local Event = require 'utils.event' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Public = {} local math_floor = math.floor local table_shuffle_table = table.shuffle_table local this = { debug = false, disabled = false, reverse_disabled = false } Global.register( this, function (tbl) this = tbl end ) local direction_reverse = { ['north'] = 'south', ['south'] = 'north', ['west'] = 'east', ['east'] = 'west' } local directions = { ['north'] = function (position, reverse) local surface_index = this.surface_index if not surface_index then return end local surface = game.get_surface(surface_index) if not surface or not surface.valid then return end local width = surface.map_gen_settings.width if width > this.max_line_size then width = this.max_line_size end if this.max_line_size_force then width = this.max_line_size end local a = width * 0.5 + 4 if not reverse then this.vector = { 0, -1 } this.area = { { position.x - a, position.y - 1 }, { position.x + a, position.y } } else this.reverse_vector = { 0, -1 } this.reverse_area = { { position.x - a, position.y - 1 }, { position.x + a, position.y } } end end, ['south'] = function (position, reverse) local surface_index = this.surface_index if not surface_index then return end local surface = game.get_surface(surface_index) if not surface or not surface.valid then return end local width = surface.map_gen_settings.width if width > this.max_line_size then width = this.max_line_size end if this.max_line_size_force then width = this.max_line_size end local a = width * 0.5 if not reverse then this.vector = { 0, 1 } this.area = { { position.x - a, position.y }, { position.x + a, position.y + 1 } } else this.reverse_vector = { 0, 1 } this.reverse_area = { { position.x - a, position.y }, { position.x + a, position.y + 1 } } end end, ['west'] = function (position, reverse) local surface_index = this.surface_index if not surface_index then return end local surface = game.get_surface(surface_index) if not surface or not surface.valid then return end local width = surface.map_gen_settings.height if width > this.max_line_size then width = this.max_line_size end if this.max_line_size_force then width = this.max_line_size end local a = width * 0.5 + 1 if not reverse then this.vector = { -1, 0 } this.area = { { position.x - 1, position.y - a }, { position.x, position.y + a } } else this.reverse_vector = { -1, 0 } this.reverse_area = { { position.x - 1, position.y - a }, { position.x, position.y + a } } end end, ['east'] = function (position, reverse) local surface_index = this.surface_index if not surface_index then return end local surface = game.get_surface(surface_index) if not surface or not surface.valid then return end local width = surface.map_gen_settings.height if width > this.max_line_size then width = this.max_line_size end if this.max_line_size_force then width = this.max_line_size end local a = width * 0.5 + 1 if not reverse then this.vector = { 1, 0 } this.area = { { position.x, position.y - a }, { position.x + 1, position.y + a } } else this.reverse_vector = { 1, 0 } this.reverse_area = { { position.x, position.y - a }, { position.x + 1, position.y + a } } end end } local function print_debug(a) if not this.debug then return end print('Collapse error #' .. a) end local function set_collapse_tiles(surface) if not surface or surface.valid then print_debug(45) end game.forces.player.chart(surface, this.area) this.tiles = surface.find_tiles_filtered({ area = this.area, name = 'out-of-map', invert = true }) if not this.tiles then return end this.size_of_tiles = #this.tiles if this.size_of_tiles > 0 then table_shuffle_table(this.tiles) end this.position = { x = this.position.x + this.vector[1], y = this.position.y + this.vector[2] } local v = this.vector if not v then return end local area = this.area this.area = { { area[1][1] + v[1], area[1][2] + v[2] }, { area[2][1] + v[1], area[2][2] + v[2] } } local chart_area = { { area[1][1] + v[1] - 4, area[1][2] + v[2] - 4 }, { area[2][1] + v[1] + 4, area[2][2] + v[2] + 4 } } game.forces.player.chart(surface, chart_area) end ---@param surface LuaSurface local function set_reverse_collapse_tiles(surface) if not surface or surface.valid then print_debug(45) end this.reverse_tiles = surface.find_tiles_filtered({ area = this.reverse_area, name = 'out-of-map', invert = true }) if not this.reverse_tiles then return end this.reverse_size_of_tiles = #this.reverse_tiles if this.reverse_size_of_tiles > 0 then table_shuffle_table(this.reverse_tiles) end this.reverse_position = { x = this.reverse_position.x + this.reverse_vector[1], y = this.reverse_position.y + this.reverse_vector[2] } local v = this.reverse_vector if not v then return end local area = this.reverse_area this.reverse_area = { { area[1][1] + v[1], area[1][2] + v[2] }, { area[2][1] + v[1], area[2][2] + v[2] } } local chart_area = { { area[1][1] + v[1] - 4, area[1][2] + v[2] - 10 }, { area[2][1] + v[1] + 4, area[2][2] + v[2] + 10 } } local force = game.forces.player force.chart(surface, chart_area) end local function progress() if not this.start_now then this.tiles = nil return end local surface_index = this.surface_index if not surface_index then return end local surface = game.get_surface(surface_index) if not surface or not surface.valid then return end local tiles = this.tiles if not tiles then set_collapse_tiles(surface) tiles = this.tiles end if not tiles then return end for _ = 1, this.amount, 1 do local tile = tiles[this.size_of_tiles] if not tile then this.tiles = nil return end this.size_of_tiles = this.size_of_tiles - 1 if not tile.valid then return end if this.specific_entities.enabled then local position = { tile.position.x + 0.5, tile.position.y + 0.5 } local entities = this.specific_entities.entities for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({ area = { { position[1] - 4, position[2] - 2 }, { position[1] + 4, position[2] + 2 } } })) do if entities[e.name] and e.valid and e.health then e.die() elseif e.valid then e.destroy() end end end if this.kill then local position = { tile.position.x + 0.5, tile.position.y + 0.5 } for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({ area = { { position[1] - 4, position[2] - 2 }, { position[1] + 4, position[2] + 2 } } })) do if e.valid and e.health then e.die() end end end surface.set_tiles({ { name = 'out-of-map', position = tile.position } }, true) end end local function progress_reverse() if not this.reverse_start_now then this.reverse_tiles = nil return end local surface_index = this.surface_index if not surface_index then return end local surface = game.get_surface(surface_index) if not surface or not surface.valid then return end local tiles = this.reverse_tiles if not tiles then set_reverse_collapse_tiles(surface) tiles = this.reverse_tiles end if not tiles then return end for _ = 1, this.amount + 20, 1 do local tile = tiles[this.reverse_size_of_tiles] if not tile then this.reverse_tiles = nil return end this.reverse_size_of_tiles = this.reverse_size_of_tiles - 1 if not tile.valid then return end if this.specific_entities.enabled then local position = { tile.position.x + 0.5, tile.position.y + 0.5 } local entities = this.specific_entities.entities for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({ area = { { position[1] - 4, position[2] - 2 }, { position[1] + 4, position[2] + 2 } } })) do if entities[e.name] and e.valid and e.health then e.die() elseif e.valid then e.destroy() end end end if this.kill then local position = { tile.position.x + 0.5, tile.position.y + 0.5 } for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({ area = { { position[1] - 4, position[2] - 2 }, { position[1] + 4, position[2] + 2 } } })) do if e.valid and e.health then e.die() end end end surface.set_tiles({ { name = 'out-of-map', position = tile.position } }, true) end end function Public.set_surface_index(surface_index) if not surface_index then print_debug(1) return end local surface = game.get_surface(surface_index) if not surface or not surface.valid then print_debug(2) return end this.surface_index = surface_index end function Public.set_direction(direction) if not directions[direction] then print_debug(11) return end directions[direction](this.position) this.direction = direction end function Public.set_reverse_position(position) if not position then print_debug(4) return end if not position.x and not position[1] then print_debug(5) return end if not position.y and not position[2] then print_debug(6) return end local x = 0 local y = 0 if position[1] then x = position[1] end if position[2] then y = position[2] end if position.x then x = position.x end if position.y then y = position.y end this.reverse_position = { x = x, y = y } end function Public.set_reverse_direction() if not directions[direction_reverse[this.direction]] then print_debug(11) return end if not this.reverse_position then print_debug(13) return end directions[direction_reverse[this.direction]](this.reverse_position, true) this.direction = direction_reverse[this.direction] end function Public.set_speed(speed) if not speed then print_debug(8) return end speed = math_floor(speed) if speed < 1 then speed = 1 end this.speed = speed end function Public.set_amount(amount) if not amount then print_debug(9) return end amount = math_floor(amount) if amount < 0 then amount = 0 end this.amount = amount end function Public.set_position(position) if not position then print_debug(4) return end if not position.x and not position[1] then print_debug(5) return end if not position.y and not position[2] then print_debug(6) return end local x = 0 local y = 0 if position[1] then x = position[1] end if position[2] then y = position[2] end if position.x then x = position.x end if position.y then y = position.y end this.position = { x = x, y = y } end function Public.get_position() return this.position end function Public.get_reverse_position() return this.reverse_position end function Public.get_amount() return this.amount end function Public.get_speed() return this.speed end --- Set the collapse to start or not, accepts a second argument to disable the collapse completely. ---@param state boolean ---@param disabled? boolean ---@return boolean function Public.start_now(state, disabled) this.start_now = state or false this.disabled = disabled or false return this.start_now end --- Set the reverse collapse to start or not, accepts a second argument to disable the collapse completely. ---@param state boolean ---@param disabled? boolean ---@return boolean function Public.reverse_start_now(state, disabled) this.reverse_start_now = state or false this.reverse_disabled = disabled or false return this.reverse_start_now end function Public.has_collapse_started() if this.disabled then return true end return this.start_now end function Public.has_reverse_collapse_started() return this.reverse_start_now end function Public.set_max_line_size(size, force) if not size then print_debug(22) return end size = math_floor(size) if size <= 0 then print_debug(21) return end this.max_line_size = size this.max_line_size_force = force or false end function Public.set_kill_entities(a) this.kill = a end function Public.set_kill_specific_entities(tbl) if tbl then this.specific_entities = tbl else this.specific_entities = { enabled = false } end end local function on_init() Public.set_surface_index(game.surfaces.nauvis.index) Public.set_position({ 0, 32 }) Public.set_max_line_size(256) Public.set_direction('north') Public.set_kill_entities(true) Public.set_kill_specific_entities() this.tiles = nil this.reverse_tiles = nil this.speed = 1 this.disabled = false this.reverse_disabled = false this.reverse_start_now = false this.amount = 8 this.start_now = false end local function on_tick() local tick = game.tick if tick % this.speed ~= 0 then return end if not this.reverse_disabled then progress_reverse() end if not this.disabled then progress() end end if not Public.read_tables_only then Event.on_init(on_init) Event.add(defines.events.on_tick, on_tick) end return Public