local simplex_noise = require 'tools.simplex_noise' local Event = require 'utils.event' biter_battles_terrain = {} --no need to constantly work out each chunk local radius = 24 --starting pond radius local radsquare = radius*radius local ore_amount = 1400 local ores = {"copper-ore", "iron-ore", "stone", "coal", "uranium-ore"} -- /c game.forces["north"].chart(game.player.surface, {lefttop = {x = -1024, y = -1024}, rightbottom = {x = 1024, y = 1024}}) local function on_chunk_generated(event) if not global.noise_seed then global.noise_seed = math.random(1,5000000) end local left_top = event.area.left_top --decreased var calls in later loop with more direct local surface = game.surfaces[1] local noise = {} local entities = surface.find_entities(event.area) for _, entity in pairs(entities) do if entity.type == "resource" then entity.destroy() end end for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do local pos_x = left_top.x + x local pos_y = left_top.y + y local tile_to_insert = false --noise[1] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x/350, pos_y/350,global.noise_seed) noise[1] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x*0.008, pos_y*0.008,global.noise_seed) --100 noise[2] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x*0.05, pos_y*0.05,global.noise_seed+10000) noise[3] = noise[1] + noise[2] * 0.1 --local xx = 1 --for yy = 1, 17, 1 do --local z = (yy % 4) + 1 --xx = xx - 0.010 --if noise[3] > xx then if noise[3] > 0.65 then local a = ore_amount * (1+(noise[2]*0.3)) --moved to when used --local z = (yy % 4) + 1 noise[4] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x*0.005, pos_y*0.005,global.noise_seed+5000) noise[5] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x*0.005, pos_y*0.005,global.noise_seed+3000) local z = 2 if noise[4] > 0.2 then if noise[5] > 0.05 then z = 3 elseif noise[5] < -0.05 then z = 4 else z = 5 end elseif noise[4] < -0.2 then if noise[5] > 0.05 then z = 1 elseif noise[5] < -0.05 then z = 2 else z = 5 end else z = math.floor((noise[3]+noise[2]*0.1)* 40) % 4 + 1 end --if noise[4] > 0.0 and noise[4] < 0.05 then z = (math.floor((noise[3]+noise[2]*0.1)* 40) % 4) + 1 end if surface.can_place_entity {name=ores[z], position={pos_x,pos_y}, amount=a} then surface.create_entity {name=ores[z], position={pos_x,pos_y}, amount=a} end --break elseif noise[3] < -0.85 then if math.random(1,250) == 1 and surface.can_place_entity {name="crude-oil", position={pos_x,pos_y}} then surface.create_entity {name="crude-oil", position={pos_x,pos_y}, amount = math.random(140000,380000) } end end --end end end if left_top.y > 96 or left_top.y < -128 then return end --tweeked range local tiles = {} local spawn_tile = surface.get_tile(game.forces.south.get_spawn_position(surface)) for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do local pos_x = left_top.x + x local pos_y = left_top.y + y local tile_to_insert = false local tile_distance_to_center = pos_x^2 + pos_y^2 noise[4] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x*0.0118, pos_y*0.0118,global.noise_seed+20000) noise[5] = simplex_noise.d2(pos_x*0.15, pos_y*0.15,global.noise_seed+30000) noise[7] = 1 + (noise[4]+(noise[5]*0.75))*0.1 if pos_y >= ((global.horizontal_border_width/2)*-1)*noise[7] and pos_y <= (global.horizontal_border_width/2)*noise[7] then local entities = surface.find_entities({{pos_x, pos_y}, {pos_x+1, pos_y+1}}) for _, e in pairs(entities) do if e.type == "simple-entity" or e.type == "resource" or e.type == "tree" then e.destroy() end end tile_to_insert = "deepwater" else local t = surface.get_tile(pos_x,pos_y) if t.name == "deepwater" or t.name =="water" then if tile_distance_to_center < 20000 then if spawn_tile.name == "water" or spawn_tile.name == "deepwater" then tile_to_insert = "sand-1" else tile_to_insert = spawn_tile.name end end end end if tile_distance_to_center <= radsquare then if tile_distance_to_center >= radsquare/10 then tile_to_insert = "deepwater" else tile_to_insert = "sand-1" if tile_distance_to_center >= radsquare/18 then tile_to_insert = "refined-concrete" end end end if tile_to_insert then table.insert(tiles, {name = tile_to_insert, position = {pos_x,pos_y}}) end end end surface.set_tiles(tiles,true) for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do local pos_x = left_top.x + x local pos_y = left_top.y + y local t = surface.get_tile(pos_x,pos_y) if t.name == "water" or t.name == "deepwater" or t.name == "water-green" then if surface.can_place_entity{name="fish", position={pos_x,pos_y}} and math.random(1,40) == 1 then surface.create_entity {name="fish", position={pos_x,pos_y}} end end end end end local function find_tile_placement_spot_around_target_position(tilename, position, mode, density) local x = position.x local y = position.y if not surface then surface = game.surfaces[1] end local scan_radius = 50 if not tilename then return end if not mode then mode = "ball" end if not density then density = 1 end local cluster_tiles = {} local auto_correct = true local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end local i = 2 local r = 1 if mode == "ball" then if math.random(1,2) == 1 then density = density * -1 end r = math.random(1,4) end if mode == "line" then density = 1 r = math.random(1,4) end if mode == "line_down" then density = density * -1 r = math.random(1,4) end if mode == "line_up" then density = 1 r = math.random(1,4) end if mode == "block" then r = 1 density = 1 end if r == 1 then --start placing at -1,-1 while i <= scan_radius do y = y - density x = x - density for a = 1, i, 1 do local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end x = x + density end for a = 1, i, 1 do local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end y = y + density end for a = 1, i, 1 do local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end x = x - density end for a = 1, i, 1 do local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end y = y - density end i = i + 2 end end if r == 2 then --start placing at 0,-1 while i <= scan_radius do y = y - density x = x - density for a = 1, i, 1 do x = x + density local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end end for a = 1, i, 1 do y = y + density local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end end for a = 1, i, 1 do x = x - density local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end end for a = 1, i, 1 do y = y - density local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end end i = i + 2 end end if r == 3 then --start placing at 1,-1 while i <= scan_radius do y = y - density x = x + density for a = 1, i, 1 do local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end y = y + density end for a = 1, i, 1 do local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end x = x - density end for a = 1, i, 1 do local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end y = y - density end for a = 1, i, 1 do local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end x = x + density end i = i + 2 end end if r == 4 then --start placing at 1,0 while i <= scan_radius do y = y - density x = x + density for a = 1, i, 1 do y = y + density local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end end for a = 1, i, 1 do x = x - density local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end end for a = 1, i, 1 do y = y - density local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end end for a = 1, i, 1 do x = x + density local scanned_tile = surface.get_tile(x,y) if scanned_tile.name ~= tilename then table.insert(cluster_tiles, {name = tilename, position = {x,y}}) surface.set_tiles(cluster_tiles,auto_correct) return true, x, y end end i = i + 2 end end return false end local function create_tile_cluster(tilename,position,amount) local mode = "ball" local cluster_tiles = {} local surface = game.surfaces[1] local pos = position local x = pos.x local y = pos.y for i = 1, amount, 1 do local b,x,y = find_tile_placement_spot_around_target_position(tilename, pos, mode) if b == true then if 1 == math.random(1,16) then pos.x = x pos.y = y end end if b == false then return false,x,y end if i >= amount then return true,x,y end end end function biter_battles_terrain.generate_spawn_water_pond() local x = 1 local surface = game.surfaces[1] for _, silo in pairs(global.rocket_silo) do local pos = {} local wreck_pos = {} pos["x"]=silo.position.x + 60*x pos["y"]=silo.position.y - 5*x wreck_pos["x"]=silo.position.x + 60*x wreck_pos["y"]=silo.position.y - 5*x create_tile_cluster("water-green",pos,450) local p = surface.find_non_colliding_position("big-ship-wreck-1", {wreck_pos.x,wreck_pos.y-3*x}, 20,1) local e = surface.create_entity {name="big-ship-wreck-1", position=p, force=silo.force.name} e.insert({name = 'copper-cable', count = 7}) e.insert({name = 'iron-stick', count = 3}) local p = surface.find_non_colliding_position("big-ship-wreck-3", {pos.x-3*x,pos.y}, 20,1) local e = surface.create_entity {name="big-ship-wreck-3", position=p, force=silo.force.name} e.insert({name = 'land-mine', count = 6}) pos["x"]=silo.position.x - math.random(80,90)*x pos["y"]=silo.position.y - math.random(50,70)*x create_tile_cluster("water-green",pos,300) local p = surface.find_non_colliding_position("big-ship-wreck-2", {pos.x+3*x,pos.y+1*x}, 20,1) local e = surface.create_entity {name="big-ship-wreck-2", position=p, force=silo.force.name} e.insert({name = 'empty-barrel', count = 1}) e.insert({name = 'lubricant-barrel', count = 2}) local p = surface.find_non_colliding_position("crude-oil", {pos.x-5*x,pos.y+5*x}, 50,1) local e = surface.create_entity {name="crude-oil", position=p, amount=225000} x = -1 end end function biter_battles_terrain.clear_spawn_ores() local surface = game.surfaces[1] for x = -200,200,1 do for y = -200,200,1 do local tile_distance_to_center = math.sqrt(x^2 + y^2) if tile_distance_to_center < 150 then local entities = surface.find_entities({{x, y}, {x+1, y+1}}) for _, e in pairs(entities) do if e.type == "resource" then e.destroy() end end end end end end function biter_battles_terrain.generate_spawn_ores(ore_layout) local surface = game.surfaces[1] local tiles = {} --generate ores around silos local ore_layout = "windows" --local ore_layout = "4squares" local ore_amount = 1000 if ore_layout == "4squares" then local size = 22 for _, rocket_silo in pairs(global.rocket_silo) do local tiles = {} for x = (size+1)*-1, size+1, 1 do for y = (size+1)*-1, size+1, 1 do table.insert(tiles, {name = "stone-path", position = {rocket_silo.position.x + x,rocket_silo.position.y + y}}) end end surface.set_tiles(tiles,true) local entities = surface.find_entities({{(rocket_silo.position.x-4)-size/2, (rocket_silo.position.y-5)-size/2}, {rocket_silo.position.x+4+size/2, rocket_silo.position.y+5+size/2}}) for _, entity in pairs(entities) do if entity.type == "simple-entity" or entity.type == "tree" or entity.type == "resource" then entity.destroy() end end end for x = size*-1, size, 1 do for y = size*-1, size, 1 do if x > 0 and y < 0 then if surface.can_place_entity {name="stone", position={global.rocket_silo["south"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["south"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} then surface.create_entity {name="stone", position={global.rocket_silo["south"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["south"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} end end if x < 0 and y < 0 then if surface.can_place_entity {name="coal", position={global.rocket_silo["south"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["south"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} then surface.create_entity {name="coal", position={global.rocket_silo["south"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["south"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} end end if x < 0 and y > 0 then if surface.can_place_entity {name="copper-ore", position={global.rocket_silo["south"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["south"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} then surface.create_entity {name="copper-ore", position={global.rocket_silo["south"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["south"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} end end if x > 0 and y > 0 then if surface.can_place_entity {name="iron-ore", position={global.rocket_silo["south"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["south"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} then surface.create_entity {name="iron-ore", position={global.rocket_silo["south"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["south"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} end end if x < 0 and y > 0 then if surface.can_place_entity {name="stone", position={global.rocket_silo["north"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["north"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} then surface.create_entity {name="stone", position={global.rocket_silo["north"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["north"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} end end if x > 0 and y > 0 then if surface.can_place_entity {name="coal", position={global.rocket_silo["north"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["north"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} then surface.create_entity {name="coal", position={global.rocket_silo["north"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["north"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} end end if x > 0 and y < 0 then if surface.can_place_entity {name="copper-ore", position={global.rocket_silo["north"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["north"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} then surface.create_entity {name="copper-ore", position={global.rocket_silo["north"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["north"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} end end if x < 0 and y < 0 then if surface.can_place_entity {name="iron-ore", position={global.rocket_silo["north"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["north"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} then surface.create_entity {name="iron-ore", position={global.rocket_silo["north"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["north"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} end end end end for _, rocket_silo in pairs(global.rocket_silo) do local entities = surface.find_entities({{rocket_silo.position.x-5, rocket_silo.position.y-6}, {rocket_silo.position.x+5, rocket_silo.position.y+6}}) for _, entity in pairs(entities) do if entity.type == "resource" then entity.destroy() end end end end if ore_layout == "windows" then for x = -24, 24, 1 do for y = -25, 24, 1 do table.insert(tiles, {name = "stone-path", position = {global.rocket_silo["south"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["south"].position.y + y}}) table.insert(tiles, {name = "stone-path", position = {global.rocket_silo["north"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["north"].position.y + y}}) end end surface.set_tiles(tiles,true) local ore = {"stone","stone","stone","stone","coal","coal","coal","coal","coal","copper-ore","copper-ore","copper-ore","copper-ore","copper-ore","iron-ore","iron-ore","iron-ore","iron-ore","iron-ore"} for z = 1, 19, 1 do for x = -4-z, 4+z, 1 do for y = -5-z, 4+z, 1 do if surface.can_place_entity {name=ore[z], position={global.rocket_silo["south"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["south"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} then surface.create_entity {name=ore[z], position={global.rocket_silo["south"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["south"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} end end end end for z = 1, 19, 1 do for x = -4-z, 4+z, 1 do for y = -5-z, 4+z, 1 do if surface.can_place_entity {name=ore[z], position={global.rocket_silo["north"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["north"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} then surface.create_entity {name=ore[z], position={global.rocket_silo["north"].position.x + x,global.rocket_silo["north"].position.y + y}, amount=ore_amount} end end end end end for _, rocket_silo in pairs(global.rocket_silo) do local entities = surface.find_entities({{rocket_silo.position.x-4, rocket_silo.position.y-5}, {rocket_silo.position.x+4, rocket_silo.position.y+5}}) for _, entity in pairs(entities) do if entity.type == "resource" then entity.destroy() end end end end Event.add(defines.events.on_chunk_generated, on_chunk_generated) return biter_battles_ores