local string_sub = string.sub local math_random = math.random local math_round = math.round local math_abs = math.abs local table_insert = table.insert local table_remove = table.remove local balance_functions = { ["flamethrower"] = function(force_name) global.combat_balance[force_name].flamethrower_damage = -0.6 game.forces[force_name].set_turret_attack_modifier("flamethrower-turret", global.combat_balance[force_name].flamethrower_damage) game.forces[force_name].set_ammo_damage_modifier("flamethrower", global.combat_balance[force_name].flamethrower_damage) end, ["refined-flammables"] = function(force_name) global.combat_balance[force_name].flamethrower_damage = global.combat_balance[force_name].flamethrower_damage + 0.05 game.forces[force_name].set_turret_attack_modifier("flamethrower-turret", global.combat_balance[force_name].flamethrower_damage) game.forces[force_name].set_ammo_damage_modifier("flamethrower", global.combat_balance[force_name].flamethrower_damage) end, ["land-mine"] = function(force_name) if not global.combat_balance[force_name].land_mine then global.combat_balance[force_name].land_mine = -0.75 end game.forces[force_name].set_ammo_damage_modifier("landmine", global.combat_balance[force_name].land_mine) end, ["stronger-explosives"] = function(force_name) if not global.combat_balance[force_name].land_mine then global.combat_balance[force_name].land_mine = -0.75 end global.combat_balance[force_name].land_mine = global.combat_balance[force_name].land_mine + 0.05 game.forces[force_name].set_ammo_damage_modifier("landmine", global.combat_balance[force_name].land_mine) end, ["military"] = function(force_name) global.combat_balance[force_name].shotgun = 1 game.forces[force_name].set_ammo_damage_modifier("shotgun-shell", global.combat_balance[force_name].shotgun) end, } local no_turret_blacklist = { ["ammo-turret"] = true, ["artillery-turret"] = true, ["electric-turret"] = true, ["fluid-turret"] = true } local landfill_biters_vectors = {{0,0}, {1,0}, {0,1}, {-1,0}, {0,-1}} local landfill_biters = { ["big-biter"] = true, ["big-spitter"] = true, ["behemoth-biter"] = true, ["behemoth-spitter"] = true, } local target_entity_types = { ["assembling-machine"] = true, ["boiler"] = true, ["furnace"] = true, ["generator"] = true, ["lab"] = true, ["mining-drill"] = true, ["radar"] = true, ["reactor"] = true, ["roboport"] = true, ["rocket-silo"] = true, ["ammo-turret"] = true, ["artillery-turret"] = true, ["beacon"] = true, ["electric-turret"] = true, ["fluid-turret"] = true, } local Public = {} function Public.add_target_entity(entity) if not entity then return end if not entity.valid then return end if not target_entity_types[entity.type] then return end table_insert(global.target_entities[entity.force.index], entity) end function Public.get_random_target_entity(force_index) local target_entities = global.target_entities[force_index] local size_of_target_entities = #target_entities if size_of_target_entities == 0 then return end for _ = 1, size_of_target_entities, 1 do local i = math_random(1, size_of_target_entities) local entity = target_entities[i] if entity and entity.valid then return entity else table_remove(target_entities, i) size_of_target_entities = size_of_target_entities - 1 if size_of_target_entities == 0 then return end end end end function Public.get_health_modifier(force) if global.bb_evolution[force.name] < 1 then return 1 end return math_round((global.bb_evolution[force.name] - 1) * 3, 3) + 1 end function Public.biters_landfill(entity) if not landfill_biters[entity.name] then return end local position = entity.position if math_abs(position.y) < 8 then return true end local surface = entity.surface for _, vector in pairs(landfill_biters_vectors) do local tile = surface.get_tile({position.x + vector[1], position.y + vector[2]}) if tile.collides_with("resource-layer") then surface.set_tiles({{name = "landfill", position = tile.position}}) local particle_pos = {tile.position.x + 0.5, tile.position.y + 0.5} for i = 1, 50, 1 do surface.create_particle({ name = "stone-particle", position = particle_pos, frame_speed = 0.1, vertical_speed = 0.12, height = 0.01, movement = {-0.05 + math_random(0, 100) * 0.001, -0.05 + math_random(0, 100) * 0.001} }) end end end return true end function Public.combat_balance(event) local research_name = event.research.name local force_name = event.research.force.name local key for b = 1, string.len(research_name), 1 do key = string_sub(research_name, 0, b) if balance_functions[key] then if not global.combat_balance[force_name] then global.combat_balance[force_name] = {} end balance_functions[key](force_name) return end end end function Public.init_player(player) local surface = game.surfaces.biter_battles if player.crafting_queue then for i = 1, #player.crafting_queue, 1 do if player.crafting_queue_size == 0 then break end player.cancel_crafting({index = 1, count = 65535}) end end player.clear_items_inside() player.spectator = true player.force = game.forces.spectator if surface.is_chunk_generated({0,0}) then player.teleport(surface.find_non_colliding_position("character", {0,0}, 3, 0.5), surface) else player.teleport({0,0}, surface) end if player.character and player.character.valid then player.character.destructible = false end game.permissions.get_group("spectator").add_player(player) end function Public.no_turret_creep(event) local entity = event.created_entity if not entity.valid then return end if not no_turret_blacklist[event.created_entity.type] then return end local surface = event.created_entity.surface local spawners = surface.find_entities_filtered({type = "unit-spawner", area = {{entity.position.x - 70, entity.position.y - 70}, {entity.position.x + 70, entity.position.y + 70}}}) if #spawners == 0 then return end local allowed_to_build = true for _, e in pairs(spawners) do if (e.position.x - entity.position.x)^2 + (e.position.y - entity.position.y)^2 < 4096 then allowed_to_build = false break end end if allowed_to_build then return end if event.player_index then game.players[event.player_index].insert({name = entity.name, count = 1}) else local inventory = event.robot.get_inventory(defines.inventory.robot_cargo) inventory.insert({name = entity.name, count = 1}) end surface.create_entity({ name = "flying-text", position = entity.position, text = "Turret too close to spawner!", color = {r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22} }) entity.destroy() end --share chat with player and spectator force function Public.share_chat(event) if not event.message then return end if not event.player_index then return end local player = game.players[event.player_index] local color = player.chat_color if player.force.name == "north" then game.forces.spectator.print(player.name .. " (north): ".. event.message, color) game.forces.player.print(player.name .. " (north): ".. event.message, color) end if player.force.name == "south" then game.forces.spectator.print(player.name .. " (south): ".. event.message, color) game.forces.player.print(player.name .. " (south): ".. event.message, color) end if global.tournament_mode then return end if player.force.name == "player" then game.forces.north.print(player.name .. " (spawn): ".. event.message, color) game.forces.south.print(player.name .. " (spawn): ".. event.message, color) game.forces.spectator.print(player.name .. " (spawn): ".. event.message, color) end if player.force.name == "spectator" then game.forces.north.print(player.name .. " (spectator): ".. event.message, color) game.forces.south.print(player.name .. " (spectator): ".. event.message, color) game.forces.player.print(player.name .. " (spectator): ".. event.message, color) end end function Public.spy_fish(player) if not player.character then return end local duration_per_unit = 2700 local i2 = player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_main) if not i2 then return end local owned_fishes = i2.get_item_count("raw-fish") owned_fishes = owned_fishes + i2.get_item_count("raw-fish") if owned_fishes == 0 then player.print("You have no fish in your inventory.",{ r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22}) else local x = i2.remove({name="raw-fish", count=1}) if x == 0 then i2.remove({name="raw-fish", count=1}) end local enemy_team = "south" if player.force.name == "south" then enemy_team = "north" end if global.spy_fish_timeout[player.force.name] - game.tick > 0 then global.spy_fish_timeout[player.force.name] = global.spy_fish_timeout[player.force.name] + duration_per_unit player.print(math.ceil((global.spy_fish_timeout[player.force.name] - game.tick) / 60) .. " seconds of enemy vision left.", { r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22}) else game.print(player.name .. " sent a fish to spy on " .. enemy_team .. " team!", {r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22}) global.spy_fish_timeout[player.force.name] = game.tick + duration_per_unit end end end function Public.create_map_intro_button(player) if player.gui.top["map_intro_button"] then return end local b = player.gui.top.add({type = "sprite-button", caption = "?", name = "map_intro_button", tooltip = "Map Info"}) b.style.font_color = {r=0.5, g=0.3, b=0.99} b.style.font = "heading-1" b.style.minimal_height = 38 b.style.minimal_width = 38 b.style.top_padding = 1 b.style.left_padding = 1 b.style.right_padding = 1 b.style.bottom_padding = 1 end function Public.map_intro_click(player, element) if element.name == "close_map_intro_frame" then player.gui.center["map_intro_frame"].destroy() return true end if element.name == "biter_battles_map_intro" then player.gui.center["map_intro_frame"].destroy() return true end if element.name == "map_intro_button" then if player.gui.center["map_intro_frame"] then player.gui.center["map_intro_frame"].destroy() return true else if player.gui.center["map_intro_frame"] then player.gui.center["map_intro_frame"].destroy() end local frame = player.gui.center.add {type = "frame", name = "map_intro_frame", direction = "vertical"} local frame = frame.add {type = "frame"} local l = frame.add {type = "label", caption = {"biter_battles.map_info"}, name = "biter_battles_map_intro"} l.style.single_line = false l.style.font = "heading-2" l.style.font_color = {r=0.7, g=0.6, b=0.99} return true end end end return Public