( { position = { position.x, position.y + 0.6 }, text = 'You are feeling heavy', color = { r = 1.0, g = 0.5, b = 0.0 } } ) end end return free_slots end function Public.check_fullness(player, position) if this.fullness_enabled then local fullness = compute_fullness(player, position) if fullness == 0 then return end end end function Public.enable_fullness(value) if value then this.fullness_enabled = value else this.fullness_enabled = false end return this.fullness_enabled end function Public.get(key) if key then return this[key] else return this end end local check_fullness = Public.check_fullness Event.add( defines.events.on_player_mined_entity, function (event) local entity = event.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not player or not player.valid then return end if entity.name == 'entity-ghost' then return end if not this.fullness_enabled then return end local position = event.entity.position check_fullness(player, position) end ) return Public