-- luacheck: globals script --- This Module allows for registering multiple handlers to the same event, overcoming the limitation of script.register. -- -- ** Event.add(event_name, handler) ** -- -- Handlers added with Event.add must be added at the control stage or in Event.on_init or Event.on_load. -- Remember that for each player, on_init or on_load is run, never both. So if you can't add the handler in the -- control stage add the handler in both on_init and on_load. -- Handlers added with Event.add cannot be removed. -- For handlers that need to be removed or added at runtime use Event.add_removable. -- @usage -- local Event = require 'utils.event' -- Event.add( -- defines.events.on_built_entity, -- function(event) -- game.print(serpent.block(event)) -- prints the content of the event table to console. -- end -- ) -- -- ** Event.add_removable(event_name, token) ** -- -- For conditional event handlers. Event.add_removable can be safely called at runtime without desync risk. -- Only use this if you need to add the handler at runtime or need to remove the handler, otherwise use Event.add -- -- Event.add_removable can be safely used at the control stage or in Event.on_init. If used in on_init you don't -- need to also add in on_load (unlike Event.add). -- Event.add_removable cannot be called in on_load, doing so will crash the game on loading. -- Token is used because it's a desync risk to store closures inside the global table. -- -- @usage -- local Token = require 'utils.token' -- local Event = require 'utils.event' -- -- Token.register must not be called inside an event handler. -- local handler = -- Token.register( -- function(event) -- game.print(serpent.block(event)) -- prints the content of the event table to console. -- end -- ) -- -- The below code would typically be inside another event or a custom command. -- Event.add_removable(defines.events.on_built_entity, handler) -- -- When you no longer need the handler. -- Event.remove_removable(defines.events.on_built_entity, handler) -- -- It's not an error to register the same token multiple times to the same event, however when -- removing only the first occurrence is removed. -- -- ** Event.add_removable_function(event_name, func) ** -- -- Only use this function if you can't use Event.add_removable. i.e you are registering the handler at the console. -- The same restrictions that apply to Event.add_removable also apply to Event.add_removable_function. -- func cannot be a closure in this case, as there is no safe way to store closures in the global table. -- A closure is a function that uses a local variable not defined in the function. -- -- @usage -- local Event = require 'utils.event' -- -- If you want to remove the handler you will need to keep a reference to it. -- global.handler = function(event) -- game.print(serpent.block(event)) -- prints the content of the event table to console. -- end -- -- The below code would typically be used at the command console. -- Event.add_removable_function(defines.events.on_built_entity, global.handler) -- -- When you no longer need the handler. -- Event.remove_removable_function(defines.events.on_built_entity, global.handler) -- -- ** Other Events ** -- -- Use Event.on_init(handler) for script.on_init(handler) -- Use Event.on_load(handler) for script.on_load(handler) -- -- Use Event.on_nth_tick(tick, handler) for script.on_nth_tick(tick, handler) -- Favour this event over Event.add(defines.events.on_tick, handler) -- There are also Event.add_removable_nth_tick(tick, token) and Event.add_removable_nth_tick_function(tick, func) -- That work the same as above. -- -- ** Custom Scenario Events ** -- -- local Event = require 'utils.event' -- -- local event_id = script.generate_event_name() -- -- Event.add( -- event_id, -- function(event) -- game.print(serpent.block(event)) -- prints the content of the event table to console. -- end -- ) -- -- The table contains extra information that you want to pass to the handler. -- script.raise_event(event_id, {extra = 'data'}) local EventCore = require 'utils.event_core' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Token = require 'utils.token' local Debug = require 'utils.debug' local table_remove = table.remove local core_add = EventCore.add local core_on_init = EventCore.on_init local core_on_load = EventCore.on_load local core_on_nth_tick = EventCore.on_nth_tick local stage_load = _STAGE.load local script_on_event = script.on_event local script_on_nth_tick = script.on_nth_tick local generate_event_name = script.generate_event_name local function_table = function_table local function_nth_tick_table = function_nth_tick_table local Event = {} local handlers_added = false -- set to true after the removeable event handlers have been added. local event_handlers = EventCore.get_event_handlers() local on_nth_tick_event_handlers = EventCore.get_on_nth_tick_event_handlers() local token_handlers = {} local token_nth_tick_handlers = {} local function_handlers = {} local function_nth_tick_handlers = {} Global.register( { token_handlers = token_handlers, token_nth_tick_handlers = token_nth_tick_handlers, function_handlers = function_handlers, function_nth_tick_handlers = function_nth_tick_handlers }, function(tbl) token_handlers = tbl.token_handlers token_nth_tick_handlers = tbl.token_nth_tick_handlers function_handlers = tbl.function_handlers function_nth_tick_handlers = tbl.function_nth_tick_handlers end ) local function remove(tbl, handler) if tbl == nil then return end -- the handler we are looking for is more likly to be at the back of the array. for i = #tbl, 1, -1 do if tbl[i] == handler then table_remove(tbl, i) break end end end --- Register a handler for the event_name event. -- This function must be called in the control stage or in Event.on_init or Event.on_load. -- See documentation at top of file for details on using events. -- @param event_name -- @param handler function Event.add(event_name, handler) if _LIFECYCLE == 8 then error('Calling Event.add after on_init() or on_load() has run is a desync risk.', 2) end core_add(event_name, handler) end --- Register a handler for the script.on_init event. -- This function must be called in the control stage or in Event.on_init or Event.on_load -- See documentation at top of file for details on using events. -- @param handler function Event.on_init(handler) if _LIFECYCLE == 8 then error('Calling Event.on_init after on_init() or on_load() has run is a desync risk.', 2) end core_on_init(handler) end --- Register a handler for the script.on_load event. -- This function must be called in the control stage or in Event.on_init or Event.on_load -- See documentation at top of file for details on using events. -- @param handler function Event.on_load(handler) if _LIFECYCLE == 8 then error('Calling Event.on_load after on_init() or on_load() has run is a desync risk.', 2) end core_on_load(handler) end --- Register a handler for the nth_tick event. -- This function must be called in the control stage or in Event.on_init or Event.on_load. -- See documentation at top of file for details on using events. -- @param tick The handler will be called every nth tick -- @param handler function Event.on_nth_tick(tick, handler) if _LIFECYCLE == 8 then error('Calling Event.on_nth_tick after on_init() or on_load() has run is a desync risk.', 2) end core_on_nth_tick(tick, handler) end --- Register a token handler that can be safely added and removed at runtime. -- Do NOT call this method during on_load. -- See documentation at top of file for details on using events. -- @param event_name -- @param token function Event.add_removable(event_name, token) if type(token) ~= 'number' then error('token must be a number', 2) end if _LIFECYCLE == stage_load then error('cannot call during on_load', 2) end local tokens = token_handlers[event_name] if not tokens then token_handlers[event_name] = {token} else tokens[#tokens + 1] = token end if handlers_added then local handler = Token.get(token) core_add(event_name, handler) end end --- Removes a token handler for the given event_name. -- Do NOT call this method during on_load. -- See documentation at top of file for details on using events. -- @param event_name -- @param token function Event.remove_removable(event_name, token) if _LIFECYCLE == stage_load then error('cannot call during on_load', 2) end local tokens = token_handlers[event_name] if not tokens then return end local handler = Token.get(token) local handlers = event_handlers[event_name] remove(tokens, token) remove(handlers, handler) if #handlers == 0 then script_on_event(event_name, nil) end end --- Register a handler that can be safely added and removed at runtime. -- The handler must not be a closure, as that is a desync risk. -- Do NOT call this method during on_load. -- See documentation at top of file for details on using events. -- @param event_name -- @param func -- @param name function Event.add_removable_function(event_name, func, name) if _LIFECYCLE == stage_load then error('cannot call during on_load', 2) end if not event_name or not func or not name then return end local f = assert(load('return ' .. func))() if type(f) ~= 'function' then error('func must be a function', 2) end if Debug.is_closure(f) then error( 'func cannot be a closure as that is a desync risk. Consider using Event.add_removable(event, token) instead.', 2 ) end local funcs = function_handlers[name] if not funcs then function_handlers[name] = {} funcs = function_handlers[name] end funcs[#funcs + 1] = {event_name = event_name, handler = func} local func_table = function_table[name] if not func_table then function_table[name] = {} func_table = function_table[name] end func_table[#func_table + 1] = {event_name = event_name, handler = f} if handlers_added then core_add(event_name, f) end end --- Removes a handler for the given event_name. -- Do NOT call this method during on_load. -- See documentation at top of file for details on using events. -- @param event_name -- @param name function Event.remove_removable_function(event_name, name) if _LIFECYCLE == stage_load then error('cannot call during on_load', 2) end if not event_name or not name then return end local funcs = function_handlers[name] if not funcs then return end local handlers = event_handlers[event_name] for k, v in pairs(function_table[name]) do local n = v.event_name if n == event_name then local f = v.handler function_handlers[name][k] = nil remove(handlers, f) end end if #handlers == 0 then script_on_event(event_name, nil) end if #function_handlers[name] == 0 then function_handlers[name] = nil end end --- Register a token handler for the nth tick that can be safely added and removed at runtime. -- Do NOT call this method during on_load. -- See documentation at top of file for details on using events. -- @param tick -- @param token function Event.add_removable_nth_tick(tick, token) if _LIFECYCLE == stage_load then error('cannot call during on_load', 2) end if type(token) ~= 'number' then error('token must be a number', 2) end local tokens = token_nth_tick_handlers[tick] if not tokens then token_nth_tick_handlers[tick] = {token} else tokens[#tokens + 1] = token end if handlers_added then local handler = Token.get(token) core_on_nth_tick(tick, handler) end end --- Removes a token handler for the nth tick. -- Do NOT call this method during on_load. -- See documentation at top of file for details on using events. -- @param tick -- @param token function Event.remove_removable_nth_tick(tick, token) if _LIFECYCLE == stage_load then error('cannot call during on_load', 2) end local tokens = token_nth_tick_handlers[tick] if not tokens then return end local handler = Token.get(token) local handlers = on_nth_tick_event_handlers[tick] remove(tokens, token) remove(handlers, handler) if #handlers == 0 then script_on_nth_tick(tick, nil) end end --- Register a handler for the nth tick that can be safely added and removed at runtime. -- The handler must not be a closure, as that is a desync risk. -- Do NOT call this method during on_load. -- See documentation at top of file for details on using events. -- @param tick -- @param func function Event.add_removable_nth_tick_function(tick, func, name) if _LIFECYCLE == stage_load then error('cannot call during on_load', 2) end if not tick or not func or not name then return end local f = assert(load('return ' .. func))() if type(f) ~= 'function' then error('func must be a function', 2) end if Debug.is_closure(f) then error( 'func cannot be a closure as that is a desync risk. Consider using Event.add_removable_nth_tick(tick, token) instead.', 2 ) end local funcs = function_nth_tick_handlers[name] if not funcs then function_nth_tick_handlers[name] = {} funcs = function_nth_tick_handlers[name] end funcs[#funcs + 1] = {tick = tick, handler = func} local func_table = function_nth_tick_table[name] if not func_table then function_nth_tick_table[name] = {} func_table = function_nth_tick_table[name] end func_table[#func_table + 1] = {tick = tick, handler = f} if handlers_added then core_on_nth_tick(tick, f) end end --- Removes a handler for the nth tick. -- Do NOT call this method during on_load. -- See documentation at top of file for details on using events. -- @param tick -- @param func function Event.remove_removable_nth_tick_function(tick, name) if _LIFECYCLE == stage_load then error('cannot call during on_load', 2) end if not tick or not name then return end local funcs = function_nth_tick_handlers[name] if not funcs then return end local handlers = on_nth_tick_event_handlers[tick] local f = function_nth_tick_table[name] for k, v in pairs(function_nth_tick_table[name]) do local t = v.tick if t == tick then f = v.handler end end remove(handlers, f) for k, v in pairs(function_nth_tick_handlers[name]) do local t = v.tick if t == tick then function_nth_tick_handlers[name][k] = nil end end if #function_nth_tick_handlers[name] == 0 then function_nth_tick_handlers[name] = nil end if #handlers == 0 then script_on_nth_tick(tick, nil) end end --- Generate a new, unique event ID. -- @param name of the event/variable that is exposed function Event.generate_event_name(name) local event_id = generate_event_name() -- If we're in debug, add the event ID into defines.events for the debuggertron's event module if _DEBUG then defines.events[name] = event_id -- luacheck: ignore 122 end return event_id end function Event.add_event_filter(event, filter) local current_filters = script.get_event_filter(event) if not current_filters then current_filters = {filter} else table.insert(current_filters, filter) end script.set_event_filter(event, current_filters) end local function add_handlers() if not function_table then function_table = {} end if not function_nth_tick_table then function_nth_tick_table = {} end for event_name, tokens in pairs(token_handlers) do for i = 1, #tokens do local handler = Token.get(tokens[i]) core_add(event_name, handler) end end for name, funcs in pairs(function_handlers) do for i = 1, #funcs do local e_name = funcs[i].event_name local func = funcs[i].handler local handler = assert(load('return ' .. func))() local func_handler = function_table[name] if not func_handler then function_table[name] = {} func_handler = function_table[name] end func_handler[#func_handler + 1] = {event_name = e_name, handler = handler} core_add(e_name, handler) end end for tick, tokens in pairs(token_nth_tick_handlers) do for i = 1, #tokens do local handler = Token.get(tokens[i]) core_on_nth_tick(tick, handler) end end for name, funcs in pairs(function_nth_tick_handlers) do for i = 1, #funcs do local tick = funcs[i].tick local func = funcs[i].handler local handler = assert(load('return ' .. func))() local func_handler = function_nth_tick_table[name] if not func_handler then function_nth_tick_table[name] = {} func_handler = function_nth_tick_table[name] end func_handler[#func_handler + 1] = {tick = tick, handler = handler} core_on_nth_tick(tick, handler) end end handlers_added = true end core_on_init(add_handlers) core_on_load(add_handlers) function_table = {} function_nth_tick_table = {} return Event