local Memory = require 'maps.pirates.memory' -- local Math = require 'maps.pirates.math' local Balance = require 'maps.pirates.balance' local Common = require 'maps.pirates.common' local CoreData = require 'maps.pirates.coredata' -- local Utils = require 'maps.pirates.utils_local' local _inspect = require 'utils.inspect'.inspect local SurfacesCommon = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.common' local Public = {} local enum = { INITIAL = 'Initial', SECONDARY = 'Secondary', } Public.enum = enum Public.Data = {} -- local enum_boat = Boats.enum -- Public.enum_boat = enum_boat Public.Data.width = 92 Public.Data.height = 46 Public.Data.loco_offset = {x = -2, y = 0} -- Public.Data.loco_offset = {x = 18, y = 0} -- Public.Data.display_name = 'Ship\'s Hold' Public.Data.downstairs_pole_positions = { {x = -1, y = -5}, {x = -1, y = 5}, } Public[enum.INITIAL] = {} Public[enum.INITIAL].Data = {} Public[enum.INITIAL].Data.hold_whitebelts_lrtp_order = { {x = -19.5, y = -21.5, direction = defines.direction.north, type = 'output'}, {x = -18.5, y = -21.5, direction = defines.direction.north, type = 'output'}, {x = -17.5, y = -21.5, direction = defines.direction.north, type = 'output'}, {x = -16.5, y = -21.5, direction = defines.direction.north, type = 'output'}, {x = 16.5, y = -21.5, direction = defines.direction.north, type = 'output'}, {x = 17.5, y = -21.5, direction = defines.direction.north, type = 'output'}, {x = 18.5, y = -21.5, direction = defines.direction.north, type = 'output'}, {x = 19.5, y = -21.5, direction = defines.direction.north, type = 'output'}, {x = -44.5, y = -3.5, direction = defines.direction.west, type = 'output'}, {x = 44.5, y = -3.5, direction = defines.direction.east, type = 'output'}, {x = -44.5, y = -2.5, direction = defines.direction.west, type = 'output'}, {x = 44.5, y = -2.5, direction = defines.direction.east, type = 'output'}, {x = -44.5, y = 2.5, direction = defines.direction.west, type = 'input'}, {x = 44.5, y = 2.5, direction = defines.direction.east, type = 'input'}, {x = -44.5, y = 3.5, direction = defines.direction.west, type = 'input'}, {x = 44.5, y = 3.5, direction = defines.direction.east, type = 'input'}, {x = -19.5, y = 21.5, direction = defines.direction.south, type = 'input'}, {x = -18.5, y = 21.5, direction = defines.direction.south, type = 'input'}, {x = -17.5, y = 21.5, direction = defines.direction.south, type = 'input'}, {x = -16.5, y = 21.5, direction = defines.direction.south, type = 'input'}, {x = 16.5, y = 21.5, direction = defines.direction.south, type = 'input'}, {x = 17.5, y = 21.5, direction = defines.direction.south, type = 'input'}, {x = 18.5, y = 21.5, direction = defines.direction.south, type = 'input'}, {x = 19.5, y = 21.5, direction = defines.direction.south, type = 'input'}, } Public[enum.SECONDARY] = {} Public[enum.SECONDARY].Data = {} Public[enum.SECONDARY].Data.hold_whitebelts_lrtp_order = { {x = -44.5, y = -3.5, direction = defines.direction.west, type = 'output'}, {x = 44.5, y = -3.5, direction = defines.direction.east, type = 'output'}, {x = -44.5, y = -2.5, direction = defines.direction.west, type = 'output'}, {x = 44.5, y = -2.5, direction = defines.direction.east, type = 'output'}, {x = -44.5, y = 2.5, direction = defines.direction.west, type = 'input'}, {x = 44.5, y = 2.5, direction = defines.direction.east, type = 'input'}, {x = -44.5, y = 3.5, direction = defines.direction.west, type = 'input'}, {x = 44.5, y = 3.5, direction = defines.direction.east, type = 'input'}, } Public.Data.boxes_bp = [[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]] Public.Data.boxes_bp_offset = {x = 0, y = 0} Public.Data.surfacename_rendering_pos = {x = Public.Data.loco_offset.x, y = -Public.Data.height/2 - 5} function Public.get_hold_surface_name(nth) nth = nth or 1 local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local subtype = (nth == 1) and enum.INITIAL or enum.SECONDARY return SurfacesCommon.encode_surface_name(memory.id, nth, SurfacesCommon.enum.HOLD, subtype) end function Public.get_hold_surface(nth) nth = nth or 1 local name = Public.get_hold_surface_name(nth) if name and game.surfaces[name] and game.surfaces[name].valid then return game.surfaces[name] end end function Public.create_hold_surface(nth) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local boat = memory.boat local width = Public.Data.width local height = Public.Data.height local map_gen_settings = Common.default_map_gen_settings(width, height) map_gen_settings.autoplace_settings.decorative.treat_missing_as_default = false local holdname = Public.get_hold_surface_name(nth) if not holdname then log(_inspect{'holdname is nil? here some stuff:', memory.id, nth, SurfacesCommon.enum.HOLD}) end local surface = game.create_surface(holdname, map_gen_settings) surface.freeze_daytime = true surface.daytime = 0 surface.show_clouds = false surface.solar_power_multiplier = 0 -- more here Common.ensure_chunks_at(surface, {x = 0, y = 0}, 5) local subtype = nth == 1 and enum.INITIAL or enum.SECONDARY local whitebelts_table, whitebelts_data if (not boat.hold_whitebelts) then boat.hold_whitebelts = {} end boat.hold_whitebelts[nth] = {} whitebelts_table = boat.hold_whitebelts[nth] if subtype == enum.INITIAL then whitebelts_data = Public[enum.INITIAL].Data.hold_whitebelts_lrtp_order elseif subtype == enum.SECONDARY then whitebelts_data = Public[enum.SECONDARY].Data.hold_whitebelts_lrtp_order end for _, b in ipairs(whitebelts_data) do local p = {x = b.x, y = b.y} local e = surface.create_entity({name = 'linked-belt', position = p, force = boat.force_name, create_build_effect_smoke = false, direction = b.direction}) if e and e.valid then e.destructible = false e.minable = false e.rotatable = false e.operable = false local type = b.type if nth % 2 == 0 then if type == 'input' then type = 'output' else type = 'input' end end e.linked_belt_type = type whitebelts_table[#whitebelts_table + 1] = e end end Common.build_small_loco(surface, Public.Data.loco_offset, memory.force, {255, 106, 52}) -- We place obstacle boxes before the other static boxes, so that they are potentially one tile closer to the edge than they would be otherwise: local items = subtype == enum.INITIAL and Balance.starting_items_crew_downstairs() or {} Common.surface_place_random_obstacle_boxes(Public.get_hold_surface(nth), {x=0,y=0}, Public.Data.width, Public.Data.height, 'rocket-silo', {[1] = 0, [2] = 6, [3] = 5, [4] = 2}, items) -- Public.hold_place_random_obstacle_boxes(nth, {[1] = 0, [2] = 9, [3] = 3, [4] = 1}, items) local boxes = Common.build_from_blueprint(Public.Data.boxes_bp, surface, Public.Data.boxes_bp_offset, boat.force_name) for _, e in pairs(boxes) do if e and e.valid then e.destructible = false e.minable = false e.rotatable = false end end if not boat.downstairs_poles then boat.downstairs_poles = {} end boat.downstairs_poles[nth] = {} for i = 1, 2 do local e = surface.create_entity({name = 'substation', position = Public.Data.downstairs_pole_positions[i], force = boat.force_name, create_build_effect_smoke = false}) if e and e.valid then e.destructible = false e.minable = false e.rotatable = false boat.downstairs_poles[nth][i] = e end end if nth >= 2 then if boat.downstairs_poles[nth][1] and boat.downstairs_poles[nth][1].valid and boat.downstairs_poles[nth-1][2] and boat.downstairs_poles[nth-1][2].valid then boat.downstairs_poles[nth][1].connect_neighbour(boat.downstairs_poles[nth-1][2]) end end if subtype == enum.SECONDARY then local difficulty_name = CoreData.get_difficulty_name_from_value(memory.difficulty) if difficulty_name == CoreData.difficulty_options[#CoreData.difficulty_options].text then Public.upgrade_chests(nth, 'steel-chest') elseif difficulty_name ~= CoreData.difficulty_options[1].text then Public.upgrade_chests(nth, 'iron-chest') end Public.nth_hold_connect_linked_belts(nth) end if nth==1 then memory.shiphold_rendering_1 = rendering.draw_text{ text = 'Ship\'s Hold', surface = surface, target = Public.Data.surfacename_rendering_pos, color = CoreData.colors.renderingtext_yellow, scale = 6, font = 'default-game', alignment = 'center' } else if nth==2 then if memory.shiphold_rendering_1 then rendering.set_text(memory.shiphold_rendering_1, 'Ship\'s Hold: -1') end end rendering.draw_text{ text = 'Ship\'s Hold: -' .. nth, surface = surface, target = Public.Data.surfacename_rendering_pos, color = CoreData.colors.renderingtext_yellow, scale = 6, font = 'default-game', alignment = 'center' } end end function Public.add_another_hold_surface() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() memory.hold_surface_count = memory.hold_surface_count + 1 Public.create_hold_surface(memory.hold_surface_count) return memory.hold_surface_count end function Public.upgrade_chests(nth, new_chest) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local boat = memory.boat local surface = Public.get_hold_surface(nth) local ps = Common.entity_positions_from_blueprint(Public.Data.boxes_bp, {x = -Public.Data.width/2 ,y = -Public.Data.height/2}) for _, p in pairs(ps) do local es = surface.find_entities_filtered{name = 'wooden-chest', position = p, radius = 0.05} if es and #es == 1 then es[1].minable = true es[1].destructible = true es[1].rotatable = true end local e2 = surface.create_entity{name = new_chest, position = p, fast_replace = true, spill = false, force = boat.force_name} e2.minable = false e2.destructible = false e2.rotatable = false end end function Public.connect_up_linked_belts_to_deck() --assumes both are in standard lrtd order local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local boat = memory.boat if boat and boat.deck_whitebelts and #boat.deck_whitebelts > 0 and boat.hold_whitebelts and boat.hold_whitebelts[1] and #boat.hold_whitebelts[1] > 0 then local connections = { {1,1}, {2,2}, {3,3}, {4,4}, {5,5}, {6,6}, {7,7}, {8,8}, {17,17}, {18,18}, {19,19}, {20,20}, {21,21}, {22,22}, {23,23}, {24,24}, } for _, c in pairs(connections) do local b1 = boat.hold_whitebelts[1][c[1]] local b2 = boat.deck_whitebelts[c[2]] b1.connect_linked_belts(b2) end end end function Public.nth_hold_connect_linked_belts(nth) --assumes both are in standard lrtd order local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local boat = memory.boat if boat.hold_whitebelts and boat.hold_whitebelts[nth-1] and #boat.hold_whitebelts[nth-1] > 0 and boat.hold_whitebelts[nth] and #boat.hold_whitebelts[nth] > 0 then local connections if nth % 2 == 0 then if nth == 2 then connections = { {5,13}, {6,14}, {7,15}, {8,16}, } for _, c in pairs(connections) do local b1 = boat.hold_whitebelts[nth][c[1]] local b2 = boat.hold_whitebelts[nth-1][c[2]] b1.connect_linked_belts(b2) end else connections = { {5,5}, {6,6}, {7,7}, {8,8}, } for _, c in pairs(connections) do local b1 = boat.hold_whitebelts[nth][c[1]] local b2 = boat.hold_whitebelts[nth-1][c[2]] b1.connect_linked_belts(b2) end end connections = { {1,9}, {2,10}, {3,11}, {4,12}, } for _, c in pairs(connections) do local b1 = boat.hold_whitebelts[nth][c[1]] local b2 = boat.hold_whitebelts[1][c[2]] b1.connect_linked_belts(b2) end else connections = { {1,1}, {2,2}, {3,3}, {4,4}, } for _, c in pairs(connections) do local b1 = boat.hold_whitebelts[nth][c[1]] local b2 = boat.hold_whitebelts[nth-1][c[2]] b1.connect_linked_belts(b2) end connections = { {5,9}, {6,10}, {7,11}, {8,12}, } for _, c in pairs(connections) do local b1 = boat.hold_whitebelts[nth][c[1]] local b2 = boat.hold_whitebelts[1][c[2]] b1.connect_linked_belts(b2) end end end end function Public.terrain(args) if args.p.x < Public.Data.width/2-5 and args.p.x > Public.Data.width/2-10 and args.p.y > Public.Data.height/2 - 2 then args.tiles[#args.tiles + 1] = {name = 'water', position = args.p} else args.tiles[#args.tiles + 1] = {name = CoreData.static_boat_floor, position = args.p} end return nil end function Public.chunk_structures() return nil end return Public