local WPT = require 'maps.amap.table' local Event = require 'utils.event' local Public = {} local Alert = require 'utils.alert' local WD = require 'modules.wave_defense.table' local RPG = require 'modules.rpg.table' local wave_defense_table = WD.get_table() local Task = require 'utils.task' local Server = require 'utils.server' local wall_health = require 'maps.amap.wall_health_booster'.set_health_modifier local spider_health =require 'maps.amap.spider_health_booster'.set_health_modifier local urgrade_item = function(market) local this = WPT.get() local pirce_wall=this.health*1000 + 10000 local pirce_arty=this.arty*1000 +10000 local biter_health=this.biter_health*1000 + 7000 local spider_health=this.spider_health*1000 + 10000 local pirce_biter_dam=this.biter_dam*1000 +7000 if pirce_arty >= 50000 then pirce_arty = 50000 end if pirce_wall >= 50000 then pirce_wall = 50000 end if biter_health >= 50000 then biter_health = 50000 end if spider_health >= 50000 then spider_health = 50000 end if pirce_biter_dam >= 50000 then pirce_biter_dam = 50000 end local health_wall = {price = {{"coin", pirce_wall}}, offer = {type = 'nothing', effect_description = {'amap.buy_health_wall'}}} local arty_dam = {price = {{"coin", pirce_arty}}, offer = {type = 'nothing', effect_description = {'amap.buy_arty_dam'}}} local player_biter_health={price = {{"coin", biter_health}}, offer = {type = 'nothing', effect_description = {'amap.player_biter_health'}}} local spider_buy={price = {{"coin", spider_health}}, offer = {type = 'nothing', effect_description = {'amap.player_spider_health'}}} local biter_dam={price = {{"coin", pirce_biter_dam}}, offer = {type = 'nothing', effect_description = {'amap.player_biter_dam'}}} local buy_cap={price = {{"coin", 50000}}, offer = {type = 'nothing', effect_description = {'amap.buy_cap'}}} market.add_market_item(health_wall) market.add_market_item(arty_dam) market.add_market_item(player_biter_health) market.add_market_item(spider_buy) market.add_market_item(biter_dam) market.add_market_item(buy_cap) end local market_items = { {price = {{"coin", 5}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = "raw-fish", count = 1}}, {price = {{"coin", 2000}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'car', count = 1}}, {price = {{"coin", 15000}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'tank', count = 1}}, {price = {{"coin", 60000}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'spidertron', count = 1}}, {price = {{"coin", 500}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'spidertron-remote', count = 1}}, --{price = {{"coin", 5000}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'locomotive', count = 1}}, --{price = {{"coin", 5000}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'cargo-wagon', count = 1}}, --{price = {{"coin", 5000}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'fluid-wagon', count = 1}} {price = {{"coin", 25000}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'tank-cannon', count = 1}}, {price = {{"coin", 128}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'loader', count = 1}}, {price = {{"coin", 512}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'fast-loader', count = 1}}, {price = {{"coin", 4096}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'express-loader', count = 1}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 1}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'coin', count = 5}}, {price = {{"coin", 5000}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'flamethrower-turret', count = 1}}, } function Public.spawn(surface, position) local this = WPT.get() this.rock = surface.create_entity{name = "rocket-silo", position = position, force=game.forces.player} this.rock.minable = false game.forces.player.set_spawn_position({0,0}, surface) end function Public.market(surface) local this = WPT.get() local market = surface.create_entity{name = "market", position = {x=0, y=-10}, force=game.forces.player} market.last_user = nil if market ~= nil then market.destructible = false if market ~= nil then game.print(1) urgrade_item(market) for _, item in pairs(market_items) do market.add_market_item(item) end end end end local function on_rocket_launched(Event) local this = WPT.get() --game.print({'amap.times',this.times}) local rpg_t = RPG.get('rpg_t') --local money = 1000 + this.times*1000 local money = 10000 local point = 1 -- if money >= 50000 then -- money = 50000 -- end -- if point >= 100 then -- point = 100 -- end for k, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do local player = game.connected_players[k] rpg_t[player.index].points_to_distribute = rpg_t[player.index].points_to_distribute+point player.insert{name='coin', count = money} player.print({'amap.reward',this.times,point,money}, {r = 0.22, g = 0.88, b = 0.22}) end if not this.pass then local wave_number = WD.get('wave_number') local msg = {'amap.pass',wave_number} for k, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do local player = game.connected_players[k] Alert.alert_player(player, 25, msg) end Server.to_discord_embed(table.concat({'** we win the game ! Record is ', wave_number})) this.pass = true end this.times=this.times+1 end local function on_entity_died(Event) local this = WPT.get() if Event.entity == this.rock then for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do player.play_sound {path = 'utility/game_lost', volume_modifier = 0.75} end --game.print({'amap.lost',wave_number}),{r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0.5}) local wave_number = WD.get('wave_number') local msg = {'amap.lost',wave_number} for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do Alert.alert_player(p, 25, msg) end Server.to_discord_embed(table.concat({'** we lost the game ! Record is ', wave_number})) local Reset_map = require 'maps.amap.main'.reset_map wave_defense_table.game_lost = true wave_defense_table.target = nil -- game.forces.enemy.set_friend('player', true) --game.print('设置右军友好') -- game.forces.player.set_friend('enemy', true) --game.print('设置敌军友好') --local game_reset_tick = WPT.get('game_reset_tick') -- game.print('GG,游戏结束,稍后自动重启',{r = 0.99, g = 0.00, b = 0.22}) -- this.game_reset_tick = 5400 Reset_map() --abc() end end local function on_market_item_purchased(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] local market = event.market local offer_index = event.offer_index local count = event.count local offers = market.get_market_items() local bought_offer = offers[offer_index].offer local this = WPT.get() local index = game.forces.player.index if bought_offer.type ~= "nothing" then return end if offer_index == 1 then local wave_number = WD.get('wave_number') local times = math.floor(wave_number/100)+this.cap if this.health >= times then player.print({'amap.cap_upgrad'}) local pirce_wall=this.health*1000 + 10000 if pirce_wall >= 50000 then pirce_wall = 50000 end player.insert{name='coin',count = pirce_wall} return end this.health=this.health+1 wall_health(index,this.health*0.1+1.1) game.print({'amap.buy_wall_over',player.name,this.health*0.1+1}) end if offer_index == 2 then this.arty=this.arty+1 game.forces.player.set_ammo_damage_modifier("artillery-shell", this.arty*0.1) game.print({'amap.buy_arty_over',player.name,this.arty*0.1+1}) end if offer_index == 3 then local wave_number = WD.get('wave_number') local times = math.floor(wave_number/50)+this.cap if this.biter_health >= times then player.print({'amap.cap_upgrad'}) local pirce_biter_dam=this.biter_health*1000 +7000 if pirce_biter_dam >= 50000 then pirce_biter_dam = 50000 end player.insert{name='coin',count = pirce_biter_dam} return end this.biter_health=this.biter_health+1 global.biter_health_boost_forces[game.forces.player.index] = this.biter_health*0.1+1 game.print({'amap.buy_player_biter_over',player.name,this.biter_health*0.1+1}) end if offer_index == 4 then local wave_number = WD.get('wave_number') local times = math.floor(wave_number/100)+this.cap if this.spider_health >= times then player.print({'amap.cap_upgrad'}) local spider_health=this.spider_health*1000 + 10000 if spider_health >= 50000 then spider_health = 50000 end player.insert{name='coin',count = spider_health} return end this.spider_health=this.spider_health+1 spider_health(index,this.spider_health*0.1+1.1) game.print({'amap.buy_spider_health_over',player.name,this.spider_health*0.1+1}) end if offer_index == 5 then local wave_number = WD.get('wave_number') local times = math.floor(wave_number/100)+this.cap+1 if times >= 30 then times = 30 end if this.biter_dam >= times then player.print({'amap.cap_upgrad'}) local pirce_biter_dam=this.biter_dam*1000 +7000 if pirce_biter_dam >= 50000 then pirce_biter_dam = 50000 end player.insert{name='coin',count = pirce_biter_dam} return end this.biter_dam=this.biter_dam+1 local damage_increase = this.biter_dam*0.1 game.forces.player.set_ammo_damage_modifier("melee", damage_increase) game.forces.player.set_ammo_damage_modifier("biological", damage_increase) game.print({'amap.buy_biter_dam',player.name,this.biter_dam*0.1+1}) end if offer_index == 6 then this.cap=this.cap+1 game.print({'amap.buy_cap_over',player.name,this.cap}) end market.force.play_sound({path = 'utility/new_objective', volume_modifier = 0.75}) market.clear_market_items() urgrade_item(market) for k, item in pairs(market_items) do market.add_market_item(item) end end Event.add(defines.events.on_rocket_launched, on_rocket_launched) Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, on_entity_died) Event.add(defines.events.on_market_item_purchased,on_market_item_purchased) return Public