--library to make working with unit commands easier local Public = {} local Global = require 'utils.global' local Utils = require 'utils.utils' ---Command to move ---@param position MapPosition ---@param distraction defines.distraction|nil function Public.command_move_to(position, distraction) local command = { type = defines.command.go_to_location, destination = position, distraction = distraction or defines.distraction.by_enemy, no_break = true } return command end ---Command to attack entity ---@param target LuaEntity ---@param distraction defines.distraction|nil function Public.command_attack_target(target, distraction) local command = { type = defines.command.attack, target = target, distraction = distraction or defines.distraction.by_enemy } return command end ---Command to attack things in area ---@param position MapPosition ---@param radius integer ---@param distraction defines.distraction|nil function Public.command_attack_area(position, radius, distraction) local command = { type = defines.command.attack_area, destination = position, radius = radius or 25, distraction = distraction or defines.distraction.by_enemy } return command end ---Command to attack natural obstacles ---@param surface LuaSurface ---@param position MapPosition ---@param distraction defines.distraction|nil function Public.command_attack_obstacles(surface, position, distraction) local commands = {} local obstacles = surface.find_entities_filtered {position = position, radius = 25, type = {'simple-entity', 'tree', 'simple-entity-with-owner'}, limit = 100} if obstacles then --table.shuffle_table(obstacles) table.shuffle_by_distance(obstacles, position) for i = 1, #obstacles, 1 do if obstacles[i].valid then commands[#commands + 1] = { type = defines.command.attack, target = obstacles[i], distraction = distraction } end end end commands[#commands + 1] = Public.command_move_to(position) local command = { type = defines.command.compound, structure_type = defines.compound_command.return_last, commands = commands } return command end ---Give list of commands to unit or group ---@param unit LuaCommandable ---@param commands Command function Public.multicommand(unit, commands) if #commands > 0 then local command = { type = defines.command.compound, structure_type = defines.compound_command.return_last, commands = commands } unit.set_command(command) end end ---Give list of commands to unit or group ---@param surface LuaSurface ---@param target LuaEntity ---@param force LuaForce ---@param size_multiplier number|nil #defaults to 1 if nil or less than 0 function Public.multi_attack(surface, target, force, size_multiplier) surface.set_multi_command( { command = Public.command_attack_target(target), unit_count = 16 + math.random(1, math.floor(1 + force.get_evolution_factor(surface) * 100)) * ((size_multiplier or 1) > 0 and size_multiplier or 1), force = force, unit_search_distance = 512 } ) end ---TODO: more advanced functions and direct LuaCommandable stuff return Public