local Public = require 'modules.wave_defense.table' local Event = require 'utils.event' local BiterHealthBooster = require 'modules.biter_health_booster_v2' local Token = require 'utils.token' local Task = require 'utils.task' local round = math.round local random = math.random local place_nest_near_unit_group local immunity_spawner = Token.register( function(data) local entity = data.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end entity.destructible = true end ) local function is_boss(entity) local unit_number = entity.unit_number local biter_health_boost_units = BiterHealthBooster.get('biter_health_boost_units') if not biter_health_boost_units then return end local unit = biter_health_boost_units[unit_number] if unit and unit[3] and unit[3].healthbar_id then return true else return false end end local function remove_unit(entity) local generated_units = Public.get('generated_units') local unit_number = entity.unit_number if not generated_units.active_biters[unit_number] then return end local m = 1 local biter_health_boost_units = BiterHealthBooster.get('biter_health_boost_units') if not biter_health_boost_units then return end if biter_health_boost_units[unit_number] then m = 1 / biter_health_boost_units[unit_number][2] end local active_threat_loss = math.round(Public.threat_values[entity.name] * m, 2) local active_biter_threat = Public.get('active_biter_threat') Public.set('active_biter_threat', active_biter_threat - active_threat_loss) local active_biter_count = Public.get('active_biter_count') Public.set('active_biter_count', active_biter_count - 1) generated_units.active_biters[unit_number] = nil if active_biter_count <= 0 then Public.set('active_biter_count', 0) end if active_biter_threat <= 0 then Public.set('active_biter_threat', 0) end end if is_loaded_bool('maps.mountain_fortress_v3.table') then local Core = require 'maps.mountain_fortress_v3.core' place_nest_near_unit_group = function() local random_group = Public.get('random_group') if not (random_group and random_group.valid) then return end local disable_spawn_near_target = Public.get('disable_spawn_near_target') local generated_units = Public.get('generated_units') local group = generated_units.unit_groups[random_group.group_number] if not group then return end if not group.valid then return end if not group.members then return end if not group.members[1] then return end local unit = group.members[random(1, #group.members)] if not unit.valid then return end if Core.is_around_train(unit) and disable_spawn_near_target then Public.debug_print('place_nest_near_unit_group - cannot spawn inside locomotive aura') return end local name = 'biter-spawner' if random(1, 3) == 1 then name = 'spitter-spawner' end local position = unit.surface.find_non_colliding_position(name, unit.position, 12, 1) if not position then return end local r = Public.get('nest_building_density') if unit.surface.count_entities_filtered( { type = 'unit-spawner', force = unit.force, area = {{position.x - r, position.y - r}, {position.x + r, position.y + r}} } ) > 0 then return end local boss = is_boss(unit) local modified_unit_health = Public.get('modified_unit_health') local modified_boss_unit_health = Public.get('modified_boss_unit_health') local spawner = unit.surface.create_entity({name = name, position = position, force = unit.force}) spawner.destructible = false local immunity_delay = random(100, 200) Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(immunity_delay, immunity_spawner, {entity = spawner}) if boss then BiterHealthBooster.add_boss_unit(spawner, modified_boss_unit_health.current_value, 0.5) else BiterHealthBooster.add_unit(spawner, modified_unit_health.current_value) end generated_units.nests[#generated_units.nests + 1] = spawner unit.surface.create_entity({name = 'blood-explosion-huge', position = position}) unit.surface.create_entity({name = 'blood-explosion-huge', position = unit.position}) remove_unit(unit) unit.destroy() local threat = Public.get('threat') Public.set('threat', threat - Public.threat_values[name]) return true end else place_nest_near_unit_group = function() local random_group = Public.get('random_group') if not (random_group and random_group.valid) then return end local generated_units = Public.get('generated_units') local group = generated_units.unit_groups[random_group.group_number] if not group then return end if not group.valid then return end if not group.members then return end if not group.members[1] then return end local unit = group.members[random(1, #group.members)] if not unit.valid then return end local name = 'biter-spawner' if random(1, 3) == 1 then name = 'spitter-spawner' end local position = unit.surface.find_non_colliding_position(name, unit.position, 12, 1) if not position then return end local r = Public.get('nest_building_density') if unit.surface.count_entities_filtered( { type = 'unit-spawner', force = unit.force, area = {{position.x - r, position.y - r}, {position.x + r, position.y + r}} } ) > 0 then return end local boss = is_boss(unit) local modified_unit_health = Public.get('modified_unit_health') local modified_boss_unit_health = Public.get('modified_boss_unit_health') local spawner = unit.surface.create_entity({name = name, position = position, force = unit.force}) spawner.destructible = false Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(100, immunity_spawner, {entity = spawner}) if boss then BiterHealthBooster.add_boss_unit(spawner, modified_boss_unit_health.current_value, 0.5) else BiterHealthBooster.add_unit(spawner, modified_unit_health.current_value) end generated_units.nests[#generated_units.nests + 1] = spawner unit.surface.create_entity({name = 'blood-explosion-huge', position = position}) unit.surface.create_entity({name = 'blood-explosion-huge', position = unit.position}) remove_unit(unit) unit.destroy() local threat = Public.get('threat') Public.set('threat', threat - Public.threat_values[name]) return true end end function Public.build_nest() local threat = Public.get('threat') if threat < 1024 then return end local unit_groups_size = Public.get('unit_groups_size') if unit_groups_size == 0 then return end for _ = 1, 2, 1 do if place_nest_near_unit_group() then return end end end function Public.build_worm() local threat = Public.get('threat') if threat < 512 then return end local worm_building_chance = Public.get('worm_building_chance') --[[@as integer]] if random(1, worm_building_chance) ~= 1 then return end local unit_groups_size = Public.get('unit_groups_size') if unit_groups_size == 0 then return end local random_group = Public.get('random_group') if not (random_group and random_group.valid) then return end local generated_units = Public.get('generated_units') local group = generated_units.unit_groups[random_group.group_number] if not group then return end if not group.valid then return end if not group.members then return end if not group.members[1] then return end local unit = group.members[random(1, #group.members)] if not unit.valid then return end local boss = is_boss(unit) local wave_number = Public.get('wave_number') local position = unit.surface.find_non_colliding_position('assembling-machine-1', unit.position, 8, 1) Public.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(wave_number) local worm = Public.wave_defense_roll_worm_name() if not position then return end local worm_building_density = Public.get('worm_building_density') local r = worm_building_density if unit.surface.count_entities_filtered( { type = 'turret', force = unit.force, area = {{position.x - r, position.y - r}, {position.x + r, position.y + r}} } ) > 0 then return end local u = unit.surface.create_entity({name = worm, position = position, force = unit.force}) local worm_unit_settings = Public.get('worm_unit_settings') local modified_unit_health = Public.get('modified_unit_health') local modified_boss_unit_health = Public.get('modified_boss_unit_health') if boss then BiterHealthBooster.add_boss_unit(u, modified_boss_unit_health.current_value, 0.5) else local final_health = round(modified_unit_health.current_value * worm_unit_settings.scale_units_by_health[worm], 3) if final_health < 1 then final_health = 1 end BiterHealthBooster.add_unit(u, final_health) end unit.surface.create_entity({name = 'blood-explosion-huge', position = position}) unit.surface.create_entity({name = 'blood-explosion-huge', position = unit.position}) remove_unit(unit) unit.destroy() Public.set('threat', threat - Public.threat_values[worm]) end local function shred_simple_entities(entity) local threat = Public.get('threat') if threat < 5000 then return end local simple_entities = entity.surface.find_entities_filtered( { type = 'simple-entity', area = { {entity.position.x - 3, entity.position.y - 3}, {entity.position.x + 3, entity.position.y + 3} } } ) if #simple_entities == 0 then return end if #simple_entities > 1 then table.shuffle_table(simple_entities) end local r = math.floor(threat * 0.00004) if r < 1 then r = 1 end local count = math.random(1, r) --local count = 1 local damage_dealt = 0 for i = 1, count, 1 do if not simple_entities[i] then break end if simple_entities[i].valid then if simple_entities[i].health then damage_dealt = damage_dealt + simple_entities[i].health simple_entities[i].die('neutral', simple_entities[i]) end end end if damage_dealt == 0 then return end local simple_entity_shredding_cost_modifier = Public.get('simple_entity_shredding_cost_modifier') local threat_cost = math.floor(damage_dealt * simple_entity_shredding_cost_modifier) if threat_cost < 1 then threat_cost = 1 end Public.set('threat', threat - threat_cost) end local function spawn_unit_spawner_inhabitants(entity) if entity.type ~= 'unit-spawner' then return end local wave_number = Public.get('wave_number') local count = 8 + math.floor(wave_number * 0.02) if count > 128 then count = 128 end Public.wave_defense_set_unit_raffle(wave_number) for _ = 1, count, 1 do local position = {entity.position.x + (-4 + math.random(0, 8)), entity.position.y + (-4 + math.random(0, 8))} if math.random(1, 4) == 1 then entity.surface.create_entity( { name = Public.wave_defense_roll_spitter_name(), position = position, force = 'enemy' } ) else entity.surface.create_entity( { name = Public.wave_defense_roll_biter_name(), position = position, force = 'enemy' } ) end end end local function on_entity_died(event) local entity = event.entity if not entity.valid then return end local disable_threat_below_zero = Public.get('disable_threat_below_zero') local valid_enemy_forces = Public.get('valid_enemy_forces') if not valid_enemy_forces then goto continue end if entity.type == 'unit' then local biter_health_boost = BiterHealthBooster.get('biter_health_boost') if not Public.threat_values[entity.name] then goto continue end if disable_threat_below_zero then local threat = Public.get('threat') local sub = math.round(threat - Public.threat_values[entity.name] * biter_health_boost, 2) if sub <= 0 or threat <= 0 then Public.set('threat', 0) remove_unit(entity) goto continue end Public.set('threat', math.round(threat - Public.threat_values[entity.name] * biter_health_boost, 2)) remove_unit(entity) else local threat = Public.get('threat') Public.set('threat', math.round(threat - Public.threat_values[entity.name] * biter_health_boost, 2)) remove_unit(entity) end else local biter_health_boost = BiterHealthBooster.get('biter_health_boost') if valid_enemy_forces[entity.force.name] then if entity.health then if Public.threat_values[entity.name] then local threat = Public.get('threat') Public.set('threat', math.round(threat - Public.threat_values[entity.name] * biter_health_boost, 2)) end spawn_unit_spawner_inhabitants(entity) end end end ::continue:: if entity.force.index == 3 then if event.cause then if event.cause.valid then if event.cause.force.index == 2 then shred_simple_entities(entity) end end end end end Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, on_entity_died) return Public