local Public = {} Public.player_ship_loot = { { name = 'piercing-rounds-magazine', count = 35 }, { name = 'grenade', count = 2 }, { name = 'submachine-gun', count = 1 }, { name = 'light-armor', count = 1 }, { name = 'iron-plate', count = 30 }, { name = 'copper-plate', count = 10 }, { name = 'raw-fish', count = 2 }, { name = 'small-lamp', count = 1 } } Public.permission_orbit = { defines.input_action.activate_copy, defines.input_action.activate_cut, defines.input_action.activate_paste, defines.input_action.add_permission_group, defines.input_action.add_train_station, defines.input_action.admin_action, defines.input_action.alt_select_area, defines.input_action.alt_select_blueprint_entities, defines.input_action.alternative_copy, defines.input_action.begin_mining, defines.input_action.begin_mining_terrain, defines.input_action.build_item, defines.input_action.build_rail, defines.input_action.build_terrain, defines.input_action.cancel_craft, defines.input_action.cancel_deconstruct, defines.input_action.cancel_new_blueprint, defines.input_action.cancel_research, defines.input_action.cancel_upgrade, defines.input_action.change_active_item_group_for_crafting, defines.input_action.change_active_item_group_for_filters, defines.input_action.change_active_quick_bar, defines.input_action.change_arithmetic_combinator_parameters, defines.input_action.change_blueprint_book_record_label, defines.input_action.change_decider_combinator_parameters, defines.input_action.change_item_label, defines.input_action.change_multiplayer_config, defines.input_action.change_picking_state, defines.input_action.change_programmable_speaker_alert_parameters, defines.input_action.change_programmable_speaker_circuit_parameters, defines.input_action.change_programmable_speaker_parameters, defines.input_action.change_riding_state, defines.input_action.change_shooting_state, defines.input_action.change_single_blueprint_record_label, defines.input_action.change_train_stop_station, defines.input_action.change_train_wait_condition, defines.input_action.change_train_wait_condition_data, defines.input_action.clear_cursor, defines.input_action.clear_selected_blueprint, defines.input_action.clear_selected_deconstruction_item, defines.input_action.clear_selected_upgrade_item, defines.input_action.connect_rolling_stock, defines.input_action.copy_entity_settings, defines.input_action.craft, defines.input_action.create_blueprint_like, defines.input_action.cursor_split, defines.input_action.cursor_transfer, defines.input_action.custom_input, defines.input_action.cycle_blueprint_book_backwards, defines.input_action.cycle_blueprint_book_forwards, defines.input_action.deconstruct, defines.input_action.delete_blueprint_library, defines.input_action.delete_blueprint_record, defines.input_action.delete_custom_tag, defines.input_action.delete_permission_group, defines.input_action.destroy_opened_item, defines.input_action.disconnect_rolling_stock, defines.input_action.drag_train_schedule, defines.input_action.drag_train_wait_condition, defines.input_action.drop_blueprint_record, defines.input_action.drop_item, defines.input_action.drop_to_blueprint_book, defines.input_action.edit_custom_tag, defines.input_action.edit_permission_group, defines.input_action.export_blueprint, defines.input_action.fast_entity_split, defines.input_action.fast_entity_transfer, defines.input_action.go_to_train_station, defines.input_action.grab_blueprint_record, defines.input_action.import_blueprint, defines.input_action.import_blueprint_string, defines.input_action.import_permissions_string, defines.input_action.inventory_split, defines.input_action.inventory_transfer, defines.input_action.launch_rocket, defines.input_action.lua_shortcut, defines.input_action.map_editor_action, defines.input_action.market_offer, defines.input_action.mod_settings_changed, defines.input_action.open_achievements_gui, defines.input_action.open_blueprint_library_gui, defines.input_action.open_blueprint_record, defines.input_action.open_bonus_gui, defines.input_action.open_character_gui, defines.input_action.open_equipment, defines.input_action.open_gui, defines.input_action.open_item, defines.input_action.open_kills_gui, defines.input_action.open_logistic_gui, defines.input_action.open_mod_item, defines.input_action.open_production_gui, defines.input_action.open_technology_gui, defines.input_action.open_train_gui, defines.input_action.open_train_station_gui, defines.input_action.open_trains_gui, defines.input_action.open_tutorials_gui, defines.input_action.paste_entity_settings, defines.input_action.place_equipment, defines.input_action.quick_bar_pick_slot, defines.input_action.quick_bar_set_selected_page, defines.input_action.quick_bar_set_slot, defines.input_action.remove_cables, defines.input_action.remove_train_station, defines.input_action.reset_assembling_machine, defines.input_action.rotate_entity, defines.input_action.select_area, defines.input_action.select_blueprint_entities, defines.input_action.select_entity_slot, defines.input_action.select_item, defines.input_action.select_mapper_slot, defines.input_action.select_next_valid_gun, defines.input_action.select_tile_slot, defines.input_action.set_auto_launch_rocket, defines.input_action.set_autosort_inventory, defines.input_action.set_behavior_mode, defines.input_action.set_car_weapons_control, defines.input_action.set_circuit_condition, defines.input_action.set_circuit_mode_of_operation, defines.input_action.set_deconstruction_item_tile_selection_mode, defines.input_action.set_deconstruction_item_trees_and_rocks_only, defines.input_action.set_entity_color, defines.input_action.set_entity_energy_property, defines.input_action.set_filter, defines.input_action.set_heat_interface_mode, defines.input_action.set_heat_interface_temperature, defines.input_action.set_infinity_container_filter_item, defines.input_action.set_infinity_container_remove_unfiltered_items, defines.input_action.set_infinity_pipe_filter, defines.input_action.set_inserter_max_stack_size, defines.input_action.set_inventory_bar, defines.input_action.set_logistic_filter_item, defines.input_action.set_logistic_filter_signal, defines.input_action.set_logistic_trash_filter_item, defines.input_action.set_request_from_buffers, defines.input_action.set_research_finished_stops_game, defines.input_action.set_signal, defines.input_action.set_single_blueprint_record_icon, defines.input_action.set_splitter_priority, defines.input_action.set_train_stopped, defines.input_action.setup_assembling_machine, defines.input_action.setup_blueprint, defines.input_action.setup_single_blueprint_record, defines.input_action.smart_pipette, defines.input_action.stack_split, defines.input_action.stack_transfer, defines.input_action.start_repair, defines.input_action.start_research, defines.input_action.stop_building_by_moving, defines.input_action.switch_connect_to_logistic_network, defines.input_action.switch_constant_combinator_state, defines.input_action.switch_inserter_filter_mode_state, defines.input_action.switch_power_switch_state, defines.input_action.switch_to_rename_stop_gui, defines.input_action.take_equipment, defines.input_action.toggle_deconstruction_item_entity_filter_mode, defines.input_action.toggle_deconstruction_item_tile_filter_mode, defines.input_action.toggle_driving, defines.input_action.toggle_enable_vehicle_logistics_while_moving, defines.input_action.toggle_equipment_movement_bonus, defines.input_action.toggle_map_editor, defines.input_action.toggle_personal_roboport, defines.input_action.toggle_show_entity_info, defines.input_action.translate_string, defines.input_action.undo, defines.input_action.upgrade, defines.input_action.upgrade_opened_blueprint, defines.input_action.use_artillery_remote, defines.input_action.use_item, defines.input_action.wire_dragging } Public.self_explode = 60 * 60 * 10 -- time until main shipwreck explosion Public.claim_markers = { 'gun-turret', 'laser-turret', 'stone-wall' } Public.claim_max_distance = 15 Public.base_costs = { ['gun-turret'] = 1, ['laser-turret'] = 5, ['stone-wall'] = 0.1 } Public.raid_costs = { { cost = 1, chance = 300, gear = { { weap = 'shotgun', ammo = 'shotgun-shell', armor = 'light-armor' }, { weap = 'pistol', ammo = 'firearm-magazine', armor = 'light-armor' } } }, { cost = 15, chance = 150, gear = { { weap = 'shotgun', ammo = 'shotgun-shell', armor = 'light-armor' }, { weap = 'pistol', ammo = 'firearm-magazine', armor = 'light-armor' } } }, { cost = 30, chance = 100, gear = { { weap = 'shotgun', ammo = 'shotgun-shell', armor = 'light-armor' }, { weap = 'pistol', ammo = 'firearm-magazine', armor = 'light-armor' } } }, { cost = 40, chance = 100, gear = { { weap = 'shotgun', ammo = 'shotgun-shell', armor = 'heavy-armor' }, { weap = 'pistol', ammo = 'firearm-magazine', armor = 'heavy-armor' } } }, { cost = 70, chance = 100, gear = { { weap = 'shotgun', ammo = 'piercing-shotgun-shell', armor = 'heavy-armor' }, { weap = 'pistol', ammo = 'piercing-rounds-magazine', armor = 'heavy-armor' } } } } Public.wreck_loot = { ['iron-plate'] = { rare = 0.1, count = {20, 40} }, ['copper-plate'] = { rare = 0.1, count = {10, 30} }, ['empty-barrel'] = { rare = 0.4, count = {1, 1} }, ['copper-cable'] = { rare = 0.5, count = {5, 20} }, ['electronic-circuit'] = { rare = 0.6, count = {5, 20} }, ['firearm-magazine'] = { rare = 0.4, count = {1, 2} }, ['steel-plate'] = { rare = 0.8, count = {1, 5} }, ['explosives'] = { rare = 0.85, count = {1, 5} }, ['advanced-circuit'] = { rare = 0.9, count = {1, 5} }, ['processing-unit'] = { rare = 0.95, count = {1, 2} }, ['electric-engine-unit'] = { rare = 0.95, count = {1, 1} }, ['battery'] = { rare = 0.95, count = {1, 2} }, ['piercing-rounds-magazine'] = { rare = 0.99, count = {1, 2} } } Public.technologies = { ['military'] = true, ['artillery'] = false, ['artillery-shell-range-1'] = false, ['artillery-shell-speed-1'] = false, ['automation-3'] = false, ['battery-equipment'] = false, ['battery-mk2-equipment'] = false, ['belt-immunity-equipment'] = false, ['distractor'] = false, ['destroyer'] = false, ['discharge-defense-equipment'] = false, ['energy-shield-equipment'] = false, ['energy-shield-mk2-equipment'] = false, ['exoskeleton-equipment'] = false, ['explosive-rocketry'] = false, ['flamethrower'] = false, ['fusion-reactor-equipment'] = false, ['kovarex-enrichment-process'] = false, ['land-mine'] = false, ['logistics-3'] = false, ['military-4'] = false, ['modular-armor'] = false, ['night-vision-equipment'] = false, ['nuclear-fuel-reprocessing'] = false, ['nuclear-power'] = false, ['personal-laser-defense-equipment'] = false, ['personal-roboport-equipment'] = false, ['personal-roboport-mk2-equipment'] = false, ['power-armor'] = false, ['power-armor-mk2'] = false, ['refined-flammables-1'] = false, ['refined-flammables-2'] = false, ['refined-flammables-3'] = false, ['refined-flammables-4'] = false, ['refined-flammables-5'] = false, ['refined-flammables-6'] = false, ['refined-flammables-7'] = false, ['rocketry'] = false, ['solar-panel-equipment'] = false, ['stack-inserter'] = false, ['stronger-explosives-2'] = false, ['stronger-explosives-3'] = false, ['stronger-explosives-4'] = false, ['stronger-explosives-5'] = false, ['stronger-explosives-6'] = false, ['stronger-explosives-7'] = false, ['physical-projectile-damage-4'] = false, ['physical-projectile-damage-5'] = false, ['physical-projectile-damage-6'] = false, ['physical-projectile-damage-7'] = false, ['weapon-shooting-speed-4'] = false, ['weapon-shooting-speed-5'] = false, ['weapon-shooting-speed-6'] = false, ['energy-weapons-damage-1'] = false, ['energy-weapons-damage-2'] = false, ['energy-weapons-damage-3'] = false, ['energy-weapons-damage-4'] = false, ['energy-weapons-damage-5'] = false, ['energy-weapons-damage-6'] = false, ['energy-weapons-damage-7'] = false, ['laser-shooting-speed-2'] = false, ['laser-shooting-speed-3'] = false, ['laser-shooting-speed-4'] = false, ['laser-shooting-speed-5'] = false, ['laser-shooting-speed-6'] = false, ['laser-shooting-speed-7'] = false, ['follower-robot-count-2'] = false, ['follower-robot-count-3'] = false, ['follower-robot-count-4'] = false, ['follower-robot-count-5'] = false, ['follower-robot-count-6'] = false, ['follower-robot-count-7'] = false, ['tank'] = false, ['uranium-ammo'] = false, ['uranium-processing'] = false, ['atomic-bomb'] = false } Public.merchant_offer = { { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'iron-plate', amount = 10 }, { type = 'item', name = 'advanced-circuit', amount = 2 }, { type = 'item', name = 'battery', amount = 2 }, { type = 'item', name = 'small-lamp', amount = 2 }, { type = 'item', name = 'copper-cable', amount = 5 }, { type = 'item', name = 'steel-plate', amount = 1 } }, offer = { type = 'nothing', effect_description = 'Construct a GPS receiver' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 100 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'heavy-armor' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 500 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'modular-armor' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 12000 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'power-armor' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 100 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'night-vision-equipment' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 70 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'battery-equipment' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 700 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'battery-mk2-equipment' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 1200 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'exoskeleton-equipment' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 2500 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'fusion-reactor-equipment' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 200 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'personal-roboport-equipment' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 400 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'personal-roboport-mk2-equipment' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 90 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'solar-panel-equipment' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 300 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'energy-shield-equipment' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 2000 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'energy-shield-mk2-equipment' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 50 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'flamethrower-ammo' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 1 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'firearm-magazine' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 5 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'piercing-rounds-magazine' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 1000 } }, offer = { type = 'unlock-recipe', recipe = 'flamethrower' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 50 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'defender-capsule' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 200 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'distractor-capsule' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 250 } }, offer = { type = 'give-item', item = 'destroyer-capsule' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 70 } }, offer = { type = 'unlock-recipe', recipe = 'filter-inserter' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 100 } }, offer = { type = 'unlock-recipe', recipe = 'stack-inserter' } }, { price = { { type = 'item', name = 'coin', amount = 170 } }, offer = { type = 'unlock-recipe', recipe = 'stack-filter-inserter' } } } Public.manual = [[ [font=heading-1]Planet Prison (1.1.0) - Manual[/font] [font=default-bold]You did naughty things and was sent to this planet with a one way ticket. Once an industrial site, turned into non-hospitable planet due to pollution and war. Among other inmates, there are still bandits scavenging through the junk looking for rare items. This is an ultimate survival scenario with very hostile environment. - You die, you lose everything. - You leave, you lose everything if you don't reconnect within 5 minutes. - Technology cost is 10x lower. - The merchant is a gateway to PvP. - Flee by a rocket is a win. (Put a car into a rocket and enter the rocket). - The light is your best friend. [/font] [font=heading-1]NAP contractors (A non-aggression pact)[/font] [font=default-bold]Grab a raw fish [img=item/raw-fish] and drop it on someone with [virtual-signal=signal-Z] button (in default setting). This way you request an inmate to get in NAP with you.[/font] [font=default-bold]Grab a coal piece [img=item/coal] and drop it on someone with [virtual-signal=signal-Z] button (in default setting). This way you discard NAP with an inname.[/font] [font=heading-1]Starter base[/font] [font=default-bold]The starter base will automatically deconstruct itself if you pick something up or if the time reaches it's limit.[/font] [font=heading-1]Coins[/font] [font=default-bold]Coins [img=item/coin] are the main medium that you use in the market. You obtain them by researching stuff and pvp activites.[/font] [font=heading-1]Other[/font] [font=default-bold]If you find any bugs/balancing issues, report it to getcomfy.eu/discord at #opendev. Thanks for playing this map.[/font] ]] return Public